Corrupting Worlds

Chapter 13: Tainting The Village

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Having already ordered their food, both Suki and Genji began to talk to each other.

"I heard that you didn't head back to the Village Chief's house yesterday."

Genji furrowed his eyebrows and quietly shook his head before opening his mouth, "I probably returned late at night or something because by the time I got to the Village Chief's house, he was already asleep. No matter how loud I knocked on his door, he wouldn't wake up."

Suki stayed quiet for a second when she recalled the words of the Village Chief earlier in the day.

'He knew Genji returned and didn't let him enter… I know he dislikes outsiders, but to this point? It's a little weird.'

No longer thinking about it, Suki knew that this was just one of the methods the Village Chief was using to promote his own ideal of isolationism.

"Why didn't you come to me then?" asked Suki, a bit confused.

Genji looked at her a little weirdly before saying, "What do you mean? You never told me where you lived. I didn't even see you at the Training Hall when I returned."


Suki blushed and scratched her cheek, looking a little cute.

"We-well, you can sleep at my place instead of the roof of the Training Hall," said Suki, recovering quickly from her mild embarrassment.

"Great, that'd be nice," said Genji as he accepted Suki's invitation.

Genji turned his head to the side and admired the nice ambience in the surroundings. It truly made him feel calm in this peaceful atmosphere.

Unbeknownst to him, Suki was looking at Genji. She looked closely at his face with a smile on her face.

"Here's your food…" said the waitress as she appeared with the pair's food.

Suki thanked the waitress and accepted the food, Genji accepted the food but asked a question as well.

"Are you hiring right now?"

The waitress was stunned and looked at Genji with a scrutinizing gaze before nodding a little.

"Hm… I'll have to check in with the cook since I don't need any assistance as the waitress," said the waitress before heading into the kitchen.

Suki turned to look at Genji and asked, "Are you sure about this?"

Genji nodded, "I'm sure. Despite being a traveler, I never learnt to cook and this is somewhat of a terrible skill of not having. If I run out of food one day or lose it, I would end up starving to death."

She agreed with Genji's thought process and gave him a suggestion.

"If you want, I can help you differentiate between edible plants and toxic ones."

Raising his eyebrows, Genji accepted her suggestion.

"It would be of great help! Thanks Suki."

Smiling at Suki, Genji quickly realized that his smile had completely charmed Suki.

'Poor young woman, you will soon be ravaged by this wolf in sheep's clothing,' thought Genji as he smirked in his head.

Soon, the waitress returned with a smile on her face.

"The cook said he's willing to hire you as an assistant in the kitchen," the waitress told Genji.

"Great!" said Genji.

"You will be working four times a week," mentioned the waitress.

Genji nodded and said, "I can work with that."

The waitress nodded and said, "You can come tomorrow and the cook will tell you on what days to come to work."

After telling Genji everything he needed to know, the waitress left and left Suki and Genji.

"Ready to spar?"

Once they finished eating, Suki smiled and asked Genji to a spar.

"Yeah," answered Genji with a confident grin.

Standing up, the pair headed straight to the Training Hall to spar.

Before heading in, Genji went to check on the staff. Once he noticed that the staff was alright, Genji entered the Training Hall and got ready to spar with Suki.

'I hope I can level up my <Martial Arts > skill some more today,' thought Genji as he got into his fighting stance, somewhat crude but better than the day before.

Suki looked over at Genji and was visibly surprised to see that his stance is way better than yesterday's initial stance. It wasn't that much of an improvement, but to look much better from one day to another, it was definitely a talent.

"Okay, I'm ready."

Nodding at Suki with a smile, Genji told her that he was ready, waiting for her to be ready as well.

"Okay, you can make a move now," said Suki after a light stretch.

Without any more talking or formalities, Genji began to send a flurry of punches over at Suki. Occasionally sending in a kick or two, Suki was even more surprised to find that Genji was a lot better as well.

He used his strength better and the movements were a lot more fluid than rigid.

"You're doing great, looks like I can start attacking as well," said Suki, a grin on her face as she pushed forward.

A bit surprised at the sudden counterattack, Genji still properly responded and managed to somewhat block one of Suki's punches.

[Ding! Skill level up!]

[<Novice Martial Artist> (Lvl. 17)]

Blocking all of Suki's attacks, Genji suddenly felt like it was the right chance to counterattack. With a swift strike, Genji managed to finally land a punch on Suki.

[Ding! Skill level up!]

[Ding! Skill level up!]

[<Novice Martial Artist> (Lvl. 19)]

'Ha! Finally!'

Genji laughed internally at finally being able to land a punch on Suki. After having his attacks blocked constantly, Genji was feeling somewhat irritated.

Once his attack landed, Genji secretly gloated and failed to notice Suki who had already recovered from his punch.

Suddenly appearing behind Genji in a swift manner, Suki kicked Genji in the back of the knee, making him kneel on the floor. Not wasting a single moment, Suki pushed Genji on the floor and held him down with a grappling technique.

"Ugh…" groaned Genji as he fell on the floor harshly.

Suki grinned and asked, "Are you going to give up?"

Rubbing her body on Genji's to tighten her holding technique, Suki didn't notice that her breasts were pressing deeply onto Genji's back.

She was used to wearing armor to take down her opponents and never thought too much about her beasts touching someone else's body.

'Damn… those are some nice perky breasts,' thought Genji nonchalantly as he thought about how to get out of her hold.

Grunting a like, Genji tried to feel around his body to check which limb was free.

'The right leg…'

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With a smile, Genji responded to Suki's earlier question with a grunt, "I'm… not going to be… the one giving up!"

Summoning all the strength he could in his right leg, Genji folded his leg and attempted to get on his knee.

Suki noticed his actions and tightened her hold even more, trying to make Genji either pass out or give up.

Not willing to give up, Genji finally managed to get on his knee and with even more strength, Genji tried to move his left leg even a little to stand up on his two legs.

'Guh… I'm… lucky she's pretty… light!' thought Genji as he managed to get on his feet.

[Ding! Learned new skill!]

[<Indomitable Will> (Lvl. 1)]

Genji didn't bother to gloat this time like before and quickly went in for a move that might knock Suki out.

Bracing himself, Genji dropped himself on his back in the hopes of dropping his weight on Suki.


Knowing what Genji was going to do Suki quickly let Genji out of the hold and easily maneuvered out of the way.



Genji groaned in pain.

Giggling, Suki said, "Many had tried pulling off that move before."

Stifling a smile, Genji opened his eyes with a bit of difficulty as he felt the pain on the back of his head and his body.

Opening his eyes, Genji was a bit surprised to find Suki right in front of his face. Their faces were so close and even Genji was starting to feel a bit embarrassed despite how shameless he acted sometimes.

"Are you ready to give up?" asked Suki.

It was then that Genji finally noticed Suki's weight in his body and her small and soft hands holding his hands down.

Giving her a smirk, Genji spoke to Suki in a sensual tone, "Oh, I give up alright."

At that moment, Suki felt the world disappear and she only noticed Genji's charming golden eyes. She felt lost in them and didn't notice that her face was getting close to his.

Her lips quivered a little and both Genji and Suki's lips were just a finger's width apart.


Just as their lips were close to touch and things were about to get steamy, a loud yell from outside the Training Hall shocked Suki awake.

Blushing, Suki stood and got off Genji with an embarrassed smile.

"I… uh… I have to go…" said Suki with a bit of embarrassment after remembering how she had positioned herself on top of Genji.

Quickly walking outside of the Training Hall, Suki went to speak with the person that called her.

Still laying on the floor with a smirk on his face, Genji stood up slowly and looked off in the direction that Suki had run off to.

"She's such a bombshell," mumbled Genji as he stretched a little.

Heading over to the corner he was in the day before, Genji was going to meditate just like the day before.


Just when Genji was about to sit down to meditate, he heard Suki call him. He turned around and before he could answer her, his lips were seized by the lips of another.


Genji's eyes widened slightly but once he realized that it was Suki, he cupped her cheeks and kissed her back.

With his lips on Suki's, Genji narrowed his eyes and quietly slipped his tongue into Suki's mouth, surprising her.

Wishing to back out at that instant, Genji held on a little tightly on her and in just a mere moment, she gave in.

'What… is this…'

Suki felt her tongue had been captured. It was a new feeling, an exciting one that made her feel like she wanted more.

Like two goldfish swimming around each other and playing together, both Suki and Genji's tongues mingled together.

With Genji taking the lead, Suki followed and felt herself get lost into the sweet feeling of the kiss.


Suddenly, a loud and rough cough interrupted both Suki and Genji.


Quickly separating themselves, Suki turned to look at the person that interrupted them.

"Oyaji? Wh-what are you doing here?" Suki asked as she slowly back up onto Genji and held him tightly.

The Village Chief didn't say anything and instead glared at Genji who was smirking at him.

"Why are you with him?" asked Oyaji, turning his gaze over to Suki whose gaze is serious.

Suki bit her bottom lip and before she could say anything Oyaji interrupted her.

"You know what, it doesn't matter," Oyaji shook his head and glared at Genji. He rubbed his forehead in frustration as he glanced over at the arrogant smirking expression on Genji. "You. The traders arrive at the end of this week. I want you gone when they get here."

"You can't do that!" Suki yelled at Oyaji. "He's a guest here already!"

Oyaji frowned.

"You don't kiss guests," coldly responded Oyaji.

'Man… this guy is getting on my nerves,' thought Genji as he narrowed his eyes and looked at Oyaji.

Lowering his head, Genji whispered into Suki's ears, "It's alright. I will have to leave sooner or later either way."

"…" Suki lowered her head a little and slightly turned her head to look at Genji in the eyes.

Seeing that gaze that looking up at him made Genji smirk once more in his heart.

'Gotta love that submissive look…'

"I'm a traveler, I don't stay in one place for too long," whispered Genji as one of his hands was on Suki's waist. That hand slowly slid up and down on her body, making her squirm a little.

"This type of lifestyle stops me from falling in love with anyone, no matter who they are. Just like my travels, my heart is always looking for something new…"

With that, Genji retracted his hands and took a step back before turning to look at the infuriated Oyaji who was ignored this entire time.

"Fine. I will leave when the traders get here," said Genji with a serious look on his face.

With this, Oyaji smiled arrogantly and said, "Good. I don't want you tainting the village with your presence any longer."

Turning around, Oyaji walked out of the Training Hall whilst Genji looked at his departing back with a cold smirk on his face.

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