Corrupting Worlds

Chapter 2: Seeking Revenge

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Laying down on a bed within the infirmary, Genji was busy wondering what had happened earlier.

'Why did I blank out?'

Genji tried remembering the specifics on what had exactly happened after he had learned <Firebending> from the Firebending Scroll.

The only thing he had done was use his Firebending and think about the amazing capabilities of his system. Besides that, there wasn't anything else he could have thought of…


That's right!

Suddenly, Genji sprang up from the bed and sat up straight as he called the data panel to appear before him. His eyes scanned through his status screen when he suddenly noticed the big fat zero next to his Energy stat.

'I guess I forcibly used energy I don't even have yet…' sighed Genji in exasperation.

Name: Genji

Level: 0

Power (Speed + Strength): 5 (Average Human 5)

Vitality (Healing Speed + Health): 5 (Average Human 5)

Energy: 0 (Average Human 0-1)

Stat Points: 0 (+4 per Level)

Experience Storage: 0 (Can increase Character Level or Skill Level.)

Skills: <Novice Poleman>(Lvl. 8)

<Novice Firebender>(Lvl. 1)

<Acting>(Lvl. 2)

Storage: (Common) Fire Nation Foot Soldier Helmet x1

Suddenly, Genji noticed something below his skills in his storage space.

'That helmet from earlier… it has a rating?'

Surprised by the sudden appearance of a new function, Genji probed the helmet with his mind and pulled up it's description.

[Fire Nation Foot Soldier Helmet (Common)]

[Made for the weaklings who can't Firebend and to sacrifice in times of need. Mass-produced helmet.

Special skills: N/A

Effects: N/A

Abilities: N/A

System Remark: Useless Helmet. Use this and you will be beheaded instantly.]

Amazed by the discovery of a new function, Genji chuckled as he thought about the rarer items he will look forward to finding in the future.

"Hey! Keep those chuckles to yourself young man, you're annoying me here," growled an injured fire nation soldier next to Genji.

Frowning, Genji turned to look at the soldier and said, "My bad, I didn't realize we had a delicate flower in our midst."

Hearing Genji's insult, the soldier opened his tired eyes and turned to face Genji and just before he could say anything, he saw a fist in front of his face.


[Ding! Defeated a Level 1 (Cranky and Injured) Fire Nation Firebending Soldier… Experience +0]

The instant the prompt appeared before Genji, his smile had vanished and was instantly replaced with a frown as he looked at the prompt in front of his face.

"Bullshit!" yelled Genji, disappointed in the no return of experience points when he had just knocked out an injured soldier.

However, after a little thinking, it made a little sense. The man was already injured and he was already lying weakly on the bed. Just knocking someone out like that wouldn't really generate any experience points.

Not only that, the man before Genji was a measly level 1 guy.

Uncle Iroh himself was barely level 4. If we go based on his level, the strongest a human could be in this world is most likely a 5. Taking into account the Avatar and his fusion with a strong spirit, he himself might be a level 8 or 9.

'For max experience points in this world, the target must be healthy and strong! Damn! Wait till I get my hands on that little twerp Aang… I'll milk him and Raava for experience points!'

Some injured soldiers in the infirmary were shocked by the sudden yell and couldn't help but jump in fright. They scanned around the room before laying eyes on the young man with a scowl on his face as he stood over an unconscious and injured soldier.

Instantly, the injured soldiers raised up a fuss.

"Be quiet! My paradise was just in front of me!!"

"How could you injure a fellow Fire Nation soldier!"

"I'll burn you if you don't keep quiet!"

Genji realized what he did and chucked before glancing at them with disdain, "Why would I listen to you fools? You all ended up hurt from just helping maintain the ship. How sad can that get."

Chuckling as he watched the soldiers get angrier, Genji quickly got off the bed and walked away.

"Wait till I find you, you little bastard!"

"Are you actually going to find him?"

"No! I don't want to get up from this bed and go back to work."

"What?! You're skipping out on work?"

"Yeah, aren't you?"

"No! How dare you skip out on work! Nurse! Nurse!"

"Be quiet! What are you doing?!"

"Quick nurse! This man is skipping out on- aah!"

"Be quiet!"

"Ahh! Stop! Don't move my arm!"

"Hehe… serves you right."


Walking away with a frown, Genji could only head towards the training area whilst he waited to arrive at their destination.

With a low hum, he went on his way with a smirk on his handsome face.

Genji didn't forget to pass by his sleeping quarters to fetch the training staff he had been given. Since he couldn't make use of his nonexistent energy to firebend, then he had to beat up some people with a staff instead.

Walking to the training area, Genji saw Prince Zuko fighting against two Firebending soldiers that were at level 2.

Thinking about their levels, Genji turned to look at Prince Zuko and checked his level as well.

You are reading story Corrupting Worlds at

Name: Zuko (Prince)

Age: 19

Level: 3

'Hmm… level 3… he must be at a level higher because of the training he has done under the instructions of Iroh,' thought Genji as he narrowed his eyes, finally understanding the power leveling of this world.

Average people with no bending aptitudes were level 0, and will always be level 0 unless they train hard and advance a couple of levels through the training of their bodies and martial arts.

People who could bend the elements would obviously all be level 1, even those that have no bending abilities as long as they had done some training. Those who were more accomplished in their bending or other abilities had made it up to level 2 and higher.

Take Iroh for instance, the man was a master at firebending and had trained his body. Not only that, he learned the original firebending, the Dragon's Dance. Taking into account his other abilities like Lightning Generation, he could have been at level 5 , or 6, if he had taken better care of his body.

'Wow… luckily this stuff doesn't apply too much to me since I have a skill leveling system. If I level up my skills instead of my character level… hehe,' thought Genji as he chuckled creepily.

Turning around to look at the group of people sparring in the distance, Genji walked over there confidently before standing in front of a middle aged man at level 1.

'He doesn't have the uniform of a firebender, that must mean his martial arts is really high,' thought Genji as he tightened his grip on his staff.


The middle aged man noticed a young man standing before him and tightened his eyebrows before speaking in a gruff voice, "What do you want?"

Genji spoke with a serious look on his face, "Spar with me."

A bit surprised at the sudden invite from Genji to spar, the middle aged man soon resumed his relaxed pose, "No way. Go away kid."

Frowning, Genji sighed and said something that he knew he was going to regret, "Too afraid to spar old man. Afraid you won't be able to take on my strikes?"

It was a crude way to invite someone to spar and it might even end with Genji being beaten to the ground until some bones are broken. After all, the middle aged man might not go easy on him after such a provocation.

And sure enough, Genji felt the middle aged man's piercing gaze in just a few seconds. He heard the man speak in his gruff voice and accept his invite to spar.

"Just don't forget that you wanted this," said the middle aged man as he sauntered over to the training arena.

Following behind him with a fake confident look on his face, Genji stared at the man dead in the eyes.

[Ding! Skill level up!]

[Ding! Skill level up!]

[Ding! Skill level up!]

[Ding! Skill level up!]

[<Acting> (Lvl. 6)]

'Can't believe he fell for my confident look,' thought Genji as he looked at the panels in surprise, his face still containing that fake confident look.

Looking over to the middle aged man, Genji saw the bulging muscles on the man as he held his staff tightly.

'We have no grievances between us before this, but after this, I will seek revenge,' thought Genji as he was already wishing to kill the middle aged man before this.

Cursing in his head, Genji ran over to the man with his staff in hand before stabbing forward only to have his attack parried so easily.


Genji felt the left side of his waist go cold when he suddenly felt pain there. Glancing down, he noticed the middle aged man's staff had hit him.

"Ugh!" groaned Genji in pain as he jumped back.

Without waiting for Genji to stabilize himself, the middle aged man calmly jogged over to Genji with his staff before swinging it down on Genji's head.

Feeling his scalp go numb, Genji quickly lifted his staff in the air and held on tightly with both hands when he suddenly felt a strong force come down on the staff he had raised. In that instant, that strong force spread to his hands and made him feel a strong pain on his palms.

'Damn… it's only one level! What's with this damn strength!'

Genji frowned and tried to push back the middle aged man only to fail as his grip on his own staff slipped and the middle aged man's staff fell down onto his head.

With a quick sidestep, Genji managed to narrowly evade the hit before swing the staff on his hand to the middle aged man's sides only to be easily blocked once more.

[Ding! Skill level up!]

[<Novice Poleman> (Lvl. 9)]

[Ding! Learned new skill!]

[<Danger Sense> (Lvl. 1)]

Suddenly, Genji felt a breeze on his right foot and quickly moved it out of the way. His eyes looked over in shock to the ground as he heard the loud sound on the floor.


Looking at the foot that had stomped hard onto the floor, Genji felt like he had just saved his leg from being broken!

[Ding! Skill level up!]

[Ding! Skill level up!]

[Ding! Skill level up!]

[Ding! Skill level up!]

[Ding! Skill level up!]

[<Danger Sense> (Lvl. 6)]

'Damn! Just how dangerous was that damn kick!' thought Genji as he turned to look at the fierce look in the middle aged man's face. 'Why is he suddenly so fierce?!'

Jumping back, Genji hoped to make some distance between himself and the middle aged man. It didn't go as he thought, however, as he felt his face suddenly go cold.

Moving his head to the left, Genji felt a strong breeze over his ear and a sharp whistle sound.


A wooden staff stabbed fiercely right where his head was just now and he looked at the middle aged man with wide eyes.

"Holy shit! You're going to blow my head off!" cursed Genji as he saw his Danger Sense rise up another three levels.

The middle aged man remained unresponsive ignoring Genji's yell as he continued to stab at Genji multiple times with his staff.

Dodging and blocking the attacks with some difficulty, Genji watched as his skill levels were slowly rising. He didn't want to level up his skills like this while he was in danger and couldn't help but feel his anger for the middle aged man to grow.

'Damn asshole! I'll make sure to fuck him over later!' thought Genji as he began to sweat after sparring for only 15 minutes. Although his power and vitality were at average levels, Genji was confident in his endurance, to last this long was almost reaching his limits already.

At this point, his <Novice Poleman> skill was reaching level 16 and his <Danger Sense> was at 19. The middle aged man attacked Genji with the intent to kill and has been increasing the level up speed of the <Danger Sense> skill.

With his life in danger, the skill would obviously shoot up at a rapid pace.

'Damn it all… every attack I'm dodging and blocking can either kill me or cripple me entirely,' cursed Genji as he tried to catch his breath between all the incessant attacks from the middle aged man.

Suddenly, Genji noticed from the corner of his eyes a young man with a condescending grin on his face.

Genji's face went cold and his eyes turned sharp as he glared at the young man, 'Fuck, you should have died today. With no other choice, I must do everything myself!'

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