Corrupting Worlds

Chapter 24: Reading Uncovered

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After seeing Azula leave the room, Genji no longer decided to occupy himself with thoughts of her.

He isn't too smart, so he knows that using the knowledge he has from the show is a terrible idea. Especially around Azula who's very perceptive.

Alone in the library, Genji instantly knew what he had to do in here.

Placing back the history books he had on himself, Genji quickly began to search through the limited shelves inside this library.

With his fingers running along the spines of every book, Genji waited for the system prompt to appear before him. If this worked, he might end up learning some good skills here in this place.

[Ding! <Strategist>]



Suddenly interrupting his thought process, Genji looked over at the blue screen and smiled.

Now he knew that just touching the spine of a book would allow him to learn skills.

'Strategist…' Genji looked at the skill and thought to himself. 'Is this skill useful?'

He wasn't too sure, but since it's the first skill he has found, he wanted to see what it is all about.

Pressing [Yes], Genji watched as more blue screens popped up in front of him.

[Ding! Learnt new skill!]

[<Novice Strategist> (Lvl. 0)]

[ - Planning ahead to choose your own future through a series of choices you make.]

[System Remark: It's as simple as it gets Host. Plan a long term goal, and work hard to achieve that goal.]

Once Genji learned the skill, he saw it's description and instantly knew what type of skill this was. A type of skill that sly and shrewd characters would have.

The type that would begin their plan twenty years prior just to accomplish something twenty years later.

This skill is something that Genji felt like he needed right now. A skill he could use against Azula to make her come over to his side. Or even better, to start planning the downfall of Ozai now and make Azula a side objective.

'Much better yet… make this world fall into the palm of my hand,' thought Genji as he envisioned the entire Avatar world in his hands.

[Ding! Skill level up!]

[Ding! Skill level up!]

[Ding! Skill level up!]

[<Novice Strategist> (Lvl. 9)]

Snapping out of it, Genji swiped away the blue screens before continuing on his search for new books for his newfound goal. To reach such a goal, he would first need to learn powerful skills and increase the level of his current skills to make them stronger.

Just like this, Genji spent the next ten minutes passing his finger over several books and finally learnt many skills in just one day. A surprising feat for him.

Obviously, the skill he had been looking for, Lightning Generation, wasn't here.

At this moment and time, the lightning generation technique was something only the royal family could learn. Although it's very possible that some high ranking military officers would learn this as well.

'Though it's a shame I can't learn it… right now…' thought Genji with a smirk as he thought about the other skills he had received from learning from the skill books.

After a couple of seconds from finding the strategist book, Genji had unsurprisingly found the sister skill of strategist.

[<Novice Tactician> (Lvl. 0)]

[ - Make accurate and decisive decisions on the spot for the best outcome desired.]

[System Remark: As an aspiring tactician, it is always important to be able to deceive both allies and enemies for best results. Hide your intentions and work devotedly for your preferred outcome.]

Basically what Genji had understood from these skills was that they are both great for planning things out. They were great and helped Genji become analytical and more scheming and cunning.

The key difference between them was that a strategist worked for a long term goal and a tactician played for the short term goal. Both doing it with the thoughts for the best outcome.

Another difference might be that a strategist is more aloof with their goal since it is long term but for a tactician, they have to be more devoted and hard working.

Both were amazing in their respective roles.

'And I attained both… will that make me unstoppable? I… doubt it,' thought Genji as he looked at the other skills he had learnt.

[<Novice Physician> (Lvl. 2)]

[ -  Treat injuries, illnesses, diseases, and create medicines with ease. No matter how terrible the injury, one can heal them even from death.

Gain medical knowledge and mastery of medical techniques the higher the level.

Can discern poisons and medicinal vegetations.]

[System Remark: Be careful host, this skill tends to bring misfortune.]

Genji was happy when he had gotten this skill, because he could begin to treat himself should he ever get sick or something. However, right when he had gotten the skill, Genji had cut his finger with a piece of paper.

True to the remark of the system, Genji had suddenly cut himself after a whole week of reading various books. He had suddenly touched the piece of paper that was next to the physician skill book and he had cut himself by accident. He then proceeded to treat himself with a piece of cloth and leveled up the skill.

After he had found this book, Genji had found another similar book.

[<Acupuncture> (Lvl. 0)]

[ - Stimulates the body and energy flow, thus triggering physiological effects. Traditionally, this is used for healing purposes (enhancing the body's regenerative capabilities, pain alleviation, etc.). However, a skilled user can use the skill in combat or even torture.

Can use needles for better effects.]

[System Remark: Host, make sure to level this up. You might be able to make yourself stronger with this skill.]

When Genji read the system remark, he nodded a little and believed the system since he remembered Mori Jin, from God of Highschool, and how he had multiplied his power by pressing the pressure points on his body.

Finally, the last book he had found at the back of the library where the military books were.

[<Novice Formation Expertise> (Lvl. 0)]

[ - Expertly control and order people around. Properly drive people into formations and accomplish great feats. Specific formations can increase the abilities of large groups of people.

Can also create mystical phenomena with formations formed by people or various other items to produce various effects. (Needs higher level.)]

[System Remark: You might have to work hard to properly make this work, host.]

At this point, Genji had finally done everything he could possibly do in this library.

He had received all the skills within this room and some were useful whilst some looked useless.

'I'll look at my status and see all my skills so far…' thought Genji before summoning his data panel.

[Name: Genji

Level: 1 (9 / 10)

Power: 9

Vitality: 7

Energy: 4

Spirit: 2

Stat Points: 4 (+4 per Level)

Experience Storage: 0

Class Skills-

<Adept Poleman> (Lvl. 36)

<Adept Martial Artist> (Lvl. 26)

<Adept Firebender> (Lvl. 37)

<Adept Cook > (Lvl. 20)

<Novice Waterbender> (Lvl. 18)

<Novice Crafter> (Lvl. 13)

<Novice Illusionist> (Lvl. 5)

<Novice Artist> (Lvl. 12)

<Novice Strategist> (Lvl. 9)

<Novice Tactician> (Lvl. 0)

<Novice Physician> (Lvl. 2)

<Novice Formation Expertise> (Lvl. 0)

Passive Skills-

<Resting> (Lvl. 29)

<Acting> (Lvl. 21)

You are reading story Corrupting Worlds at

<Casanova> (Lvl. 23)

<Fire Resistance> (Lvl. 16)

<Iron Body> (Lvl. 13)

<Heightened Senses > (Lvl. 12)

<Precision> (Lvl. 12)

<(MIND) Reading> (Lvl. 39)

<(MIND) Navigation> (Lvl. 25)

<(MIND) Calm Mind> (Lvl. 27)

<(MIND) Danger Sense> (Lvl. 23)

<(MIND) Appraisal> (Lvl. 22)

<(MIND) Hyper Sense> (Lvl. 14)

<(MIND) Indomitable Will> (Lvl. 10)

<(MIND) Meditation> (Lvl. 4)

Active Skills-

<Acupuncture> (Lvl. 0)

<Eternal Fist> (Max) - 0.054 -

Storage: (Common) Airbender Glider x1, (Common) Tool Pouch x1, (Common) Spirit Spear x1, etc…]

Looking at the exit of the room, Genji noticed various firebenders and sighed. Since he couldn't leave the room any time soon, all he could do was read.

Pulling another history book, Genji sighed and began reading after sitting down on a chair.

Genji would occasionally lift his head and look over at the firebending soldiers before resuming his reading.

[Ding! Skill level up!]

Suddenly, a screen appeared in front of his face and Genji quickly flicked it away since he knew it was just the reading skill. It had finally reached the 40th level, but since he believed it to be a useless skill, he didn't pay much attention.

Without caring much for the skill, Genji continued reading the book and suddenly noticed something within the corner of his eyes.






'?? What the hell…' looking over at the experience gains, Genji wondered what these were for. Usually he wouldn't receive any for his skills, but it had suddenly appeared.

'What are these for?'

Genji scratched his chin and summoned his data panel once more and found an oddity there after such a long time of seeing it unchanged.

[Name: Genji

Level: 1 (9 / 10)

Power: 9

Vitality: 7

Energy: 4

Spirit: 2

Stat Points: 4 (+4 per Level)

Experience Storage: 65

Class Skills-…

Passive Skills-…

Active Skills-...


The experience storage, which had never had a single drop of experience inside it, had suddenly begun to take in experience.

'But from where?'

Genji furrowed his eyebrows and thought back as to what had changed.

'The reading skill!'

Summoning up the reading skill description, Genji looked for anything that had been added at all.

[<Reading> (Lvl. 40 ( -/4500 ) )]

[ - You can read anything and faster! Depending on the level, it will also affect the level of understanding.]

Nothing had seemed to change about the skill, but Genji noticed something. The skill was no longer gaining any experience and just when he was about to ask why, another screen appeared.

[Spirit stat is too low.]

[Skill, <Reading>, will no longer gain XP until the problem is resolved.]

Once Genji read the blue screens, he understood that his skill won't gain any XP because of his low spirit stat. However, that also meant that the xp gained in the experience storage isn't from the skills excess XP.

Reading over the description of the skill once more, Genji finally noticed something.

The second sentence of it's description.

Depending on the level, the understanding will either be high or low.

With a high level, the understanding will be higher.

But what does understanding knowledge entail?

Especially when reading a book.

'Understanding… the contents and knowledge of a book?' thought Genji as he thought about it. 'What does the knowledge of a book equal to?'

Just that simple question.

A simple question that made Genji realize what he was reading.


Gaining experience from reading books, now how crazy would that be.

'If this was a korean novel with murim in it or a chinese novel with cultivation, wouldn't this be the same form of enlightenment?'

Once Genji thought of that, he knew he was on the right path. By simply reading, he was gaining experience. Experience he can use to level up his skills and even his character level.

'It's like I have another form of meditation or something,' thought Genji as he looked at the reading skill with joy.

With the new feature of his reading skill discovered, Genji knew what he had to do now.

Bringing his eyes back onto the book, Genji began to read as if he had become a bibliophile.



Slowly, Genji began to gain experience and store it in his experience storage as he read through all the books.

Like if he was possessed, Genji read through various books and it wasn't until a soldier placed his hand on Genji's shoulder that Genji was suddenly brought back to reality.

With a grin on his face. Genji placed the book back where it was and headed into his room before bringing up the experience storage panel.

[Experience Storage: 1,385]

It wasn't much experience, but it was what he had earned in just a single day of reading. With his reading skill's level at 40, Genji had read through 13 books rapidly.

Using that as a basis, Genji knew that each book would give him 100 experience points. And it was only the history books.

Genji still hasn't experimented with other types of books, but so far the history books had brought him up to this amount.

Bringing up his skills, Genji wondered which ones he should level up first.

Since his spirit stat is too low, Genji knows that level 40 is the max level for now. Since the spirit stat is needed to level up his skills, Genji knows that meditation would be a good skill to level up.

However, just when Genji was about to do, he realized something.

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