Corrupting Worlds

Chapter 38: Pakku Courts Death

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Whilst Yue was thinking about how she was going to get the silver needles, Genji was thinking about Yue and her future.

'I'm not so cruel as to let such a young woman be hurt just like how she suffered in the original show. Starting now, I will do whatever I can to make her stronger, all whilst making her serve under me so we can take over the Northern Water Tribe.

Even if it means turning into an evil man.'


After their talk was over, Genji said goodbye to Yue before jumping out the window and falling to the ground. However, before he could hit the ground, the ice making up the ground suddenly turned into water and absorbed Genji within it before turning back into ice.

"What was that..." muttered as she looked in awe at the place where Genji had suddenly disappeared.

To Yue, the only thing she had seen when Genji was approaching the ground was him suddenly disappearing into it. It was weird and shocking to see that happening.

It was like the ground had swallowed him up.

'Will I be able to do that one day?' thought Yue as she remembered Genji suddenly disappearing into the ground.



Suddenly, within Genji's house, the floor deformed and suddenly a figure emerged from the ground.

Standing tall within the room, Genji was proud of himself in the way he is able to go from his house to the Palace where Yue is. After using Hyper Sense, Genji was able to evade exiting in the incorrect place when he was moving underground in the ice. And since the ice was thick and opaque, no one was able to see Genji travel within the ice. Not even waterbenders would be able to sense Genji moved around.

Looking around his room, Genji noticed a figure within his room.

It was the statue he had made out of waterbending some ice in order to make it look like he was still in his room if Pakku had tried peaking through the windows.

"Ugh, time to meditate," groaned Genji as he stretched a little and got rid of the ice statue.


"Princess Azula will kill me..." thought the Firebending Spy assigned to Genji as he continuously checked around in the city he was in.

Currently, the Firebending Spy was in the same city Genji was in where he bought a boat and headed off to the Northern Water Tribe.

The Firebending Spy had been at the city for the entire past day looking for clues regarding Genji. However, there was no news of him as if he didn't do anything in this city. It was odd to the Firebending Spy since he believed that Genji should have at least bought some food, yet there was nothing.

As much as the Firebending Spy wanted to search for more information on Genji, he decided to send back a message to Princess Azula to report his current situation. The Firebending Spy was worried that she might think that he was failing to find any clues on Genji.

He was also afraid that if he failed to locate Genji, the princess would quite literally rip his head off.

"Aah, I hope she doesn't come here," mumbled the spy.

After sending the message to the palace through a messenger hawk disguised as any other bird, the Firebending Spy went back to searching for clues on Genji.

However, he couldn't find any trace of him anywhere.

'Where did he go?' asked the Firebending Spy. 'If I don't know where he is, then how am I supposed to gather information on him?'

The Firebending Spy was getting desperate. If he didn't do something soon, then the princess would definitely kill him.

'I just need to keep my eyes peeled and try to spot him,' thought the Firebending Spy as he started walking around the city.

Walking around gathering information, the firebender eventually found himself in front of a store that sells ships. However, the shop was closed and the Firebender Spy frowned as he looked at the closed sign on the door.

As far as the spy could guess, Genji must have left for the Northern Water Tribe.

Otherwise, there would have been no reason for him to leave the Fire Nation, travel across the Earth Nation, only to settle down on a city filled with fishers and merchants. An area where it's incredible close to the Northern Water Tribe.

With that in mind, the spy decided to continue to walk until he reached the harbor before stealing a boat and quietly heading to the Northern Water Tribe as the night began to grow dark.


"Good morning."

Yue greeted the guard outside of her room with a nervous smile.

The guard, surprised by the sudden morning greeting of the princess, quickly bowed and said, "Good morning Princess!"

"Go get me some silver needles," said Yue, quickly dismissing the guard.

"Yes, ma'am!" replied the guard and rushed away.

Once the guard was gone, Yue finally relaxed and sat down on the bed. She put her hand on her chest while breathing slowly. After several minutes of relaxation, she sighed and smiled as she thought about what happened last night.

'Will I really get to waterbend...' thought Yue.

She was so excited thinking that she might be able to waterbending after many years of wishing to be able to do something.

To be granted the ability to waterbender... it was like something was finally changing in her life and now she can...

'.... do nothing?'

Suddenly, Yue felt disillusioned as she remembered the harsh reality she lived in. Even if she could gain the ability to waterbend, she would just be told to learn healing and not be able to actually waterbend to fight.

Yue's mood began to fall and she began to fall into a depressive state.

'What's the use of gaining the ability to waterbend even if gain the ability to do so, father will just force me to never waterbend...' thought Yue as she sadly looked outside the window.


'Should I just kill Pakku now?' thought Genji, as he annoyingly glared at Pakku through the silk cloth over his eyes.

By now, Genji knew for sure that Pakku was keeping an eye on him. If he made him disappear however, he would be the first to be suspected.

It was then, that a peculiar thought appeared within his head, 'Should I eliminate him using firebending? No... they might just think I burnt him to death. Poison? No, that also won't work. They have various healers and they all have medicinal knowledge. The healers will notice in an instant that someone had poisoned him.'

Genji moved around with Pakku whilst he continued to think about what to do about Pakku.

Even recruiting Pakku would be difficult since he is very adamant on his views on woman-

Suddenly, Genji froze and found that he had just found the perfect way to move about. It'd be difficult however.

'Pakku is a high ranking member of the White Lotus... will I be able to trick him?'

To bring over Pakku to his side, Genji will make Pakku follow him whether he wants to or not. Once he has him under his control, he'll convince him to join his cause. It won't last long however, if he finds out about how he was lied to, he will quickly disrupt everything.

So, to go about this, he will have to follow Pakku as well. Then, when he takes over the Northern Water Tribe, he will have to get rid of Pakku.

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However, the biggest problem regarding this, was getting rid of Pakku without anyone noticing.

After pondering over the situation, Genji came up with a plan.

He decided to bid his time and properly plan this out for an 90% success.

Only then will he begin his plan to trick Pakku and having him join.

If he fails, he will just have to kill him.

After all, he would just be found out after failing.

And if he succeeds... he will have a nice temporary subordinate.

With his plans set in stone, he continued to practice his waterbending whilst sticking close to Pakku. For now, he will just see if he can get his Waterbending up to level 40 and temporarily max it out for now.

'I should level up my meditation to level 20 now... I've gotten very comfortable with my skills,' thought Genji as he moved fluidly and silently with Pakku.

Just then, Pakku stopped walking and turned around to face Genji.

"What are you doing?" asked Pakku.

Genji stared at Pakku and said, "Waterbending."

"Waterbending? That crude style of yours?" asked Pakku with a bit of ridicule.

Frowning, Genji finally had enough of Pakku's shitty off-handed comments.

Thanks to the Calm Mind skill, Genji didn't blow things out of proportion.

"How about we duel? I wish to improve my crude style," said Genji with a 'kind' smile on his face.

Pakku smiled, "Sure. Why not?"

Hearing Pakku agree, Genji began to inwardly smirk as he went over with Pakku to an empty area where they could duel against each other without worry of damaging the surroundings.

It was then that Genji decided to play around a little.

Genji could already defeat Pakku easily even before he got the Mystic State skill. Now, he can just defeat Pakku with even more ease. However, Genji still doesn't wish to level up in order to maximize the effectiveness of leveling up his skills.

"Come on, I will let you land the first hit," said Pakku with a smirk as he looked at the young man who is currently 'blind'.

"Thank you," said Genji with a smirk before dashing forward and with the help of waterbending, Genji moved across the ice like if he was skating.

He moved rapidly and rapidly arrived before Pakku who was smirking.

Without warning, Genji suddenly jumped backwards and by kicking upwards, Genji had launched a water whip attack at Pakku who was thrown back. With this, Genji had successfully landed the first hit.

"Oh! You're fast!" said Pakku as he stood up.

With that, the battle began.

"How did you like my 'Acrobat Style'," joked Genji as he smirked and egged on Pakku.

"You..." Pakku narrowed his eyes and glared at Genji. Taking a deep breath, Pakku lowered his stance and got serious before bending a large amount of water around himself.

Pakku then controlled the large amount of water like a whip and attacked Genji with it.

"Ah!" cried out Genji as he tried to dodge but ended up being caught in the attack.

The water lashed onto his body and immediately froze upon touching his skin.

"Wah!" screamed out Genji before suddenly smirking. "Just kidding!"

Genji didn't feel as if the ice was that cold anymore after his Cold Resistance had reached level 18.

"What..." Pakku narrowed his eyes and quickly attacked once more.

Genji moved quickly however and jumped out of the way with the help of his waterbending launching higher into the air.

"Haha! That's my Bunny Style waterbending jump," joked Genji whilst still in the air before landing on a nearby ice platform.

Pakku glared at Genji and said, "Take this seriously! Stop playing around!"

With a smile, Genji nodded, "Alright, if you say so."

Quickly moving, Genji began to move his arms about and bending the ice into water. Pulling the water near him, Genji brought it all over to one side of his body before yelling out with a grin on his face.

"Deadly Bear Slap!"


The huge amount of water exploded towards a shocked Pakku who didn't know that water could be moved in such a way. Panicking, Pakku gritted his teeth and bent the water form a thick wall of ice to block the torrent of water.

However, the impact of the attack sent him flying backwards. With a groan, Pakku fell down onto the ground.


As soon as he landed, Pakku felt pain run throughout his entire body. His bones ached, his muscles were sore, and his joints hurt. It felt like someone had punched his body repeatedly.

"Damn it!"

In pain, Pakku clenched his fists and tried to stand up. The pain continued to grow worse as he attempted to get up.

"Damn it!"

After failing several times, Pakku finally managed to stand up. However, with each step, the pain grew and made him fall down again.

"I can't believe this..."

With a pained expression, Pakku stood up again and tried to walk.

He looked over at Genji who seemed to also have a surprised look on his face.

"Wow... I didn't expect that..." muttered Genji.

Not just because of the strength within that single attack, but because of a couple of blue screens before him.

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