Cosmic Champion

Chapter 12: Episode 12 – A weapon of MY choice

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Cosmic Champion

Chapter 2: Guardian of The Forest

Episode 12 – A weapon of MY choice


After coming back to the slime den, Rubaegia’s clone merged with her original one and the two minds connected. Rubaegia’s size decreased due to the damage the clone received.

Along the way back no one said anything. D’Atch kept silent as Rosetta helped carrying her friend.

“Hey. Let me help your wounds with these. It’ll help stopping the bleed.”

Rosetta came to D’Atch and handed him some medical leaves while speaking softly as Rubaegia were busy with merging.


D’Atch accepted the leaves and thanked her. He did not say anything else as Rosetta could see his gloomy and serious face.

“You know…. It’s not your fault. I won’t blame you.”

“We came out to help you. We knew we might have some fights.”

Seeing D’Atch kept patching his wounds without saying anything for a while, Rosetta came closer and sat beside him then tried to comfort his anxious.

“She’s not even looking at me.”

D’Atch said in plain voice while looking at Rubaegia.

Rosetta could sense that D’Atch felt sorry for her friend so she decided to not saying anything further.

The time went by, the evening came, D’Atch woke up after taking a nap. He noticed that the girls and the kids were still sleeping, so he silently went out to gather some foods at the nearby river.


The wounds on his shoulders were quite serious. He could not carry a lot of fishes.

“We still hav fishes. You need not to get them.”

After coming back to the den, Rubaegia was already awakened. She saw him carried a few fishes with those limpy arms, so she told him calmly.

“Well….the thing that was calling for help was this ass device….I should have listened to you…”

After dropping the fishes aside, D’Atch walked to a small rock then sat down holding his knees to his chest. He then spoke up with calm and apologetic voice.


“What is that thing?”

A cricket sound took over the area for a while. Rubaegia then pick up a fish and slowly oozed to D’Atch’s side sitting down with him.

She peeked at the device on his left wrist then asked while chewing on the fish.

“I don’t even know….”

“Must be human’s I think?”

D’Atch gave a quick glance at the device then answered her while looking forward. He could see the sky was filled with shining stars.

[The Slime Queen, Rubaegia seemed to forgive you.]

“Shut the fuck up”

Suddenly, the device rang out making D’Atch cursed quickly with an embarrassment. Rubaegia let out a small giggle.

“Say, D’Atch…”

“Which star did you came from?”

After saying nothing for a few minutes, Rubaegia put down the fish and pointed her finger at the starry sky.

“My world…I’m not sure.. I don’t even know where this world is.. haha.”

D’Atch looked at the starry sky for a few minutes before answering her. It seemed that the question slightly made him feel something unpleasant.

“Ehhh? How dit you ged here tho?”

Rubaegia looked at D’Atch while tilting her head playfully.


“I’m sor-”

“If you sei I’m sorry I’ll chew your head not this fish.”

D’Atch did not answer her for a few seconds then he tried to properly apologize her again but she interrupted with a threat and slightly annoyed face.

“Look! I can see your grumpy face on that star!”

D’Atch let out a small chuckle then went silent for a while. He pointed at a random star on the sky teasing her.


“That star look like your ugly face when sleep!”

Rubaegia let out a short, annoyed breath then pointed at a random star on the sky scoffing him.

“What?! Do I make weird face during sleep?! No way! You lying!”

D’Atch exclaimed in a cheerful voice while smiling slightly.

“Yay you do! It was like this! Khrrrrrrr!”

Rubaegia altered her face to D’Atch’s then made a silly sleeping face with opening mouth.

“No way! Hahahahahaha.”


D’Atch saw how silly the face was and couldn’t hold his laughter. Rubaegia saw him smiled and laughed cheerfully, she laughed with him happily too.


“Are you sure? Your wounds still not healed up. Why so hurry?”

In the next morning, D’Atch told the girls that he decided to resume on his journey right away.

“Hey! What if you be like when the wolf again?”

Rubaegia opposed with worried face. She was getting a bit angry because after all those fight with the wolf, she thought that D’Atch still didn’t learn his lesson or not listening to her.

“I know Rube. But I need to hurry because I have someone to meet. They just came this morning. Don’t worry they’ll help me. Please rest assure.”

“Besides, my arms can move now, see?”

D’Atch explained in a serious face while moving his arms awkwardly.

“Fine then.”

“Should I see you off?”

Rubaegia finally convinced and approved easily. Rosetta offered to accompany him to the destination.

“No. Thank you, Rose.”

“I’m going now. Thank you two for everything.”

D’Atch refused then bid his farewell and walked away.


“Sorry, Rube. If I stay with you any longer, you’ll only get hurt because of me!”

After walking away from the den for almost half an hour, D’Atch took a rest at a small rock.

[You are too dramatic. No girls will like you with that attitude!]

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“Shut the fuck up. It might be embarrassing but at least they won’t get hurt because of me anymore!”
The device teased him again. This time D’Atch stressed at the curse word and explained in annoyed voice.

“By the way, where is the next area? Which way should I head?”

After resting for a while, D’Atch resumed back on his journey and asked the device.

[Take the left at the next junction then left again.]


The device answered as D’Atch approached the fork not far in front of him.

“I took the left. Now where?”

“You don’t have to lie.”

D’Atch took the turn then suddenly, he paused because the voice was familiar.

“Why are you here?!”

It was Rosetta. She was following him from behind and noticed that D’Atch did not have someone to meet.

“Your lies were so simple. Any girls could see that.”

“Please tell me the truth.”

Rosetta crossed her hands in a polite manner while asking him teasingly.

“Well…I just don’t want you guys to be hurt because of me.”

He let out a sigh before answering her with slightly shy face.

“I told you it’s not your fault, didn’t I?”

Rosetta smiled a bit and looked at him teasingly again.

“Aw stop…..I know it’s embarrassing stop looking at me like that!”

“I know I shouldn’t do this! Rube might be angry and worried, so I lied!”

Getting pressured from Rosetta’s staring, D’Atch face became red and he finally admitted his wrong.

“Haha, Sorry. I just can’t help it!”

Rosetta laughed cheerfully.

“Please don’t tell her. She’s too precious to be tainted.”

D’Atch begged her with serious and ashamed face.

“Of course, I won’t~”

“By the way, before I fought with the wolf, there was a creature with dark purple fog on its body. Please be careful!”

D’Atch recalled the strange creature so he warned her.

“We have already killed a lot of them. You don’t need to worry about it~”

Rosetta said confidently.

“Since you’re very determined to leave us and blaming yourself, please take this.”

Rosetta came closer in front of D’Atch then raised her arm above his head.

“What is this?”

“It’s a blessing. It’s my gift for you. Thank you for saving my friend. Thank you for saving Rubaegia.”

Small shimmering dusts were sprinkled on his head. One could say they looked like shiny pollens.

[You received a nymph’s blessing!]

“Thank you. I got you guys hurt yet you’re giving me a gift…”

“I said ‘it’s not your fault’. Please remember!”

Rosetta repeated again then told him to remember solemnly.

“Ok ok. I’ll stop with the mama-boy now. What does the blessing do by the way?”

D’Atch was afraid that Rosetta might be another one to get angry again, so he changed the topic.

[A blessing of the nymph makes your body let out mellow and aromatic scent!]



D’Atch let out his genuine what as he was unbelievable both his tune and face.

“A gift for a stinky liar, eh? hehe”

Rosetta smiled and looked at him in a teasing manner.

“Now, farewell! I’m sure you can make it to the center!"

Rosetta bid discouraging D’Atch her final farewell.

“Thank you, Rosetta! If I reached there, I’ll come back and tell all of you about my journey!”

D’Atch waved his hand for her and walked away back to the fork.


“I told you. He’s kinda sweet!”

“He dumb. We are not that weak! He shood not lie to me!”

“Well, you can smack him after he came back, eh? Hehe~”

Rosetta was talking with D’Atch without showing her back all the time. He didn’t realize that Rubaegia clone a smaller version of herself and hid behind Rosetta’s back, listening to everything all the time.


“By the way, I heard something like special event back when I was fighting with the wolf. What was the reward again?”

After walking for a while, D’Atch remembered that he had not receive the event’s reward yet.

[You have completed the special event “A weapon of MY choice”!]

[The reward would be “A boss weapon”!]

[But since you did not defeat the boss by yourself, you’ll get a weapon randomly instead!]

[Let’s roll~]

“Huh?! Wait?! what?! What is boss weapon? And did the name changed? And why are you speaking like Rose?! Hey!!”

D’Atch was confused words after words of the device. He tried to get some explanation but the device seemed to already started the random process.

[Congratulations! You randomly got a “Hammer” as your first boss weapon~]

“You piece-!”

D’Atch started to think that the blessing and the random were the consequences of his actions to the girls.

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