Cosmic Champion

Chapter 9: Episode 9 – Boss Weapons!

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Cosmic Champion

Chapter 2 Guardian of The Forest

Episode 9 – Boss Weapons!


“Why….. kids….lone?”


“How noisy….”

“will he survive?”

“I’m not sure….I’m sorry…I..should have listened…”


An argument between two women being heard around. Two little slimes, blue and red, jumped up a bench made from vines and leaves.


D’Atch woke up suddenly from pain in his leg.


A familiar voice shot through D’Atch’s ears.

“R….Rubaegia? Huh!”


When D’Atch turned to the source of the voice, he saw Rubaegia, Maka with another red slime, and the unexpected that made him shouted in surprise.

His body reacted instinctively to guarding stance; The pain spread throughout his body making him laid back down in agony.

Rubaegia saw how bad D’Atch’s wounds were and turned to the other lady next to her.

“I’m sorry!”

The other lady looked back with an embarrassed face.

“H-Huh? What?”

The lady next to Rubaegia was the nymph he just fought.

“D’Atch. This is Rosetta. My best friend.”

Rubaegia introduced her while spreading her mucus over D’Atch’s wounds to ease his pain.

“The fuck? Last time I checked I didn’t break a slime’s heart?”

D’Atch was slowly relieved from pain. He tried to sit up again and inspected his body.

“I don’t know what you mean?”

“I am so sorry. Mako told me a man holding a sword was trying to kill her….I didn’t know there were two…”

As Rubaegia was confused with D’Atch’s dry humor, Rosetta tried to redeem herself.

D’Atch found that his body was holed here and there.

“Mako? Her? Wait that’s a girl?”

“Sorry little one…”

D’Atch looked around and found Mako was right next to Maka. Because the slime almost looked all the same, he mistook her gender.


The twins jumped up the bench and tried to hug D’Atch.

“Good thing that you’re safe, little miss.”

“Care to explain? Miss tree?”

Seeing the first slime who approached him was safe, D’Atch was relieved that the cruel creature didn’t plan to take revenge of them. He then asked Rosetta with slightly annoyed face.


“You know….many days ago after her 9 children passed away, Mako was the last survivor.”

“When Rube was fighting with the culprit, Mako said she was observing from afar then she quickly ran to me to ask for help.”

“When I reached to the den with Mako I only found the kids but not Rube, so I told them to stay at the den after that I concealed the area with my abilities and went on a hunt….”

The nymph Rosetta explained in awkwardness.

“Damn it! I’ll stop using this stupid sword now. Not that I own it anyway!”

D’Atch looked at his sword very annoyingly. Ever since he got this sword, he had always met with misfortunes.

“Please forgive me…. You’re her savior yet I almost killed you…”

Seeing the man seemed to get more and more angry, Rosetta felt uncomfortable and guilty.


“Whatever! But you need to take care of me until I’m healed."

“Oh! Wait! I need to ask you some more questions as well.”

Silence engulfed for a while then D’Atch spoke up with indifferent voice.

He really was not that vengeful. He was just slightly annoyed that his journey got delayed.

“Ask later! It’s about to dark we must move him somewhere else!”

Rubaegia noticed that the night was getting close. Currently, they were still at the place the fight happened before. D’Atch could still see the dug dirt around.

“Wait! My wounds are all over my body! If I’m moved just a bit, it might get worse!”

D’Atch quickly warned as the girls were about to transport him.

“No think hard! I covered you with no-pain mucus. You won’t feel anything!”

Rubaegia and Rosetta slowly approached D’Atch as the twin slime jumped on the bench.

The two ladies then lifted the bench up and began to transport the patient.

“Is it heavy? You girls alright with this?”

“Don’t worry! We are strong! You can rest assure!”

The nymph replied. Although the two girls looked slender, they both possessed great strengths.



[You have slain Vicious Sting!]

“Damn..these wasps are pretty fast! Mr.Carl, please be careful!”

Zeke had just slain a fierce large wasp with his new weapon.

The wasp was similar to a normal hornet but its size was almost as large as a dog.

“Don’t worry about me! Your moves seem awkward. Is the hammer too heavy for you?”

Carl was swift and vigilant. He had no problem dealing with the wasps at all. His new weapon “Slime Queen Bag” was very useful and unique.

The bag could generate simple weapons such as small mucus daggers, mucus arrows, hardened mucus pebbles, and else. It could also be used as a storage, as the space inside could stretched out.

The shape of it looked like a case bag.

“Na-not really! I could hold it fine…… but I feel like my hands are denying it!”

Zeke replied. Although he could swing the hammer around just fine, he had a feeling that the hammer was not meant for him.

“There haven’t been any notifications about One Mind One Cut for a long time now……I can’t use Lightning Sting with this as well”

“The director mentioned that the skills are not fake. I should check it out.”


The device shown Zeke his skills screen.

[One Mind One Cut]

[Passive Skill]

[A skill that directly connected with your concentration. When you’re concentrated, even mountains could be cut in two.]

[While you’re concentrating, if you counter the enemy’s attack, you’ll deal critical damage.]

[You can counter enemies by: Parrying the attacks or attacking after successfully dodged within 3 seconds.]

[Because you have awakened this skill too soon. The effect of critical damage will decrease.]

[Lightning Sting]

[Active Skill]

[Raised up a sword to your eyesight level with your main hand and support with your other hand as the foundation then thrust the sword directly to the target.]

[The lightning speed and sudden power makes this attack deals critical damage for sure.]

[This skill benefits from One Mind One Cut. Through your keen eyes, if Lightning Sting is used as a counter attack, it’ll deal more critical damage and can pierce through the enemies’ defenses.]

[Because you have awakened this skill too soon, Lightning Sting will not deal critical damage on a normal activation and if used as counter attack, it’ll not pierce through enemies’ defenses.]

“Ahhhhh! That’s why I can’t use it.”

“I was swinging this thing around without thinking much. And the Lightning Sting needs to be a sword….”

“Watch it!”

A poisonous arrow stung into the heart of a Vicious Sting that was about to sneak an attack on Zeke.

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The cerulean venom spread swiftly throughout the monster’s body leading to its kingdom come.

“Thanks! Adria!”

“What were you dreaming? We’re getting surrounded right now. Don’t let your guard off!”

Adria quickly came to the two from a high ground. The wasps seemed to gather more and more.

Soon the trio finally being completely enveloped by the wasps.

Cerulean Shower!

Adria shouted and the next moment the wasps above their heads got pierced with countless amount of mucus arrows.

After the wasps in the air were taken off, Adria used Cerulean Shower again. The countless flying arrows fell down like a heavy rain melting away the wasps that were surrounding them.

“Wow! That’s kinda op!”

Zeke exclaimed as he smashed the remaining wasps.

With Cerulean Shower, hundreds amount of wasps were wiped off in mere seconds. The trio didn’t realize something more dangerous were coming.

Right now, the trio was in an unexpected situation. They made a decision to go deeper in the forest to find more information about this planet and hopefully seek out other participants as well.

But when they stepped into an area just before a flower field right before them, they got assaulted by giant wasps.


“Nah, I’m just that good!”

Adria was bragging she did not sense what was coming from behind.


“Watch out!”

Zeke quickly pulled Adria back from the giant black wasps from behind. Her arm was grazed by its sting when it assaulted.

“Ze-Zeke… my arm burning? It’s getting hotter!...”

“Mr.Carl! We need to get away from here and find an antidote!”

Seeing Adria’s arm got grazed by the sting, Zeke was afraid that the venom might be infected now. He quickly looked for a way to escape in panic.

“We need its body! We might be able to make an antidote from it! Kill it, Zeke!”

Carl quickly rushed in and took care of Adria for Zeke to kill the giant wasp.

“Die! You damn pest!”

Zeke quickly rushed to the black wasp and swung his hammer out.


The attack missed. This wasp was too fast for the hammer.

“Too fast!”

“wait…..I must not get angry! I need to calm down..”

“Although One Mind One Cut is more favored if I use a sword, but if I’m calm it should do something too!”

Seeing his attack missed from rushing in blind, Zeke tried to analyze.

He tried to concentrate and calm himself down even though he was getting surrounded by more and more wasps.


The giant black wasp quickly launched another attack again.


The moment the black wasp’s sting was about to land, Zeke quickly dodged sideways and swung the hammer to its side.


The giant black wasp was struck and flew far away, but its body did not get crushed at all.

“What? I’m sure I landed a heavy blow?! I was concentrating too?!”

Seeing the black wasp’s body didn’t get any damage, Zeke was surprised as the wasp was getting back up.

[The Soldier Sting has a strong carapace as tough as a metal protecting its body.]

[A tremendous force is required to break the carapace.]

[The boss weapon “Slime Queen hammer” possesses an exclusive special skill ‘Hydro-Smite’ which might be useful.]

A system sound resonated out from Zeke’s wrist.

“What?! I’ve never known the boss weapon has special skill on it?”

[You never asked me.]

“?! I am now suspicious that this thing is really sentient.”

“Anyway! System explain Hydro-Smite!”

[Slime Queen hammer’s exclusive special skill “Hydro-Smite”; Increase the hammer swing’s speed and power tremendously by unleashing water within as an amplifier. The attack will become critical hit.]

[Warning: This skill can only be used once. After using the skill, the weapon will be broken.]

As the system explained the skill, Zeke was trying to dodge the Soldier wasp’s attacks by concentration.

“If it can only be used once then it should be very powerful

“I can’t miss it!”

Zeke dodged an attack successfully and created some distance between the wasp then tried to come up with the best way to finish this giant wasp.


“Let’s go!”

He began by swinging the hammer and his body round and round. The soldier wasp saw that its attack wouldn’t be able to land if it went straight this way, so it flew up in the sky and quickly rushed down with its sting pointed forward.

To make sure the wasp couldn’t dodge this one-time chance attack, he tricked the wasp to have it attacked from the sky.

Although some insects could swiftly dodge anything almost 360 degrees, if it was flying down to the ground it won’t be able to react in time because of the gravity. Not to mention that this wasp was a giant-ass one, its size won’t allow it to react in time for sure.


Zeke stopped swinging the hammer around when he saw the wasp was descending to him.

Upon it came within his attack’s reach, Zeke unleashed Hydro-Smite.


Large amount of water spurted out from behind part of the hammer’s head as Zeke swung it upward in an instant. The speed of the skill making the hammer contrasted with its size.

[You dealt tremendous amount of damage to the Soldier Sting with a critical strike successfully!]

The hammer itself already powerful enough to break large rocks, when it got boosted by the skill the hard carapace of the soldier wasp got crushed into pieces and the wasp partly got destroyed.

“Ah, damn. I forgot that we need to make an antidote from its body.”

The Slime Queen hammer in his hand was left with the handle only.

“Don’t worry. It doesn’t look that much broken. I think we can make it.”

“Put it in here!”

Carl opened the case bag then Zeke forcefully pushed the Soldier Wasp’s body inside.

Surprisingly, the whole body could fit in there.




Just before they could retreat, hundreds of Soldier Wasps quickly flew to the scene.

“Sh*t! I thought we could make it before they come!”

Carl cursed upon seeing a terrifying creature in large numbers.

He expected that those small wasps were worker wasps that were doing their routines.

When the worker wasps saw the trespassers they’d normally assault them to protect their territory.

The Soldier Wasps smelled the pheromones those workers released, so that’s why they were able to know this location.

“If only Adria was fine right now!! Damn!”

Zeke also cursed as his party being surrounded by the Soldier Wasps in no time.

The black wasps quickly rushed into the center to eliminate what would become a threat to their queen.


A wolf’s howl resonated out. It was thunderous Carl and Zeke dared to say it resonated throughout the forest.

The rushing Soldier Wasps quickly flew up into the sky when they were about to reach the trio then they quickly dispersed and flew back to where they came from.

“My ears! A wolf? Are there even a wolf that could howl this loud?”

Zeke covered his ears with one of his hands while the other one covered Adria’s.

“Talk later! Let’s run! Those wasps might come back! We need to treat Adria fast as well!”

Carl quickly lifted up the stretcher he pulled out from the bag when Zeke was fighting with the black wasp not long ago then they both quickly began transporting Adria to a safer place.

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