Cosmos Will: A Dark Isekai

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Irony of fate

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Chapter 1

this is a fictional story by realTensai


“I...I’m pregnant!”


When I heard those words from my wife, I felt all kinds of different emotions. Joy, happiness, nervousness, and much more flooded my thoughts. I was so overwhelmed that I couldn’t answer. I just stared at my wife’s belly and was engrossed in thought.

She looked at me nervously and grabbed my hand before saying again, “Damion... I’m really pregnant?! We’re going to be parents. We’re really going to have a child!”

Only now did I realize it. I’m going to be a father!

Immediately, I took my wife in my arms while tears started flowing. I was so happy that the only words I could say were, “Thank you, thank you, Sarah.”


Some time passed, and we both calmed down. It was early in the morning when the best news of my life reached me. It still felt surreal, but I didn’t have time to come to terms with it. That was because I didn’t want to be late on my first day at work. Today was finally the day when I could officially start my dream job. Today was my first day as a cop.

I looked at myself one last time in the mirror, styled my black hair, and put on my glasses.

“And what do I look like?”

“Perfect! The uniform looks great on you.”

I kissed my pregnant wife one more time before I left.

“Come home safely!” she said to me anxiously.

“Of course!” I promised.

If only I had known what would happen that day, I would never have left my wife!

I left the house and went. The police station was near my home, about 15 minutes walk. The streets of Berlin were as crowded as ever, yet it didn’t stop me from drowning in thoughts. My life was going to change a lot for the better because of my job and my future child. It’s hard to believe, considering what my childhood was like. Ah, while we’re at it, I should visit my parents’ grave again to share this news with them.

Walking through the streets, many people greeted me. They were all friendly and smiled at me. Of course so, now I was officially a police officer. A protector. A fighter for justice. A person who will go out of his way to save anyone.

This is the person I always wanted to be. Maybe now, as a police officer and soon-to-be father, I could forget my past. Maybe I can become a person who has a worth. Not like the old me who just lived for revenge.

I hated this life. I hated revenge. I hated myself. However, now I was different. I did not need my revenge to keep living. I had plenty of other reasons that were worth living for. Yes, from today on I would forget my revenge.

I‘m sorry mom, I‘m sorry dad. I hope you can forgive me.

After I finally freed myself from the chains that tied me to revenge and hatred, I could now see clearly again. I was not the same anymore. I will live a fulfilling life!

Exactly when I caught that thought, a suspicious-looking man ran past me. He was wearing a grey jacket and his hood covered most of his face, yet I recognized him. How could I ever forget that face? That scar on his eye, that pale skin, and the eyes of a psychopath. It instantly clicked. Yes, without a doubt…

He was the one who killed my parents!

My blood started to boil and memories of my parents’ dead bodies and this man’s devilish smile came back up. He was the reason I became a cop. To catch this man, I sacrificed my whole life!

I will kill him!

Was this the irony of fate? Even though I just freed myself from those shackles, they were tied to me right again. How could I just ignore this now? I had to do it! I will kill him and thereby destroy those fucking chains!

Instantly, I turned around to search for him in the crowd. Although it was very crowded, I found him again. He didn’t get too far. I hurried and chased him.

In order not to cause mass panic and not lose him, I followed him undercover. He was relatively fast and careful, yet I stayed on. How much I just wanted to get my gun out and shoot him, but I couldn’t possibly have hit him in that crowd, so I didn’t do it. Suddenly, he went into an abandoned alley. I followed him, still he didn’t notice me. The alley looked like the definition of a criminal alley. The like drug-smelling, filthy alleyway was covered in graffiti. There was garbage everywhere and it wouldn’t surprise me to find a dead body right away. I made a mental note that I would later come back and explore this alley more closely.

Suddenly, I realized we were alone in the alley, and I had a clear path to shoot. Instantly, I pulled out my gun and pointed it at him. Normally, I was not allowed to shoot anyone unless I was not threatened or someone else, but at that moment, I didn’t care. I just wanted to see him dead! But before I could shoot, he disappeared into a side door.

I chased him, yet I stopped at the door. I knew how dangerous it was to follow him into that door. Who knows what awaits me there? However, I couldn’t think rationally anymore. Driven by feelings of revenge, I opened the door.

When I opened the door, I found myself in a pitch-dark room, although you couldn’t really call this place a room. It was just an entrance leading to a cellar. In front of me were stairs leading down. It felt as if these were the stairs to hell, still that couldn’t stop me.

Armed and careful, I slowly walked down the stairs. I was careful not to make any noise. With every step, my heart beat more and more, but suddenly, I saw something moving. I immediately wanted to shoot, however luckily realized it was only a rat. It felt like an eternity, though at last, I saw a light. When I approached the light, I saw a room at the bottom of the stairs.

“He’s there,” I only thought, “the man who killed my parents is in this room!”

With my gun in hand, I stormed into the room. But what I saw frightened me. It was a room full of weapons and toxic-looking chemicals. These were things that could only be used to kill people. However, he wasn’t there! The man I was chasing was nowhere to be found!

Suddenly, I felt something cold and sharp at my throat and immediately became aware that one wrong move meant my death.

“Drop your gun and raise your hands!”

I immediately did what the voice behind me commanded.

“I knew that someone followed me but who would have thought that it was you, Damion Brooks!“

Cold sweat came out of my body as he mentioned my name.

‚How?‘ I just thought, ‚How does he know my name?!‘

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“ It‘s been a long time since I killed your parents. I will never forget this day because since then I just could not stop. This feeling when you feel the warm blood of your victims and then, in the contrast, touch their cold corpses. Or when you see the true nature of people just before they die, it‘s the best!“

I realized it right away .…


From that moment on, everything felt different. Maybe it was the adrenaline or the fact that I could have died at any moment, but I developed powers, not from this world. Within a millisecond, I knocked the knife out of his hand and gave him a headbutt with the back of my head.

Thereupon I wanted to pick up my gun, but he gave me a huge kick so I flew away several meters. Luckily for me, this was a room full of guns so I could grab a gun next to me. However, the same thing applied to him. He grabbed a gun and the two of us just pointed our weapons at each other.

It felt like time stood still. We both knew that if one shot, the other would do so too and we both die. But I didn’t care about anything. My death would save the lives of many others.

“Think whether you really want to shoot. You don‘t want your child to grow up without a father, don‘t you?!“

That bastard!!!

How could that be? How did he know I’ll be a father soon? Even I only found out about it today, so how? How the hell did he know that? But what bothered me the most was that he was right. I’m hesitating right now because I could not just throw my life away anymore. I could not leave Sarah alone!

“Just answer this question. Why did you kill my parents back then, but spare me?”

This question has always plagued me since that day. How much pain I would have been spared if he had just killed me back then?

He started grinning. The devilish smile I saw that day came back and my blood started boiling.

“Very easy, so that I could devour you later with all your hatred!“

Forgive me, Sarah, forgive me, my unborn child. But this man must die!!!

I really wanted to shoot just now, but out of nowhere, something strange appeared next to me. I’ve never seen anything like this before in my life. It was something purple shimmering that looked like a door but didn’t have a proper shape. The first thing I could think of was a portal.

“Why ?! Why does it have to happen now?!“

It was the first time he was bothered. Apparently, he was expecting something like this to appear at some point, but he did not think I would be here.

“If I were you, I would get away from that thing”, he said as he drew closer and closer to the portal.

I knew right away that he wanted to go into that portal and that I had to stop him at any cost. I was just a few steps away and closer to it than him. The two of us were still pointing our guns at each other as he slowly tried to approach the portal.

“One more step and I’m going to get into this thing!”

He stopped and only said, “You don‘t want that!“

Suddenly, he sprinted toward the portal and made a long jump. Reacting quickly, I jumped toward him and pushed him away. But I didn’t notice where I ended up.

NOOOO!” was the last thing I heard before I realized that I had entered the portal.

What happened next could only be described as being out of this world. It felt like I was being warped through galaxies. I can’t tell if years passed or just a few seconds, but at the end of my journey, I found myself in a forest.

What the hell just happened?! How can it be that I’m in a forest? Wasn’t I in this room until now?

A thousand questions buzzed through my head, but the only logical answer was “magic”.

I felt stupid when I came up with this answer, but still, I just couldn’t explain it any other way. More questions immediately came to mind, but I didn’t have a plausible answer to any of them. Panic arose within me just thinking about what just happened.

I am in a fucking forest!

My mind could not comprehend this situation at all. The fact that the only plausible answer was magic worried me even more.

Where the hell was I?

I had to calm down.

The most important thing right now was to get back home as soon as possible. Therefore, I first had to find out where I was. This is what I had to focus on right now.

Hopefully, I was not too far away. Another country, or maybe even another continent, would be very problematic.

I decided to explore this forest a bit.

However, my heart was still racing. The image of this man did not leave my head. All the hatred in me exploded after I saw him. Thinking back now, I was not myself. Even though I thought I did not need my revenge anymore, I only acted driven by hatred.

But could I really say that the me back then was not me? I lived almost all my life dedicated to revenge. Of course, I could not throw all that away in an instant. The chance was presented to me so I used it. Even if it was risky and maybe dumb, I would do it again. No matter what, I will kill him!

Though now I was in the middle of a forest with no way of knowing where I truly am. Luckily, I kept my things. Wild animals in the woods shouldn’t be a problem with my gun. I set off to get out of this forest as quickly as possible, but as fate would have it, I soon met a wild animal.

It was a wolf. It was a normal wolf, but only its fur seemed a little reddish. This was definitely due to the sun or something, so I didn’t give it any further thought. He didn’t seem to have spotted me yet, so I didn’t do anything. I didn’t want to kill an animal that wouldn’t attack me unnecessarily, but I still drew my gun and braced myself.

Suddenly, the wolf turned in my direction and stared at me with his red eyes. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t scared, but I still had my gun and felt a little safe. But suddenly something happened that I have never seen in my life. The wolf started burning.

Out of nowhere, he was engulfed in flames, and the surrounding leaves turned to ash. I did not want to believe it. However, it was that moment that made me realize it.

I was in a different world!


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