Cosmos Will: A Dark Isekai

Chapter 10: Chapter 10: Damion vs the scientist

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Chapter 10

this is a fictional story by realTensai

The time had come. Finally, I could take my revenge on the scientist. First, I let cosmo energy flow into the fire-sword. I could use it freely because I had enough cosmo energy again, and the scientist was certainly not immune to fire. Besides, the cosmo energy also healed my previous injuries, so nothing was holding me back.

When the sword started burning, I started my attack. I charged at the scientist with incredible speed and swung at him with the fire-sword.

“Too slow.”

The scientist easily dodged to the side and gave me a kick to the pit of my stomach. I flew back several meters until I finally crashed into a tree. What a power!

I got up and tried again. With the sword in my hand, I sprinted towards him and swung at him precisely. With each blow of mine, I created a crescent of fire that flew at him, but he dodged everything with no problems.

“Is that all you got? Don’t tell me you thought you could defeat me like that?”

Suddenly, I saw a small fireball that just appeared in front of me.

The scientist just grinned, and then the attack hit me directly in the face. Again, I flew several meters backward. The hit of the fireball burned my face, but it immediately started healing. When the scientist saw that, he was astonished.

“That you can heal yourself surprises me. Who would have thought that you would become such a masterpiece?”

His way of talking pissed me off. He still saw me as his test subject. I guess it’s time to get serious. I wanted to try it with the fire-sword, but I’m just not a swordsman. Since my water gun disappeared after the fight against the wolves, I had to create a new one.

I closed my eyes and concentrated when I opened them again. There was a water pistol in my hand.

“Now the actual battle begins!”

Immediately, I shot several water bullets directly at him. Since I had enough cosmo energy this time, I didn’t have to hold back.

The scientist seemed surprised, yet he dodged the water bullets.

“You surprise me more and more. Not only have you learned how to release your cosmo energy, but also how to create water. And for this water to have enough penetrating power, you created a weapon that accelerates the water. Excellent!”

While he was dodging, he started praising me, which only made me want to kill the guy all the more. However, it was amazing that he could dodge the water bullets so easily. His reflexes and general physical abilities were better than mine. I’ll probably have to step it up a gear to hit him. I dropped the fire-sword and created another water pistol in my free hand. Then let’s see if he can still dodge so easily.

I fired with both weapons, and the scientist now seemed to get his problems. He kept trying to dodge, still some of the water bullets were already scraping him. Not much longer and I would hit him. But then he stopped and stood still.

This is my chance!

I immediately shot several bullets at the scientist, who was just standing there like as if rooted to the spot. However, just before they hit him, a wall of earth appeared which intercepted the water bullets. Thereupon he destroyed the earth wall into many small cubes. The small earth cubes floated in the air in front of him, and I knew exactly what he was going to do.

“Try to dodge.”

After he said this, the earth particles all flew at me. I tried to avoid them, but they were incredibly fast. Fully concentrated, I dodged one after the other, but it was useless. The earth cubes followed me. The scientist had done something to them so that they were chasing me. I could only run away.

I had to destroy these particles somehow to make it stop.

While the earth cubes were flying close behind me, I thought about how I could destroy them. But when the particles were about to hit me, they exploded.

“Surprise! I also call this attack earth cubes explosion,” laughed the scientist.

Completely caught by the explosion, I fell to the ground. I suppressed the pain, but the injuries were no joke. It was not as bad as when I was hit by the huge fireball, still it took a lot of cosmo energy to heal. And slowly I noticed I didn’t have too much cosmo energy left in me.

“So you can even heal the injuries from an explosion. But that must have taken a lot of cosmo energy. That means you don’t have much cosmo energy left. And when you’ve used it all up, it’s game over!”

It upset me, however; he was right. I have used about two-thirds of my cosmo energy and now I had to finish him off with the rest. He, on the other hand, didn’t even seem to take this seriously. I must think of something to defeat him. My water pistol was useless because he dodged all the bullets without any problems or simply created a wall of earth, which blocked the bullets for him. The fire sword did nothing, either.

What other attacks do I have? I could only create water, but I had to immobilize him somehow, since he could easily dodge all attacks. I could create a huge water wave, it would hit him for sure, but it does no damage and costs a lot of cosmo energy. It would be worth it only if I could catch him in there.

I could do something with the water, but would that really work?

But suddenly the scientist was in front of me.


Desperately I tried to keep my distance, yet it was too late. He created a small fireball in his hand and fired it into the pit of my stomach. I flew back several meters and crashed into the ground. Spitting blood, I suppressed the pain because the self-healing process started again. But how the hell did he suddenly appear in front of me? Before that he wasn’t so fast, does that mean he didn’t even show his true speed?!

Suddenly, he stood in front of me again and hit me in the face.

I couldn’t even react and flew backward due to the sheer force of the fist. However, he did not stop there. He hit me further and further and I could not react once. From everywhere, I felt his fists as if I were his punching bag. When he had beaten me completely bloody, he stopped.

“We’ve played enough. Just give up. Even you should have noticed the difference in strength between us. I don’t want to kill such an excellent test subject as you.”

Full of pain, I had to admit it. He was right; he is by far stronger than me. So I have no other choice but to try it. If it doesn’t work, I have wasted my cosmo energy and so I lose. But if I don’t try, I have no chance anyway.

I used a little less cosmo energy than last time. Completely I concentrated only on the molecular structure. Then I released the necessary amount of cosmo energy and it appeared. An enormous wave of water! The scientist was too close to dodge; It caught him completely.

I’m not done yet!

I concentrated even more and imagined it very precisely. Since I have always been good at chemistry, I knew exactly what I had to do. To bring the water into a solid state, I had to stop the movement of the molecules to a standstill. I had to take the heat out of the water and freeze it.

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I imagined exactly how the water molecules stopped moving and how they became cold. They must freeze and become ice!

I created every single water molecule, therefore they were under my control. The enormous wave of water froze and became ice. Before me was now an unbelievable amount of ice, which acted like a glacier. And trapped in it was the scientist. I had caught him.

I managed to immobilize him, and now all I had to do was finish him off. With the water gun in my hand, I aimed at his head. I didn’t have much cosmo energy left, but still enough to create water for the water gun.

“That’s your end, scientist!”


I shot a ball of water directly at his head, but before it could hit him, it evaporated.

“I really didn’t want to get serious, but it seems like you don’t leave me any choice,” the scientist spoke in a serious tone.

In front of him was a fireball that slowly melted the surrounding ice. But it was not a normal fireball. It was getting hotter and hotter. The fireball turned into a blue flame, yet it did not stop there. I felt how it became hotter and saw how it continued to change color. All the ice started melting because of the small fireball and I felt how it became hotter and hotter in the atmosphere. But that was not all. The ice did not turn back to water, no; it evaporated immediately. When the fireball turned purple, all the ice was gone and not even water remained.

“Impossible! All the ice is gone!”

The purple fireball flew over the scientist’s hand, who didn’t look too pleased.

“I really didn’t want to use that spell. Creating and maintaining that plasma takes an awful lot of cosmo energy. And in order not to be burned by it myself, I have to protect myself with cosmo energy all the time. Do you know how exhausting that is?! But you didn’t want it otherwise. Now choose: do you want to be pulverized by this plasma ball or do you finally give up and accept defeat?”

Given this enormous power, I had no other choice but to accept it. It was obvious all along, but still, I wanted to hope. Hope that maybe I had a chance. But the difference in strength was too big.

“I give up. Please forgive your foolish slave.”

That was my only option. I had to pray that he would forgive my arrogance.

“Good, that you have come back to your senses. To kill a masterpiece as you would truly be a waste,” he replied, believing me.

With these words, he dissolved the plasma ball, and it seemed as if he had forgiven me. But this was exactly what I was waiting for!

Due to the unbelievable heat, the ice evaporated into water vapor and rose high into the air, yet it was still under my control. I collected the water molecules and formed a cloud over the scientist, who now thought that I had given up. I needed all my concentration and imagination to bring the water molecules, which were moving wildly to stop. My brain was burning from all the information it had to process and I started getting nosebleeds. It felt like I could collapse at any moment, as my sight became blurry. My power started leaving me, yet I could not stop.

It was even more difficult than turning the vast wave of water into ice, and this time it didn’t quite work. I could not freeze all the water molecules, but it was still enough. What I could freeze, I formed into small spikes. And now it was done.


“What’s wrong? Why are you laughing like that? And why is your nose bleeding?”

I just had to let it go.

“Goodbye, scientist!”

The ice spikes flew down on him one by one and by the time he realized it, it was too late. They totally caught him.

“How do you like this ice shower? It must hurt, right? Hahahaha!”

The scientist lay wounded on the ground. Several ice spikes pierced his body, causing him to bleed everywhere. He was like me when I was pierced by the spikes of the hedgehogs. If he cannot heal himself, he will die of blood loss.

“A-amazing! That you still had such an ace up your sleeve. Who would have thought that? You are truly my masterpiece!” he said, spitting blood.

The fact that he still wasn’t healing himself showed that he either had no more cosmo energy or he just couldn’t heal himself. But no matter what it was, he was finished. I didn’t have any cosmo energy left, but I still had to make his death as painful as possible. I was looking for that fire sword and when I found it, I picked it up and went to the scientist.

“W-What are you going to do with that sword?!” he asked, stuttering while slowly realizing his destiny.

“I already told you, I’ll give back all the pain you’ve caused me. With this sword, I will bring you an agonizing death,” I replied coldly, without even batting an eyelid.

The scientist started trembling and begging, “P-Please don’t. Just kill me normally. I don’t have any cosmo energy left anyway, so I’m no danger to you either. To change the world, I had to do all this. I had no other choice!”


I stabbed his foot with my sword.


“Does that hurt you? That’s just the beginning.”

“N-NO! P… Please stop! I’m about to die anyway, so you have no reason to let me suffer like this. I beg you, please have mercy!”

Pathetic. Before death, people really show their true faces.

“At that time I asked you to stop too, but you just kept going. This is only your just punishment.”

I proceeded, slowly and painfully stabbing his entire body. I cut off his fingers and toes and also destroyed his genitals in the most gruesome way. Still, I made sure it was a long time before he died. All the time, I could hear him screaming and begging, but it absolutely had no effect on me. But eventually, he stopped screaming, and I found that he was dead.


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