Cosmos Will: A Dark Isekai

Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Betrayal

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Chapter 3

this is a fictional story by realTensai

“Welcome back, honey!”

“I’m back!”

I came back from a hard day’s work with the police, and first hugged my wife. Then I stroked her stomach where our child was. I still could not quite believe I was going to be a father.

“Oh darling, we have visitors. Two men came by and said they were your childhood friends.”

I looked at my wife in surprise. I didn’t have any childhood friends, so I wondered who it could be. Without giving it much thought, I went into the living room to see my visitors. And then I saw them sitting on the sofa…

An elderly man in a gray jacket. He had pale, unnatural skin and a scar under his eye. And then there was his gaze, the gaze of a psychopath.

I realized immediately who it was. But he wasn’t alone.

The other man was tall and slim. He was wearing a brown coat and had a wand in his hand. But the most striking thing about him was his smile. It exuded pure malice. It was the devil’s smile!


My heart started racing, while the darkest emotions flooded me. No words could describe how I felt at that moment.

“What the hell are you doing here!!”


As they said this, the purple portal reappeared in front of me. Immediately, I tried to run away. I did not want to go back to this other world! I ran as fast as I could and wanted to get out of the house, but my wife was waiting at the door. She looked puzzled, but held out her arms for a hug. I did the same and just wanted to get out of here with her. However, just before I could touch her, the portal sucked me in and pulled me away from her.


I woke up screaming, then I realized it was just a nightmare. I gasped and tried to calm down. What a bad dream. Most cruelly, I was shown that I can’t go back to my world that easily. Damn it!

The last thing I remember was the betrayal of John and his squad. What happened afterward? Only now did I look around to take in the surroundings.

I was still in the forest, though now it was night. Trying to move, I realized that a rope tied me to a tree. It surprised me that I only noticed this now, but I was quite in shock.

When I kept looking around, I spotted my captors. They weren’t very far from me, maybe 100 meters away. They were laying together around a campfire and slept. Seeing their calm faces made me seethe with anger. How could they? That was all I could think of.

I thought about what they wanted to do with me, however, nothing came to my mind. Like what are you supposed to do with someone from another world who doesn’t even have supernatural powers? Yet there was something I knew for a fact. They were not up to something good.

Now, how do I get out of this situation?

They probably didn’t think that I could escape tied to a tree, so they went to sleep. But they had missed something important. Apparently, they didn’t bother to frisk me beforehand because I still had my gun. No matter how strong they are, they’re unlikely to survive a good hit with my least I don’t think so. Still, I have a chance!

They tied me up so that I couldn’t move my arms, nonetheless, I could still move my hands. My gun was on my hip. It was a bit cumbersome, but with a little twisting and turning, I got my weapon. Good!

With my gun in hand, I considered my next move.

The best thing I could do was to sever the rope with one shot and then disappear as quickly as possible. If I fire a shot, they will wake up. What happens after that was crucial.

I would say that I am relatively fast. My police training only made me fitter and more enduring. So I did not think it was impossible to escape from them. Still, I should not underestimate them!

Especially Roy. His speed earlier was outstanding. It would be difficult to escape from him. In a chase, I probably wouldn’t stand a chance, but luckily I have my gun. If I hit him in the leg with a surprise hit, it’s no longer possible for him to come after me.

I really have a chance!

I took a deep breath and ran the plan over in my head. It was very risky, yet still better than just waiting here. I had to do it!

I positioned my gun so that it could penetrate all levels of the rope in one shot. I prayed that everything would end well and started counting down in my head.





With the loud shot of my gun, the rope came loose, and without wasting time, I freed myself. At the same time, I also saw how the troop woke up frightened. They seemed very confused and didn’t know what was happening, so I took advantage of this and ran away as fast as I could.

“Hey! He has freed himself and flees. We have to get him!”

My heart was beating like crazy, and I just ran without a thought. I ran and ran while not even looking back. Branches and sticks paved the way, but that didn’t stop me from hitting my top speed. I knew that little time had passed, still, it felt like an eternity. Nevertheless, I also knew that I must not slow down my speed under any circumstances, otherwise they would catch up with me immediately.

“Did you really think you could escape from us?!”

Suddenly, I heard a voice whisper these words in my ear. I looked to the side and saw Roy running next to me. Completely terrified, I tried to flee in the other direction.

How?! How can he be so fast?!

He hit me with his scabbard and I fell to the ground.

“I don’t know how, but somehow you managed to free yourself. But this is the end. You could never escape me!”

I tried desperately to crawl away. I did everything to escape.


My acting seemed to work because he didn’t take me seriously.

Now! I drew my gun and fired a shot.


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“AHHHH! My leg!”

Successful hit.

“What have you done?! You bastard, wait, I’m going to kill you!”

Roy was on the ground cursing around. I couldn’t help but grin. He completely underestimated me. But I couldn’t lose any time. Soon the others would be here. I had to finish him off quickly.

I aimed my gun at his head and was ready to shoot.


Suddenly, a ball of water flew towards me, but I barely managed to dodge it.

Damn, they are already here!

John, Bill, and Zinx appeared one after the other. It was obvious that the chance of escaping now was almost zero.

“Amazing that you managed not only to escape but also to hurt Roy. But I would advise you not to play any more games unless you want to die,” Zinx said clearly.

This was no idle threat. I could feel the murderous intent emanating from him. Is it really over?

“John, come and heal me! When I get back on my feet, I’ll kill him!”

“Calm down Roy, we still need him,” John said as he walked over to Roy.

What do they need me for? What are they going to do with me?

“What are you going to do with me? I’m not just going to stay here and let you use me!”

“You have no choice,” John said with his smile.

Seeing that smile reminded me of his betrayal and anger welled up in me. How I hate this man! He deserves death.

I aimed my gun at his face and fired a shot. But it was blocked. Bill intervened with his shield, protecting John. What a superhuman reaction time!

John just sighed and then said in a disappointed tone: “You didn’t want to listen.”

He mumbled something and then Roy got up again. His look betrayed everything. He wants to see my blood.

“Don’t overdo it,” John said simply.

Suddenly Roy was in front of me and before I could shoot, he knocked my gun out of my hand. My whole body started shaking and every fiber of my body told me to get out of here. I knew the god of death had come to get me. The pain I suffered afterward was indescribable.


First, he started stabbing my leg with his sword. Instantly, I fell to the ground. My body burned, while my immune system failed to work. Just this one stab was enough for me to wish rather be dead. He said this was for the shot I landed on him. However, he didn‘t stop there. After that, he continued with my feet and arms. Like a madman, he stabbed my whole body with his sharp blade. Pain, which I never knew even existed, awaited me. It far exceeded the pain a human being could take. However, he did not stop. He then proceeded to break my bones. He broke one finger after the other and did not spare my toes. All I could do was shout and cry in pain, however, he did not stop. No matter how much I begged, he just smiled and continued.

He inflicted no injuries on me that killed me on the spot, only those that made me suffer. But the worst part wasn’t the pain. Whenever I thought I was finally dying and the agony would end, John healed me. He healed me so that Roy could continue the torture. It was hell.






“That’s enough. I don’t have much cosmo energy left. Besides, we shouldn’t damage our good anymore,” John claimed.

What? Good? Did I hear right? I was completely drained mentally and even though I was only half-conscious; I heard it. I was called a good. Does that mean they wanted to sell me? But before I could think any further, my strength left me and I fainted.

When I regained consciousness, I found myself in a dark room. The first thing I encountered was a terrible stench. It smelled like a thousand people who hadn’t showered in a year had gathered here. While pinching my nose, I continued to look around.

I was in a small cramped room where I could hardly move. And upon closer inspection, I realized that this wasn’t a normal room. I was locked in this cell with a lattice as a door. I was a prisoner.

I went to the gate and looked out, but what I saw startled me. I wasn’t the only one here. Hundreds of other prisoners were in cells like mine. Their faces lifeless. Where the hell am I here? Is this a prison?

I panicked and started to despair.

“WHERE THE HELL AM I HERE!” I just yelled.

But then someone appeared. It was a short, fat man with what looked like a tiger-skin coat. He wore an elegant hat and looked very rich. What was also striking were his gloves. He wore shiny blue gloves that gave me a weird feeling.

“Hey, tell me where I am!”

He just looked at me, disappointed.

“Hey! Say something, damn it!”

Suddenly, he raised his hand only for little blue flashes to come out of his glove. But when those blue flashes struck me, I received the electric shock of my life. It was a long-lasting pain and drool started coming out of my mouth.

“I can see you weren’t properly trained. Your new master will probably have a lot of problems with you.”

What? Not properly trained? New master? Don’t tell me…

I realized it at that moment and everything clicked. That John called me a good, this strange place with all the people, and that thing with the master, it all makes sense now. Yes, there is no doubt. I was enslaved!


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