COSMOS WILL: Hell in another world

Chapter 11: Chapter 11: New goals

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Chapter 11


this is a fictional story by realTensai


After I got rid of the scientist, I went back to the hut. Although it was the first time I had killed someone, I felt nothing. Although I sent him to the afterlife in the cruelest way, it caused absolutely nothing in me. Neither was I happy about the fact that I had gotten my revenge nor was I horrified by me that I had done such a thing. All I felt was emptiness. But it had to be done because that is JUSTICE!

After endless running and searching, I finally arrived at the hut. Exhausted, I entered the room that looked like an office and immediately lay down on the bed. At the moment I just wanted to sleep. I will take care of everything else when I wake up. It did not take long until I fell asleep.

When I woke up, I thought about how it would go on now. I now had cosmo energy and was therefore no longer defenseless, but I knew nothing about this world. The scientist told me how cosmo energy works, but nothing about this world itself. Thus I did not know where I should go now or what I should do at all.

But one thing was clear, I must in any case get back to my world as soon as possible. But I had no idea how to do that. When I thought about all these things, I noticed that there were countless books in this room. I stood up and grabbed one in the hope that it could help me.

When I then looked at the cover, I was relieved. The writing did not look familiar, yet for some reason, I was able to read it. It was the same as with the language, which was also not familiar to me, but I could nevertheless understand and speak it. Perhaps I learned this in a magical way when I came here through the portal.

The title of the book was "The cosmo energy flow in humans".

I skimmed the contents of the book and leafed through it a little, but I soon realized that there was nothing in the book that was meaningful for my current situation in it. I put the book back and took another one.


This book certainly would not have any information that would help me in my current situation, but I still found the title appealing. To find out the reason for these supernatural powers that even I now possessed was very tempting. That's why I started reading it. The book had many pages and was quite demanding, so I took my time reading it.

After a few hours, I was finally finished. It was a lot to digest and I had some things I didn't really understand, but I'll try to summarize them.

According to the author, the origin of cosmo energy is not certain, but there is a widespread theory, in which most people believe. Apparently, people have always had cosmo energy in them, but they did not know it, because they could not use it. But this was true only until a certain event, namely the meteor shower.

About one thousand years ago there is said to have been a gigantic meteorite shower that hit the planet and thus devastated, destroyed, and drove it into chaos. Countries were destroyed, countless people died, entire nations were wiped out and mankind lost a lot of knowledge and resources. It was the greatest natural disaster in the history of mankind.

The remaining people tried to rebuild the world in these hard times, but after a few years, the first person awakened unnatural powers. The author called him the first "Meteorite Conqueror." And from this point on I am not sure anymore if I had understood it correctly.

Apparently, the meteorites falling on the earth harbored extraterrestrial powers. The first "meteorite conqueror" was probably warped into a meteorite and entered another dimension. In this one, he had to conquer the powers of the meteorite and make it his own. After he succeeded in this he returned to his world with supernatural powers.

The author's explanation was very vague and it seemed as if he would explain general knowledge and therefore only skimmed over it. Most likely everyone in this world knows this story and knows how a meteorite works. But for me, who comes from another world, it was just incomprehensible. From this book it was not clear to me what exactly a meteorite is, therefore I will look for a book that explains it more exactly later. So now on with the story.

After the first meteorite conqueror came back to his world, he used his powers and decided to become a king. Completely selfish, he wanted to become the ruler of the world, but as time went by more and more meteorite conquerors appeared all over the world. A power struggle broke out and the world into chaos again. The strong oppressed the weak, so no one was safe anymore.

The author did not go into further detail about this age of horror and jumped immediately to the "first mage". The "First Mage" was the first person who was able to release and use his cosmo energy without having to conquer a meteorite. Until then, all people with supernatural were meteorite conquerors, but with the appearance of the first mage, this changed.

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The first mage taught the weak people how to release the cosmo energy that lay dormant within them. This so they could defend themselves, which led to the fact that the balance of power tipped. To prevent this even further a powerful meteorite conqueror killed the first mage, but this one had already spread his knowledge far and wide so mages still existed. The remaining mages taught it to more and more people and so more and more magicians appeared.

The author wrote some more, but there was actually not much relevant to the origin of cosmo energy. With all this information sorted and processed I was ready to read the next books. Here in this room, there was a lot of knowledge and I wanted to absorb it all.

I spent the whole day reading the books, which led to the fact that I acquired some new knowledge. Most of the books were about experiments and attempts that had something to do with cosmo energy and its limits. This was probably the main focus of the scientist because he was also experimenting in this area.

One of the best discoveries I made was finding a map of the world. Since I only knew that I was in the cosmo forest, the world map was very useful to me. The cosmo forest was in the southeast of this planet. Only on the map, did I notice how huge this forest actually was, because it was bigger than most countries.

On the northern border, however, there was a kingdom that was even larger than the cosmo forest. It was the kingdom of Durania, which stretched through the entire east.

Only one country was larger. It was located in the northwest and was called the great empire of Istavil. These two countries were most likely the great powers of this world, as the other countries looked tiny compared to them. However, other places in this world aroused my interest too.

First of all, there is the land of mages named Magos. It is located in the northeast and borders Durania. Through other books, I learned that only mages live there for the most part and that the greatest magic university in the world was there.

Another place that aroused my interest was the so-called dark continent. It was an uninhabited island that was large enough to be called a continent. The reason it was uninhabited was that a meteorite made it uninhabitable. This meteorite is called the most powerful meteorite and has not been conquered since the first meteorite shower. It was so powerful that it changed a whole continent so that it became uninhabitable.

There was no book only about meteorites, nevertheless, I was able to learn something from other books, which always mentioned the topic now and then. Apparently every few years a meteorite falls on this planet, which leads to many people wanting to conquer it. But only the most capable are able to do so. That is why it is even more impressive that the meteor on the dark continent wasn't conquered for a thousand years.

Now to the last interesting place. It was a country that left me a bitter aftertaste, but one that I also knew I would have to visit soon. It was the land of the cosmo scientists that lay at the center of this world, it was called the Republic of Cosmo Science. It was a relatively large and advanced country that consisted mostly of scientists. And from the books of the scientist, I could also gather that he came from there.

But there was a book that I read today that showed me exactly what I had to do now. It was a report written by the scientist (Theo Handerson) about an abandoned experiment, in which he had also participated. The experiment was about the existence of other worlds.

The scientists who participated in the experiment probably found out that other worlds exist. After they did that, they tried to contact them, but they did not succeed. They developed several strategies, but they always failed. At some point they realized that it was impossible to establish contact with other worlds and gave up the experiment.

According to their results, it was impossible to make contact with other worlds, but someone must have made it since I am here. But by the report one thing became clear to me, the person who teleported me to this world, was most likely someone who took part in this experiment.

Only members of the Council participated. The Council in the Republic of Cosmo Science is something like the government. In this council sit, the most capable cosmo scientists and they govern the country. So the people who participated in this experiment were the most capable Cosmo scientists in this world, and even they apparently could not have managed to establish contact with other worlds. Therefore I cannot imagine that anyone else could have done it.

It is much more probable that after the experiment, someone simply continued to research on their own and found a way to do it after all. And this person is responsible for me being here now. That means to get back into my world I must find this person!

However, that was easier said than done. The scientist did not mention the names of the participants of this experiment but only said that there were some people from the council. But even if I would find out the names of the participants, I would still not know who of them it was that continued the research and brought me into this world.

But there was a much bigger problem. Even if I find out who exactly is responsible for all of this, I can't do anything. I am still too weak.

I certainly can't just go up to him and ask him nicely to teleport me back to my world. I've already seen enough of this world and I don't have enough faith to really believe in something like that. That means that when I meet him, I have to force him to teleport me back.

But I know that at the moment I am still too weak to do that. I was hardly able to defeat the scientist even though he didn't even want to kill me and held himself back. With my current strength, I have no chance to compete against someone from the council. That means that the only thing I can do now is train. I will stay in this cosmo forest and become stronger!

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