COSMOS WILL: Hell in another world

Chapter 14: Chapter 14: The cruelness of a dungeon

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Chapter 14

this is a fictional story by realTensai


It was just a short moment of carelessness, a short moment of feeling safe and now he was dead. From the ripped open neck of Jake, there was spilling an endless amount of blood, it was a gruesome sight. Everyone was shocked and horrified but one person was hit the hardest.

"NOOOOO!!! JAAAAKEEE!!!" screamed Tris who couldn't believe her eyes.

With tears in her eyes, she ran to her dead friend while she completely ignored the attacking yetis. We all pulled ourselves together so that we could finish off the remaining yetis.

"AAHHH DIE!" screamed Alek with pain in his voice as he killed the last yeti.

Immediately after, everyone went to Jake. Tris was lying next to him on the ground trying to heal him but in vain. He was already dead.

"N-No Jake that can't be true. Y-You could never die here. P-please Jake get back up. I BEG YOU PLEASE!"

Tris screamed and cried as she desperately tried to heal her beloved boyfriend. It was a tragic scene that simply hurt to watch. I didn't know Jake for a long time, and my first impression of him was not exactly the best, but it was unbearable to see his girlfriend suffer so much. I could not other than imagine that Sarah must have suffered the same way since I just disappeared without a trace.

The rest of the party tried to calm Tris down, however, they were all at their wits' end. It was understandable, they had just lost a comrade with whom they had fought side by side for years. As they were now, they were not able to continue exploring the dungeon.

Some time passed and everyone seemed to have calmed down a bit. Even Tris was no longer crying, however, her look was lifeless. Her look showed that she still couldn't believe it.

"We'll cremate him and move on after that," explained Alek who still looked finished himself.

"Are you sure you can fight in your condition?" asked Jane skeptically.

I agreed with her concerns because I was not sure either if they were really able to continue.

"Yes, we are. Jake would be the last one to say we should turn back. For Jake's death not to be in vain we have to conquer this dungeon!" spoke Alek who found his motivation again.

The other party members nodded and Jane seemed to agree. Thereupon Alek created a powerful fire spell to cremate Jake's body. The ashes were put into a small earthen container created by Wintern.

During the whole process, Tris made no sounds. Lifelessly, she simply watched. One thing was clear Tris was not going to be useful in the further course of this dungeon conquest.

"What do we do with his lance?" Wintern asked.

"The best thing would be to give it to Tris for now. Once we're out of here, we can see what we can do," Alek replied.

They gave Tris the lance, which she took without reacting. When the whole process of cremation was finished, we went to the exit of this level. It was a huge earth door with a rune in the middle. To open the door, we let cosmo energy flow into it. The door opened and in front of us, a long narrow path awaited us. Under this path, however, there was a large lake that felt magical. The path, which was actually a bridge, led at the end to a giant crystal-colored gate, which could only be the entrance to the boss room.

"If we cross this bridge, we will arrive at the boss level," Alek claimed, while he was the first to enter the bridge.

We followed him and started to cross this long bridge quickly. We went quickly towards the boss room, but it was clear that it would not be so easy. Something was wrong.

I took a closer look at the lake, but the water was not clear enough to see anything in it. But I knew that there was something in the water. Although the water was still and moved only minimally, I somehow knew exactly that something was there. And when we were about halfway across, it started.

The water started moving like crazy and making waves. It got wilder and wilder until we noticed what was responsible for it. Slowly one could see a huge beast swimming through the water.

Completely nervous, we got ready to fight, but deep inside everyone knew that we had no chance against this huge beast.

When the cosmo beast rose out of the water, the only thing I could see on the faces of the others was pure despair. Out of the water came a sea serpent at least 100 meters long that could not have looked more dangerous. Its head resembled that of a dragon, its mouth was wide open, and you could see its huge spiny teeth, one of which was at least as big as a full-grown man. With his green glowing eyes he stared directly into our souls.


We all immediately did what Alek ordered us to do and ran as fast as possible in the direction of the boss room. The boss room was about 500 meters away if we hurry we should be there soon. But then I saw the sea beast start its attack. With full force, it lunged at us head first. In a moment it would reach us and devour us!

"TO THE SIDE, I WILL HANDLE IT!" screamed Wintern.

Our huge tank positioned itself so that he would deflect the full force of the attack with his shield. He even reinforced his shield with earth magic. So he might really be able to stop the attack!

But I was too naive.

Wintern was simply devoured by the beast. After its attack, it disappeared into the water again, but nothing remained of Wintern.

"DAMN!" was all Alek screamed in despair.

The next person was dead.

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"We have to hurry before it attacks again!" I ordered.

With Death breathing down our necks, we continued running toward the boss room, but the sea serpent came out of the water again. From above it just looked down at us with its green eyes while it was selecting its next prey. Suddenly I saw Alek shoot several fireballs at it.

"How do you like that fucking monster!"

But the fireballs had absolutely no effect on her. The only thing they did was agitate the beast.

Shit! In a moment, it would attack again, which would result in someone dying again. Should I fire a powerful spell at it in the hope that it will kill it? No, that would be too risky, because if it doesn't work, all my cosmo energy would be wasted unnecessarily. But something has to be done!

As I was thinking that, I saw Tris carrying Jake's Lightning Lance. This could really work!

"Tris, let cosmo energy flow into the lance and shoot powerful lightning bolts into the water. NOW!"

Although Tris was still dazed, she heard immediately. She did what I said and electrified the water. Nothing conducts electricity better than water, at least I think so, and since lightning is electrical, the beast should get a mighty electric shock now.

Just as I thought, the monster rolled in pain and submerged.

"This is our chance run quickly to the boss room!" I ordered while I made my way as well.

The crystal-colored gate was only a hundred meters away, but out of the corner of my eye, I saw the sea monster slowly coming out of the water.

"Hurry, it's about to attack again!"

We finally arrived at the gate, however, we again had to pour cosmo energy into it to get it to open. Quickly we released all the cosmo energy into the runes of the gate, but the giant sea serpent was already starting its next attack.

Come on open!

The head of the sea serpent was about to swallow us all but then the gate opened and we were pulled into the boss room. The attack of the beast stopped and the gate closed again. We had survived.

Completely exhausted, we arrived at the boss's room. We had lost two men and our healer was no longer usable. Everyone had already used a fair amount of cosmo energy. In our current condition, it was impossible to defeat the dungeon boss. But we had no other choice. None of us would voluntarily cross this bridge again, where this sea monster was just waiting for us.

Only now I took a closer look at the place where we were at. It was a wide meadow with icy grass. Around us were cosmo crystals that lit up the room. This was the reward for all our efforts. It was really worth it! With all these Cosmo crystals, I would never have to eat any cosmo beasts ever again. Feelings of happiness and relief overcame me, but they made me forget one important thing.

Where is the boss?

I looked around the room, but I saw nothing. Does this dungeon doesn't have a boss? Or was this sea monster the boss? That would make sense, too, considering how strong it was. The boss is the strongest creature in the dungeon and I can't imagine that a cosmo beast stronger than the sea monster was waiting in here.

"N-no this can't be true?!" spoke Alek as he dropped his weapon.

What's going on? They all suddenly looked even more desperate than when they had seen the sea monster. I looked in the direction in which they were looking and only then did I see it coming.

From the distance the at least ten meters high cosmo beast slowly approached us. It walked on its four legs while its powerful wings were spread. Its horns and its long tail only made it look more dangerous. The scales of the beast were like crystals, in general, it seemed as if its whole body was made of white crystals. With each step, the ground shook and then he only let out a mighty scream.


This scream was the sign that we will not survive today.

"H-H-AHAHA, this is the end for us! What the hell is an S-rank cosmo beast doing here?! I-It's a fucking ICE DRAGON!" spoke Alek who clearly could no longer think normally.

It was clear that the ice dragon was in a completely different league. One did not need a mind to recognize the tremendous level difference. His presence alone was enough to show you your place. We had no chance.

Immediately, we all ran to the entrance of that room. We all thought the same thing, we just wanted to get out of here. Each of us would voluntarily go back to the sea monster than stay here for even a second longer. Desperately we let cosmo energy flow into the runes, but nothing happened.

"What the hell is going on?" shouted Nik, who had always kept a low profile so far.

No matter how much cosmo energy we put into it, nothing happened. We all knew what the problem was, but we didn't want to believe it. To leave this room we had to defeat this monster!

"ROOOOAAARR!" the ice dragon let out another mighty scream. I could only tremble with fear. Every cell in my body ordered me to get out of here immediately, but there was no way out. We really had to fight this monster!

I turned around and saw the ice dragon charging up something in its mouth. Instinctively, I knew that if I was still standing here in a few seconds, my death would be sealed.

"TO THE SIDE!" was all I could scream before I jumped away myself.

The dragon shot an extreme ice beam at the spot where we were just now. Everything that was hit by it froze completely. I as an ice spell specialist immediately recognized that these ice rays freeze you to absolute zero. It could not get any colder than that. Once hit by it and all life inside you comes to a standstill. I thought we could all escape, but one of us was too slow. Tris' body was perfectly frozen in motion and she stopped moving. Tris was dead.

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