COSMOS WILL: Hell in another world

Chapter 24: Chapter 24: Approaching war

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Chapter 24

this is a fictional story by realTensai



After I parted ways with Damion, I set out to do my research. The thing with the pirates and their cosmo weapons still didn't let me go. I had to find out what these weapons were all about. I wasn't sure where exactly I could find out about them, so for now I just walked around the city. A weapon store or a merchant would be the most likely places to get information.

It was still noon and the streets were very busy. I saw many tourists dangling around the city. But it could well be that a part of these tourists actually wanted to go to Utopia but are here only making a stopover. I can understand why so many people wanted to go to Utopia. The land of scientists was much more advanced than the rest of the world. Especially Utopia stood out. If you were not from there, it would certainly seem as if you had landed in the future. That's how advanced it was.

Finally, I saw a store that gave me some hope. It was a merchants' store that sold all kinds of things, including weapons. It certainly looked promising from the outside. When I entered, I first noticed the enormous variety of products that were sold here. Be it weapons, clothes, devices, souvenirs, or elixirs, everything was available. Since the whole store was full of such things, it seemed a bit crowded.

At the cash register, I saw an older man who was arranging one of his shelves. Without wasting much time, I went to him. When he noticed me, he greeted me.

"Hello, what can I do for you?" the older man asked me.

I just took the pirate's gun out of my pocket and placed it on the counter. "Do you know what this gun is about?"

The merchant looked a bit surprised before taking the weapon into his hand to examine it more closely. He twisted and turned it while examining it closely. After about a minute, he spoke again.

"Where did you get this weapon?" the merchant asked me, looking deeply into my eyes.

I decided to just tell the truth instead of lying. I told him about the pirate attack and how they carried such weapons. During my explanation, he said nothing the whole time. Only when I finished did he speak again.

"So that's how it is. It makes sense that pirates have such weapons. Normal people can't even get their hands on them," he explained.

This statement only worried me more. What does he mean by normal people can't get their hands on these weapons? Were the weapons only created for criminals?

"What's the deal with these weapons now?" I asked again, but this time with a more serious tone.

"These are test models of the latest cosmo weapons invention. So far, they are only available on the black market. I believe that soon they will be presented to the public and will be available to everyone," the merchant told me.

All my bad suspicions were right. Although I did not want to believe it, now there was no doubt. The council intends to show these weapons to the public. The fact that they have only sold them on the black market until now also shows that they are not interested in who can get their hands on these weapons. In fact, it seems that they even want criminals, like pirates, to use these weapons. But why would the council do such a thing? This question tormented me all the time. I just couldn't think of any real reason. It is obvious that the disadvantages outweighed the advantages.

"Why would they do such a thing? These weapons obviously don't bode well!" I said, clearly annoyed.

The merchant noticed it but said nothing about it.

"There are many reasons why the sale of such weapons is worthwhile," the merchant said. I looked at him skeptically, but he continued, "For one thing, it makes a lot of money. I, as a trader, know what makes money, so I also know that these weapons will be in great demand. A weapon that lets you use cosmo's powers, even though you are completely incapable of using them yourself, will be one hundred percent well received."

If you look at it just from an economic standpoint, he's right, of course. I can also very well imagine which huge amounts of money will be generated by these weapons. However, this is still no reason to take such a risk. Society will suffer from such weapons in the long run.

Not only will the threat of criminals become greater, but normal citizens would also resort to such weapons in order to defend themselves from these criminals. If it then comes to conflicts, they will automatically take on a more dangerous scale. People can more easily lose their lives. The fear that will arise from such events will destroy society.

"No matter how much money it brings, you can't bring such weapons into society. It is far too unpredictable how the citizens will deal with such weapons," I defended my point of view.

"I agree with you, but apparently the council doesn't care about that. They must have a greater goal, which justifies endangering their society," the merchant spoke, suddenly looking even more serious.

"A greater goal?" I asked immediately. I could hardly hide my doubts and wondered what he meant.

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"Yes, namely war."

A war? Utopia is supposed to be planning a war? That can't be!

"It can't be. Is there any conclusive conclusion that gave you this idea?" I asked while trying not to get emotional.

"Think about it. If you mass-produce these new weapons, your military will be enormously strengthened. The military of the Republic is already very strong, but if you mass-produce these weapons they become a great power. Men who because of little cosmo energy couldn't participate in war will now fight on the front lines," the merchant told me.

He was right, these weapons will make the military stronger. But that doesn't automatically mean that you want to start a war with that military.

"A stronger military makes a country better able to defend itself," I countered.

He just nodded before speaking, "That's true, but it also lets you attack better. For me, however, there is a much stronger reason."

"What's that?"

"The cooperation with the Istavil Empire."

I had heard about this, but I thought it was just a rumor. But apparently, it was true.

"As I'm sure the whole world knows, Istavil doesn't mean anything good. They are the warrior nation itself, and they will not stop fighting wars until they have subjugated the whole world. And the republic has allied itself with this nation, albeit not quite officially."

"Explain what you mean by not quite officially."

"The Republic supplied Istavil with cosmo weapons and skilled scientists to help them in the war against Ustevia. As a result, Istavil won the great war a year ago and became a superpower. But no one knows why the Republic did that. There must have been some kind of contract or something so that the republic had some huge benefits, but nothing was made official. That's why I was talking about it is not official," the merchant explained to me.

Everybody knows about the bitter war of Istavil against Ustevia, which lasted for several years. But only a year ago Istavil won, probably with the help of the Republic. When I left the country the war was still in full swing, but there were no signs that the Republic was going to interfere. What was happening in the country? I can't imagine that the citizens would accept such decisions of the council without proper justification.

"That the Republic has negotiated with Istavil is certainly true. But I believe that in return, they signed a no-attack pact to protect themselves from the ever-increasing threat of Istavil," that was my answer.

To me, that made the most sense. The fact that they strengthened their military is probably an insurance policy in case Istavil breaks their promise or in case other nations attack.

"I came to that conclusion, too. But that was only before I, myself was in Utopia. When I arrived in Utopia I felt that something was wrong. At first glance, it had the image of a perfect country, far ahead of the rest of the world, but something was off. I can't really describe it, but it seemed that something was wrong with the citizens. And that must be the fault of the council. That's why I think that they are planning something in secret. And that is definitely war!"

I could not really comprehend his words. It did not seem as if he was lying, but he didn't make much sense either. His reason was a strange feeling, that's why I didn't understand him. However, I could not deny him completely. It was a fact that something happened with the council. Their behavior lately did not match with what I knew before. But these were all just assumptions. I have to go to Utopia to confirm it.

I talked a little with the merchant before I then disappeared. The matter with the cosmo weapon had already been dealt with so I didn't have anything else to do. I thought about what happened to my home, while I walked through the streets. It was afternoon and I still had time before I was supposed to meet Damion again. Therefore I decided to go out for a meal. The rest of the time I just spent exploring the city.



After I met up with Jane again at the harbor, we looked for a place to stay. We quickly found an Inn where we could spend the night. This time there were no special incidents. We spent the night in peace.

The day of departure arrived and we were already on the way to the port. The cruise lasts only one day, that is very soon we would arrive in the Republic. But we would not arrive in Utopia immediately, so we would have to travel from the city we arrive in, to Utopia. Jane told me that this trip would not take too long.

After we showed our tickets, we were allowed on the ship. It was a normal passenger ship with many travelers. The long-awaited trip finally began and I only hoped that we would not be attacked by pirates again. But I did not see that pirates would want to attack a passenger ship. There were no goods they could capture.

The trip flew by and I could already see our destination. The land of scientists could be seen in the distance. Soon I would arrive there. My heart suddenly began to race, while I mentally prepared myself. Back there are the people who brought me into this world. If I find them I can go back. Yes, soon I will be back in my world!

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