COSMOS WILL: Hell in another world

Chapter 27: Chapter 27: The absolute council

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Chapter 27

this is a fictional story by realTensai

"There's something wrong with the citizens!" spoke Jane, somewhat overwhelmed.

But she was right, something was wrong. All those we had questioned so far, stubbornly insisted that the council was perfect. That a few people have this opinion can be understandable, but that every single person has this opinion is simply improbable. The council must have done something to the citizens.

This also became slowly painfully conscious to Jane. The probability that the council was up to bad things, after all, increased more and more.

Jane explained to me that she had learned that the council was planning a war. At first, I didn't believe her but now I'm not sure either.

Anyway, getting information about the council is getting even more difficult than I thought. We can't question the citizens, which means that we will have to get our knowledge in some other way.

"What are we supposed to do? The people here don't spit out anything and behave in a very conspicuous manner. I don't think we'll get very far with citizen questioning," I told Jane my view.

Jane was currently in a bit of turmoil, because of the current course of events. You could tell she was no longer in the best of moods. But that was understandable. She arrived back home after a long time and learns, that something was not right with the people here. This should be quite a shock.

"To be honest, I don't know what to do anymore either. Let me think about something," she spoke bitterly. But before I could say anything, someone shouted her name.

"Jane! Jane, it's you, isn't it?!" screamed a female voice, coming closer and closer.

Turning around, we recognized a young woman no older than twenty. She was wearing a white coat and had black hair. She also had glasses on.

"Mia?" said Jane a little hesitantly. But the girl named Mia just started smiling and took Jane in her arms.

"Yes, it's me. How nice to have you back!" spoke Mia, while one or two tears of joy escaped from her. Jane, after the hug, now also began to loosen up and become a little happier. It was immediately apparent that these two must have been old friends. After they had calmed down a bit, their conversation began.

"It's been a long time Mia, I'm glad to see you're still doing well," spoke Jane.

"I guess I should say that, you just disappeared back then. You didn't even let me know!"

So Jane just disappeared back then?

"I'm sorry, there was a lot going on back then," Jane apologized a bit guiltily. Mia immediately realized that Jane felt guilty and apologized as well.

"No, I'm sorry. That was tactless of me. I know exactly what happened to your family and I shouldn't have said something like that," said Mia, who felt guilty this time.

"No, it's okay, but if possible I wouldn't want to talk about this subject anymore," spoke Jane a little coldly.

You could see that Mia wanted to speak about this topic some more but for Jane's sake, she didn't. But this only made me more curious. I usually ignore things that don't concern me, but I still don't know anything about Jane.

In the course of our journey, I got to know her character better and now I know roughly how she tick, but I know nothing about her past. I knew that her whole family is dead, but I didn't want to dig any further. But slowly I want to know more about Jane the person.

"We haven't seen each other for so long, tell Mia how are you? How is life going?" Jane started to smoothly change the topic of conversation.

Mia responded and they started talking about all kinds of things.  They talked about what they had been doing in the meantime and what they had experienced. Mia also asked if I was Jane's boyfriend, but we quickly explained that it was a misunderstanding. Yet somehow I had the feeling that Mia did not want to believe us. They were talking about their latest research results when they started to talk about their childhood.

"Jane, you were always a genius, no one could hold a candle to you in cosmo science," Mia admired, reminiscing.

Jane smiled just slightly before saying, "Oh, now you're exaggerating. I was a little above average at best."

"Wow, you can save your embarrassment. Everyone knew that you were a talent that only comes every century. By the time you were 15, you were already accepted to the biggest cosmo science university in the world and at the age of 16, you had already developed a rune! It was only a matter of time before you would have been accepted into the council and would have followed the footsteps of your father."

"Don't ever say that again! I don't have a father!" Jane spoke suddenly with a murderousness which she so only let loose in her fights.

She spoke calmly, yet her words had a coldness that made someone wince. Mia suddenly began to tremble and fear, but when Jane noticed this she suppressed her murderousness. It was not her intention to threaten Mia.

"I'm sorry Mia, as I said before, I don't want to talk about this topic," Jane explained.

What happened in Jane's past? I knew that Jane was a gifted cosmo scientist, but I didn't realize she was such a genius. And apparently, she was even talented enough to become a part of the council later. That is amazing!

But what impressed me the most was the fact that Jane developed a rune at the age of 16. Only the most skilled cosmo scientists in the world can create runes and Jane did it at the age of 16. She is truly a genius.

But then there was the matter of her family and her father. I don't know exactly what happened, but I was beginning to get a rough idea. If I combine all the things I know, I conclude that her whole family died and she left the country as a result. I don't know how her family died, but most likely it was not a normal death. But the fact that she reacted so extremely only at the mention of her father, suggested that he may have had something to do with the death of the family.

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Of course, these were only assumptions, which I could not confirm without inquiring, however, Jane has already made it clear that this topic was taboo and I would not bring it up because of that. However, there was a thought that was much too conclusive to be purely a coincidence. If it were true, it would explain many things. But if it really were true, I wouldn't know whether I could trust Jane. It was a thought that could not be true under any circumstances.

"S-Sorry Jane, that just slipped out," Mia apologized, still shaking a little.

Jane accepted the apology and they continued their conversation, but you could tell it wasn't the same anymore. As the conversation drew to a close, I whispered to Jane, "Ask her about her opinion of the council."

Jane nodded and immediately understood. Mia was an old friend of Jane, moreover, during the conversation, she also acted normal. Her opinion of the council should give us a definitive answer as to whether all citizens really think the council is perfect.

"Before we go, I have one more question," Jane began, "What is your honest opinion of the current council?"

Mia was visibly surprised. You couldn't say that she was getting nervous, but she was already getting a little anxious. "Why do you ask?"

"Lately I've been hearing some bad rumors about the council so I wanted to confirm whether they were true or not," Jane explained.

Now Mia was clearly getting nervous. She looked to her left and right to make sure no one was listening before she spoke, "You guys better stop right now! Anyone who questions the council or does any research awaits a bad fate!" Mia spoke softly so that only we could hear.

A bad fate?

"What? It can't be Mia! Is the council threatening the citizens?!" Jane asked, horrified.

Mia was now in a panic. Drenched in sweat, she looked around to make sure that no one heard even a fraction of this conversation.  From her extreme fear, I already knew she was telling the truth earlier.

"J-Jane, I'm sorry, but I'm going to leave now. The council hears everything. Don't defy the council under any circumstances!"

Before we could answer anything, Mia disappeared. Jane called after her, but she did not answer. Now we stood here left behind in the middle of Utopia.

"What the hell was that?!" spoke Jane loudly.

"Now the answers from the previous citizens make sense," I replied.

It seems like the council is threatening the citizens. Any doubts about the council are erased by force. The citizens are aware of this, that's why they all answered that the council is perfect. Apparently, the council also hears everything, so the citizens were under constant surveillance.

All this sounded so surreal that even after seeing such reactions I still doubted the credibility of these statements. How should the council manage to monitor everyone? And how can it be that every citizen knows that doubts about the council will be punished? Did the council announce it publicly or were rebels killed so that everyone would know? Then why don't all the citizens rebel together to overthrow the council? So many questions buzzed through my head, and without a real answer, I could only doubt that the council really does such things.

But even without the necessary evidence, I knew that something was wrong with the council. What exactly it was I still had to find out.

"Do you believe what Mia told you?" I asked Jane.

Jane was still confused at the moment, yet she answered, "Mia wouldn't lie, that's for sure. And when you combine all the facts, the answer is clear. Even if it's hard to take," Jane explained bitterly.

Good thing Jane can still think objectively. With my question I wanted to confirm whether Jane's connection with her homeland would affect her judgment. But it seems that I had worried unnecessarily.

"What now? Do you have any idea how to get to the council?"

"I honestly have no idea. Unless it's a special occasion, it's actually impossible to meet the council. Just running into them is also impossible, since the council members live in a district in the air to which ordinary citizens are not allowed to enter at all," explained Jane somewhat perplexed.

Normally, I would panic and desperately look for ways, but I already had an idea. However, it was a very risky idea that could cost me my life.

"Jane, you believe in what Mia said, don't you?"

"Yes, that's what I said earlier. Why do you ask?"

"Well, Mia also said that anyone who investigated the council met a bad fate? I think that these people were most likely kidnapped by the council and then met their terrible fate."

Jane suddenly began to understand what I meant and her facial expression darkened.

"You're not planning something stupid, are you?!"

Apparently, she understood.

"I'm going to keep investigating until the council kidnaps me. That's how I automatically get to them!"

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