Country Isekai!

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: In Between

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Bullets passed through the air.


Artillery barrages lay destruction 

Attack! For the motherland!

Soldiers charge against each other's necks.

Ahh! My leg!

My eyes!


Ahh! My dic—!

And cries of pain and agony dominated the outskirts of James City in the Republic of Verdovastya as their neighboring country, the Kingdom of Astal, stage a sudden invasion of 150,000 men, tanks, warplanes, and war valkyries into the country.

Caught up by surprise, the Astalians captured the westernmost region of Verdovastya, the invasion continues for Astal Kingdom until they reach the outskirts of James City where a force of 80,000 Verdovastyans awaits for them and already entrenched, prepared various traps and more.

With superior numbers, the Supreme Commander of the Astal Kingdom's Expansionary Army, General Commander Gio del Fabio, had a smug look on his face, personally appointed by the king to lead the army to invade, pillage, and conquer the neighboring country of Verdovastya whose been prospering faster than the kingdom since it's the formation around 70 years ago.

While he hates to admit it, they are doing too well in commerce and technology which attracts a lot of foreign investors, prospering the nation, meanwhile, the kingdom was left behind with its outdated technology and economic policy, and he personally hated the House of Nobility and the Ministry of Industry and Trade for neglecting the commerce and education so much that they are being left behind by some new kid.

Nevertheless, General Gio hated the republic for its audacity to compete with his nation, once he gets over these vermins, he will personally petition a massive reform in the kingdom, it will not be easy, but him in charge of the expansionary army which is the largest in the kingdom, and the fact that he leads the House of Fabio, a powerful ducal house, "Everything will be easy." he grins.

"But first, let's focus on obliterating these pests."

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Confusion, Betrayal, and Anger, those are the expression displayed by Prime Minister Igor Chadman, the head of government of the Verdovastya Republic.

He is inside the War Hall, a massive room, filled with the top officers of the Verdovastya Defense Military, he carefully observes a large map, there he saw the kingdom's expansionary army invading with 150,000 soldiers, currently, in the area of James City where the major battle is being fought, a stalemate ensued between two forces, while some battles also occurred in the north and southern border.

"By the looks of it, the enemies are trying to break through to James City, it is clear that they want to access the major roads in the region, it will be easier for them to march into the capital by controlling the said roads, as well as our newly built railway system, unfortunately, including James City, other cities and region behind it are our financial districts which are connected to the major roads, to the North is the Calliope City, our largest port is there and our only region that has access to the sea, to the south is the Great Windy Plains, our major agriculture hub, the country's breadbasket, and finally, the eastern regions, our financial districts. The only reason the enemy didn't target the two major regions is that it is protected by the natural geography, to the north is the Grey Mountain Range stretching from Calliope City to James City, and the Great Verde Forest, an untamed, thick, and wild forest that also stretches from James City to the Great Windy Plains." Major General Hans Lindbergh explained.

"As I said, the only way to attack us is by bypassing the city of James, I don't think our enemies would be so bold to sacrifice tens of thousands of men, equipment, and resources to trek the geography of the north and south border, so as what we assume, they will prioritize on capturing James City."

Prime Minister Chadman asked, "We have 80,000 soldiers, fully prepared in that city with more reinforcement coming on the way, it will be a battle of attrition, as expected, the kingdom still uses old military tactics based on how they move which is favor us greatly, we have also superior weapons and much higher quality versions of their valkyries, our winged elites. What is worrying though, is that despite us being one step ahead in technology and warfare, they still have a huge amount of manpower and military resources, if they wanted, they could continue pushing with so many losses since we have limited resources and funds as a new country, what is more, concerning though..."

"Is their intentions," a bald officer, Chief of the Verdovastya Defense Military, General Volkrad Steelander, interjected, "Although they have superior numbers of soldiers and all, we have much better equipment and trained soldiers, personally trained by our chosen instructors who we sent in various countries to observe their tactics and training regime. It seems the kingdom is up to something, I don't think they are stupid enough to continue the war despite knowing there would be more drawbacks and losses." 

Everyone in the room agrees, the head of the Republic Intelligence Committee, Director Percey Balleroy took the moment to speak, "The reports and information we gathered in our committee say that the kingdom is most likely waiting for something, we were unable to get any further information as any reports regarding it was kept closed. What we found interesting though is that apparently, a vast army camp was seen in our borders between us and the Folkland-Garcia Commonwealth, we have sent some spies for espionage, we should get a report about a week from now."

Prime Minister Chadman nodded, it seems nothing to be worried about for now, as long as they hold the kingdom, everything should be fine, but he was still wary.

What he found odd though is the activity shown by the Folkland-Garcia Commonwealth, they are a newly established nation just 15 years ago, and now that he thinks about it, the Commonwealth had close ties with the Raven Empire, as he thought about it, Chadman's eyes suddenly widened, that's right, Commonwealth was a puppet created to be a buffer zone between the Empire and Frankish Empire, and now, knowing that it might actually Raven Empire's soldier's housing those military camps, the Prime Minister stood from his position and attention was onto him, before he spoke, a young female officer burst into the meeting hall, a hint of fear visible on her face, "Pardon my rudeness sirs! I have a very important report, a force of 300,000 soldiers is currently marching from the Folkland-Garcia Commonwealth to our in the territory in the Great Windy Plains! It was confirmed to be the Raven Empire's Expeditionary Field Army led by the Empire's hero himself, Grand Marshal Kareem vex Deerhouse!"

As the officer finished reporting, everyone froze from a very shocking news.

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