Court Marriage

Chapter 23: 23

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Ch23 - Burst of Emotions

“All right, ahaha!”

Qiao Yingxuan was not annoyed when he had been glared at. But instead, he only thought about how the Gong family’s didi was so adorable. Along the way, he made a long whistle. As soon as they successfully lost their pursuers, Qiao Yingxuan slowed their pace until they ended up in a forest. He then immediately took out his bow and arrow from the horse’s side and gave it to Gong Zhuoliang so he could start teaching him how to shoot an arrow. 

Gong Zhuoliang pushed away the bow and arrow that was about to be given to him, “Will you please put me down first? It would be uncomfortable in this way.”

He shifted his sitting position to the side with his leg raised; but just as when he was about to hop down on the ground, Qiao Yingxuan quickly assisted him with deft hands. Gong Zhuoliang was so glad he hadn’t ‘prostrated’ right on that spot.



“I fear that your bones might break….”

As soon as his feet touched the ground, Gong Zhuoliang realized that he almost couldn’t feel his body now. But he didn’t want Qiao Yingxuan to assist him further so he sat directly on the nearby stone. He was not afraid of catching a cold because of his thick clothes. 

“Horse racing is so enjoyable, right Zhuoliang? After this, Gege will take you out more to play in the future.”


Qiao Yingxuan placed the bow and arrow on the ground, then squatted in front of Gong Zhuoliang, giving him a smile that is so bright and candid that one wouldn’t be able to say anything to criticize him.

“Thank you Qiao Er-ge, but I wouldn’t be staying here in Bo City for long. First of all, I only came here to visit my Jiejie, and secondly, I only have a little money on me. Since I’m here, I would have to ask my brother-in-law for assistance so I can quickly buy a state of my own and a farm. After all this, I would start traveling for pleasure.”

Gong Zhuoliang swore that he would do anything to avoid this hot-blooded young man as much as possible in the future― though it is certain that this guy might seek him out to play with him. Right now, his big brother might be really worrying about himself already! But Gong Zhuoliang couldn’t be honest and say these words to Qiao Yingxuan, so right now, he was devastated.


Qiao Yingxuan was extremely astonished, and the smile on his face gradually disappeared. Continuing to squat right in front of Gong Zhuoliang, he looked at him with both confusion and worry.

“Why do you have to leave right now, ne? You’re still so young, how are you so composed right now?”

Gong Zhuoliang feigned a dejected smile, while inside, he’s still plotting just how he should be able to make this young man lose interest in him and let him go back to the hot spring right this instant. He just didn’t want to stay here any longer.


“Since Qiao Er-ge is eager to know about my matters, then how could I still continue staying in Bo city, ne?” 

After all, he really isn’t a little boy inside. Qiao Yingze might be really already worried about him back home, and yet he’s still here, heartlessly hunting birds to have fun.

“About this ….. it’s just, every family has their own problems to face,” Qiao Yingxuan lightly said then sighed, before turning around to sit on the stone beside Gong Zhuoliang. “In fact, I’ve also always dreamed of leaving home to travel around for pleasure, but my worries for my Mother and Gege was the thing that’s been still keeping me from doing it. And my Mother will definitely not allow me to do so.”

He then reached out for Gong Zhuoliang and then hugged him, rubbing his shoulders to give him comfort.

Gong Zhuoliang squinted his eyes towards those hands on his shoulders, then casually responded to him. “…Is that so?” 

He was still thinking about how he should urge him to take him back, when suddenly, he heard the approaching relaxed clip-clops of a horse. At the same time, he saw a dashing young man who should be around 23 or 24 years old, coming over to them on a horseback. As soon as they were only a hundred steps away from each other, he hopped off his horse. He hesitated at first whether to approach them or not, before he finally came over to them while holding his horse. After that, he began to salute them, calling out Second Master and then Master’s little Brother-in-Law.

Gong Zhuoliang used this opportunity to speak to the youth in order to stand up from the rock and created some distance between him and Qiao Yingxuan. When he heard the other party calling him “Master’s little Brother-in-law”, he guessed that this must be one of Qiao Yingze’s followers.

“Aren’t you one of the bodyguards of the Qiao Family? Tell me your name?”

When Gong Zhuoliang was married to the Qiao Family, he never had the chance to see the appearances of the said family’s bodyguards and servants since he was still inside the palanquin, dressed as the bride. But he didn’t expected them to look well-bred. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“This servant is called Shi Kang,” replied Shi Kang in a flat and submissive manner, without any shred of scorn towards the young man right in of him nor to his low family background.

Xbcu Itebiljcu jaafcalnfis wfjregfv eq atf sbecu wjc lc ogbca bo tlw, rfmgfais qgjlrlcu tlw lc tlr tfjga, yfobgf tf aegcfv jgbecv ab Hljb Tlcuzejc jujlc jcv rqbxf ab tlw klat j rwlif.


“Tbeg Vtl Bjcu, jigluta… etw.. Hljb Sg-uf, rffwr ilxf P tjv ab teggs bea atlr alwf. Ciatbeut P wsrfio lr jigfjvs jkjgf tbk sbe lcmgfvlyis fzmfiifv ja tbgrf glvlcu jcv tecalcu, cfnfgatfifrr, P ralii kbggs jybea ws Alfplf yjmx lc atf lccfg mbegasjgv ktb wluta yf jirb jigfjvs kbggslcu obg wf. P vbc’a kjca tfg ab offi ragfrrfv jcs ibcufg rb P atlcx kf rtbeiv yf ublcu yjmx cbk. Pc atf oeaegf, P’ii regfis olcv jc bqqbgaeclas ab qijs klat sbe jujlc, yea obg cbk P cffv ab gfjrregf ws Alfplf”

Right now, there were more people who were capable of riding horses. Since there was now a servant who was much more reliable than the hot-blooded Qiao Yingxuan, Gong Zhuoliang wouldn’t ride on his horse anymore. Instead, he would just allow Shi Kang to take him back. 

Qiao Yingxuan was still warming up at that time and was only waiting for the right time to show-off his skills to Gong Zhuoliang. When he heard that Gong Zhuoliang wanted to go back now, naturally, he didn’t want him to.

“You shouldn’t have been worrying about that when we’re just about to have fun, ne. You just fret too much. You’re like those little daughter-in-laws who always had to oblige to their Mother-in-law”***

Laughing in his heart, he just thought how he’s only so young yet he still had to anxiously look back when they were just about to play.

Although Gong Zhuoliang already expected that Qiao Yingxuan would definitely be unwilling to go back, it was not his duty to coax this kid. 

“Qiao Er-ge is wrong, my jiejie truly treats me well. If she’s that worried about me, naturally, I should immediately go back and console her. How could I still go have fun, even knowing that my jiejie is already perturbed back there? If Er-ge is still unwilling to return, then this Xiao-di will not stop you. I could only have Shi Kang take me back first”

After this, if Qiao Yingxuan actually stopped hanging out with him, then that would have saved him and Qiao Yingze a lot of trouble.

Qiao Yingxuan saw that Gong Zhuoliang is truly unhappy, he quickly stopped teasing him and instantly lowered down his head;

“Zhuoliang-didi, please don’t be offended. This Gege admits that he’s been rude and impetuous to you, so I’ll come with you right this instant and go apologize to my Sister-in-law,” he apologized wholeheartedly.. 

Qiao Yingxuan has a candid and magnanimous character. After he had been lectured right in front of his face, rather than taking offense to it, Qiao Yingxuan was even more amused towards this little ancestor who dared to lecture him like this. Since they both currently lived in Zhuangzi, after having a proper conversation with his Sister-in-law, he would definitely take Zhuoliang didi with him this time.

Qiao Yingxuan’s direct apology really made Gong Zhuoliang feel a little embarrassed. In actuality, he really wanted to make a big fuss, but wasn’t it really common for young boys in every family to crack jokes with each other, ah? Well, who let his family’s little husband to possess a nature that frets so easily, ne? He could only apologize back to his little fellow Qiao.

“It’s fine. In any case, Xiao-di has been very disrespectful towards you. He knows that Qiao Er-ge only meant good for him…. Well then, let’s head back together, ba.”

“All right” 

After Qiao Yingxuan said this, he immediately stood up and climbed back onto his horse, before he reached out for Gong Zhuoliang and pulled him up to make him sit in front of him.


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Gong Zhuoliang hesitated, unsure whether to accept Qiao Yingxuan’s invitation. Then he glanced towards the silent Shi Kang who remained standing behind them, before he finally accepted Qiao Yingxuan’s hand and allowed himself to be lifted up.

Gong Zhuoliang knew that his little husband would be really unhappy to see him riding on Qiao Yingxuan’s horse. But in this state, wouldn’t it make him more irrational if he further disgraced Qiao Yingxuan? Besides, Qiao Yingxuan’s straightforward apology regained some of Gong Zhuoliang’s good impression of him. 

On their way back, Qiao Yingxuan did not make his horse gallop like he’d done on his way to the forest. Although this pace was nice, Gong Zhuoliang was very concerned about Qiao Yingze. But he couldn’t rush them at all, so he could only keep quiet and suffered internally with his worries about Qiao Yingze.

As for this bodyguard named Shi Kang, he was neither fast nor slow as he silently followed behind Qiao Yingxuan’s horse. His attention was all focused onto the two people in front of him― bracing himself up, and making sure he was alert for anything.



“Tell me. What is happening?” 

After he had ordered Ruo Lan to close the door behind them, Qiao Yingze endured the dizziness right after he heard this news from outside, and slowly sat down on the divan with both of his hands leaning on the table to support himself. Then he looked up and stared coldly at Qiao Ming and Han Shu who knelt on the ground.

Qiao Ming signaled with his eyes to Han Shu that she should not be afraid, before he crawled forward to Qiao Yingze, slightly leaning in and nervously watching their Young Master’s pallid complexion.

“Answering the Young Master’s questions. When this servant was just instructing our Young Madam about the horses, out of nowhere, the Second Young Master rushed his horse towards us and suddenly grabbed the Young Madam and galloped away. When the servants finally came to their senses, they were already so far away and no one could catch up to them… Young Master, this lowly servant suggests you do not get agitated. After all, Young Master’s health is more important here.”

As for the indirect accusations against the second Young Master when he had spoken his lines, Qiao Ming was simply narrating the real situation to him. He really had no choice but to explain it in that way. After all, the Young Master gave Young Madam permission to wander around while wearing the men’s attire. If the story made it appear that the Young Madam had made inappropriate actions, it could be interpreted that the Young Master was the one to have made a bad decision. 

The Young Madam is their Young Master’s little darling, so it was inappropriate for the servants to say anything. The relationship between their Young Master and the second Young Master wasn’t close. If the story was told this way,, their Young Master would not blame himself this time.


These past few days, Qiao Yingze had not taken a good rest for once. In addition to his bad condition that has not been cured yet, listening to his servant’s words recently made him very agitated that it instantly made him dizzy. Leaning his elbows on the table, he supported his aching head with his hands, and subconsciously began to imagine Gong Zhuoliang in Qiao Yingxuan’s arms as they rode the horse.

Will Zhuo Zhuo feel scared? 

How is the horsemanship of his younger brother?

Will Zhuo Zhuo accidentally fall off him?

What if an animal suddenly ran past them, and it startled the horse? Would his younger brother be able to protect Zhuo zhuo?

Or perhaps….. They were having a good time, and his Zhuo Zhuo found that he prefered hanging out with his younger brother because his character is more likable, just like how everyone preferred his younger brother more.. 

Perhaps…. Zhuo Zhuo wanted to live a wanton and unrestrained life, and would regret staying with him as a woman again…

As soon as Han Shu saw Qiso Yingze’s tight face and his fists balled up so tightly, she knew that her family’s Young Master had fixated himself on some nonsensical thoughts. In the past, whenever their Young Master started fretting over some trifling matters, his depression would always lead him to another illness.

“Young Master! Please stop! Young Master!”

What should she do now? 

Young Madam, please come back quickly!

Qiao Ming also hastily followed suit to persuade him, “That’s right Young Master! Besides, the second Young Master excels in martial arts. He might only be the Young Madam for a horse ride, so everything should be fine.”


However, in his heart, Qiao Ming felt rather uncomfortable. To others, this simply looked like the second Young Master hanging out with Young Madam’s little brother. Although this is not a taboo at all, Qiao Ming knew that the “little brother” was actually their Young Madam.

On the surface it looked like the brother-in-law and the sister-in-law purposefully stirred up trouble for the Young Master. This really made Qiao Ming feel uncomfortable and indignant. Imagine what the Young Master felt right now – to be extremely angry and yet not knowing who and where to vent it. Qiao Ming thought that the Young Master must feel really miserable right now. 

When Ruo Lan saw the tensed appearance of Han Shu and Qiao Ming, she also became apprehensive. Especially because she was most concerned about the situation of her own Master right now. So Ruo Lan had hesitated for a while before finally deciding to go along with Han Shu and the others, and altogether, they persuaded their Young Master.

Ruo Lan said the words that Gong Zhuoliang told her to say if she saw that his husband started to worry, “Young Master-in-law, our Young Lady will feel distressed if she sees you like this.”

In any case, at least she was telling the truth.

It has to be said that Ruo Lan’s persuasion was more effective than the words of the other two. Qiao Yingze’s body quivered as he took a deep breath, then he slowly opened his mouth to speak. 

“….. All right, I’m fine now. Qiao Ming, you go inform the rest to search for them as soon as possible.”

When Gong Zhuoliang told him that he wanted to go outside dressed in that men’s attire, Qiao Yingze thought of various negative consequences. In the end, he still agreed. He knew that he should have faith in his little wife. In fact, he really wanted to trust him…. as a result…

Both Qiao Ming and Han Shu quietly let out a sigh of relief. Han Shu even casted a thankful glance at Ruo Lan. So long as their Young Master is still willing to speak, this proved enough that he had not ended up in a blind alley, and this matter wouldn’t become grave.

“All right, Young Master.” 

After Qiao Ming left the room, Qiao Yingze silently sat back down on the divan. Although his taut and heavy expression finally disappeared, he now fell into a state of absentmindedness. As though there was absolutely nothing in his mind, but he only seemed to be waiting for something….

Glancing at each other, Han Shu and Ruo Lan stood at Qiao Yingze’s side and silently accompanied him with their heads lowered. The room was silent for more than half an hour, until Qiao Ming finally rushed in and reported to them that they were back. Before they even had time to do anything, Qiao Yingze instantly bolted out of his seat, and with a flick of his sleeves, he rushed out of the room.

Although they were startled, the two girls followed behind them but they couldn’t casually leave the courtyard. The two could only stop halfway and helplessly watch Qiao Ming as he chased after Qiao Yingze to help support him.

“Young Master! Young Master, please slow down a bit!” 

Qiao Ming trotted and managed to catch up with Qiao Yingze who had a very cold expression on his face. In his heart, he screamed― They would certainly suffer soon! It seems like the Young Master is planning to punish the second Young Master after this. If the Madam caught wind of it, their Young Master would surely suffer soon!

When Qiao Yingze arrived in front of the gate, he saw a group of servants that were all already gathered outside Zhuangzi, as well as the approaching Gong Zhuoliang and Qiao Yingxuan who are both currently riding on a horse. It seems like the servants had rushed back first in order to report the news.


Then Qiao Yingze saw the two people riding atop the horse. His brisk steps abruptly stopped right in front of the threshold, and he stood rigidly in the spot. But before his heart had the moment to sink down, he saw Gong Zhuoliang rush to hop off the horse despite Qiao Yingxuan’s hold on him. He immediately rushed towards him and called out, “Brother-in-law!”

Qiao Yingze wanted to move his feet and meet him, but these strange unfamiliar feelings told him not to. Gong Zhuoliang jumped over to him and embraced him around his waist, whispering something in Qiao Yingze’s ears; and Qiao Yingze, who had his eyes on Qiao Yingxuan’s dumbfounded face, looked away from him with a shallow smile.


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