
Chapter 1: … Ninjas?

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Marai arrived to class a few minutes later than usual, much to her dismay, and already had to witness the insanity of her class.

Today, the boys were doing yet another little something that would likely include the teacher getting hit in the crossfire and a real load of detention to all of the morons.

Mirai wouldn't have any pity for them, it was only a matter of time.

As such, Mirai decided to be safe and sit on the windowsill of the hallway, the sliding doors to class 10B and 10C sliding open as two Boys slid out, one from each door and faced off in the hallway.

Their hands flying in odd shapes, their friends throwing oddly drawn papers on the ground as the boys finished the handshapes and slammed their palms on the papers as they screamed "Summoning Jutsu!"

Mirai wanted to facepalm as a few boys joined the fray, jumping and sliding of of the doors standing behind their "summoners", green paper cut outs thrown out along them and not a moment after their shoes stopped sliding, paper shurikens were thrown at the opposing side.

Konar from 1B and a blonde, hopping onto the wide windowsill to run with a broom in hand.

The female student already saw the disaster coming, leaning back with all the grace and practice of someone who grew up with these morons since kindergarten, avoiding the boy, near man running in front of her and twirling the broom around like it was a viable weapon while throwing it at the group of boys.

What did it say about the class that the boys playing all dodged with serious looks while Anna, who was just arriving, casually leaned to the side and slid in door 10B, hand stretched out to catch the broom mid flight and fling it back at Konar, only to be caught by the opposing side, Narou gripping the red broom handle with unholy glee.

Mirai leaned back a bit and out of the window, stabilizing herself on the window frame and glance at the big clock displaying the time: 9:50.

She hopped off the windowsill and stood straight, hands folded over her legs as she saw a figure strolling down the hall, dodging to the side and away from Narou with all the practised ease of someone who had done the broom-is-spinny-weapon dance one too many times..

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Suffice to say, as the broom flew once more, this time crashing into someones face with a resounding crack, she wasn't surprised, casually walking to 10C's door and throwing her bag under her table with odd accuracy and a blase attitude to the whole situation.

Her classmate and seat-desk casually hung her bag on the rack under the table while quietly revising a book, a green paper stuck in her hair.


Their new substitute teacher had arrived, he was quite new, not even broken in yet, and already with a throbbing, likely broken, nose.

Narou screamed " Amenotejikara!" Before throwing a handful of green paper at their teachers face, gunning it for the window, Mirai smirked, looking as their teacher was too preoccupied grabbing the boys next to him by the shirt to notice her spin around and-

Narou flew out the window with added force, the window being placed on the ground floor, landing with a loud thump as Mirai angelically lowered her foot and returned to her former position, sweetly calling.

"Sensei? May I ask to borrow the broom from Class 9A? Maybe we can fix the broom during handywork class too?" She asked evenly, her teacher looking at her like she was his saviour.

"Mirai, you're the balm of my soul, you are excused." He said, before rounding back on the boys.

Mirai smirked down the window as her childhood friend writhed in the bush, grinning maniacally down at him before leaving with a bounce in her step.

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