Creati Hero: All-Father

Chapter 29: Ch28- Celebration!

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A Big Shout Out for my first patron, Aaron! This chapter is extra for my first patron and I also decided to bring checkpoint system. For every 50 euros in my patreon I will publish another extra chapter monthly. 1 extra chapter for 50 euros, 2 for 100, 3 for 150... Thanks again, and peace! The advance chapter system is still active. You can read upto 20 advance chapter in my patreon page.


"He is truly amazing." Vlad King sighed as he sat back. "Such control and insight."

"Yeah, he almost didn't use his power at all. He just got over 40  points at half-time. That would qualify him." Nezu smiled as he looked  at the scores. "Most of the students would need almost half an hour to  beat this exam, and only one or two of them would reach more than 50  points."

"From the looks of it, Mokami will be the first."

"He earned first place with Rescue Points and Villain Points  separately. Together, he is just a monster." Eraser Head said with a  sigh.

They all knew that Mokami deserved to be the first place. His skills  were the real deal, and the boy's Quirk that could create anything was  truly versatile. If he was allowed to go to Yuuei, he would probably  become a great hero with the support of the tutors there.

"He is not only powerful but also a smart tactician. I bet that he  could see and calculate his every action as a whole and respond  accordingly." Eraser Head said his thoughts.

"He is a smart one, that is given. He would be a good candidate for my seat." Nezu agreed.
"Just like his sister, he is smart and powerful." Aizawa shook his head.

"Indeed, both of them are powerful. That girl got accepted into class  1-A already. She was at the top of the exam too. Smart, powerful, and  kind. The perfect heroine." Nezu said as he looked at Momo's picture.

"She is indeed a genius. I was surprised at the recommended exams,  but she still wasn't as good as the boy. Although ability-wise, they  should be on the same level, execution-wise, he is on another level."  Aizawa commented.

"Yeah, she is smart and powerful and he is great at using his power.  Both of them together can bring amazing changes to the battlefield."  Vlad King said.

"Though, separating them could also prove useful." A teacher said, "They could lead both classes."
"They are twin siblings." Nezu shook his head, "Separating them wouldn't do any good."

"A boy who creates anything he wants and a girl who creates anything  she wants. They are both hard to deal with, but together, they are  devastating."

"That's true. But think about how much they could change battles. The  speed of their creations and the power of their Quirks. They can match  most of the high-level heroes."

"Their potentials are limitless. They could go further, but in the  meantime, we should lead them to become the best hero they can be. Their  potential mustn't be wasted." Nezu replied.

"You are right. They are still students, but they will become top  Heroes and lead the next generation. If they had been born in our time,  they would have been great additions to the ranks." Vlad King smiled.

After discussing the champion of the event, teachers focused on other  students and evaluated them as well. There were a few bright ones that  caught their eyes, but since there were two freaks, they couldn't show  their true worth.

"Bakugo Katsuki is also good seed." Vlad King pointed at the screen  where a blonde boy was rocketing in the air toward a 3-pointer.  Explosion emitting from his hand was propelling him into the air. He had  great maneuverability in the air, and by blasting robots with  explosions, he earned almost as much as Mokami.

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"His temper is foul." Aizawa looked at the boy with scorn. "He is  bad-tempered, edgy, and vulgar. I can see that his Quirk affects his  personality, but it is not an excuse to be a scum."

"Despite his bad manners, he is good at heart. He truly becomes a  hero and adores All-Might. We should give him a chance, and educate him  for the better." Nezu commented.

"This boy is reckless, though." He then added, showing Izuku. He knew  the latter was All-Might's successor, but his indecisiveness and  self-harming style didn't look good on his resume.

Although this time around he performed better because of the minor  differences Mokami caused. Since he saved him from falling as they  entered the school, Izuku didn't try to bother Uraraka at the beginning  of the exam and had a more favorable spot, near the door. He was able to  spot a few 1-pointers before others could destroy them and was able to  incapacitate them without using his Quirk.

That alone wouldn't be enough to accept him, but when 0-pointers  arrived, he jumped just like he did in the anime to save a random boy  who was stuck under another robot.

"He has 0 control over his power. What was he doing for years?" Aizawa asked, dissatisfied.

"According to this, he was Quirkless until last year," Nezu said as he pulled out a document.
"Oh, a late bloomer?" Aizawa asked in surprise.

"His Quirk is strong. It is commendable for him to control even this much if he awakened a year ago."
"Although he lacks discipline in general, his heart is in the right place." Nezu smiled.

Then one after another, they reviewed the students who caught their  eyes. After deciding the points, giving extras depending on actions, and  deducting some when students endangered other students, they came up  with a list and started to sort them into classes.

At this time, Mokami had already reached his home and started to  celebrate with his family. Mika, Momo, Eire, Nejire, and Eri were seated  in the living room with cakes and decorations. It was obvious that they  had set up a part for his return but on the wall, a big banner said,  'Congratz! Mako-Chan! Momo-Chan!'

When Mokami snuck home, he was welcomed with a big cheer and cakes.  His mother hugged him tightly, while his sisters were glad that their  brother was accepted to the prestigious UA High School. Momo said she  already guessed it would turn out this way because of how hard he  worked.

Mokami kissed her cheek and said it was the same for her. She blushed  with the kiss and statement, but the smile on her face suggested she  wasn't unhappy with the attention.

He was wrapping his arms around his family, hugging and kissing them.  Together they cheered for Mokami's and Momo's achievement on the UA  Entrance Exam. They spent hours celebrating alongside talking about  their plans for the future and how proud they were of their children.

There was still a week before the results came, but the family was  sure the duo would be accepted, so they started to prepare for a  week-long holiday with six of them. They took a long ride on a yacht and  this time their days were filled with joy and peacefulness away from  the city's hustle and bustle.

When he built the house, he also created a yacht, as the city of  Musutafu was by the ocean. It was as durable as the house and fully  automated, so while they were enjoying the endless blue, they had  nothing to worry about.

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