
Chapter 8: Chapter 8 – Crab Rave

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I sucked a breath in as my legs tensed, ready to move. Before today I'd never taken a fight without Iris, now I'd be taking on 5 pokemon on my own. My worries were only drilled down by my sheer determination. 


I dashed forwards, my first target only meters in front of me. The one I'd aim to take out was one of the two smaller Paras, trying to remove their numbers advantage by taking out the weak links. Swiftly, I swung my right arm downwards, and the [Leaf Blade] collided with the Paras' [Fury Cutter] only stopping my blade momentarily before I broke through his attack and slammed down onto its left claw. 


"Carl!!" Thanks to the warning I quickly hopped back into the tunnel we entered as one of the bigger Paras had [Slash](ed) my old position. 


"You good?"


"I-I can't feel my left side," Carl spoke out in pain, a terrifying lack of sympathy on my part as they meant nothing to me. They would not stand between me and Iris. 


"Tch–. You and Leo are too weak to fight against her, just support us and we'll–." Not being an idiot. I pointedly decided not to wait for his monologue as several dozen [Magical Leaf](s) shot out of my body within the span of 2 seconds. All of them flew out in different directions before homing in on one of the 5 Paras standing before me. The leaves having chosen their designated targets flew towards the crabs, ensuring each Paras would have to deal with a decent amount of attacks. 


"be the main atta– Woah!" The leaves, just moments from hitting them had all but stopped completely as a flat wall created by hexagons materialised between them. 'Protect?' The wall however covered all 5 Paras and stretched long enough to cover the tunnel's entry point completely neutralising my AOE attack. 


"Thanks Tia." 


"You're always too careless." The middle Paras who I assumed used that barrier move chided back. 


'Shit… a protection type move.' 


Testing the waters I quickly used [Magical Leaf]. This time however only a dozen or so leaves spawned as they flew towards their targets. To my relief, the protect move wasn't utilised and the crabs were forced to intercept it with their own moves. 'Thankfully there's some form of timer…' 


But still… I had my concerns. While the move was definitely under the same functionality as Protect, I was 90% sure it wasn't the move, not with that level of coverage.  


"She's found a gap so quickly..." 3 Paras stepped forward breaking their line before dashing towards me. I tensed up, ready for an attack before the 2 smaller Paras both spewed out a scarily familiar yellow gas. 'No way…' 


Almost breaking my calm from the [Stun Spore], I ran backwards in an almost desperate manner. The Gas was stupidly effective as it completely covered the entire tunnel's width preventing me from just running around it. The Stun spore only continued to extend forward and I had to continue backstepping to avoid it. 


The Gas attack had stopped and was only 2 meters in front of me, before one of the larger Paras flew out of it, flying straight towards me with a light pink tint. It's [Agility] boosted speed caught me off for only a brief moment as the coloured tint disappeared and what replaced it was a white [Slash] on its arm.


My eyes widened in surprise and I reflexively raised my arms and crossed them together creating an X. The slash swung downwards onto my left arm, drawing blood. To my surprise, the wound wasn't that deep. 


I immediately tried to push my body forward and get him off my arm but it only managed to make my shallow cut into a gash on my arm. Trying to rectify my mistake I used my right arm and grabbed its mushroom, throwing it away from me. 


Seeing as the immediate threat was removed I clutched my left forearm in response… I flinched from the pain as touching the wound only heightened the pain. The adrenaline kicked in and my attention turned to the [Stun Spore] which had only grown closer to me. 


'He's coming again…' 


Quickly, I sidestepped the same Paras coming out of the smoke with ease. My right arm was already poised, and I swung down at the speed-boosted Paras, eating my [Leaf Blade] to the face and recoiling into the ground. I stepped forward to hit again but suddenly a large number of green balls began appearing from my body and flowing into the smoke, my aura being drained albeit slowly.  




Looking down at my body I found a seed sticking on my chest and swiftly destroyed it, ending the [Absorb]. 'Dangerous…' Despite me being on edge I still didn't notice the seed on me until after the move's effects activated… though judging by how little I had lost, it must've been because of how weak the attack was. 


I looked back to the Paras that had attacked me only to see him scuttling back into the smoke. I chased down the fleeing Paras and tried to swing another [Leaf Blade], but had to stop before I made contact with the smoke. The [Stun Spore] consumed the Paras, letting him go free. 



Quickly becoming annoyed with their guerilla tactics, I randomly shot out [Razor Leaf](s) into the void, hoping to hit the Paras responsible for the smoke.  Apparently, it had half-worked as the same hexagonal barrier appeared after my attack flew into the gas, followed by the [Stun Spore] slowly evaporating. 


The scene cleared and I saw all 5 Paras in front of me, about 6-7 meters ahead. I carefully took note of the 3 Paras returning to the blockade they formed, the other two not having made a move. 'It's one of those two who has the protection move…' Due to the innate nature of the move I couldn't tell which… maybe it was the middle one. 


"You three almost got hit. This is why I keep telling you to stop moving so far away from me." Said the big Paras situated in the middle. 'That was easy.' The only issue would be being able to differentiate between the three big Paras if they ever swapped around mid-fight. 


It still didn't help with getting around the Stun Spore. It was an all but impenetrable wall that prevented me from closing the distance. Nothing I had seemed capable of ge–"Aaaargh!!" 








"Watch out! She's coming in quick!" 


I dashed straight towards the protect-Paras, my speed and acceleration were incomparable to my first battle as I reached the vermin in under 2 seconds. My momentum-filled [Leaf Blade] completely shattered their last-second defence. The blade cut deep into their claw. 


Instinctually, I hopped upwards, narrowly avoiding a [Slash] aiming for my ankles. My blade sliced downwards as I fell, aiming to main or kill the crab that tried that attack. Sadly, my attack contacted another and the Paras who jumped into me slammed a [Fury Cutter] into my blade, managing to overpower my [Leaf Blade] and pushing me back. 


The pressure continued as three seeds came at me from different directions. A horizontal swing cut down two of the seeds in one go before I narrowly avoided the third by ducking down. An [Agility] boosted Paras appeared directly in front of me when I moved downwards, it again cancelled the buff before slicing horizontally at my ankles. Due to my poor reaction time, I could only hastily conjure a smaller [Leaf Blade] and watch in certainty as his [Fury Cutter] tore right through it. My right hand now sporting a deep cut. Taking advantage of my broken guard he swung his other claw at me, my eyes stayed firm and my legs tensed up as I used my wounded left arm to take the hit for me, utilising the force to launch myself away from them to create distance. 


I skidded on the ground only 2 meters away from the Paras before blindly firing off a [Magical Leaf] to try and stave off the pressure. Looking up, I saw all 5 Paras quickly trying to take advantage of my position and stopped in their tracks as my attack came out. 4 of them moved backwards as the Protect-Paras scuttled forward creating a barrier to block the dozens of leaves swarming towards them.  


I chanced another attempt at running back in before stopping myself. I couldn't do that again. Unlike before, they're now seriously coordinating their moves, I couldn't just stupidly run in and hope to take them all down. I took a deep breath and watched as they waited for my next move. 


But what could I do? I needed to separate them but now they're sticking closer to each other even more than before. There's also the Paras' protect and Stun Spore. And that last exchange was very close to my death. At this rate…






The Paras in front looked stunned at my actions, I didn't pay mind to them. 'How stupid.' I bent my knees ready to move again. 'I already decided to save Iris… or die trying.' I took a deep breath, then burst forward, my own well-being no longer a concern. 


Targeting the smaller Paras with the broken left claw, I lunged forward with my right arm. The Paras rose his unbroken claw for a flimsy defence, however instead of my lead blade was a column of [Razor Leaf](s) shot out directly in front of me. The Paras could only barely defend against my small assault with its one working claw and was too occupied to see me running up behind the leaves, my [Leaf Blade] at the ready. 


As expected the other 4 weren't far behind, with the [Agility] Paras already next to me and swung a [Slash] to block the attack. However, all he managed to hit was the air as I feinted my swing and took a step back. A calm smile painted on my face as I peered at the overextended Paras, my [Leaf Blade] shortly after came down onto the Paras, the second clean hit against him.


The blow towards the Agility-Paras brought it down to the ground, and he stopped moving. 'One down.'  Not overstaying my welcome I jumped backwards, a Paras’ [Fury Cutter] and 2 [Absorb](s) soon awaited my previous position. 




Another round of [Stun Spore] quickly began covering up the tunnel, however, that wasn't the only reason I became annoyed. The lack of aura gain was a telling fact but visual confirmation of the Agility-Paras slowly getting back up after my last hit wasn't what I wanted to see. 'Curse this 4x resistance.'


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"Only one of you will use Stun Spore. It'll still cover the entrance so it's okay, we'll do this to constantly keep it up to prevent her from getting close." Ordered one of the Paras. 


The gas stopped a few meters ahead of the entrance and I took a moment to think about my next step. My brain ran a mile a second and I finally decided to abuse their passive defence. 'If they won't come to me then I'll make them…' 


First, I spewed out only a dozen [Magical Leaf](s) and they aimlessly wandered into the smoke, mentally I noted a weakness of my apparent never miss move when it came to a lack of a visual target. Nonetheless, my attack did its job as I could faintly see the glowing hexagons blocking my attack. 


Then came part two of my plan. A huge amount of aura began cycling in me and I unleashed part two of my plan. The [Razor Leaf] came out in 2s in front of me as I aimed it at the far left of the smoke before systematically sweeping through the whole tunnel. I heard several leaves being cut apart but didn't change my focus and continued to move right. 


Soon enough my chance came and the bigger Paras scuttled out of the smoke and jumped at me. Confused but not missing the chance I cancelled my Razor Leaf and swung a [Leaf Blade] at him. It crossed its claws into an X as it flew closer to me, and my blade soon made contact with its claws, sending it down into the ground. It only looked slightly affected by the attack and quickly manifested a [Slash].


Still confused I didn't miss a beat and swung back with my [Leaf Blade] knowing I'd overpower him with my strength and gravity on my side. 




The sudden pain stopped me in my tracks and I had to look at the ground below me, 'B-Blood?' 


"Guuuh–" A large diagonal cut was embedded into my chest as I was forcefully launched off the ground. My body was in constant pain as I flew through the air and eventually landed roughly on the ground. 


'W-Was that effect spore?!'


I glanced up to see the Agility-Paras who looked weary run out of the Stun spore and straight towards my fallen body. 


"AAaaaeghh!!!" A visceral scream echoed through the caverns.




I willed my entire being up, my body still afflicted with poison. The Paras had reached my position as I managed to get one leg up, now in a half-kneeling pose. My eyes burned with unrelenting rage as I watched the [Slash] come closer to my body. 




His slash swung horizontally at me and I quickly manifested a [Leaf Blade] in my right hand, though it'd be too late. His [Slash] came centimetres to hitting me before it came to a halt. To his surprise, his sword had hit something, I grinned as I watched the caught blade in my bare hands, the pain felt almost welcoming to me.




My right hand came down on the insect with overwhelming force as I held tightly onto it with my left. The [Leaf Blade] cut deep into its body and was met with resistance but I pushed through. I felt it pierce straight through its whole body then proceeded to slash upwards with the blade still inside it. The blade seamlessly cut through it, blood splurted everywhere as the crab was completely cut in half. 




I stood up, above its bloodied body and turned to look at the other Paras who had first afflicted the poison onto me. It stood there, frozen in fear as we made eye contact, staring at my blood-stained body. I blurred forward and he immediately ran into the smoke, safely hidden from my wrath… or so he thought. I stopped my rampage for a moment before following him straight in. 'There's no time to waver.' 


Once I entered, I paused for a moment the bubbling fear gripping my heart before a small smile settled on my face, when I was completely unaffected by the status effects. The Paras from earlier soon entered my view and looked back at me with wide eyes. He stood frozen on the spot as I slashed my [Leaf Blade] straight down onto him. His quad resistance allowed him the curse of consciousness after the first hit, but soon enough I brought down my sword ending his resistance, then ensured he'd never breathe again. 




With the second one down I looked around the smoke but found it was slowly withering away. Whether it was due to the noise or the lack of crabs regrouping to their original blockade, the Stun spore dissipated soon afterwards. 


"Wha–?!" The final big Paras out of the trio exclaimed. 


I turned to face the remaining three Paras and started generating a plethora of rainbow leaves. The [Magical Leaf] hung in the air for a moment as dozens more comrades slowly came to life, and then they flew. I controlled the general direction of the leaves for a brief moment, the same mini-hexagonal wall stood to oppose the offence as I let my attack go free. The leaves had only one target, the protect-paras. 


The barrier held no command over the incoming attack as it flew harmlessly through the now realized [Wide Guard], several dozen leaves flew past the wall and made contact with a surprised and now very injured Paras. 


I took the opportunity to run closer to the 3 as my leaves had made contact. The two regular-sized Paras noticed my approach and spewed out a purple and yellow mist in hopes to stop me. It did nothing. 


Like many before me, I rushed out of the smoke, catching them by surprise before running past the two Paras in front of me, my goal was the last of the big three Paras. She was unaware of my presence as she took the full brunt of my magical leaf, and still seemed to be recovering. The Paras behind were in the midst of cancelling their separate moves and I slashed downwards, my [Leaf Blade] met the Paras who had finally looked up. 




Not losing my stride I backtracked and turned to the remaining two crabs. Quickly swiping at them, they rose their claws and formed a combined defence of [Fury Cutter](s) that managed to hold my initial attack back. Though this didn't stop me, as I lifted my blade again at the crabs who were still recoiling from the force. 




The final Paras didn't move, in fact, it seemed to have been poisoned by his friend's [Poison Powder] from earlier. It stood there unmoving as if accepting its fate and closed its eyes waiting for deliverance. 






I stood there for a moment, feeling the poison slowly breaking me down, the small headache that would later threaten to kill me, and the pain from my various wounds. I took a deep breath as the aura from the five Paras syphoned into me and I quickly ran into the Paras' den, my true goal still seeded in my head. 


The sight before me wasn't pleasant. It was like someone dropped a bucket of water on my face. The only silver lining was that… she was alive… 


The cavern around them was a testament to how powerful the three Pokemon were. Boulders upturned were crushed to pieces, massive craters created by the pincers of a Parasect and hundreds of small cuts in the ground by the many leaf attacks of my Petilil.


It took the last bit of my sanity to not shout out Iris' name. I needed the surprise attack against the two 2nd stage Pokemon. 


I took my [Leaf Blade] out, silently surprised that my usual blade which stood at 6 inches had grown to 8 and now had consumed both my index and middle finger. 


The Parasect in front of me was the smaller of the two and would be my prime target. I silently stepped forward getting every bit closer before I made a mad dash at the last meter. The Parasect turned around after hearing my footsteps only to see me penetrate its body with my sword. 'Shallow.'


The other two occupants turned to look at the commotion as the Parasect hopped away from my blade, fazed but nothing lethal. Iris who looked completely battered was in shock and confusion, her apparent efforts to deter the two monsters away from me was unfounded. 


I took the opportunity to dash towards the plant as the other two were shell-shocked by my appearance. 




I didn't say anything as I tightly gripped the poor plant into my arms, hugging her as I longed for her physical contact. 


'Two more to go.' 




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