Crimson Fields

Chapter 15: 14: The Demon Within

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                Folke took in the scene before him as his squad reached the target point in Zavis’ report. He and the other beastkin had leapt with ease from rooftop to rooftop, avoiding the twisting streets below in order to gain a time advantage over less mobile units. The wolfkin moved with speed and efficiency in small number due to the urgency with which Zavis had ordered all members of the Enforcers to move in on the focus point. Time was precious and each division would eventually reach the area but his kin were masters of the swift travel.

                “This is alpha team reporting in. We have a visual on the threat.” Folke reported into the radio strapped to his wrist. He spoke to the radio but observed the scene he’d arrived at with dismay. The giant serpentine monster had caused a great degree of damage to the city, having already leveled five blocks worth of buildings before their arrival. It now attempted to advance its hulking body into the next block of structures, but each forward move seemed to evoke a retaliatory response from another entity already on the grounds. Each time the demonic beast tried to move forward a bright blue crescent shot up from below to strike the monster just below the jawline. “It’s… a Charmolgrath…” He solemnly cursed to no one in particular.

                Black blood spilled out between razor teeth that lined the Charmolgrath’s gaping jaws, raining dark death over the half destroyed remains of buildings. Equally black blood oozed from the wound opened wide by the repeated blows from blue crescent lights that repeatedly pelted the demonic beast from below. The Charmolgrath reeled back, releasing a deafening roar, Dark light engulfed the pit of the beast’s throat while each second another arc of light would strike the monster, never pausing, adjusting to exploit the demon’s weaker insides upon opening its maw. Though it showed no signs of being phased when it released another torrent of black flames into the city block below, the beast was noticeably injured.

                “Just like in practice, everyone spread out and move in to suppress and eliminate. This thing may have an armored hide that is stronger than dragon bone but it looks like someone’s beaten us to the punch and already opened up an opportunity that we can exploit. Target the wound below its neck with hook bolts. Once the spears are firmly lodged in place, switch to using concussive rounds and target the lodged hooks. Let’s bring this monster down.” Raising a fist into the air, Folke arced his palm forward, signaling for everyone to move forward and engage.

                Latching their crossbows into place, Folke and his men each pulled large metal bolts from the quivers on their backs and set them in place. Folke waited, observing the rhythm of the demonic monster’s retaliation against whatever force it’d become engaged with. “Ready…” Prompting his men, the seasoned Wolfkin directed them to follow his lead. “Aim…” Each crossbow aligned its sight to the target area, Folke monitored the Charmolgrath’s movements with his keen sight, adjusting in tandem with the others. “Fire!” Shouting, Folke pulled the trigger, launching the steel bolt into action. Six others immediately followed behind.

                Streamlined metal shafts whistled through the night air, fiery lights glinting off the fine polished heads of each bolt. The Charmolgrath retracted, anticipating another strike from below, fully unaware of the seven deadly spears headed straight for its damaged and weakened scales. Thunk! The first of six crossbow bolts hit home. The bladed shaft sliced through muscle, tearing flesh and drawing more blood up from within the demonic beast. Before the monster could react six more steel shafts dug themselves a full three quarters of their length into the same wound, pushing out a torrent of black blood and drawing an excruciatingly painful screech from the Charmolgrath.

                “On my mark, aim for the same spot.” Folke instructed his men. Seven crossbows reloaded, each nocking a bolt equipped with high capacity contact explosives. Folke and each subordinate took aim at the writhing beast that still hovering just above the city’s structures. Blue light continued to flash, pelting the Charmolgrath in greater frequency than before. Each new flash of light strained the beast’s wound, causing it to gush more and more of the sinister black blood with each strike. Offensive magic could do a great deal of damage to an open wound, but seven arm’s length bolts of explosive death could deal a great deal more. “Aim… Fire!” Folke depressed the trigger on his crossbow simultaneously with the other six, shooting forth seven deadly explosive bolts into the Charmolgrath’s open wound.

                Blue light merged with the orange lights of seven simultaneous explosions and the black hues of blood as it sprayed out from the Charmolgrath’s deepening wound. A shrill cry echoed throughout the streets. The beast twisted and curled its serpentine body wildly in every imaginable direction, slamming itself into buildings that crumbled and broke beneath the weight of the desperately flailing monster. Among the chaos of the creature’s throes, Folke could see a small blue figure dressed in black leap up onto the beast as it drew near the ground. No sane individual, demon, Beastkin, or otherwise, would ever attempt to ride out the death throes of a beast one hundred fifty feet in size… Folke’s heart sank at the sight. A powerful enough demon could potentially handle a Charmolgrath, but every demon in Neth’Lareese strong enough to do so had willingly received a seal that suppressed both their strength and their demonic nature… “Everyone prepare for close quarters combat, we may be forced to engage a Lost One…” With Folke’s order, he strapped up his crossbow and retrieved a pair of longswords from the sheaths on his belt.


*             *             *


                Lulu Leapt up, claws digging in between the Charmolgrath’s scales. Light blue hair billowing wildly in every direction as the beast continued to writhe in agony. She didn’t think about the explosions she’d seen striking the beast in tandem with her own attacks. She didn’t think about the black flames licking at and eating into her flesh. Lulu didn’t think at all because she was no longer conscious of the world around her.

                Red blood seeped down Lulu’s neck and over her face from the concussive injuries she sustained after impacting the building she’d been thrown into by the Charmolgrath. It’d been at that moment she’d lost consciousness and her mind had given way to the demonic essence within. Blue feral flames replaced the normally calm azure hues, seeking only to finish off and kill the target before her. Claws on Lulu’s hands and feet dug in between scales, traversing the serpentine landscape until she reached the lacerated wound on the beast’s neck.

                In a last ditch effort to kill its target, the Charmolgrath desperately swung open its jaws. A black glow formed at the back of the giant beast’s throat, illuminating blood that’d seeped in from the upper jaw. Extreme cold and pain pierced what remained of the Charmolgrath’s senses, halting the creature’s last attempt to dish out devastation. With levitation lost, the enormous serpentine beast’s body pummeled into the ground and rubble below, sending up clouds of dust and debris. Still opened jaws smashed heavily against concrete and the purple glow in the great beast’s multitude of eyes faded, giving way to eternal darkness.

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                The small humanoid demon had killed it. A large visible spear of ice embedded into the Charmolgrath’s open wound had been the tipping point in severing the demonic beast’s life force. Folke halted in front of the scene, looking up at Lulu who stood proud atop her kill. Black blood splattered over the blue haired girl’s face and arms, though it was hard to tell if any of the beast’s blood was on her pitch black clothes. “Alpha team reporting. The Charmolgrath has been handled, but there is a problem. We’ve encountered a Lost One Sir…” Reporting to Zavis through his armband radio, Folke’s silver eyes met with Lulu’s raging blues.

                “If you’ve encountered a Lost One then standard elimination procedures apply, you and your group have the authority to-“

                “-It’s Lulu, Sir.”


                “What are your orders.” Folke’s features twitched, watching Lulu closely. She dropped, dragging her claws against the now dead Charmolgrath’s scales in order to slow her descent.

                “Bravo team’s tranquilizer unit is five minutes out, can you hold the line until then?” Zavis asked, anxiety plagued his words.

                “She hasn’t broken through her seal yet.” Folke responded.

                “Good luck.” Zavis said, then the radio line went static.

                “Good luck he says. We’re going to need a miracle if we want to make it out of this situation alive...” Folke snorted, cursing. He then addressed the approaching blue haired woman. “Lulu! You can rest now, the beast is dead.”

                Azure eyes flashed. Bare feet and clawed toes splashed through a puddle of blackened blood. Light blue hair trailed in the air, forming into a floating surreal shape behind Lulu as her small figure approached Folke with unholy demonic speed.

                “Look out!” One of Folke’s subordinates shouted, rushing to stand himself between Folke and Lulu. He braced himself, raising the crossbow he held to defend his captain from the blue haired woman’s assault. He fired the steel bolt but Lulu dipped low, causing the defensive shot he’d made to miss. Fierce claws and bright blue energy swept up from below, slicing the crossbow in half. Folke’s subordinate responded by reaching for his sword but the cold sting of reality gave in to a realization that he no longer had a hand with which to hold his sword. Folke’s eyes widened as they met Lulu’s once more, his hands clenched around the hilt of both swords while his subordinate howled in agonizing pain.

                Folke had to face the facts. Lulu had become a threat to be reckoned with. If he couldn’t defend his team against her for the next five minutes, they would all end up dead!

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