Crimson Red

Chapter 2: Chapter Two : Happiness Beyond Measure, New World

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"I'm... not trapped anymore?" He whispered to himself in an unsteady voice, not because he was afraid, far from it, he was so happy that even though he prided himself as a level-headed person, he couldn't withstand the maelstrom of emotions he felt.

"I'll take it, even if it was seventeen years overdue, I'll take it without a complaint." He sat up and realized that although the surroundings were quiet, it was still quite louder than even his apartment was despite it being in the city.

"It smells old." Ignoring the sounds of crickets and the occasional barking of a dog, he got to his feet and realized although he didn't feel any different, his body was a lot different than it was before.

Although his arms were thin, they weren't very beautiful unlike this pair he had now. His body wasn't too old, perhaps in his mid to late teens without even a hint of clothes to protect his new body.

"Well, I can say for certain I am not a guy." Although he did have that attachment for many years before, he didn't feel any sadness at it's absence, instead all they felt was relief.

"I'm not a guy anymore. Not a guy! If this is a dream, then it can't end!" She tried to look at herself again, and this time when she said she was a woman, it didn't feel wrong or hollow at all.

"Some may not need a woman's body to be able to say they're a woman, but when I looked at myself, all I felt was anger. Now, it feels so good!" Her voice bounced around in the empty church with excitement.

"I may have been a guy, but that wasn't by choice. Now that I have one, I cannot not enjoy this." With light steps, she stepped down from the altar and walked to the entrance, a wooden door and after steeling her nerves, pusher it open and looked outside.

It was dark out, with a street nearby and some cars parked not far away. It seemed that although they church hadn't been used in a while, they're were still people around. After a few cursory glances, her eyes lit up when she saw a clothes line with clothes blowing gently in the wind.

"Desperate times call for desperate measures. Don't worry, I'll definitelyay you back someday for the loan." Even while muttering to herself, she tried to move as stealthily as possible until she stood in front of the clothes line, her feet stepping on soft cool grass.

"Even if it doesn't fit, I'll take it still." Finding a rather worn out shirt and a pants she had to roll up several times so it didn't fall of her waist, she didn't find any shoes and felt it was a pity.

"I cannot wait to see myself." She smiled widely because although she hadn't seen her face, with her body figure and voice, even if she was below average, she'd be able to accept it.

"I can hear cars so I'll go there first." She considered and decided that if she just waited in the church, if she chose to do so, she might be discovered sooner or later and may even be fined for trespassing.

The thought of people being hostile flashed because although the world looked the same, whether she was still on Earth or not was debatable as she arrived here through some unknown means.

If she wasn't welcomed here, then even though she just found herself living the dream, wouldn't it be too short to even be enjoyable? The first person she came across gave her a stunned look from beneath his glasses which she just equated to him being stunned she wasn't wearing shoes and were in clothes a few sizes to big for her frame.

He seemed ordinary enough, so she kept walking, taking in the sights of cars and brightly lit buildings. Some were normal and others seemed well built, but the designs didn't conflict and went together well.

"A new world with a new me. It's incredibly fitting." She smiled to herself as a car drove past, not minding the looks she once again received from the driver. Although cars were driving by regularly, the foot traffic wasn't very much.

"Dang it. The least I could have gotten was an identity in this world." If someone just popped up back on Earth, the government would believe they were a spy or someone with a shady background.

Due to the warmth of the night, she didn't feel particularly uncomfortable while walking barefoot, but the feeling of her feet repeatedly touching the pavement made her a bit uncomfortable.

"Is this how those people back on Earth feel with no home? Where in the world do I go now?" Although she did start walking, if she didn't find a place to stay, at least for now, it would be difficult to even start a new life with nothing to her name.

After a few more minutes, she sat on a bench in a brightly lit park near the road, with some people and kids playing around on the slides and swings, wondering what to do.

If this was as much like Earth as it seemed, then money would be crucial and she had none of it. A few minutes of observing put her heart at ease a little because she could understand the language spoken which was English.

The stars were twinkling like gems in the night, bright and shimmering high above any human's reach. The occasional cloud drifted across the sky as she watched until the sound of a loud engine drove over.

A car, a dark purple one that looked so expensive that even if she did scratch it in her previous world, then forget paying for it, she'd have been in so much debt it was impossible to make a comeback.

She looked for a moment and then turned back to the skies. Although the car was very beautiful, staring at it with desire was useless. She couldn't afford a thing, so why even bother to look?

She wasn't the only one who had looked, and some people took out their phones and started to take pictures, but she didn't even bother. She only had what she was wearing, an oversized shirt and pants, what good would looking do?

"Good evening, can I sit here?" A voice snapped her out of her daze and she lowered her head until she locked eyes with a beautiful girl with warm hazel eyes and a head of messy blonde hair smiling at her gently.

"Sure?" She didn't sound very sure because there were other benches without anyone on it. She looked at the girl's clothes and realized she wore an all black outfit with a few clasps that made the design look a bit unique, but she wore it well.

"Thank you. My name is Rosalyn." Rosalyn sat down smoothly and tucked a lock of blonde hair behind her ear, smiling a bit when she saw this girl's wariness because even if she didn't show much on her face, she could see how stiff her body was.

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She didn't speak and instead turned her gaze back upwards without thinking too much. This Rosalyn was clearly someone with status, so coming to someone who may as well be considered homeless was strange.

"Usually, when someone gives you their name, they also expect one in return." Rosalyn smiled gently as she saw a pair of amber eyes, appearing almost like liquid golden pools staring at her with apparent suspicion.

"Lilyana." It wasn't a name she chose lightly, as even before on Earth, she loved it very much. Until now, she didn't choose one for herself, but seeing as she needed a name, she said the first thing that came to mind.

"Lilyana. It's very nice." Rosalyn nodded and then gave the girl sitting besides her a glance she didn't try to hide. Even though she had seen many beautiful people, this girl, Lilyana was really something else.

"Your clothes are a bit... big? Is everything okay?" Rosalyn asked and was a bit shocked when Lilyana stood and walked away, her footsteps light which drew Rosalyn's attention to the fact she wasn't wearing shoes which made her eyes narrow slightly.

Lilyana didn't particularly want to do a million questions with a stranger and just left, this time she didn't watch the surroundings well enough because before she knew it, she was in a section where many people were milling around, some clearly intoxicated.

"Hey... hey!" Lilyana heard a voice and frowned when a hand grabbed her shoulder and pulled her roughly so that she had to face the offender, but when the obviously drunk man saw her face, his eyes lit up.

"What a good beauty! How abo-hic you come to play with me for tonight?" Seeing the undisguised lust in this man's eyes, she went to pull away but his grip tightened so her eyes grew dim.

"Tonight? You'll probably be rolling in pain to be too busy to 'play' as you put it." Before he could speak, she kicked him using all the strength she could muster, which was less than her old body and then walked away.

The sound of a pig being slaughtered came from the man's mouth as his eyes watered, the pain he felt made him hunch over, but unlike the guy who was hit with a metal pipe, he didn't lose his ability to move.

"Come back here you b*tch!" He yelled as he rushed after her, but she also ran, her feet tapping the ground making her scowl because the sensation of the hard concrete below was rubbing her the skin beneath her feet raw.

"My luck!" Lilyana cried out in helplessness because although she was a woman, if she slept with a man, it would be too strange in her mind. A few turns and twists followed until she found herself on a dead end ahead with not many others around.

"You run fast!" The man who had been chasing her said with deep breaths, his eyes flashing with greed that made her look around for a object she could use to deter him.

"Tsk, look at that face and body. Cold yet innocent. If a man could resist, he wouldn't be a man." The man approached, this time using caution because of the last encounter.

When he lunged, Lilyana dodged and realized the man was still drunk, but because he was larger, if she was caught, she'd immediately lose. With a few more dodges, she felt her back hit a wall and felt her body turn cold when she realized although he was slow, she couldn't dodge anymore either.

"That expression of defiance. How lovely, I can't wait to make you beg beneath me." The man didn't move because although this girl should have been easy to catch, her timing and evasion were near flawless.

"With just you?" Lilyana spat out with anger, wanting to beat this idiot who could only think with his crotch and when he lunged, instead of dodging, she stepped forward and ducked, pushing him into the wall while moving backwards.

"Got you!" Just when she saw about to take off again, she felt a hand grab her wrist and pull her backwards until she hit the wall too. The impact made her body ache as she glared at the man with anger.

"You gave me so much trouble, so instead of a night, I'll just play with you until I get bored." The man grabbed Lilyana's face and went to kiss her, enjoying the wide eyes filled with shock, anger, and digust when something kicked his side and sent him tumbling to the ground.

"Seriously? She clearly doesn't like you, why are you so adamant?" Lilyana stared in a daze into the hazel eyes of Rosalyn who smiled at her gently, but her smile was cold and grim as she stared at the man with apparent disgust.

"Since you're the victim, do you have any say in how he gets punished?" Rosalyn walked over to Lilyana and patted her shoulder while examining her for injuries.

"I'm fine. Thank you." Although Lilyana would love to beat this bastard half to death, if she did file a report, her identity and lack thereof would come into question, so for now, she could only endure.

"Screw you!" The man leapt at Rosalyn but before he could touch her, Lilyana kicked his leg while Rosalyn evaded gracefully, but when the man stumbled, she gave him a light kick to the head.

The man toppled over, eyes rolled back in his head. Although Lilyana didn't want to answer Rosalyn before, she helped her out so letting her get attacked wasn't very considerate.

"You should be careful you know? If I wasn't nearby, you might have been in trouble." Rosalyn spoke and then grabbed Lilyana's hand and pulled her behind her and before she could thank her or decline whatever she had planned, Rosalyn opened the butterfly doors to a purple sports car and half pushed Lilyana into the passenger seat.

"I'll take you back for now. It's dangerous out you know?" Rosalyn got into the driver's seat and glanced at Lilyana and saw her complicated eyes and shook her head. Even if she didn't do anything, she would still attract trouble just with that face of hers.

"T-thank you." The voice was so low that Rosalyn nearly missed it, but when she saw Lilyana's face, her eyebrows twitched because it was too adorable, losing the coldness she had seen before, leaving only the bashfulness and cuteness behind.

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