Crimson Vial

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

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The scarlet glow emanated from the vial, it had an attractive feeling compelling you towards it. ”A vial of 50% essence just like we agreed to, have you got the credits?” your eyes were fixated on the vial you slowly nod your head reaching into your pocket to receive a holographic card, the screen brightly showed 500000 across it , when you originally discovered the cost of 50% pure essence you could never have imagined having that much to spend but that no longer matters.  ”Seems real, would you like me to stay and watch in case you go feral?” The man spoke softly, moving his eyes over and revealed a mountain of a man whose bulging muscles were on full display due to his white tank top and black shorts. He wore a bright smile revealing a few golden teeth in his mouth , his face was full of scars all over his bald head too. His eyes seem dull ,hollow almost. “Sure … thanks for offering.” You squeaked out. bringing the vial to your lips the vial pouring the warm liquid down your throat you feel a slight build up of pressure in you stomach, you let out a large belch but the pressure was still building slowly un still your you could no longer breathe falling to the floor looking up to the dealer a small smirk could be seen across his face as your muscles slowly began to seize up and  you're vison faded. 

an excruciating pain feeling almost like something rooting around in your head , feeling as if it was moving and crushing parts of your brain causing you to lash around and roll around on the floor slowly the pain moved from your brain to your face down your spine across your chest through both legs finally stopping at your feet.  You vision slowly returned showing iron bars this told you all you needed to know you'd been caught either by smuggler or the military. standing up showed the puddle of vomit and blood surrounding you this was the result of your awaking. At least it was proof of you awaking " Summary " a blue screen appeared in front of you showing you 5 stats - strength , agility , endurance , intellect , magic. there was also 2 skills, eye of the beholder-The users appearance changes to appeal to the person viewing you. shadow scared - when your eyes are closed and your standing in the dark gain the ability to become ethereal avoiding all attacks. " w.. what are are these stats and skill non of my stats are above 10 (average adult male has stats of 15 in each excluding magic) and I don't even have any attacking ability" you shouted to yourself.  foot steps slowly approaching the cell. 1 armed man rounded the corner  followed by an old man holding a yellow ball "Summary force open " the man spoke into the orb. "He's safe to move onto the audience " he said to the armed man next to him. The bars were bent open by the man creating a hole just large enough for you to fit your body through "Come" he spoke forcefully becoming you towards you. slowly you walked over to the hole in the bar, sliding your body through the bars emerging on the other side you were instantly handcuffed and moved around the corner towards where the men had emerged from. Passing through many hallways ,round corners and through doors finally leading you towards a more crowded corridor with a large wooden door. the old man lead the way with the armed man following closely behind you, people had begun to stare as they were pushed to the side to let you through. finally the realisation had dawned on you had been caught by the police and weren't in a regular prison or even a awaken prison, you in a army headquarters , all the armed workers should of told you that ages ago ... panic slow began to take over. What were you a scrawny barley awakened doing here? 

The doors opened slowly creaked revealing a large office with an evaluated chair with a blue haired girl with the same man who sold you the vial of essence to her left "Your quite disappointing, I sold you some essence at far below market value and you don't even have the decency to have good stats or even a nice attacking skills , your lucky you've got a pretty face or id have killed you before you even enter my office" she said in a threatening tone " Instead ill have you serve as a warning to scare off the other sellers by broadcasting your death live on air, with you pretty little face it should gain some traction." Your legs began to crumple what could you even do .. the A rank hunter Aquatina , who had the ability to manipulated water and the man who sold you the vial must be B rank hunter golden boy how has the ability to manipulate precious metals. " what ? I though we had agreed to sell him to the highest bidder your not gonna con me out of the money for him he'd sell for at least 10 million credits! This army job barely gives me 1 million a year " He reached into his mouth pulling out 3 golden teeth throwing them into the air and forming them into 3 bullets and firing them towards Aquatina who didn't even look phased neither did the 2 men behind you , she raised her hand and golden boy shrivelled instantly as all the water in body was forcefully dragged out of him the 3 bullets dropped against the floor and the water stopped hovering and dropped onto the floor forming a puddle. " Arrogant fool, now that you've caused me this much trouble you wont be getting off easy you'll be getting a long and painful death."

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