CROOKSHANKS- A Harry Potter Fanfiction

Chapter 8: Red Hair’s Not That Good For Stealth.

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Harry was starting to feel creeped out.

Ever since Sensei taught him to sense someone's presence, he couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching him.

And as he left to head for the RoR for his morning training, the feeling appeared again. Immediately looking around, Harry once again failed to find anyone.

'What in Crookshanks name is that? Am I doing the technique wrong? Maybe I should ask Sensei about it. No! Sensei would know if I didn't master the technique completely, so if he hasn't said anything, then there must be something deeper going on!' Harry thought and started contemplating the possibilities.

'That's it! He's testing me! (He's not) He left out bits of information because he wants me to discover it myself! (He didn't) Perhaps the technique works different for everyone, so they each have to find their own way of using it.' He concluded, proud of himself for realizing his Sensei's plan.

Feeling the presence following him as he moved through the corridors, Harry realized that his Sensei must have sent someone to follow him, probably trying to test Harry's ability to shake off pursuers. 'He must want to make sure that I can keep our training room a secret! Very clever Sensei, I would have never thought to try such a tactic. Well then pursuer, let us test my skills!'

Harry broke into a jog. Upon feeling the presence keeping up with him, Harry readied himself for a game of cat and mouse of epic proportions, preparing his mind and body to go all out. After all, his Sensei would only send the best of the best.


Best of the Bests P.O.V,

'*Huff* *Huff* When did *Huff* Harry *Huff* get so fast?' A red haired witch asked herself, panting from her 5 minute jog.

Ginny had just wanted to see where her beloved disappeared to every morning, but somehow ended up doing actual physical exercise! She was pureblood for Merlin's sake! How did she end up straining herself so much?

'Oh well, anything for you my love!' Ginny thought to herself as she starred at her future husband from around a corner.

As she watched him as he searched the corridor for something, her heart beat out of her chest and her smile was warm enough to rival the sun. She loved absolutely everything about her hero. His emerald eyes, his raven black hair, his muscular body! All of it made her swoon with affection for her beloved.

She especially loved the way he looked when he slept. She had snuck into the boys dormitories countless times this year and had got so many amazing pictures of him! She was even able to get one of him in the shower via 'borrowing' his invisibility cloak that Ron had told her about.

During that same trip she had also borrowed his toothbrush, wanting to know what his lips tasted like but to nervous to kiss him. Don't worry, she returned it.

Over the past few months she had noticed that Harry seemed to be coming into breakfast much later than he did the year before, and started eating a lot more (though in a much more polite way then Ron tended to). At first she dismissed it as him simply sleeping in, which she thought was adorable, but then she noticed that he had started to look weaker and weaker every day as well.

As it just so happened, the mudblood also seemed to get more and more exhausted by the day at around the same time.

At first Ginny was scandalized. What had that mudblood bitch been doing to her Harry? Forcing him to stay up so late and doing who knows what to him. Could she be blackmailing him? Torturing him? *Gasp*, Could she have been... NO! The thought was so lewd! But what if she was? Ginny couldn't allow it!

But she didn't know what to do! She had tried and failed to come up with anything for weeks! And that's when she noticed that Harry was starting to change. He was no longer walking around like a zombie, and instead started holding himself with more confidence and always seemed to have a  focused look on his face. And yet somehow, despite the drastic change, nobody but her seemed to notice.

And best of all, the mudblood still seemed to be exhausted. From that, she realized that their mutual exhaustion must have just been a coincidence. Either that or her beloved's stamina had become monstrous. Not that she expected any less of him, of course!

And so, she continued to observe, occasionally contemplating how best to kill the mudblood and hide the evidence since she dared talk with her love so casually. But as the months passed, she grew impatient, before finally deciding that she wasn't going to wait anymore and would just follow him.

And that's what led us to this situation.

Ginny, a pureblood witch, covered in sweat from running! With her legs! She had never felt so exhausted in her life. But the pure bliss she felt upon realizing that she was alone with her beloved (although he didn't know it) was enough to keep her going.

But then tragedy struck!

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'Where'd he go?' Ginny thought frantically as she ran around the corridors she had been following him through for the past half hour.

Then, out of the corner of her eye, she saw something move on the roof outside. Snapping her gaze toward the window, she caught her love running on the roof of the castle. How did he even get out there?

After a few seconds of running at an impressive speed, he climbed up to the top of one of the smaller towers and stood on it's peak. Then - out of nowhere - he jumped, literally swan diving off of it and disappearing below her window.

Ginny gasped in horror!

She hadn't even been able to react when he had jumped, far to focused on his incredible skill to pay attention. And now her love had killed himself!


That can't be it! Why would he spend all of that time running only to commit suicide? No, he must have landed on something, or slowed his fall with a spell. 

Which means that Ginny still had a chance to find him again!

And so she took off, determined to ensure her loves health.


Harry ran.

His Sensei truly had sent the best of the best. He had spent an entire half of an hour trying to shake off his pursuer, and even stopping occasionally to look for them whenever he felt their presence particularly close, and yet he could find nothing!

Whoever it was must have been skilled, training for years in the art of stealth. With that being the case, Harry began to suspect that his Sensei had told the pursuer to make a few mistakes here and there so Harry could at least be aware of them. It was a sad reality, but Harry understood. He was still to weak!

So Harry decided to pull off his best evasive technique that his sensei had taught him just a few days before. Quickly, Harry darted toward a window the second he felt his pursuer a few dozen meters away. He opened the window, grabbed the window seal, and jumped out, hanging on to his life with just his grip strength.

Next Harry pulled his arms down with a burst of speed, launching himself to the next window up, and began shimmying across the few handholds on the outside of the castle walls, occasionally almost slipping when there was a particularly large gab between cracks that could fit his finger's. This continued for a few dozen seconds until he finally reached the roof of the castle.

Climbing up onto it, Harry began to run. It only took a few seconds for him to feel the presence gaze upon him once again, and he knew that now was the time to preform the technique!

Finding a suitably close tower that he could climb, he quickly ran up it's wall and reached the top , balancing upon it's steeple. Looking down, he saw a very conveniently placed stack of hay, and didn't hesitate as he preformed the leap of faith.

He felt the wind rush past his face as he reoriented himself and landed back first in the hay pile. He wanted to take a break, but knew he couldn't, so he hurriedly go up and began running again, climbing the opposite side of the castles tallest tower, hoping to reach it's seventh floor without being found again.

As he did this, he realized that this was maybe one of the most difficult tests he had been given yet, and that he might have just barely passed it. He still needed to get stronger.

With a renewed fire in his eyes, Harry vowed to triple his training from then on, in hopes of making his Sensei proud!


(If your worried, no, there will be no romance between Ginny and Harry, this is purely H/Hr. I just decided to try something different since most fanfics with an evil Ginny make her into someone who just cares about Harry's money. So instead I went with the "crazy yandere that can't seem to get what she wants" trope instead.

Anyway, as always comments, advice and reviews are always welcomed if you have anything to say. Thanks for reading.)

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