Crossof Realm: Celestial Descendent

Chapter 1: C001—CHOICE

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After being stuck in darkness for a couple of minutes, this virtual reality cabin finally found the light for me.

"Welcome to the virtual room, I'm Kindly."

I heard the sound of an adult woman's voice coming from behind me, so I turned around and saw a figure patiently greeting me with a lovely voice.

"Oh?" it was beyond my expectations.

Not a human, but she was a bright white orb about the size of a basketball, floating in the air without any motion. She just floated there, like a full stomach cow in a common United Kingdom field before kicking someone to bloody death.

Even though I didn't know if Kindly would be able to feel my emotion, I still gave her a smiley face. Yet a silence fell between us, and she gave no response to my smile.

I couldn't help the situation, so I started tilting my head up and down in expectation that she would understand.

'Why am I becoming a full non-sense human? Of course she couldn't understand me–'

"User Archy Alpetrichor, you have been registered as an SSS Class," Kindly continued after seeing me nod my head so effortlessly. She broke my heart completely. 

Maybe she was just an AI, but somehow it still embarrassed me.

'Gosh.' I was kind of grateful tho because she given me that responded.

"SSS Cla—Wait, what?!"


The notification sound shocked me, and a screen with a majestic blue and diamond tone appeared in front of my face after Kindly spoke.


[1. We do everything for you if possible.

Example: a Bodyguard certified by international legislation to protect you when inside the cabin *free*]

My eyes were locked on the screen, and I was surprised by the benefit offered by the SSS Class. "Everything I want? And it's free?" No one had ever talked to me about the SSS Class this virtual reality cabin had.

"I know you tried to make me play virtual reality again, but these free benefits are so excessive..." I confessed, and in an instant, I concluded that the people from this company were watching my cabin from their monitor and they wanted to suck my blood like the others.

"Do you want to ask something?" Kindly asked me.

"No," I replied shortly, just hoping this wouldn't be a problem for me in the future. I'm the type of person who save my words for later. 'Let them play their games and I'll play mine next time.'

"About the SSS Class, we are giving it to you as a gift," Kindly explained without me having to instruct her to do so.

'Sus.' Even my brain couldn't handle the traumatic experiences of having a seven year contract with a virtual reality company.

I had been part of the virtual world since the age of 13. After playing around in this virtual community for 8 years and taking a break. As far as I know, I had never received this treatment from any company so easily. 

They always wanted me to do something crazy.

'I'll be 23 years old this year, but they still want to trap me again with some papers? Unbelievable bloody sucking, mate.' It was just within my soul that I could recognize this type of energy, the blood-sucking company.

"I don't need this," I said without blinking my eyes.

"You will, Archy."

I could hear a voice roaming the white room, 'Now they're coming...' I never thought that some companies would have the nerve to confront me so dauntlessly.

'Wait... Is that...'

"Yoona?" I said casually, recalling her voice on my brain. Yoona was one of my ex-teammates on VRFPS at Ordinary People Squad.

"Welcome back, Archy. We're sorry for the inconvenient things... we just wanted to surprise you by welcoming you back to the virtual reality community."

"Thank you." They even used my friend to try and seduce me into signing a contract.

A crazy contract that I was somehow able to complete a year ago, I feel like it's coming back to my life again.

'Can't they find someone younger than me to boost their company in the market?'

I couldn't believe some corporation still want me to be part of them, even after I disappeared from the virtual reality community and became unknown to people.

'Wait, am I actually becoming unknown to people? Are they waiting for me to come back to the virtual world like this company? Are they any?'

"I'm sorry for ruining your first experience using our cabin. I think you already knew what we want... can you spare some time so we can explain the offer we have?"

"You know... it's a bit disappointing to know that a company is trying to confront and seduce me by using my friend. Yoona, don't you know what I've been through?"

The room fell silent again, I had told people in the Ordinary People squad how stressful the situation was because of the contracts I had signed as a VRFPS professional player, and now that I'm free from them, a friend of mine is trying to get me to sign them again.

"Yeah, but I know this one will suit you well."

"Yoona... if you want to represent the company so much, I don't have a problem with that, but right now I just want to enjoy some activities during the new year celebration." I don't want to ruin anyone's life again, and now it's just the beginning of 2056.

"Okay, but can you—"

"No," even though she's a friend of mine, I just have to do this. I don't want everyone to feel at ease with this. 

"I give you a minute to speak," I continued. Our friendship shouldn't be ruined by a capitalist company's offer. 

"You understand it more than anyone in that room, Yoona." Suddenly I heard something hitting the ground, "Thanks for hearing me out, and don't throw your things around, Sir."

As I knew another silence was about to come, I didn't want them to waste my time, and I had to take this as an advantage for my mission too. 'I never thought I would have to play my part this fast, as you wish, Claude, as you wish.'

I turned my head towards the corner and heard something drop to the ground again.

It was obvious that they had placed a camera there. 

I wouldn't let anyone cross the line again, not even a friend. I was done with this. "Let's start now," I said as I gave them the same look I used to have when I played as a VRFPS professional player, I was a person who's brutally killing anyone inside the game.

I heard a group of people coughing, and more things falling to the ground.

"Okay, Archy... do—do you want to hold a meeting with us on January 7th, 2056?"

"No, January 15th. Come to Indonesia."

"It would be more convenient for us to present it in our office in Korea."

"I'm not leaving this country anymore. I'll send a bunch of private jet for all of you on January 12th."


"Yeah, you can bring 100 people and all the necessary things with you. Is that okay? Or you want me to upgrade it for a plane instead?"

"Archy, are you serious?"

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"Yeah, Yoona... what's wrong with that?"

"Are you one of them???"

I couldn't help but smile as Yoona thrown out the suspicious words of her. 'Now the tables have turned,' I thought, and started remembering Claude's words from six months ago...

"Yeah.. Archy Alpetrichor is one of the human successors. Is there anything wrong with that? Like the others 999 of human successors, I want to conquer the VRMMORPG Crossof Realm too..."


At the dWorld Center in Seoul, South Korea, a group of grown men known as the Board of Directors and the Executive Team of dWorld were gathered in a meeting room. 

They were all gathered around a screen showing a white room, where a confident and handsome man with a fresh cut to his black hair, stood alone inside the room looking at them.

Yoona, who was familiar with the man was waiting for the Executive Team of dWorld to speak about the sudden offer from Archy.

The CEO of dWorld, Mr. Kang, gave a nod to Yoona. She looked surprised and asked Archy, "Can you give us ten minutes to think about your offer?"

Archy replied with a bright smile, "Sure, but I'll take down the offer if I feel something is off. It's better to just say yes or no in five minutes and five seconds."

Yoona couldn't help but blush at the smile, as it had been a long time since she had last spoken with Archy. The people in the meeting room were all surprised by the sudden turn of events caused by Archy. 

One of the Board members asked Mr. Kang, "Is this the person we've been waiting for? Is he even worth a penny?"

The words flying directly towards Yoona ears, now she was ready to burn the whole room, Archy was someone she had always looked up to. 

However, she always checked Mr. Kang before taking any actions in front of the dWorld Board members, they were people who could ruin someone's life if you weren't careful.

Mr. Kang simply nodded in response to the Board member's question, and Yoona took a moment to calm down.

Mr. Kang went to answer it directly by opening some statistic Archy have in the virtual reality community, "Yes, Mr. Jun. As far as we know, Archy Alpetrichor was one of the greatest players in the VR community. It would be good for us to have him on our side, I'm sure he will be one of the top 1% players in the VRMMORPG Crossof Realm."

"Even after he been gone?" Mr. Jun pointing the down line of Archy, he was standing still at 4.890 out of 5.000 active point to 0 point within a month and go on with 0 point until this moment.

"It was more than a year... are you sure we can trust him?" repeat Mr. Jun, Board members couldn't believe that one of the best CEO on the country like Mr. Kang still choosing a big risk for them.

"Yes. If any of you are unsure about what I've explained, Yoona can answer your questions, directly," reply Mr. Kang that now having a reason to keep Yoona by his side for a long time.

The Board members looked at each other and seemed unwilling to consider Archy as an option, as they had seen many top 1% players to choose from for an agreement. Archy was just one of the people they had chosen to be an option, but now...

"Ms. Yoona, before we reject him and move on to the next subjects..."

Yoona's blood boiled at the Board member's insult towards her friend, Archy had always cheered her up in difficult situations. She was ready to slap them in the face...

"Explain about him in a short and encouraging manner, so it will move our hearts in a second."

Yoona stepped closer to the screen and said, "I assume everyone in this room knows how the VRMMORPG Crossof Realm works, right?"

Everyone answered in unison, "Yes," as if they were an orchestra under the conductor.

"Well, now it become more easy to explain it...,

"Archy is a person who can make this room full of blood within seconds."

It went from a sleepy head to disgusted look so quickly. Board members cannot believe what they have heard from a young woman like Yoona.

"Is he an assassin? Can you explain it even more?"

"Yes, did all of you remember what Archy said before letting us to discuss his offer?"

A person raised his hand, "Yes or no?"

"A plane?"

"15th January?"

All of them in the room just randomly throwing a words for Yoona, that's turned out none of them was correct.

"False," replied Yoona for the nonsense.

"5:05." said Mr. Kang casually.

"Right, it was 5:05."

Mr. Jun shock, he was so pissed, "What so special about it?" 

Yoona shaken her head left and right, "Nothing... nothing but proving himself to us."

The looks on their face even become weird than ever.

"Combine the number with the Seoul time," Yoona suggested it to them.

All of them looking at their android wrist that showing a time of 02:22 am.


Yoona opened an article about the world record that Archy make, it's basically explain that Archy can killed 100 people in 7:27 minutes in 100 meter square room by combining the time Archy need to kill a person to another one and until it reach 100 kill.

Archy only need 7:27 minutes to kill them.

"It was a world record of him, Archy can killed 100 people in 7 minutes and 27 seconds—"

Archy waving his hands to the camera, everyone inside the meeting room was in shock.

"Thanks for explains it for them, Yoona. I hope you can hear my words..."

Board members stood up from their seats, the face they have after having so many coincidence is out of the world, Yoona become the only person got blames by their eyes.

"Are you...?" Mr. Jun blood doesn't run properly that his face start turn into grey color.

"Don't have to worry, your mic is muted. I don't hear anything," Archy replied so casually as he know what will happen every ticking of time in this room.

Mr. Kang was checking in the sound system just to have an answer of, "Mic is muted since then. Archy couldn't hear us at all..."

Yoona stood tightly for her friend once again, she was so happy that such a person can put so much believe on her in the life and death situation. Now Yoona respect for Archy is went to the sky.

"It just him being himself, Archy Alpetrichor. He's a master of close combat, He's a strategist, he's able to make split-second decisions that can turn the tide of battle, and most importantly, he's a team player.

"You've just witnessed how Archy using me as his closed friend, That's why he was able to lead the Ordinary People Squad to victory in so many competitions, 90% of his strategy is went to win, and it can be 100% if us doesn't make any bad mistakes."

"I one of person who's lucky to witnessed him from a close range, He was a miracle," Yoona started to tears and smiling at the same time, she's remember the good old time with the Ordinary People squad.

"Indeed... Archy was one of the best assets mankind have in 21st century..."

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