Cultivating Chaos: A Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Zuo Feng

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Ten years before the current events, a young man named Zuo Feng was a disciple in one of the most powerful cultivation sects in the world. He had been training for years, determined to become an Immortal, a being of immense power and strength.

But one day, everything changed. Zuo Feng was thrown out of the sect, cast out into the world with nothing but the clothes on his back.

The reason for his exile was a dark secret, one that he kept hidden from the world. He had been infected with a virus, a disease that was spreading rapidly throughout the world.

The virus was highly contagious, and it was causing people to transform into mindless zombies, driven only by their hunger for flesh.

Some of them were so strong that not even the thriving cultivation globe could withstand them; they even ate the nourishing bodies of cultivators and devoured their cultivation to become stronger. Numerous strong lineages and their members turned into zombies.

Zuo Feng had been lucky. Even though he hadn't yet turned into a zombie, he knew he couldn't go back because the virus was already present in his body passively, just like it was in most commoners.

He had been thrown out of the sect for his own safety and the safety of others. The sect leaders had feared that he would infect others, and they had wanted to protect their own.

Zuo Feng was furious and hurt by their decision. He had devoted his life to the sect and had never expected to be cast out.

But he knew that he couldn't dwell on his past. He had to focus on survival.

He traveled the world, searching for a cure for the virus. He met others who were also infected, some of whom had transformed into zombies and others who had mutated into part-animal creatures.

Zuo Feng quickly realized that the virus was not only spreading rapidly but also mutating into different forms. He knew that he had to find a way to stop it before it was too late.

He spent months researching, experimenting, and studying the virus, determined to find a cure.

Despite the danger and the odds against him, Zuo Feng never gave up. He knew that he had to try, no matter the cost.

And so, he continued on his journey, his heart full of hope and determination, never giving up on his quest to save the world from the zombie virus.

Zuo Feng, the boy who had been cast out of the cultivation sect, had spent years searching for a cure for the virus. But despite his best efforts, he had not been successful.

As the days passed, he gradually settled in a remote territory, far away from civilization. He lived alone, surrounded by the ruins of what had once been a thriving village.

He spent his days in a state of depression, consumed by thoughts of failure and regret. He had devoted his life to finding a cure for the virus, and yet he had been unable to save the world from its destruction.

He had lost everything - his home, his family, his friends, and his sect. He was alone, with nothing but his memories and his regrets.

He had given up hope of ever finding a cure, and he had lost the will to live.

As he sat alone in the ruins of the village, he couldn't help but think about the boy he had once been, full of hope and determination. He wondered where that boy had gone, and if he would ever return.

But as the days turned into weeks, and the weeks turned into months, Zuo Feng slowly began to realize that he could not give up. He still had a duty, a responsibility to the people who had been lost to the virus.

“What have I done?" Zuo Feng said to himself as he sat alone in the ruins of the village. "The world is dying, and I am powerless to stop it."

He looked around at the destruction that surrounded him. The once-thriving cultivation world was now overrun by zombies. The powerful sects that had once stood tall were now nothing but ruins, their disciples turned into mindless creatures, driven only by their hunger for flesh.

"I was so sure that I could find a cure," Zuo Feng continued. "I thought that my training and my powers as a cultivator would be enough to save the world. But I was wrong."

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He buried his face in his hands, overcome with guilt and regret. "I should have been able to save the world, but instead, I have contributed to its downfall."

He remembered the day he had been cast out of the sect, the day that his life had changed forever. He had been so angry and hurt, but now, he realized that the sect leaders had been right to protect their own.

"I am a danger to everyone around me," Zuo Feng said to himself. "I am infected with the virus, and I could have spread it to others. But still, I should have been able to find a cure."

He stood up and looked out into the distance. He knew that he couldn't give up.

Ten years had passed since Zuo Feng had first set out on his journey, and he had aged considerably. He had gone from a young boy, full of hope and determination, to a mature man, hardened by the realities of the world.

But perhaps, because he had matured, he had also become selfish. He no longer cared about the fate of the world, only about his own survival.

He had built himself a small shelter in the ruins of the village, where he spent his days scavenging for food and supplies. He avoided other survivors, not wanting to risk infecting them with the virus.

He had given up on finding a cure, accepting that the virus was here to stay. He only cared about staying alive, day by day.

As he sat alone in his shelter, he couldn't help but feel a sense of emptiness. He had given up on his dream of saving the world, and he had lost the sense of purpose that had once driven him.

He knew that he had become a different person, a person he no longer recognized. And he couldn't help but wonder if he would ever be able to find his way back to the person he once was.

He remembered his life in the cultivation sect, where he had devoted himself to training and learning. He had dreamed of becoming an Immortal, a being of immense power and strength.

He had become obsessed with the virus, and he saw it as a means to an end. He didn't care about the people who had been lost to it, only about his own gain.

He began experimenting on survivors, using them as test subjects for his research, without their consent or knowledge. He didn't care about their well-being, only about finding a cure.

As he sat alone in his shelter, something moved near the entrance. Zuo Feng tensed, ready for any potential threat. But as he peered out, he saw a wounded man lying on the ground, his body covered in wounds and blood.

The man was clearly in distress, and Zuo Feng knew that he should help him. But instead of going to the man's aid, he just watched. He had become a solitary figure, and he had lost the ability to trust or to care for others.

He sat and watched, as the man struggled to survive.

Zuo Feng approached the man carefully, not out of a sense of compassion, but out of curiosity. He found the man amusing and interesting, and he wanted to see what he was capable of.

He knelt beside the man, and said in a cold and emotionless voice, "You're a tough one, aren't you? You're still alive, despite the wounds and the blood."

The man looked up at him, his eyes filled with fear and confusion. "Please, help me," he whispered. "I've been attacked by zombies, and I need medical attention."

Zuo Feng felt a flicker of something inside him, perhaps it was remorse, perhaps it was pity. But he quickly suppressed it, and said in a cold and emotionless voice, "I'm not going to help you. I'm going to study you, to see how you've managed to survive."

The man looked at him, his eyes filled with terror. "Please, don't do this. I beg you, have mercy."

But Zuo Feng was beyond mercy. He was consumed by his own curiosity and his desire for knowledge. He didn't care about the man's well-being, only about his own research.

As he knelt next to the man, he said in a calm and collected voice, "Well consider this to be your lucky day, my friend,"

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