Cultivating Chaos: A Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 4: Chapter4: Life in The Shelter

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The immortal cultivator stood tall, his long white robes fluttering in the wind. He held a sword in one hand, its blade glowing with a powerful aura. Across from him stood a horde of zombies, their rotting flesh and glowing eyes a stark contrast to the immortal's serene appearance.


The immortal raised his sword and shouted, "I am an immortal cultivator, with powers beyond your understanding! You shall not pass!"


The zombies let out a deafening screech and charged towards the immortal. But he was ready for them. With a swift movement, he swung his sword and a wave of energy shot out, decimating the front line of zombies. Some of them were cut in half, others were beheaded, and some were just disintegrated.


But the horde was relentless. More and more zombies stepped forward to take the place of their fallen comrades. The immortal fought bravely, but there were too many of them. He began to tire, his movements became slower and his sword strikes less precise. The zombies were closing in, their putrid smell was overwhelming and their jaws were snapping.


Just as all seemed lost, the immortal's eyes flickered with determination. He closed his eyes and focused all of his energy into his sword. A blinding light shot out, and when it cleared, the zombies were all gone, reduced to ash and dust. The earth was scorched, and the air was filled with the smell of burnt flesh.


The immortal stood victorious, his sword still glowing with power. He looked around at the destruction he had caused and let out a sigh. "I am an immortal cultivator, but even immortals have a price to pay for their power. I will use it responsibly from now on." He dropped to his knees, feeling the weight of the lives he had taken.


And with that, the immortal cultivator disappeared into the night, leaving behind the memories of an epic battle between an immortal and a horde of zombies. The legend of the immortal cultivator who fought against an army of zombies spread far and wide, and many would remember the night when he stood alone against the undead and emerged victorious.


Zuo Feng closed the book. It was a classic book famous in the world of cultivation and it was a treasured book he kept from his childhood.


He looked at the puddle of water beside him and saw a tall and lean man with a bald hood. He had a strong jawline and sharp features, giving him a cold and stoic appearance. His eyes were deep brown and felt lifeless. He had a scar running down the left side of his face, which he had gotten during his training as a cultivator.


Zuo Feng's daily life was filled with struggles and challenges. He was constantly on the move, searching for resources and avoiding zombies. He had to be constantly vigilant, as one misstep could mean death.


He traveled through the ruins of the world, scavenging for food, weapons, and supplies. He had to be careful, as the zombies were everywhere, and they were always hungry for flesh.


He had to fight for survival every day, which took a toll on him. He was constantly exhausted, both physically and mentally. He had to keep his up at all guard times and be ready for anything.


"Another day, another fight," Zuo Feng muttered to himself as he set out on his journey. He had his sword at the ready, prepared for any zombies that may cross his path.


As he walked, he came across a group of zombies. They were stumbling towards him, their eyes blank and their mouths open.


"Time to put my sword to the test," Zuo Feng said, his voice filled with determination.


He charged toward the zombies, his sword flashing in the sunlight. He sliced through the first zombie with ease, his sword cutting through their flesh like butter.


But as he fought, he realized this was just the tip of the iceberg. There were zombies everywhere, and he knew that he couldn't fight them all.


"I have to keep moving," he said to himself. "I can't stay here and fight forever. I have to find a way to survive."


He continued on his journey, fighting zombies and scavenging for resources. He knew that it was a never-ending battle, and continued to fight for survival every day.


As the day drew to a close, Zuo Feng made his way back to his shelter. He was exhausted, both physically and mentally, but he knew that he had to keep going.


He entered his shelter and saw the wounded man lying on the ground, still weak and in pain. He looked up at Zuo Feng with a mixture of fear and desperation in his eyes.


"How was your day?" Zuo Feng asked.


The wounded man looked at him, his eyes filled with hatred and disgust. "How do you think it was? You're holding me captive, using me as a test subject. You're a monster."


Zuo Feng looked at him, his expression unchanging. "I'm doing what needs to be done. I'm fighting the battle that no one else is fighting."


The wounded man looked at him with disbelief. "You don't care about saving the world. You only care about satisfying your own obsession.”




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He slammed his hand at the wall near him and dust fell down. It was only then that Zuo Feng paid any attention to the man’s appearance. 


The wounded man was a middle-aged man. He also noticed that he had short, messy brown hair and a scruffy beard. He could even be considered quite handsome but now looked weak and frail due to the virus he has.


As Zuo Feng returned to his shelter in the evening, he saw the test subject sitting in the corner, his head hanging low. He looked sad and defeated, and Zuo Feng couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt.


"What's wrong?" Zuo Feng asked, his voice cold and emotionless.


The test subject looked up at him, his eyes filled with sadness. "I'm just thinking about my family," he said. "I miss them so much. I wish I could see them again."


"I understand that you miss your family," Zuo Feng said, with his voice fading away as he walked on onto his cultivation room.

As time passed, Zuo Feng began to notice that the test subject's condition had improved. He was stronger and healthier, and he was no longer as weak as he had been before.


Zuo Feng knew that he needed to keep the test subject alive if he wanted to continue his research. He decided to talk to him and ask him about his family.


He walked over to the test subject and sat down beside him. "I know that you've been through a lot," Zuo Feng said, his voice softening. "I want to know more about you and your family."


The test subject looked at him with suspicion. He didn't trust Zuo Feng and didn't want to tell him anything about his family.


"Why do you want to know about my family?" the test subject asked, his voice cold and hostile.


"I want to understand you better," Zuo Feng said, his voice sincere. "I want to know what drives you and what motivates you. It will help me in my research."


The test subject looked at him for a moment, and then he finally relented. He told Zuo Feng about his family, about their lives before the virus, and about how much he missed them.


Zuo Feng couldn't help but ask about the test subject's father. He knew that the man was a powerful cultivator and that he might have information that could help with his research.


"You mentioned your father earlier," Zuo Feng said. "Can you tell me more about him? Is he a cultivator?"


The test subject looked at him with a deadpan expression. "My father is a powerful cultivator, and he belongs to a powerful sect. He will come looking for me, and when he does, he'll make sure you pay for what you've done."


"I understand your concerns," Zuo Feng said, his voice cold and emotionless. "But I need you to help me find a cure for the virus. And your father could be a valuable asset in my research. I assure you, I'll take good care of you."


The test subject looked at him with hatred and anger, he knew that Zuo Feng only cared about his own ambition, he had no compassion or empathy. He just wanted to use him and his father for his own gain.


The test subject glared at Zuo Feng. "My father is part of the Celestial Rising Sect," he spat out. "They are very powerful. And when he finds out what you've done, he'll make sure you pay for it."


Zuo Feng's expression remained unchanged, "I have not heard of the Celestial Sect before, but I will make sure to research more about them. I appreciate the information you have provided."

"What about you?" the test subject said, his voice filled with contempt. "Do you have a family? Do they know what you're doing here? Do they know that you're using people like me for your own ambition?"


Zuo Feng's expression remained unchanging, but inside he felt a twinge of guilt. He knew that he had no family left, they had all died in the outbreak of the virus. He had no one left except his research and his quest to find a cure.


"I have no family left," Zuo Feng said, his voice cold and emotionless. "They all died in the outbreak of the virus."


The test subject looked at him with suspicion, he didn't believe him. "You're lying," he said, his voice filled with contempt. "I bet you come from a powerful sect or family, otherwise, you wouldn't be so obsessed with finding a cure. You're just using me for your own gain."


"Do you know how the world is divided?," Zuo Feng said abruptly.


The atmosphere in the room abruptly became gloomy, and beyond the shelter, in the unsettling darkness, the wind blew quietly.

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