Cursed Eclipse Lovers

Chapter 11: Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

The days that followed were a blur. From travelling to Lady Hae’s residence before dawn, to preparing her medication and conducting routine check-ups…to fighting the exhaustion her body was facing…Nandita began to suspect Seung Hee purposefully withheld information about how much the work would drain her.

She fought to keep her eyelids open, as Lady Hae drank her afternoon tea under the pavilion. The colour was slowly, but surely, returning to her cheeks. But she still carried an ashy undertone. Luckily, the soft green hanbok was coordinated to not heavily contrast her skin. Nandita could barely conceal her joy and relief every time she reunited with the noblewoman. And this moment was no different. Her eyes glanced up at the aristocrat. Halmeoni’s medicinal skills are unbeatable! That’s probably why we have such a high profile case. Ah, I should report this to her later tonight.

After administering the next course of tonics, Nandita left Lady Hae to join the ranks of the servants nearby. Most ignored her in the company of Lady Hae. But their glares were ever so harsh, she swore their eyes alone would rip her to shreds.

Nandita wanted to let out a sigh.

With Chae Ryung preoccupied with being temporarily sent to another household, she couldn’t figure out the reason for their behaviour. Nandita was hoping to use the ‘air-headed foreigner’ card and that someone would lower their guard and keep gossiping. She may not have fully understood their words, but if she could repeat them to Seung Hee, there was a chance to decipher what was going on. But they all ceased to speak whenever she appeared. But it was obvious the servants didn’t like her. Most refused to help her, even when she had given up her facade and was sure she had used the correct grammar when asking them.

Being different seemed to be a disadvantage. It made everyone much more cautious around her. Nandita mentally groaned. Whatever it was, hopefully it would not be a perpetual problem. I mean, this arrangement isn’t permanent, so maybe things will change over time…right?

So caught up in her thoughts, she barely heard a voice call out to her. It wasn’t until one of the servants nudged her forward, that Nandita noticed the curious smile of Lady Hae.

“What are you thinking so hard about?”

“Ah, m-my apologies, La-lady Hae!” Nandita bowed. She spoke slowly, making sure to put Seung Hee’s lessons on formal speech to good use. But there was only so much the tutoring sessions could prepare her when the crippling anxiety of having royalty in front of you, tended to overwhelm everything else.

But the noblewoman chuckled. She gestured to the new apprentice to rise and enter the pavilion. Nandita’s muscles tensed, as she obeyed her orders; gritting her teeth, she mentally cursed at herself while she walked up the small steps. More mistakes could lead to accumulating more problems. Something she had ingrained into her bones when she first arrived a few days ago. And yet, as if mocking her, fate made sure to keep adding to her list of things to worry about.

The urge to sigh was becoming too prominent.

As she made her way over, Lady Hae waved for the other servants to leave. Nandita gulped. If she wasn’t stiff from fear before, she was definitely turning into stone by now. She had never interacted with the noblewoman on her own before. Even when providing her with medicine, there was always someone nearby. Her hands began to sweat. Why was that changing now?

“Nandita,” once again, Lady Hae brought her out of her thoughts. “You’re not in trouble, so please relax.”

Nandita tilted her head, blinking her doe-like eyes at the sound of new words. Lady Hae pressed her lips together, stifling her laughter. There was no doubt that the reactions of the young girl were endearing. But she still had her status to uphold.

Shaking the thought out of her, she began to tap the seat next to her: a sign to sit down. Nandita held her breath, as she forced her body to comply. Her face contorted into a make-shift smile; the best she could muster to mask her uneasiness. Is it normal to sit with royalty like this?

But Nandita couldn’t finish her speculation. She couldn’t do anything, as her body locked in place. Her eyes trailed down to her lap, where her hands were resting. The same clammy palms that were warmly clasped into Lady Hae’s.

“Uh…My Lady…” Nandita stuttered, internally groaning. Why did they have to be so sweaty now?

“Pardon my abruptness, but I request your aid.”

If expressions could ask a hundred questions, Nandita’s was asking a thousand.

“Uh, how can I say it simply…” Lady Hae placed a finger on her chin, before slowly speaking the next sentence. “I need your help.”

Nandita jumped out of her seat. Her hands slipped from Lady Hae’s and slammed the table. “Are you hurt? Is there pain in your chest? Are you finding it hard to breathe—”

“—Wait, no, that’s not it.”

The words glossed over Nandita’s ears, as she sprung to her medicine bag. Halmeoni and Seung Hee had told her exactly what to do if she were to ever face something like this. First, treat the symptoms. They specified exactly what to look out for during these coming days; pairing certain tonics to particular problems. If her medical supplies were not enough and anything persisted, Nandita would have to run and get help…

She quickly threw the idea away. Now was not the time to think such things. Dang it! Is that why she sent everyone away? Because she wanted some privacy? And here I was only thinking about myself… 

Shuffling through, Nandita’s heart was about to explode. Her brows furrowed, as she tested her memory. She began to pull out vials of medicine, reciting their use as she set them on the table.

“This one’s for sharp chest pain…this one’s for breathing difficulties…this one is for—”

“—Nandita, stop.”

The young apprentice froze in her tracks, with two vials between her hands. The noble lady let out a breath between a sigh and a laugh. “I’m afraid there has been a misunderstanding between us —Nandita, please sit down.” Lady Hae tapped the chain once again.

Nandita slowly placed the medicine down, hesitating before returning to her seat. As the two settled, Lady Hae began to pour two cups of tea. Nandita almost protested, before the aristocrat gestured for her to accept; which was an order Nandita couldn’t refuse due to her status. Well if sitting with a royal family member is unusual, having to drink tea with them must be absolutely absurd.

“My apologies Nandita, but while I am grateful for your concern, my health has been improving in your care,” she placed a hand on her chest, “I am fine.” Her words caused Nandita to share a half-smile. “Ah…I am not sure I understand,” Nandita softly muttered, glancing between her bag and Lady Hae.

The noblewoman cleared her throat, straightening her posture. “It is true, I need help,” she maintained eye contact, reassuring that they both understood each other. “But not for this,” she pointed at the medicine.

Nandita frowned. “Are you not in pain, My Lady?”

“It is nothing I cannot manage.”

Nandita mouthed what she heard. It sounded familiar to something Seung Hee said, but there was something else added to it that distorted her understanding. Was it the formal speech that made the difference? Or was she recognising sentence structure and unable to place meaning in the words? As she opened her mouth to inquire further, Lady Hae beat her to it. “I am alright,” she said.

Nandita nodded a few times, taking in what the noblewoman was saying. But her frown had not dissipated with the clarification. In fact, it only deepened as Nandita thought about it more. If she didn’t need medicine, why else would she call me?

She opened and closed her mouth like a fish. Oh God, how do I ask? If I don’t do a good job, it could lead to further complications…But I barely know how to speak normally, nevermind in formal language. Dang it! I should have studied harder. She glanced up and made eye contact. The back of her head ached, but Nandita knew it was the reminiscence of Seung Hee’s warning about staring at nobles. Something she scolded her about after interacting with the 13th Prince. Please forgive me, Seung Hee, but I’m trying my best here! But she couldn’t dwell on the predicament, as the noble lady spoke.

“I hope this is not too out of the blue, as it was a while ago that we last spoke about this. Do you remember recommending that tea? The one from your home?”

“I recommended tea?” Nandita blinked.

“Ah yes, it was when I requested something for the upcoming winter, when you were here with Seung Hee.”

Nandita hummed in contemplation. Her mind wandered back to before Lady Hae’s health deteriorated, when she would arrive at the residence with Seung Hee. Honestly, the conversation at the time was never at the forefront of Nandita’s mind. There were other pressing matters that took priority. But if she remembered correctly, Lady Hae requested a prescription to strengthen the body for the up and coming winter. But unlike Seung Hee and her wealth of medical knowledge, Nandita couldn’t help much. So she instead offered some tea, alongside whatever Seung Hee had concocted, in hopes to fulfil her request. The only problem was that some of the ingredients were not available so she couldn’t make it.

“Are you…asking—no, do wish for some tea right now?”

“Well, I remembered to purchase the ingredients you had spoken about last time. I was wondering if you could make it for both myself and the 8th Prince?” A sheepish look framed Lady Hae’s face. The sight caused Nandita to smile. It was not unheard of for the Prince to be by his wife’s side while she was recovering. Nandita noticed the only time he would leave would be to carry out his royal duties. And now the caring husband would be returning soon, so it would be natural to request some tea for him. Nandita couldn’t help but widen her grin. 

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“Of course, it would be my pleasure.”


Underneath the pavilion, a cold wind blew by, reminding the pair of ladies that winter would be nearing. The poor noblewoman shivered with pain as it brushed by. But reaction prompted a blanket to wrap around her slender shoulders. Lady Hae looked up to see the warm gaze of her husband.

“My Lady, you should remain attentive to your health, especially as the weather changes,” Wook said with a concerned frown. Despite Lady Hae’s pale complexion, her make up could only hide so much of the subtle flush that dotted her cheeks. But her red ears gave her away immediately. 

The scene caused the novice practitioner to smile, before she immediately lowered her gaze in respect. She rose from her seat and bowed in the presence of the 8th Prince. The nobleman raised his hand in acknowledgement, allowing the young apprentice to rise, before he too took the opposite seat by his partner’s side.

“If you do not mind, I shall fulfil your request.” the young girl spoke with care, making sure to enunciate properly. 

“Ah yes,” Lady Hae blinked, returning her composure. “The Head Maid will guide you. I believe she is in the kitchen currently.” 

The girl nodded, before bowing once again. She excused herself to follow the quest for the Head Maid. The couple watched in silence as the rookie practitioner left them. But Wook’s eyes trailed back to his wife, who remained smiling as she watched the girl leave. Contentment warmed him from within at the sight. Although she was still frail, the colour had slowly been returning to her cheeks. And who knows? Maybe she’d even learn to laugh again as well…

As Wook mused it over, the corners of his mouth curved up. If this stranger who had wandered into their lives was able to help the grief that filled his wife’s bones, then she should be rewarded. But the King’s words rang through his head, faltering his smile.

“You must find out who she is, why she was at the Bathhouse and what her intention may be upon arriving in Songak.”

Wook clenched his jaw. He needed to complete his request and he needed to do it quickly. The King was being patient as he heard about Lady Hae’s predicament, but that patience was wavering. And it was wavering fast.

Wook fought the urge to sigh. He would find a way to deal with that at some other time. But for now, he should concentrate on Lady Hae. If he thought about it too much, she would pick it up and it would only add to her worries. Wook shook his head. A guilty feeling tugged at his chest. That was something he could never let happen.

“Is there something plaguing your mind?” 

“Ah, of course not, my lady. I was just thinking that you seem to have taken a strong liking to her.” Wook blurted out, hoping to evade her perceptiveness. 

“You are right. The girl is peculiar, but she has been instrumental in these passing days.” Lady Hae turned to face her husband, her smile widening as the words left her lips. “Thank you for heeding my request to bring her here.”

“I’m just grateful that the medicine is working,” Wook glanced at the vials of medicine left on the table. “But do tell me this — do you often interact like that?”

“Hm? Whatever do you mean?”

“I mean, it’s surprising to hear her use such formal language while it has only been a few weeks since her arrival,” Wook said.

“Ah yes, I guess it can seem quite strange,” Lady Hae replied. “I was shocked to learn she can read and write.”

Wook’s eyes widened. “She can already read and write?”

“I believe she already knew before she arrived here. I mean, from what I saw, the scripture was unlike anything I had ever studied before.” Lady Hae recounted the small memory before her health had deteriorated. Wook sat aghast as his wife told him about the little black book. He could not believe his ears. Those were skills that were taught to aristocrats. And yet, this girl had learnt them, albeit in another language. And now she was able to apply those skills to her current predicament. Wook left out a breath in disbelief. Just who on earth was this girl?

“Although she has shown great skill, I assure you, there is still room for improvement,” Lady Hae continues.

Wook raised an eyebrow. “Whatever do you mean?” 

“I mean, just before you arrived, there had been a misunderstanding between us,” Lady Hae continued. “I had simply wished to request for some tea, but poor Nandita thought I was in pain.” She softly chuckled at the fact, but it was no laughing matter for Wook. 

He lowered his gaze. The situation was more unfavourable than he first thought. And what was even worse was that he hated how he couldn’t enjoy seeing his wife laugh at this. “Did anyone witness this?” Wook spoke in hushed tones.

“No.” Lady Hae’s smile faltered as she realised what Wook was implying. “I had sent everyone away just in case.”

She was well aware of how it could have been perceived, especially if Nandita had spoken informally by accident. The apprentice would be considered disrespecting the royal family and there would be no hope of saving her. Lady Hae grimaced at the thought. 

“So you know that this can’t continue,” Wook shared a reassuring smile. He cursed himself silently. She had just laughed for the first time in a while and here he was reminding her of her miseries.

Lady Hae nodded. She assumed that with time, Nandita would learn enough to reduce the headache that would come with prying eyes. But as the seasons shift and change, Lady Hae knew that time may not always be by their side. “You are right. Although her language skills are improving, a simple mistake would add to our troubles. What do you think we should do?”

Wook furrowed his brows, rubbing his chin as he thought about it. But the King’s words persisted in his mind. Maybe he could find a way to deal with both at the same time? 

An idea flashed in his mind. The 8th Prince turned to face his wife. “Well, considering she has shown some promise, why don’t we tutor her?”

“You want to hire a tutor?”

“Well,” Wook gulped, understanding the weight of what he was about to say. “I was considering tutoring her myself.”

Lady Hae stared at him in disbelief. “My Prince, there is no need to burden yourself,” she reached for her husband’s hand. “I’m sure we could find someone who would be able to complete the job.”

“I know, I know,” Wook began to rub circles on the back of her hand. “But we could frame this as sponsoring the person who saved the lives of my brothers and I, which could alleviate our social standing.” As Wook’s thoughts unfurled, he clasped Lady Hae’s hands in his own, causing the noblewoman’s cheeks to heat up. “And by tutoring her directly, it would provide us an opportunity to obey His Majesty’s request, without involving more people, showing we are more than capable in His Majesty’s eyes, which would also help win his favour.”

Lady Hae sighed at the proposition. She had almost forgotten what His Majesty had requisitioned. But to have a Prince of a nation tutor someone seemed excessive. But Nandita wasn’t a commoner. Or at least not a regular commoner. She could already read and write, despite it being in another language. If people found out, it could be spun that Goryeo was looking to expand its connection to foreign lands. Although she hated how her mind thought of this — but if her household could helm those discussions, it would elevate their status in society. 

But there was a problem

There was no evidence that Nandita could even have those connections. She could have simply learnt to read and write through other means. Lady Hae pressed her lips together. There was only one way to find out. They needed to communicate. “Alright,” she answered, “but only if you don’t overwork yourself.” 

Wook shared a smile with his wife, who also reciprocated. The weight of their troubles being answered began to lift from their shoulders. But their moment was cut short, as the young apprentice returned; rattling with an assortment of ingredients on a tray.


End of Chapter 11.

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