Cursed Eclipse Lovers

Chapter 2: Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Songak, Goryeo, Year 941.

Sounds of cheering and splashing could be heard beyond the steam from an outdoor spring. The two younger princes of the Goryeo dynasty, 10th Prince Wang Eun and 14th Prince Wang Jung, made their way to the outdoor spring and began their usual playful advances outside the wooden framed bathhouse. The door to the spring was left wide open, letting all their excitement echo throughout the building. 

The ruckus caught the attention of the 3rd Prince Wang Yo, who returned his intense glare to watch his younger siblings make fools out of themselves. He sat on the edge of the indoor spring, enjoying the steam and heat from his surroundings as they washed away his stresses for the day. He had hoped to enjoy his tea in peace. But he was not surprised at the lighthearted interactions of his younger brothers. The 9th Prince Wang Won, who was attempting to exercise at the edge of the indoor spring, rushed to the 3rd Prince’s side, asking for his opinion on his muscles. Yo could not help but let out a chuckle at his innocent gesture. 

The commotion also brought the attention of the 13th Prince Baek Ah, who had a smile dance across his lips, as he couldn't help but watch their gleeful actions. Making his way to where Yo and Won resided in the main bathing area, the 10th and 14th Prince followed his suit and met the others at the inside spring, where the 8th Prince Wang Wook had just arrived. 

Soundlessly, two bathhouse maids enter the room, their yellow uniform a contrast to the wooden fixtures of the building. They had their eyes fixed to the floor, to respect the Princes’ privacy. They began to refill Yo’s cup, who still had a grasp on it. It was difficult to tell if the maids were sweating due to the heat of the baths or due to the sheer pressure of being under the presence of royalty.

One of the maids, tasked with pouring the teapot, could not control her nerves as her hands began to shake. She tried to compose her breathing, but the damage was already done. She had accidentally spilt some tea onto Yo’s hand. 

He glared at them. How dare they! Enraged by their carelessness, Yo raised his hand to strike sense into the young girl. 

Hyungnim,”  the 8th Prince called out, stepping in before he could harm the girls. “Is our 4th brother not here yet?” He asked innocently, knowing that it would nudge his attention away from the maids. “I mean, he should come and bathe if he is to attend the spiritual ritual

Has he ever done things our way?” ridiculed Yo, “Don’t bother with him. It’s too much of a pain.” Wook gestured the bathhouse maids to leave, which they did gratefully.

“Ay, don’t you know what Wook is like? He is always worrying about others,” chimed the 9th Prince. 

Wook let out a silent scoff at Won’s comment, before biting his tongue back. The 9th Prince always had a way with words but Wook would not let it get to him. “4th Prince Wang So was born in the same year as me, I should at least take care of him,” Wook said, as he made his way to the warm body of water and slowly descended within it.  

“This is the first time So will be attending the spiritual ritual, right?” asked Baek Ah, as he made his way into the spring with his siblings. “I wonder if His Majesty has a specific reason for telling him to come…” he trailed off, his thoughts consuming him. 

“Baek Ah,” Eun said, “Didn’t you hear that our fourth brother massacred his family in Shinju?” Yo raised his brows at Eun's comment. “They say it was very brutal, like a wolf killing people,” he added before letting out a howl, poorly imitating a canine. Although he wasn’t the youngest, Eun was definitely the most childish out of all the Princes. His playful demeanour was his greatest charm in Wook’s eyes. 

“You can’t believe all rumours like that,” hushed Baek Ah, “All the criminals in the nation don’t even talk about things like that,” he said. “Ay, all our visitors from Shinju say so. It must be true,” retorted Eun. Wook felt a shudder. The idea of his brother murdering people was difficult to apprehend. 

“It is merely a rumour,” said the 14th Prince, “How can he take down a local government on his own?” Jung asked. “What about the local army? Even good martial art skills would not suffice. Also, So has never had a master who taught him to fight,“ dismissed Jung, obviously unhappy with the way he was talking about his older brother. 

“You and So have the same mother,” Eun replied, “You never know when you’ll turn into a wolf too,” he deadpanned before repeating his awful wolf howl. Jung retaliated with a deeper and slightly more accurate howl and began to chase Eun around the spring.

“Shut your mouths,” Yo exclaimed. Silence befell the whole bathhouse. “Then, I am born from the same womb as our fourth brother,” Yo said, “Am I not a person, as well?” Yo leered towards Eun,  who felt his throat dry up. He had not intended to anger the short-tempered Prince. The rest of the Princes shuffled uncomfortably, unsure how to soothe the situation. However, Wook was able to speak out for his younger sibling.  

“His jokes were too harsh,” Wook said, trying to diffuse Yo’s anger. “I will speak to him later on, so please don’t take it to heart

4th Prince So will be returning to Shinju once the spiritual ritual is over,”  stated Yo, “If the King hears about any nonsense, I will not stand idly by. Do you understand?” All the younger brothers shifted awkwardly in their places, refusing eye contact. Their silence, their answer. 

Eun shook his head and took initiative. He resumed playing games once more. He rushes outside and jumps straight into the outdoor spring. Wook called out for him but to no avail. The brothers let out a breath as the situation began to dissolve; enjoying the humidity of the bathhouse once more. 

Laughter filled the air again before an object flung by, missing Wook by margins. The Princes’ gaze followed to where the object lodged itself in the wooden panels of the wall. An arrow. Another arrow swings by. This time it hits a vase near Yo, which shatters completely. The Princes rush to their feet. 

“Guards!” Yo called out. 

Another projectile darts by, this time aimed at the 10th Prince. Eun couldn’t help but let out a scream. He ran back inside, just in time before another arrow shoots and misses him. A moment passed. Then another. All eyes began to focus on where the attacker could be, but the steam in the bathhouse was too thick to give a clear view. But out of the corner of Baek Ah’s eye, he saw something shift on top of the wall that encased the outdoor spring. 

“There!” he said, but it was too late. The archer had already released another arrow. It was aimed straight for Wook. 

Before anyone could react, something arose from the outdoor pool. It could have easily been a person. It wore a chipped and dented breastplate and was completely covered in black clothing. However, the way the clothes were soaked, made it cling onto its form, presenting itself as a secondary, leathery skin. But the main cause of its grotesque appearance was its face. It was not human. Its snarl was carved into its expression; its blood-red mouth showcasing its large fangs, contrasted with its umber skin. Its lifeless eyes left an intense nauseating ache in the pit of your stomach. It looked monstrous.

The creature was standing perfectly between the assassin and its target. As the arrow flew closer, the beast quickly deflected it, with its sword. And then another. It turned around and started running towards the Princes. The clanging of metal and the splashing of water was accompanied by screaming; a mixture of orders from Yo and the fear from the younger Princes.

“It’s a demon!” Eun shrieked. 

Another arrow shot through the air and pierced the beast’s back. A roar left its lips. It stumbles before spinning around to take another defensive stance. Its shoulders and chest, rising and falling. Another arrow shot by and the beast deflects once more, faltering in the process. The Princes couldn’t help but stare in disbelief. The creature weakly regains its stance. 

Without missing a beat, it raises its blade and throws it like a javelin towards the direction of the attacker. The Princes hear a wail, before somethingno someone falling from the rooftops. Clashes of metal follow suit, as the guards finally arrived. Yo and Won direct them towards the archer who had fallen.

The beast crashes as it falls to its knees. Blood pooled around it and mixed in with the hot spring. It took a final deep breath before falling headfirst into the water; finally succumbing to its injuries. 

Wook rushed over to the beast. “Help him!” he exclaimed as he and Baek Ah made their way to their saviour. They both drag his body from the water, surprisingly lighter than he thought he would be. As they lay him down, Baek Ah requested for Jung to call for a medic. Jung turned to Eun; the poor boy was completely shaken from the encounter. He gave a reassuring pat before heading out, but Eun barely noticed. His eyes focused on the demon’s body in front of him.

Upon closer inspection of the body, Wook noticed that its distorted face was heavily chipped. A mask! A sigh of relief escaped his lips. It would be too difficult to explain if it was a true demon that helped the Princes. “Take his mask off,” Wook commanded and Baek Ah followed. Their eyes widened as they slowly took off the mask. Her petite and pointed nose had a piercing through one of its nostrils, although the stud was long gone. Despite the angular features that made a person seem harsh, she seemed to have this gentle presence. She looked peaceful. 

Until she opened her eyes. 

The girl gasped for air, sputtering out water. Wook wrapped his arms around her, cradling the injured girl. Her blood gushed all over him. “Help!” He screamed. He looked back at her, who was slowly losing consciousness once more. “Hey,” he said, tapping the girl’s cheek, “Hey, stay with me...”

But his voice began to muffle as the girl slipped away once more.


Two Weeks Later.

When Nandita finally remained conscious, her body was aching. Pain engulfed her body every time she took a breath. She wasn’t exactly sure where it was all coming from. But there was a deep throbbing on the back of her right shoulder, sharp pains around her chest and a dull ache everywhere else. It didn’t help that her muscles were stiff either. 

She opened her eyes, her vision unfocused and disorientated as she drank in the room. White and dull green silk sheets enveloped her body; its smooth surface reflected the sunlight vividly. Nandita couldn’t help but wince at its gleam met her eyes; a headache creeping at her temples. Her nostrils flared at the overpowering scent of lavender. The bile crept up at the back of her throat. 

She raised her hand for shade, slowly coming to her senses. Her eyesight finally adjusted. She moved her gaze to the room around her. Her eyes met with faint green and brown walls. Dark wooden cabinets adorned the room, complementing the earthy-toned aesthetic. With sluggish ache, Nandita carefully rose from her bed. 

Huh? A bed? 

This wasn’t her bedroom, nor was this a hospital room. Her heart rate began to accelerate; her palms started to sweat. She tried to process her surroundings, but her mind was too stunned to dissect anything.

Nandita’s attention shifted to the corner of the room, where a lady was standing, her back towards the girl. She held a handkerchief across her mouth, letting out quiet coughs. She wore a beautiful sky blue hanbok, which had gold weaved into the fabric. Her hair was elegantly braided into a large low bun and was gracefully decorated with ornaments. Nandita couldn’t help but stare in awe at her presence. She was quietly talking to another girl, with two pigtails. This girl was wearing browns and neutral-coloured clothes; a much plainer attire compared to her companion. 

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A whimper escaped her lips as she adjusted herself to sit upright. The Lady in Blue rushed to aid the poor girl but stumbled as soon as she got up. Her associate instead guided her towards Nandita, giving her a chance to take a good look at their faces. The Lady in Blue, although very beautiful, had a sickly grey tint to her complexion. However, she had this gentle and kind demeanour that resonated with Nandita. The other girl was much younger, but taller than her companion. But it was difficult to truly assess their characters, as both their faces were laced with concern. They began speaking to Nandita but she couldn’t understand exactly what they were saying. 

“Ma’am!” said the younger girl, “You’re finally awake!” 

The girl had a bubbly expression when she spoke, but her words were alien to Nandita. She couldn’t help but slightly frown as she tried to comprehend what she was saying. Nandita tried her best to get out of bed but hot, white pain forced her back down. She couldn’t help but let out a yelp. Her hand automatically reaches towards her ribcage, her breathing becoming shallower.

You must still be in a lot of pain,” said the Lady in Blue. “Go and fetch the doctor,” she ordered the young girl, who simply nodded and swiftly left the room. Nandita’s eyes followed the girl leaving. Her mouth was dry. 

Why is she leaving? 

An uncomfortable sensation settled in her stomach. Desperation began to sink into Nandita; adrenaline pumping through her veins. Her heartbeat pounded inside her chest. Her ribs became heavier and tighter. Nandita closed her eyes. Drew in a few deep breaths. The fog in her mind dissolved ever so slightly. But that was enough to compose herself.

Who were these people?

Still breathing heavily, Nandita tried to recount her last steps. But her memory refused to surface. Nandita furrowed her brows. No, no, she had to get out of there. She had to figure out how she ended up here and find a way back home. Her lungs felt like they could not get enough air in them. She was running out of time. 

In complete agony, Nandita forced herself to get up and sprinted outside. But she was only met with more unfamiliarity. The wooden pillars that constructed the building were painted a vivid red. The doors and panels of the building were a pale green. She dragged her way through what she assumed was the courtyard. Her eyes frantically took in her surroundings. Nandita’s bottom lip quivered. Her breathing got shakier by the second. She clutched her aching head. Nothing resembled anything familiar. 

There were other people here in the courtyard, but all were wearing uniformed Hanboks. They hadn’t noticed her presence until a voice called behind her. But Nandita took off before they were able to respond. She had no idea where she was going. A lot of the buildings looked very similar to each other. Nandita had no idea how she would leave this place. 

Multiple voices called out behind her. Staggering her way around, Nandita knew she couldn’t outrun them. Not in this state. By the luck of the Gods, she saw a door ajar. She rushed towards it as fast as she could, almost tumbling as she went inside the room. It was dark and cluttered. Dust particles fluttered due to her presence disturbing them. Glancing around the room, Nandita saw it only had one door. She quickly locked it, as if instinct took control. 

Sobs began to fill the air as Nandita collapsed toward the floor. Her body on fire, her heartache unbearable. She curled up into a ball, weaving her hands through her hair. None of this made sense. She began to gently rock herself, hoping a moment of clarity would return to her. But instead was met with despair. Her hand reached up and grabbed her chest. Her clothes, already soaked from her tears.

It wasn’t long until people found her. Knocking. Banging. People were hitting the door. Nandita couldn’t help but flinch with every hit. Voices called out, but no words could be deciphered. She clutched her ears, muffling their cries. Please stop...just leave me alone…


“Please come outside,” said Lady Hae, pounding at the locked door.

“Ma’am!” called out Chae Ryung, “Please open the door.” Lady Hae continued to strike the door, but the task was too strenuous for her condition. Her chest tightened and soon a coughing spell seized her body. Chae Ryung immediately rushed to her side and consoled her. “I’m fine,” she heaved, before returning to coerce the girl out of the room.

“What is the meaning of this?” called out a male voice. 

Both ladies turned around. Their worried faces met a familiar character. The 8th Prince’s expression was laced with concern. His wife, Lady Hae, looked exhausted. Whatever that had transpired was proving to take a toll on her fragile body. “My Lady,” said Wook, “You should be resting.” He raised his hand and gently caressed her cheek, before holding her in his arms.

“I know,” panted Lady Hae, “But I couldn’t help but worry for the girl.” Wook shared a confused glance. He turned to Chae Ryung, “What is going on?”

“The girl that saved you!” Chae Ryung said, “She’s locked herself in the storeroom.” She pointed at the room. “She’s awake?” Wook asked and the girl nodded. 

“The doctors said her wounds were too fatal,” Lady Hae added, “They doubted she would make it, but she pulled through. I’m worried her injuries won’t heal without proper care.” The tone of his wife’s voice was enough to spring him into action. 


The banging continued. The door shook with every hit. She wanted everything to stop. Just for a second, so she could compose herself, and figure out what to do. 

Eventually, the panic attack subsided. Nandita collided with a blast of exhaustion. She gently placed her head on the boxes nearby. Tears softly continued down her cheeks. The haze her mind was under began to slowly diffuse. She took a second to assess what had transpired. 

She heard of panic attacks, but luckily never truly experienced them before. She heard people compare it to drowning, but she never understood what they meant. Until now that is. Nandita seemed very familiar with the term. 

And just like that, waves of memories flooded back to her. She was back in the river. Its icy waters engulfed her body, slowly dragging it to its riverbed. Nandita shook herself from the vision. That’s right. Nandita had died. Like the fool she was, she took her own life. 

No no no, she can’t have died. This all felt so real and alive! This had to be a dream. Scratching her head, debating on what to do, Nandita quickly pinched herself. The pain was stinging. No, no, this was very much real. 

If I’m not dead...Where am I? 

Nandita rattled her brain. This had to be the afterlife. Although, it was a very different image from what she had expected. She focused hard on recalling her surroundings. Everything here looked like the images she saw from her history books. But that also doesn’t make any sense. 

Why would the afterlife resemble the past?

Wait...the afterlife?

Nandita’s heart sank. Suicide is considered a sin that can be harmful to karma and the soul. This means it could also affect reincarnation. If Nandita was reincarnated into the past, it must mean she is being punished by the Gods. 

She bit her lip, trying to grasp the situation. Of course, she would be punished. Her curse made sure that nothing but misery happened all around her. Nandita fiercely wiped away her tears; resentment fuelling her body. 

This wasn’t fair. She didn’t ask for any of this. But the weight of what could have happened sank in. She was in complete control of her actions. This all could have been avoided. Despair took over her body, as a flood of grief overwhelmed her. Sobs slowly crept up at the back of her throat.

There was more banging at the door. More voices. But Nandita didn’t care anymore. She wanted to go home. She wanted to hold Junseo again. Her heart shattered at the thought of never seeing her nephew again. 

No. I can’t just give up. 

The Gods wanted to punish her, Nandita had no say in that. But she could control her reactions to whatever they threw at her. Nandita looked at the door. Out there was another chance at life. All she had to do was go for it. 

Before Nandita could decide if she was ready, a smoke of dust exploded in the room. The door finally gave way.  Crashing violently, Nandita held her eyes shut, sputtering as the room became obscured with dust. When she finally braced herself to open her eyes, her muscles locked in place. 

A man panted heavily as he entered the room, beads of sweat on his brow. His hair in a top knot, that was encased with a broad silver band and a pin piercing through. He wore a blue gown, with a golden crest in its centre. Her eyes couldn’t help but widen as she observed his face. His high cheekbones, his full lips. 



End of Chapter 2

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