Cursed Eclipse Lovers

Chapter 5: Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Voices echoed in the late morning sky, as the Princes practised for the spiritual ritual. Clashes of black and red danced across; wooden swords swung around to the rhythmic beat of the drums. Wook’s brows furrowed. His eyes focused on the task at hand. His movement was as graceful as his brothers. Well most of them. 

Eun was struggling to find the rhythm. Always off-beat. His form was sluggish compared to the composure maintained by his brothers. As they reached the finale of the ritual, Jung quickly corrected Eun’s position; lowering the sword to match everyone else.

“I can’t do this anymore!!” Eun chucked his sword to the ground. “We’ve been practising this for over a hundred times and I don’t want to practice a hundred times more.” He fell into a slump, as his body finally abandoned hope on memorising the ritual. “Why do I have to be a part of this anyway?”

“Don’t think so highly of yourself. We aren’t doing this because of you,” Won quipped, frustrated with his younger brother.

“That’s what I mean. The 13th Prince and I are barely a part of the family. We should be excused from this. It’s just wrong to force the two of us.”

“Well, two wrongs can make a right,” Baek Ah teased, poking Eun with the tip of his sword.

“Hey!” Eun sprung up. He attempted to grab it but Baek Ah was quicker than him. Before long the two began a chase. Wook couldn’t help but chuckle as they zigzagged themselves between the rest of the brothers. Baek Ah tagged Jung to join the fray and not before long a game of Pickle in a Dish ensued. Eun’s cheeks were puffed and red as he tried to intercept his taller brothers from throwing the sword to each other. 

Wook took a moment to cherish the situation. It was nice to laugh again. Everyone had been tensed from the prior assassination attempts but it was finally nice to relax and enjoy each others company. The atmosphere was refreshing. However, Eun’s whines brought Wook out of his thoughts.

“Hyung! Help me!

“Ok enough teasing,” Wook grinned, “How about we take a break instead?” 

He led the way for his siblings as the palace maids began to set the table with snacks and began serving drinks to the Princes. As the Princes settled down, their glasses clinking, an object gently swooped down and landed on the table, right next to Eun. His eyes widened with wonder, as his hands picked up the object. Its delicate form resembled an arrowhead made of paper. He inspected it closer; noticing the folds that allowed it to take shape. His eyes lit up as he made mental notes on how to recreate it.

On the other hand, Wook’s eyes drifted to where the item had come from. His gaze was met with two familiar faces, the Crown Prince Mu and the Royal Astronomer, Choi Jimong. Their eyes focused on the 10th Prince and his interactions with the object.

“Is this another one of your inventions?” Wook asked. Jimong simply nods, grinning at Eun's expression. 

“What is it?” Eun asked.

“Something I thought might cheer you up,” Jimong said. Eun shared a quizzical glance to Jung.

“We saw you guys practising,” Mu answered, “Jimong thought this might raise your spirits, Eun.”

“How? What is it supposed to be?”

“Well, someday, when your children have children and those children have children, they will use this to travel across the sky to foreign lands,” Jimong answered. Foreign lands? Would Jimong know anything about the land Nandita is from?

“Ay, this is too small to carry someone,” Jung said, making Jimong bellow with laughter. “You're right. This is only a paper replication. The real thing will be bigger than a battleship!” The younger Princes all stared in awe, as Jimong took the craft and aimed it at the sky. It glided gracefully through the air. 

“You always say weird things,” Yo chided.

“I guess being the Royal astronomer means you have an affiliation with the sky,” Wook chuckled.

“You may be right. I read the stars for a living. My connection with the sky allows me to know the future and in turn serve you.” Jimong ended his sentence with a bow.

“Ay, the last time you read my fortune, you said I would win that game of strength against Jung and be the better man,” Eun jeered, “And now you're saying these things will exist in the future?” Eun pointed at the paper glider, before letting out a tut in disbelief. 

“Maybe you win in other ways?” Won cocked his brow, a smug look on his face. Eun’s cheeks grew pink as he realised what Won was suggesting. But a chorus of groans from the other Princes put a stop to his proposal. “Well, I guess there are more reasons as to why the Princes are considered men among men,” Jimong said, feigning thoughtfulness as he placed his hand to his chin. Wook’s ears flushed at Jimong’s proposition. His eyes quickly glanced to the palace women.

“What?” Won faking innocence, “I meant in terms of being more skilful, such as intellect. You're the ones whose minds went straight to the gutter,” he pouted. An ensemble of laughter filled the air. Despite laughing with them, Wook’s focus could not leave the people around them. “Ah, enough of this,” he said, “If someone hears, we will be in trouble.”

Baek Ah’s eyes follow Wook’s gaze. Understanding the situation, Baek Ah stood up and grabbed his sword, before turning back to Jimong. “We should continue practising. By the way, do you know when So will arrive? Practising without him feels incomplete…”

“He will arrive soon.”

“I guess your fortune-telling can’t predict his arrival,” Jung teased. Jimong couldn’t help but ruffle his hair. “He will arrive when he arrives and now eat up. You’ll need the energy.” 

The Princes settle down to munch on the fruit presented to them, Baek Ah and Mu following suit. Glancing around, Wook saw an opportunity. He opened his mouth; a question brimming on his lips, but Won had beaten him to it.

“Is it true that the King will abdicate and give the throne to you after the ritual? Is that why we are practising early?” Jung and Eun choke as Won turned to the Crown Prince, who seemed unphased with his question. Instead, Mu’s eyes drifted to the palace women. Wook followed his gaze. “Don’t be so careless with your words,” he said, before gesturing to the maids to leave. They all bowed and made their exit.

“He was only curious. Don’t be too harsh on him,” Yo said. The Princes watched as everyone left, the air becoming thicker after Won’s question. However, the maids stopped. Instead, with their backs to the Princes, they bowed again as another figure arrived. His long hair in a half updo, with his fringe covering his face. The 4th Prince swaggered towards his brothers. No one could utter a word, as his presence added to the uneasy atmosphere.

Wook shook his head slightly and snapped himself out of his stupor. Instead, greeted his sibling with a smile, before handing him a piece of fruit. “It’s been a while.”

So hesitated. He nodded at his greeting but declined his offering of food. Yo couldn’t help but let out a scoff, as So’s arrogance boiled his blood. Instead, the 4th Prince turned to Jimong, with a stern expression. “You requested to see me?”

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“Ah yes,” he said, “We’ll go somewhere private.” He gave a quick bow before leaving the Princes with the 4th brother. A chorus of exhales followed suit, as Eun, Jung and Won regained their composure. However, Wook’s eyes never left them, as the two trailed off into the distance.

This is strange.


So’s heart raced as he left his siblings. He had not expected them to be with Jimong. But nonetheless, he had work to do. They walked a fair amount of distance from the Princes, as they both made their way through the palace gardens. Nothing but silence keeping them company. So’s eyes trained on Jimong. He had no idea what the Astronomer had planned. With each step taken, Jimong’s eyes would shift. So would drift his gaze to follow, but saw nothing. As they made their way to a tree, So stopped.

“I’m sure we are alone now.”

Jimong froze. A sigh leaving his lips. He raised his hand towards the tree; his fingers brushing against the leaves. A small ladybird perched itself on his fingertip. “I’m sure you heard about the attacks on the Princes?”

“The Crown Prince’s food was poisoned and there was an attack on the rest of the Princes,” he answered. Jimong nodded his head; impressed with his knowledge. But his eyes never left the bug, who made its way to the centre of his palm. “You also found the assailants,” So said.

“Yes, the servant who served the breakfast was found hanging from the noose. And the culprit for attacking the princes died while in captivity. Both assassination attempts were covered by suicide.” He made a fist around the insect. He finally met the Prince’s gaze. So couldn’t help but gulp at the intensity of his actions. His eyes widening as the truth sunk in. “Why are you telling me this?”

“Because you weren’t targeted and there are talks that suggest you were the one who orchestrated the attacks.”

“That’s insane! Why would I do such a thing?”

“Exactly. Why would you do such a thing?” Jimong’s voice was low and ruff. He watched So carefully. The Prince’s demeanour indicated he was hearing this for the first time. “It’s too obvious and easy to point fingers at you. Unless someone wants to do exactly that…” He spoke more to himself than to So. The 4th Prince’s brows furrowed, as he struggled to grasp what Jimong was implying.

“So you are not accusing me?”

A chuckle left Jimong’s lips. “No.” He opened his palm. The ladybird was completely unscathed and fluttered away from the two. So watched the insect fly away, as silence met the two once more. A thought briefly passed by; if I keep quiet maybe more answers will be revealed?

Another moment or two passed before Jimong opened his mouth once again. “Did you know the attacker from the bathhouse applied to the military but could not get in due to failing the archery test?” Jimong turned, paying all of his attention to the 4th Prince. “Why hire someone who cannot shoot? Simple. Because you don’t want to get hurt when the assailant aims.”

A small gasp left So’s lips. “Are you saying that one of the Princes orchestrated the attack?”

“We aren’t entirely sure.” Another voice called from behind. So instinctively turned, his mouth agape as the Crown Prince made his way towards him and Jimong. So quickly bowed at his presence.

“Why are you telling me this?” He rose from his bow.

“We need your help,” Mu answered.

“Ah, I see. You want me to sniff him out. Just because my nickname is the Wolf, doesn’t mean I’ll obey you like a dog.”

“Well did you enjoy killing that horse?” piqued Jimong. “I’m sure another can be arranged for you to slaughter when you go back to Shinju.” A frown settled on So’s brow, as a surge of anger coursed through his body. Jimong raised his brow, picking up the reason for his anger. “Ah, unless you don’t wish to go back, my Prince. I’m sure we can arrange that

Don’t use those tricks on me. I am well aware that my stay in Songak is brief.”

“But it doesn’t have to be,” Mu added, placing his hand on So’s shoulder. So turned to his older brother. Mu’s expression subsided the anger in his heart. He remembered what the Crown Prince had tried to do for him when he was first sentenced to Shinju. How much he tried to stop the ordeal but had failed. His lovely, older brother, who tried to protect him and didn’t treat him as an outcast like the rest of the world. “If you can help us, I’ll do anything you want.”

“You didn't have the power before, I doubt you have the power now to grant me my wish.”

A sad smile softly played on Mu’s lips, as guilt made his heart heavy. But he quickly shook it away and regained his composure. He puffed out his chest as confidence slowly filled him. “Well, considering it was my request to the King for you to come, I’m sure I can postpone your departure.”

So couldn't help but blink and stare. Mu had asked for him? Joy budded inside him as a small thought brushed past his mind. If Mu has enough power to summon me now, he must be able to keep me here. But the glee quickly diminished as So remembered the catch to this deal. “What do you want me to do?”

“Well, I received a tip that another attempt on the Crown Prince’s life will occur during the ritual,” Jimong said.

“And we want me to stop it?”

“We want you to pretend to be me for the ritual,” Mu said. So let out a scoff. Of course! Even if Mu could grant me my wish, I would probably end up dead anyway, so it didn’t matter! “It would help dispel the rumours against you and if you survive, we will approve your stay within the palace,” Jimong added. So furrowed his brows as he thought more about it. If he didn’t help and walked away, people would believe he was the one who arranged the attacks making him a dead man regardless. But if he helped and survived, not only would he clear his name, but he could return home.

“Ok. I’ll help you but in return, you must keep your side of the deal.” 

A look of relief displayed itself on both Jimong and Mu’s faces, but So’s attention was elsewhere. A smile played on his lips as hope began to grow within his core. 

I can finally return home.


End of chapter 5.

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