Cursed Eclipse Lovers

Chapter 8: Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Three Weeks Later. 

Nandita grumbled. Her eyelids were heavy. Her body was aching. Even though she was not allowed to do anything strenuous until she fully healed, she still needed to pull her weight around.  She was not used to starting her day hours before the sun had risen. From helping Seung Hee feed the animals to setting up the store, Nandita had already worked up a sweat. She patted her brow down, as customers began to occupy the shop space, before swiftly moving to aid with preparing some concoctions. 

Her eyebrows furrowed, as she concentrated on the movement of the Old Lady, or Halmeoni as she liked to be called. Her eyes fixed as she watched her and Seung Hee measure and brew the tonics, before scribbling down everything in her little black book. If she had a few moments to spare, she would try to jot down any Old Korean words that she had learnt. But the moment she lifted her pen, more customers flooded in. A sigh escaped her lips.

Despite all of this hard work, a smile doted itself across her face. There was no denying the fact that the job was rewarding. She watched as the last set of customers left the room, before slumping down onto a nearby chair. Seung Hee passed her a cup of water before she too hunched down onto a stool. Nandita gulped down the drink; the coolness provided some form of invigoration for her tired bones. She exhaled as she finished her cup; savouring the quiet moment. She fought the urge to yawn and began to stretch her sore back and shoulders, still being mindful of her injuries. But this was no time to rest. She rose from her seat and dragged her feet towards the exit. Seung Hee chuckled at the sight, before she too followed suit, carrying a case of supplies with them. 

A clear blue encompassed the world above, highlighting the fact the sun laid low in the sky, marking the beginning of the early mid-morning. Nandita groaned as she realised how little of the day had already passed. But she could not complain, as her favourite part of the week was about to begin. 

The two made their trek to Lady Hae’s residence. Upon their arrival, a familiar smile greeted them, as Chae Ryung guided them towards the lady of the house. She escorted them to one of the many rooms in the estate. Weaving through the building, they were met with two heavy wooden doors. A voice called out and Nandita could only assume it was to announce their arrival. She held her breath as she braced herself for the doors to open. Her eyes welcomed the familiar scene, as light colours flooded the surprisingly simple room. It only adored a small red table, which had a black ceramic portable stove and a matching teapot and teacup set placed on top. The table was surrounded by a long red cushion to sit upon. Decorating the far side wall was a panel room divider, where each section had part of a bamboo forest inked delicately on. 

To their left, a friendly face was seated. She smiled warmly at the three, who bowed as they approached. Nandita reciprocated the smile. By now, she was able to discern the schedule for treating Lady Hae. She was grateful that it was much laxer than treating those within the Apothecary. Being in the vicinity of the noblewoman was enough to ease her anxiety. She forced herself to take a quick glance at her. She had no idea why, but Lady Hae softened the harshness of the world. Despite making so many mistakes, which was evident with Seung Hee’s groans and pleading on her behalf, she never got angry at Nandita. Instead, she would smile and attempt to explain to her what went wrong. It was very different compared to how some of the other customers would respond to her mistakes when they were treated by her.  

Lady Hae raised her hand, signalling them to sit across from her. A soft floral scent grazed by as they settled on the opposite side of the table. The noblewoman turned towards the other servants within the room and quickly dismissed them. Soon Seung Hee and Nandita were alone with her.  

With a pop and a click, Seung Hee opened the case and slowly brought out the medicinal ingredients, while Nandita began to set up the portable stove and teapot. The strike of the match lit a warm glow around the room. Step by step, they began to examine the ailing woman. Nandita would jot down any symptoms, which would be translated when the two had time to go over everything. Little by little, they would construct the tonics needed for the noblewoman.

Lady Hae focused on Nandita, whose eyes were furrowed as she continued to scribble in her book. It never ceased to amaze her that the girl could write. She placed her hand above Nandita’s book; a signal to stop writing. Her muscles tensed and froze at her actions. Did I do something wrong? We haven’t had a problem before… She braced herself as she made eye contact with the noblewoman. But her anxiety melted as soon as she met her signature warm smile. 

Lady Hae pointed to her eyes, before gesturing to the book. Do you want to read what I’ve written? Nandita glanced up to Seung Hee who’s expression provided no answer, or comfort. Taking initiative, she slid the book across the table. Lady Hae stifled a smirk as her eyes traced down the page. From scribbles in a scripture she did not recognise, to little pictures that were scrawled and etched into the paper. She squinted her eyes as she tried to decipher the drawings. She pointed at one image. Nandita let out a sheepish laugh; scratching her cheek in embarrassment. 


Her eyebrows raised at the shock of understanding the word. She pointed at another. “Garlic...ah no…um...ginger.” Nandita’s cheeks flushed red as she corrected herself. She glanced up to see Lady Hae’s smile widen. The noblewoman let out a chuckle, as she continued to flick through the pages before landing on one without pictures, but two columns with what she assumed were words. She pointed at them. 


And another.


And another one. 


Lady Hae blinked, her mouth agape. This was not the reaction Nandita was expecting. She quickly glanced at Seung Hee, in the hope she could help, but the young girl was too busy with her tonics to pay attention. Nandita gulped. 

Amazing,” Lady Hae said, “I’m glad you are taking your job seriously.” She handed the book back, with a look of utter shock, and a hint of a smile. Was she proud of her?

Nandita bowed as she received it, unsure how to comprehend what had transpired. Seung Hee turned her attention onto the two. “She is nothing but hard-working,” she said, “Managing the  Apothecary has never been easier now there are three of us,” she grinned at her friend, “Thank you for gracing us with her presence.”

“I’m sure her boon towards the Apothecary is due to having a great teacher.”

“I’m afraid I don’t understand, My Lady...” 

Well, you told me yourself, she would not be able to work within the Apothecary if she lacked the specific training. However, if I recall correctly, she did not pass your test with flying colours. Yet, here she is.” 

The noblewoman gestured towards Nandita, who began to chew her bottom lip. Lady Hae couldn’t help but beam at her. Her heart welled at the thought of Nandita settling down and making an effort to acquaint herself with this unfamiliar world. She made the right choice to leave her in the Apothecary’s care. And Seung Hee knew it.

She squeezed Nandita’s arm; an attempt to ease her nerves, before continuing the creation of the concoction. In no time, the medicine had been made and administered.  

Saying their goodbyes, the two began preparing their leave before a symphony of coughs flooded the air. They both turn to see Lady Hae’s pale face covered with a bloody handkerchief. Beads of sweat had already formed on her brow. They rushed to her side.

Help!” Seung Hee called out.

A swarm of maids scrambled in. Seung Hee's voice echoed as she began instructing them. But Nandita wasn’t paying any attention. Her eyes widened in horror. The blood coated thickly around Lady Hae’s mouth. Her chest wheezed, as she fought to breathe. Voices began to drown out. Nandita’s stomach began to twist. She wasn’t in the room anymore. 

The beeping of the heart monitor was erratic. Bile crept up as the scent of anaesthetic flooded Nandita’s nose. Nurses and doctors surged into the room. On the hospital bed, a sickly Jeevita was spewing blood. Tears flooded Nandita’s eyes. She clasped her hand over her mouth; an attempt to muffle her sobs. The retching sounds emerging from Jeevita’s mouth, permeated the room. Sweat clung to her grey-tinted skin. Mimicking her sister, tears trickled down Jeevita’s cheeks, as she began to drown in her own blood. 

Oh, Gods. No. Please no...

A voice called out. Nandita blinked. She was back. Facing a concerned gaze from Seung Hee. “Nandita?” She said, “Are you alright?”

Her throat was too dry to answer. She stared at her friend before blinking her tears away. She shook her head as she began to compose herself and rushed to Seung Hee’s side. This was not the time to revisit old wounds. 

Seung Hee let out a curse, as the two began to rifle through the briefcase. Nothing they packed would treat this. Seung Hee chewed her bottom lip. Her eyes focused on Nandita, who continued to look through the bag. Her heart sank, as she watched her friend desperately try to find something, anything, that could help Lady Hae. Even if they had something, she doubted she could treat this. She placed her hands on top of her friends. Stop.

Nandita shared a puzzling look, as Seung Hee rose. She pointed at the bag, before shaking her head. A lump began to form in Nandita's throat, as she understood what Seung Hee was conveying. Her bottom lip quivered. This can’t be it. There has to be something we can do.

“Halmeoni,” Seung Hee grasped Nandita by the shoulders, “Get Halmeoni.” Before Nandita could respond, Seung Hee began to bark orders to the chambermaids. As much as she would have gone to fetch her grandmother, she could do more work here. And Nandita knew it. She grabbed her little black book and forced herself up. Halmeoni would know what to do. Bracing herself, she bolted to the door. 

Weaving her way through, she rushed past the entrance to the residence. Leaping over the steps marking the gate, she felt a pull at her side. Ignoring it, she continued to push on. But the tug began to hitch her breathing. Nandita let out a hiss, as the pain began to build up. But she couldn’t stop now. She gritted her teeth, as she endured the agony. Sweat began to form on her brow, as her breathing became more and more difficult. Tears stung her eyes and the world began to sway. She wasn’t going to make it. 

She choked back a scream, as her broken ribs tormented her body. Heaving, she stopped and leaned over a wooden post. Bile scorched her throat, as Nandita vomited from the pain. Tears stung her eyes. A whimper escaped her lips. She wasn’t going to make it. 

Her stomach dropped, as dread settled in. A curse escaped her lips. Who knows how long Lady Hae has? With all the updated medicine during Jeevita’s time, it still wasn’t enough to save her sister. Nandita’s lip quivered. She hunched over as the agony of her injuries refused to subside. Her heart aching at the thought of another person dying because she was inept. No. She had to do this. I can’t let that happen. Not again. 

Bracing herself, she wiped away her tears. Her vision cleared as she measured how far she had to go. Instead, she heard the Gods’ laughter drift with the wind. 

She blinked. It wasn’t possible. It can’t be… Is this another sick joke of the Gods? Another way to torment me? Tears trickled down her cheeks, as the hut had materialised in front of her. Nandita choked back her disdain. Of course, they would want her to relive that moment. Where no matter how hard you try, people still die. What better way to remind someone that they are being punished. But Nandita refused to give them their satisfaction.  

Panting, she pushed herself off the post and dragged her body towards the entrance to what she had called home for the last three weeks.   

Halmeoni,” her voice betrayed her. She gulped before shouting, “Halmeoni!”

The old woman scurried to the sound of Nandita’s voice. Her eyes laced with concern, as the sweat-drenched girl stumbled towards her. Hunched over, Nandita collected her thoughts. “Lady Hae,” she muttered. The old lady rushed to her side, to catch her before she could fall.  “Lady Hae,” she said again. 

Seung Hee’s grandmother shook her head and sat Nandita down. She fetched some water for the girl, while Nandita fought the urge to faint. Gulping it down, Nandita winced as she felt the water trickle down her chest cavity. She clutched her throbbing side. The old woman began to shuffle between the shelves of herbs. 

No,” she said, shuffling through her notebook, “Lady Hae...cough...blood.”

The old lady froze. She turned to face Nandita, who fought hard to catch her breath. Waiting for her to elaborate, Nandita bit her bottom lip. Even if it wasn’t grammatically correct, Halmeoni would probably still understand. Attempting a deep breath, Nandita glanced at her page of notes. “Blood vomit.

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The old woman furrowed her brows. She began to mimic heaving, as if someone was vomiting. Nandita nodded. “Blood,” she said, “Many blood.” The old lady shared a perturbed stare. Step by step, they acted out the symptoms. The old woman grunted, as she began to pack herbs and other ingredients in a rucksack; a collection of small yellow flowers, a large piece that mimicked bark, as well as different types of roots that Nandita hadn’t learned the name of. 

Her wrinkled old hand, stretched across one of the high shelves, seeking something Nandita couldn’t quite see. Until she heard a click from the old lady’s mouth as she held a little wooden box that was painted red. Nandita’s eyes widened, as she had never seen such an item before. As she drew closer to it, she could see that it was carved with, what she presumed were, decorations, or at least an emblem of some kind. With a pop, the box opened to reveal a small black velvet pouch. Both items looked too affluent to be owned by someone with a shop like this. But Nandita had no time to question this. 

She grabbed the pestle and mortar and placed them with the rest of the items. It wasn’t long until the shop had closed and the two made their way to the house once again. Seung Hee’s grandmother tried to get Nandita to stay and rest, but the girl refused. She couldn’t stand idle at a time like this. The language barrier provided no help to convince her as well. 

At the entrance, a maid had been waiting. She bowed as they approached, before guiding them towards Lady Hae. The woman gestured ahead; asking for an update from the young girl. But the girl just lowered her head. Seung Hee’s grandmother nodded and patted her on her shoulder. I will sort this out.  

Once again, they weaved through the rooms before arriving at a set of doors. Announcing their arrival, the sense of deja vu was immense within Nandita. The only difference was she dreaded what was on the other side of the room. 

The doors opened, and Nandita held her breath. The scent of rose was prevalent within. Incense smoke swirled softly around the room, which was decorated with soft purple accents. From the embroidery on the bedsheets to a small painting on the wall, the detailing emphasized it was the room of a royal family member. But what caught Nandita’s attention was the low hanging ornaments dangling from the ceiling. Squinting her eyes, she saw several of these hanging in the room, with intricate knots marking the beginning of the tassels, which brushed against her forehead.

Her eyes drifted to the man, who had his back towards them. He slowly turned around to face them. Nandita began to chew the inside of her cheek, as Jaewookno Prince Wook made his way to them. His face was etched with worry, instead of tears as she would have presumed. She snapped herself out of her thoughts. This man was not her soft-hearted Jaewook. This was a prince who could not show weakness in the form of feelings, especially in the presence of his people. This was someone she did not know.

As she entered the bedroom, she bowed as much as her body would let her, which had still not forgiven her run from earlier. Although she could breathe now, it was still very shallow and painful. Rising alongside the old lady, she clutched her side, as Seung Hee greeted them, before conversing with her grandmother. 

But Nandita’s eyes were trained elsewhere. She shifted her focus to the person laying on the bed. A sleeping Lady Hae had her brows furrowed as she struggled against the disease. Her chest barely rising and falling. Her face was drenched in sweat. Nandita’s chest became heavier as she watched her. 

She glanced at Seung Hee’s grandmother and began to help her unpack. Seung Hee soon followed. Without missing a beat, Seung Hee and her grandmother began to cypher through the ingredients, before grinding them into a paste. So many of these ingredients, Nandita did not recognise. Instead, she was directed to set up bowls of steam around the room. Something Halmeoni and Seung Hee would do when Nandita would also struggle to breathe. So engrossed with her work, she hadn’t noticed the Prince’s laser focus gaze.

Setting up the last bowl, Nandita moved towards Lady Hae and began to pat down the sweat accumulating on her forehead, with a nearby cloth. As soon as her fingertips grazed her forehead, Nandita yelped.

Hot,” she said. She turned to the old lady, whose brows furrowed. Seung Hee called out for a basin of cool water to also be brought into the room. With a gesture from the Prince, it was placed close to Nandita, in no time. She began to do her best to cool down the fever. But to no avail. Nandita chewed the inside of her cheek. This may not be enough. 

Her heart began to race, as she tried to think back to her time with Jeevita. But nothing came to mind. She had no idea how to treat this. She wasn’t a doctor. She was just a kid who watched her sister slowly die. And now history was repeating. 

Consumed by her guilt, she barely noticed Halmeoni unfurling her velvet bag. Pulling the drawstrings at the top, led to the reveal of long red needles exposed to the now humid air. With the snap of her fingers, the chambermaids scurried to her side. Nandita watched in dismay, as they began to undress Lady Hae. Her eyes quickly scanned the room. Other than the three treating Lady Hae, there were at least another six servants in the room, including Chae Ryung, plus the Prince. Biting the bottom of her lip, Nandita shook her head. This was not right.

Stop!” she said, rushing over to the maids. She turned to Halmeoni. The old woman quizzingly raised an eyebrow. Nandita gaped her mouth. She had no idea how to convey what she wanted to say. Seung Hee, noticing her friend’s apprehension, came to her aid. “What’s wrong?

Nandita pointed at her eyes, before gesturing to the room and then at Lady Hae. Seung Hee’s eyebrows raised in disbelief. She stifled a smirk, while Nandita’s cheeks flushed. Damn, this girl is unbelievable! Clapping her hands, she turned to the rest of the chamber. “We request for everyone to leave, for the sake of privacy for our patient.

She turned to Prince Wook, whose furrowed brows highlighted his anxiety and mistrust of the situation. “We prioritise and value our patient’s trust in us, which we maintain by respecting them. I hope you understand, Your Highness,” she bowed at the mention of his title. Glimpsing at Nandita, he nodded and gestured for the maids to leave. 

I will stay,” he said.

But of course, Your Highness.

And she has to leave.” 

Seung Hee turned to follow his gaze towards Nandita. Faltering at the notion of not having her here, Seung Hee glanced at her grandmother for a sign. The elder woman shook her head: ‘we need her here.’ Understanding that this was not wise, Seung Hee put on her best smile. “I’m afraid we still require her assistance, Your Highness.

The Prince raised an eyebrow. Her assistance? She stopped the procedure from continuing. If everyone leaves, who knows what she would do behind closed doors? She could feed her poison and call it medicine

Wook shook his head. His rationality was wavering. This girl saved his life and his brothers. She has been treating Lady Hae ever since. If she wanted to harm Lady Hae, she had plenty of opportunities to do so. Yet, she had not shown any malicious intentions to his wife. Wook let out a sigh. He pinched the bridge of his nose. He wasn’t thinking straight. He stared at his wife, before looking at the girl. She had put so much faith in her, and he could never understand why. But he made a promise and would respect his wife’s wishes. 

Very well.

A smile lit Seung Hee’s face. Twirling around, they began treating Lady Hae. Seung Hee concentrated on the herbal remedy, while Nandita aided Halmeoni. Instead of fully undressing Lady Hae, as the maids had almost done, they only exposed the necessary areas of her skin. Such as, her shoulders, her forearms and then her hands. 

The glint of the red needle glistened in Nandita’s vision, as the old woman raised it from its pile. Acupuncture! An idea sparked within Nandita. She may not be a doctor, but she did know something that could be useful. She quickly hopped towards Seung Hee’s side. 

What is it?” She did not break her gaze from the ingredients. Nandita tapped her shoulder, before gesturing drinking from a cup. “Water? Yah, you know that word already,” she tutted. But Nandita shook her head. She gestured drinking once more, before swaying and staggering, occasionally hiccuping now and then. Seung Hee’s eyes widened. “Alcohol?

Bingo! The girl snapped her fingers. “Alcohol. Strong. Many strong.”

Seung Hee took a step back. She had no idea how to process this. She dreaded the Prince’s reaction. He already showed his displeasure with Nandita treating Lady Hae. With this, he would probably classify it as unreasonable. She carefully eyed the Prince. However, he seemed to share the same curious glow that she had. “Why?” she asked, refraining herself from hissing. Losing her composure would not benefit the situation. 

Nandita grabbed her book and flicked through the pages. “Uh...wash...ah no...clean?” she fumbled over the word, as her mouth had yet to become accustomed to the language. Her bright raven eyes shone through and Seung Hee almost laughed aloud. She thought back to when they first met during the test. Those same eyes glistened then as they did now. Even if she didn’t understand what the girl was planning, she looked like she knew what she was doing. And that was enough. 

She turned to the Prince, “Your Highness, is it possible to have some strong alcohol sent here please?” Nandita tugged on her sleeve, before quietly whispering in her ear. “As well as a bowl... and a clean cloth…”

Not removing his gaze from Nandita, he nodded. His wife trusted this girl, so in some way, he should too. But he couldn’t understand why, until this very moment. For the first time, he examined her properly. The aggression on her face was gone. The demon he had met that day was a distant dream. This girl was not the same one he had met previously. She was not the scared young woman who locked herself within the storeroom either. Although reminiscence of her was still prevalent, as her face couldn’t hide her emotions. 

Her lips were parted, as she also fought to breathe. But that setback would not stop her. Her brows were furrowed; her raven eyes gleamed with determination. Wook almost could scoff. This girl must have known that she could be perceived as mad for such a request. Yet, she still continued forward. 

He clenched his jaw as realisation dawned on him. He too wished he could have possessed such a trait. To hold oneself with such confidence, without the worry of what others may think. He shook his head. That was not why his wife had taken a liking to this girl. It was because she held no malice with her actions. And in the eyes of his wife, good intentions begets benevolent consequences. 

This will test that.

A knock on the door marked the beginning of the trial. Chae Ryung bowed as she brought forth the bottle, as well as handing over a small bowl and clean cloth to Seung Hee. Her eyes glanced up in hopes that the latter would offer some clarification. But Seung Hee just smiled at her. She passed the items to Nandita, who also bowed slightly as she received them.

She hurried back to Halmeoni’s side, who had not continued with the procedure. A soft smile played on her face, as she watched this girl’s pursuit. She almost chuckled. This girl is strange, but I’ll credit her devotion to the cause. She watched as Nandita opened the bottle for the first time. The stench of alcohol flared up her nose, almost causing her to choke. This was definitely strong. Nandita bit her lip. She wasn’t sure if it was strong enough, but she had no choice. It’ll have to do.   

Where?” Nandita asked.

The old woman shook her head, her smile disappearing as she set out to work. She gestured at the acupuncture spots. Using the cloth provided, Nandita began to sterilize the exposed area of Lady Hae’s skin. It wasn’t long until the needles protruded her flesh. Nandita watched as Lady Hae’s face relaxed a little. Halmeoni raised her hands, flashing all ten fingers twice. 20 minutes. Nandita nodded. She began to replenish the basin of hot water around the room, increasing the humidity once more. 

By the time Seung Hee had finished her tonic, the needles were being removed. Nandita once again disinfected the areas where they once were, while Seung Hee gently poured the mixture into Lady Hae’s mouth. The noblewoman winces at its administration, before relaxing. She seemed to be breathing easier than before. A sigh escaped Nandita’s lips. They had done all they could. But she knew they weren’t out of the dark just yet.

Seung Hee began conversing with the Prince, probably giving instructions on what to do next and what to look out for during the next few days, while Nandita began to help Halmeoni with clearing things up, before making their way to the exit. 

As they closed the bedroom door, Seung Hee prodded for their departure, but Nandita’s feet were bolted. It was wrong to just leave now. Seung Hee turned to see the petite girl, whose gaze fixated on the closed doors. “She will recover,” she said. Nandita faced her friend. Seung Hee raised her two fingers to the corners of her mouth, pushing a smile onto her face. Everything will be alright, she hoped the gesture would convey. Nandita nodded in acknowledgement, dragging her feet back to the Apothecary.

As they left the residence, Nandita turned around once more to face the house. She took in the scenery; from the shrubs growing on the outskirts of the stairs, to the great red gate, her mind felt heavy.

I hope we did enough.


End of Chapter 8.

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