Cursed, Pure Love

Chapter 1: Prologue

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TL: It's not a romcom story with a lot of sweetness, it's a love triangle drama with a protagonist who has amnesia.


I have another LN with the same concept where the heroine has amnesia. If this get much readers, I will translate the other one.


* This series has 5 chapters, so I will split it into 2 or 4 parts.




"─ ─ Kosai-kun, you are suffering from memory impairment as a result of the car accident."


The doctor's voice slowly spreads through the hospital room.

[Tl: The protagonist used the word "sensei". But I changed it to "doctor".]


It is not abrupt. After carefully checking my mental state, the doctor brought up this topic with full anticipation.


Still unable to hide my surprise, I tried to sit up from the bed.


But I couldn't.




It was because of the pain in my left shoulder. The doctor had told me yesterday that my left shoulder was dislocated, but I had been asleep most of the time since then, so it had flown out of my head.


"Listen in your sleep."


He had shaggy hair for a doctor, and was not intelligent in the best sense of the word. He is the type of person who, to put it favorably, could be described as having a friendly appearance.


Perhaps that's why I didn't feel any urgency about the foggy brain, and I honestly felt that I should talk to the doctor first.


I nodded, rested my head on the pillow, and returned the conversation to the point that had been bothering me.


"By memory loss, do you mean ...... amnesia?"


I wasn't sure what the difference was.


I am aware that I have memory problems. Because I can't remember when and why I dislocated my left shoulder.


The only clear memory I have is from yesterday.


When I came to, I was in bed, my head was bandaged, and my left shoulder was dislocated.


Considering the circumstances, I had speculated that I had been in an accident - but I was too sleepy, either from fatigue or anesthesia, to think about it.


"Well, in general, that's probably the easiest way to describe it. It's not just that you've "lost" your memory. Medically speaking, you have "memory impairment due to dissociative amnesia" of which "systematic amnesia" is the most likely."


""Systematic amnesia"......?"


"Used when a person has memory impairment of a specific category of information, such as all information about a particular person or family member. For example ...... can I have your full name, age, and school?"


"Kosai Meguru. I am fifteen years old. I'm a freshman at Sansekikan High School."


"Yes, good. Then, can you tell me this?"


The doctor points to the garment he is wearing.


"It's a white coat."


"Where are you now?"


"The hospital. It's a private room, but can I afford the cost?"


"You're a worrier in a strange way, aren't you? Don't worry, it's nothing to worry about. What is the capital of Japan?"




"How about this?"


The doctor holds up his thumb, extends his index finger, and bends his middle finger at a ninety-degree angle.


This unique pose can be found at .......


"Fleming's left hand rule."


"Yes, that's right. Then what are your parents' names?"


"Ryo, Shin......."


A tingle runs through the back of my brain.


A dull ache spreads to my fingertips with the rhythm of a thumping wave.


I feel like I need to remember something, but - I can't reach it.


"Hah ...... hah ...... hah ...... hah ......."


My heartbeat jumps. The pain increases even more.


I can hardly breathe.


Impatience, rancor, and fear.


It was as if all of these were jumbled together, and my brain was being tightened with cotton.


"───Calm down."


A gentle voice pours into my head.


"There's no need to rush. You'll just have to remember them slowly eventually."


"Ha...... ha...... ha......."


I took a deep breath.


I focused my attention on my breathing and limited my thoughts to avoid thinking about anything else.


Perhaps because of this, my normal heartbeat returned.


"Should I prescribe a medicine to calm you down?"


"......No, I'm fine."


"Let me know if you need it at any time."


"Yes, thank you."


By the looks of it, I must have had the same symptoms yesterday, just not remembering. The way he said the word "parents" was so contrived.


Perhaps because he could see that I had calmed down, the doctor began to continue.


"At least you have a good memory of middle school level knowledge. Are you aware of that from our current conversation?"


"It seems so ...... yes."


I didn't expect Fleming's Law of the Left Hand to come out so easily.


"It's just that you seem to be completely missing the knowledge about 'acquaintances'."




"Family, friends, classmates, 'acquaintances' covers a wide range. I'm going to check on you and gradually give you permission to visit."


"I didn't realize that you could have such limited amnesia. ......It was limited to 'acquaintances'."


"On the contrary. There are very few amnesiacs who forget everything. If you forget everything, you've forgotten language, so it should be impossible to even speak, right? Is your image of amnesia like the inability to have a conversation?"


"......No, sir, it's not."


The doctor smiled cheerfully.


"Yes, after all, there seems to be no problem with regard to general knowledge. Amnesia is often directly related to psychogenic stress. So it's more common and natural to forget for a certain period of time, to a certain extent, and in a certain lineage."


"You mean that you have a trauma and you only forget that part of your life?"


"Yes. It's a pattern of sealing off memories to protect the self. But there are also cases where only the trauma is remembered. It's better not to mold matters that involve the mind."


Well, now that you mention it, maybe that's the way it is.


"To begin with, people live their lives forgetting most of the everyday things. You may be in a hurry because you can't remember something, but even I can't remember what I ate three days ago, you know?"


The doctor shrugs and smiles mischievously.


I was worried that I was unlucky enough to be in a unique situation.


But when he said that, I felt saved.


"Thank you. My heart feels a little lighter."


The doctor, who seemed very personable, ruffled his shaggy hair.


"─ ─ Well, I still have a lot of research to do before I can unravel the human mind. I'll try to unravel your memories little by little. You take it easy, don't think too much. Leave the rest to me."




A week later...


I was to meet in my hospital room with the person to whom the doctor had given permission to visit me.


I had received no prior information from him, as he wanted to know the state of my memory and how it had changed. The doctor told me, "If you need anything, press the nurse call. I'll come right over."


I nervously waited for my visitor to arrive.


"Excuse me."


The door of the hospital room slowly opens.


What appeared was a cute little girl about my age.


To be honest, I was surprised. I thought it would be my parents.


I don't remember what they looked like or what their personalities were like. But I vaguely assumed it would be a middle-aged man or woman.


Her hair was about shoulder-length. She was short, slender, and had large eyes like a small animal. Her frilly one-piece dress enhanced her cuteness.




She must have been loved by many people growing up. She has a loveliness that stirs up a desire for protection, and she wears an air that soothes the heart just by being there.


When her pure and straight gaze stopped on my face, a single tear spilled from her twin eyes.




Before the tear could fall onto the linoleum floor, she was running.


She jumps into my chest.


I was bewildered as the adorable girl hugged me.


"Oh, um, hey......."


"Thank God you're ......! I've been anxious ...... since I heard about the accident!"


I could feel her anxiety and relief through the shiver that came from the clothes she was holding onto.


The fact that she was concerned about me from the bottom of her heart made me feel a slow heat in my chest.


"I see. Thank you for worrying about me."




She nuzzled her face into my chest and cried quietly.


I gently put my hand on her shoulder to comfort her, and she put her hand on top of mine.


I don't know what it was. I get a warm feeling when I'm in contact with her.


I wonder if this is influenced by forgotten memories.


--- "Meguru-kun ...... Finally, we met again..."




A memory that is not so far away and close to me.


And yet, for some reason, it makes me nostalgic and sad at the same time.




A sharp pain hits me for a moment, like a needle piercing my brain.


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Suddenly, in the foggy depths of my mind, a word caught my attention.


"Meguru-kun ......! What's wrong? Are you okay?"




Shirayuki's eyes slowly widened at the words that came out unconsciously.


"......Yes, it's me. It's me......! You remembered me.......!"


Tears flowed quickly from Shirayuki's eyes.


It was a reaction beyond my imagination.


I was perplexed and hurriedly told her.


"I'm sorry. I just mentioned your name somehow ...... and I still can't remember anything else."


"Oh ...... yeah, that's right. Hahaha, I'm sorry I misunderstood you."


Shirayuki wiped away her tears and sat down on the pipe chair next to the bed, perhaps embarrassed.


"But since you were able to remember my name, I'm sure you'll be able to remember everything else soon."


Shirayuki gave me a smile that enveloped my heart.


I still couldn't remember anything.


Still, the warm feeling that welled up inside me convinced me that I had been saved by her smile before.


"......Yeah, thanks."


Shirayuki blushed for some reason.


When I tilted my head to check on her, Shirayuki wriggled her fingers.


"Oh, you know, there are many things I want you to remember, but if you don't mind, I'd like you to remember this one first......."


Shirayuki made a determined face.


She suddenly kissed me, just touching my cheek.


I was surprised, and Shirayuki blushed and blushed.


"───Me and you are lover."




The next day, the doctor gave permission for another visitor.


The girl who appeared in the hospital room was a girl so opposite to Shirayuki.




She silently opened the hospital room door and froze with a leering expression when she spotted me.






The look in her eyes was so strong that I couldn't get anything more out of my mouth.


Perhaps it is someone with her kind of looks who is the beauty of the Tilt City.


She has overwhelming beauty that can be recognized at a glance. She also possesses the dainty charm of a young girl of her age, which seems to be a contradictory charm.


Even without makeup, she has enough charm to make anyone turn their heads. Nevertheless, she polishes her beauty to the tips of her toenails with makeup and clothing.



Yesterday, Shirayuki appeared, petite, simple, and pure, making everyone want to protect her.


She is the exact opposite of Shirayuki. She was tall, stylish and sophisticated, with a charm that could be described as magical and somewhat dangerous.


"......Sorry, I can't remember your name."


The part that stuck with me is tremendous. I'm also filled with nostalgia.


But the memory didn't come back to me like it did with Shirayuki.


"I don't want you to stand still for a while, so sit in a chair..."


"You really ...... have amnesia......."


Finally she said just that. But it stopped there, and she slumped.


Silence descended.


I couldn't take it anymore and opened my mouth.




"I can't forgive you."


She looked up, raised her flowing eyebrows, and murmured.


Her expression was furious. You could say she was in a state of rage.


But for some reason, I thought she looked like she was about to cry.


She approached me at once, her high heels clacking with anger.


I was about to suggest a chair for her when...




 ─ ─ ─ Suddenly, she was kissing me on the mouth!


It was a kiss that was meant to screw me over.


She was holding both of my cheeks tightly between her hands, as if she didn't want me to say whether or not I was there.


--- "All I have left is you, my accomplice."


With a pain that pierced through my entire body, her tear-stained face came back to me.




The door of memory is slightly open.


What surged through me was a feeling of bitterness, sadness, and hopelessness.


What is it?


Why does seeing her make me want to cry?




The moment our lips parted, I reflexively uttered that name.


"What ............ else?"


She held both of my cheeks between hers and glared at me at close range.


Apparently, I had the name right - but the fog of my memory was still not clearing.


I was so troubled by this that I couldn't help but mention my impression of the name.


"Shirayuki and Mako, or ....... It's like Snow White and the Witch."


The witch, who is also the queen, looked into the mirror and asked, "Who is the most beautiful?" and when she got an answer from Snow White, she got jealous and tried to kill Snow White by giving her a red poison apple - that famous one.


"It's nostalgic ....... you did it when I was in sixth grade."


"I did it?"


"You played the apple."


"Was there such a thing as playing the apple?"


"Of course not. You played the prince."


"Don't lie naturally. I don't know how it was before, but now I'm not sure."


I answered with a straight face and Mako sighed deeply.


"......You were called 'lover' by Shirayuki yesterday, weren't you?"


"Oh, yeah. How did you know that?"


"Becaused he told me."


The way she spoke just now, it seems that Shirayuki and Mako knows each other.


(...... Eh, wait a minute.)


That's not the problem.


There is a more serious and strange part.


"Wait a minute. If Shirayuki and I are lovers, so that was......."


I was too blatant to say why she kissed me now if we were not lovers. So, I let my mouth get a little sloppy.


But I guess my meaning was clear enough.


Mako said clearly.


"──That's because I'm your true lover."




I screamed out in a crazy voice.

 Then Mako put her own forehead on mine.


It was the same position she uses when she checks for fever.


"But you mustn't tell Shirayuki. It was a secret relationship."


Mako's breath brushes against the bridge of my nose.


A beautiful finger traces my cheek, making me tingle.


"So I was two-timing......?"


"No. ...... maybe ......."


What does she mean by maybe?


I can't understand.


"Sorry, can you explain it to me?"


"......I'll stop. As expected, I understand that I can't do everything out of the blue."


Mako moves away.


For some reason, I was left with a feeling of loneliness, as if half my body had moved away.


"Meguru, I'll help you get your memories back. I'll do whatever it takes."


Mako said, spun on her high heels, and walked briskly out of the hospital room.






And then, two beautiful girls who claim to be my "lovers" appear.


What is my relationship with them?


My memory is vague, but I know one thing.


I was in love with both Shirayuki and Mako.


I don't know if it was at the same time, or if it was at different times.


What is clear is that this suffocating tightness in my chest is an indication of my love for them.


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