Cute Entertainment Circle

Chapter 61: CH 61

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He promised Bai Yin that he would tell Bai Xinyan everything about him. Yin Heng thought about it and took an opportunity to tell Bai Xinyan that he had something to say to him. However, Bai Xinyan seemed to have a bit of a misunderstanding when he saw that he was quite serious. He thought that Yin Heng was going to make a direct confession or even propose marriage. He blushed in surprise and joy at the time.

To be honest, Bai Xinyan always felt that he and Yin Heng had been in love with each other for a long time and they were already a couple. They didn’t care much about the so-called confession ceremony. Anyway, he had already asked Yin Heng the question of whether he liked him or not. However, if Yin Heng took the initiative to make a formal confession or even propose marriage, Bai Xinyan would of course be very happy. He didn’t know what his little uncle and Yin Heng talked about that day. Bai Xinyan didn’t mention the matter of letting him move next door. Bai Xinyan felt more that Yin Heng had already handled the other party, so he was ready to make a clear confession.

Bai Xinyan’s misunderstanding couldn’t be seen by Yin Heng, but he couldn’t explain it well. If he did this, he probably wouldn’t be able to wait until Bai Xinyan was an adult. While telling of past experiences, he was also ready to confess himself.

Yin Heng set up a venue with a lot of spiritual energy and a beautiful environment. He also prepared many Bai Xinyan’s favourite foods, as well as a lot of gifts suitable for Bai Xinyan. Those romantic methods that humans were used to were useless. The flowers and plants placed around were useful spiritual plants, not roses or the like. After all, his main purpose this time was to confess and it wasn’t suitable for him to be too exaggerated.

Yin Heng was still quite confident. Although as Bai Yin said, his experience and personality might be far apart from Bai Xinyan, but Yin Heng thought if he didn’t care, Bai Xinyan would certainly not feel it was the problem. The only thing that might be a problem wasn’t what cruel things he had done and how inhumane his personality was, but the real reason he had been hiding about he met Bai Xinyan and became acquainted.

This was the only thing that made Yin Heng feel a little uneasy. Even if Yin Heng admitted to himself, even if Bai Xinyan couldn’t accept it for a while, he could try to make the other party change his mind slowly. But, Yin Heng’s heart was heavy if Bai Xinyan only showed even a little bit of disappointment when he thought about him.

However, even so, Yin Heng also knew that the truth should be told earlier, so he told the matter at the beginning. Instead of telling the bad past experience as Bai Yin expected, to arouse Bai Xinyan’s sympathy so that the other party could forgive him for his previous concealment.

“Xinyan, do you know why I paid attention to you in the first place?” Yin Heng looked at Bai Xinyan, whose face was filled with anticipation. His heart was slightly sour and his voice was a little dry.

Bai Xinyan was slightly startled when he heard the words, and immediately blushed. Did Yin Heng mean that he fell in love with him at first sight when he saw him for the first time before they met directly? So knowing that he went to Xinghuan for an interview, he specially invited him to meet. It just so happened that he almost fell in love with Yin Heng at first sight. Bai Xinyan suddenly felt that each other’s eyes were precise and they were really suitable for each other.

Although most things like falling in love at first sight were about looking at the face, Bai Xinyan felt that there was nothing wrong with looking at the face. Especially Yin Heng himself had such a face, but he could fall in love with him at first sight. It could be seen that he just fit the aesthetics of the other party and he should be the most suitable person.

Bai Xinyan had already guessed the answer in his heart, but he wanted to hear Yin Heng’s good words, so he looked at him with red cheeks and asked, “Why?”

Yin Heng paused for a moment, sighed silently in his heart, and said, “Actually… I have received the kindness of your parents. At first, it was because of the entrustment of the two seniors that I paid attention to you.”

“…ah?” The completely unexpected answer made Bai Xinyan’s originally expected look suddenly dazed and a little helpless.

Yin Heng forced himself not to avoid Bai Xinyan’s eyes and finished the sentence. “I have always wanted to repay two seniors for saving my life, but I have been declined many times. Until you want to come to Xinghuan to be an artist, the two seniors only contacted me, hoping that I could take care of you a little. In order to repay their kindness, I thought about giving you some preferential treatment to ensure your safety and career development before I saw you. But I happened to meet you in a car accident, but it was actually an excuse I just found, not the real reason to pay attention to you.”

Actually, Yin Heng recalled carefully later that when he saw Bai Xinyan for the first time. His preference for him wasn’t only out of the idea of ​​repaying his gratitude, but the throbbing mood caused by the other party that accidentally expose his rabbit ears later. Not to mention, it couldn’t be explained by simple care, but other thoughts had long been moved. It was just that he didn’t say this to Bai Xinyan immediately, even if Bai Xinyan would probably forgive him more easily after saying this, but Yin Heng still hoped to give Bai Xinyan a clearer space to think about and understand his truest thoughts.

It wasn’t that he exposed the matter because of a momentary reluctance. As a result, he still had a knot in his heart and maybe it would reappear; but he really thought about whether it was acceptable or not, and even if not, he even lost trust in himself because of this. Yin Heng felt that he should find a way to change it slowly.

Yin Heng hadn’t been so nervous for a long time. He let out a sigh of relief, looked at Bai Xinyan, and stopped talking.

Bai Xinyan was stunned for a long time. It took a while for him to clear his thoughts and reacted. But contrary to Yin Heng’s expectations, he neither continued to question nor yelled at him angrily. Instead, he pursed his lips and lowered the corners of his mouth. Two blisters of tears were directly in his eyes and were about to fall. Looking at Yin Heng with a pitiful expression on his face, he said sullenly, “Then you lied to me because you wanted to repay the kindness when you said that you liked me? But actually, you don’t like me at all? Give me gifts and Bai Jiahei, take me to eat delicious food, give me work resources, and help me practice, are they all just to repay my parents?”

Bai Xinyan said and the tears in his eyes dripped down. He choked regardless of his image and stared at Yin Heng with red eyes, “Do you find it annoying that I have been bothering you so you tell me this now and want me to stay away from you in the future and stop bothering you anymore?”

Yin Heng was so tense at Bai Xinyan’s reaction that he was at a loss when he saw Bai Xinyan’s tears. He lost his calm for a moment. He took a handkerchief and wanted to wipe Bai Xinyan’s tears. At the same time, he explained incoherently, “No, I won’t. I don’t dislike you, let alone feel bothered by you. I’m good to you not because… not because just to repay my gratitude. I would rather you keep pestering me, no, it should be said that I want you to always bother me, believe in me.”

“…really?” Bai Xinyan looked at Yin Heng with bright red eyes. He didn’t avoid his hand to wipe his tears, but his expression was still suspicious, “If you don’t dislike me, do you like me?”

“…I like you.” Yin Heng felt that he completely had no idea what Bai Xinyan said. He was afraid that he would think more and add, “Really.”

“What kind of like?” Bai Xinyan was still dissatisfied and continued to ask with a serious face. Before that, he was probably satisfied, but this time, because of Yin Heng’s confession, he unknowingly opened up a little more, realizing that liking wasn’t necessarily the kind of liking in love. What if it was the type of like for the benefactor’s people? In short, the sense of crisis was a bit stronger.

“……” Yin Heng really didn’t expect that Bai Xinyan wasn’t concerned about concealment or even deception between him, Father Bai, and Mother Bai. Instead, he focused on whether he liked him or not. For a moment, he felt guilty and softened, but a little unspeakably sweet. Originally, he planned to make a formal confession to Bai Xinyan at last, but for this sake, he could only make it clear in advance.

Yin Heng looked at Bai Xinyan who was engrossed in waiting for his answer and only thought it was really cute. However, to confess this kind of thing was also the first time for a big demon who had experienced many ups and downs to get on the sedan chair. Yin Heng coughed lightly, made some mental preparations, and looked away slightly before speaking to Bai Xinyan uncomfortably. “Yes, it’s the kind of like that wants to be with you for the rest of your life. It’s not for the benefactor, nor for the younger generation.”

Although Bai Xinyan kept asking questions, he didn’t expect to hear Yin Heng say that directly. He was stunned for a while. When he came back to his senses, the corners of his lips were so high that he didn’t know why, and in a moment, he completely broke into a smile.

Seeing his appearance, Yin Heng couldn’t help but also showed a smile. His eyes became softer and more affectionate.

Yin Heng’s smile caused Bai Xinyan to be stunned again. His already dull brain was attacked severely. There was only one thought left to swipe the screen back and forth–such a good-looking person just admitted that he likes me! And want to be with me forever!! Happy!!!

Bai Xinyan was foolishly happy for a while. Yin Heng took the opportunity to carefully wipe off a little tear from the corner of his eyes and cheeks and couldn’t help touching his head again.

Looking at Bai Xinyan like this, it was obvious that he wouldn’t refuse to contact him because of the concealed matter. Although Bai Xinyan’s reaction was unexpected, the result was quite good.

However, although it wasn’t a bad situation, it was inevitable to ask for guilt. After Bai Xinyan’s mood gradually calmed down, he began to question Yin Heng in dissatisfaction.

“You said that you are good to me because of gratitude. How much is because of gratitude and how much is because you like me?” Bai Xinyan pursued it seriously.

Yin Heng saw him obsessed with how much he liked him and could almost see Bai Xinyan’s ears stand up on top of his head. His heart softened and chuckled, “Ten percent is because of repaying their kindness and ninety percent is because I like you. If I don’t like you, but just to repay the gratitude, I will only give you some career help and give you two magic weapons. I won’t wait for you to eat together every day, give you my demon power, go to other places if I haven’t seen you for a few days, and let you live in my house. I want to stay with you every day and I can’t help but want to touch you, whether in human form or original form.”

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In order to restore the trust he had lost, Yin Heng simply told Bai Xinyan what he thought of him since he met Bai Xinyan, including that he wanted to treat him as a junior at first, but he couldn’t help being moved and the black story of self-deception. Later he wanted to be further more explicitly, but because Bai Xinyan hadn’t yet reached adulthood and Bai Yin objected, so he could only temporarily suppress all kinds of thoughts, all of which had been said one by one.

Everything was hard at the beginning, but once you started, it was easy later. The more Yin Heng spoke, the smoother he felt, and he felt that his face was getting thicker and thicker. He no longer felt the embarrassment he had when he expressed his intentions before. Instead, he looked at Bai Xinyan who listened with his face becoming redder and became more interested.

“I always planned to wait until you reach adulthood before making a formal confession, but your uncle came to me two days ago and said that he won’t oppose us in the future. He asked me to confess the matter to you myself, so I had to advance the arrangement.” Yin Heng said.

Bai Xinyan’s face was flushed. He was happy and a little embarrassed when he heard Yin Heng’s words. He always felt that he and Yin Heng were already a couple, but in Yin Heng’s opinion, he would have to wait until he was an adult before he could officially confess. Although it wasn’t emotionally significant, it still seemed that he was a bit self-indulgent. Fortunately, Yin Heng didn’t seem to notice this, so Bai Xinyan pretended not to be and just asked, “Why do you have to wait for me to become an adult, since you said you like me, can’t we be together earlier?”

Yin Heng paused, looking at Bai Xinyan’s innocent face. He explained after a moment, “You haven’t reached adulthood, so many things are inconvenient. It’s okay if the relationship isn’t clear. If we’re already together, then I might not be able to bear it.”

Yin Heng was still a little embarrassed to say this, but he thought that since he would treat Bai Xinyan as his lover in the future, this kind of thing always had to be experienced and get used to. Although Bai Xinyan hadn’t reached adulthood yet, he could almost get used to it now.

It took a while for the pure Bai Xinyan to realize the meaning of Yin Heng’s words. This time, it was red from the roots of his ears to his neck, and even the vitality and spiritual energy in his body were tumbling more and more. “Then… then what do I do now? Is there any way I can do to reach adulthood faster?”

Seeing that Bai Xinyan didn’t mean to resist at all, Yin Heng couldn’t help but take a deep breath, but he could only do that. He reached out and touched his head, saying, “It’s okay. I can wait for a while as long as you are willing to stay with me. That’s enough.”

“Of course, I would.” Bai Xinyan nodded like a chicken pecking at rice. His soft hair rubbed twice in Yin Heng’s hand.

Since getting to know Bai Xinyan, Yin Heng now smiled a lot more often and naturally. At this time, he gave Bai Xinyan a gentle and tolerant smile, but he thought in his heart that it was still better to find a way to make Bai Xinyan reach adulthood earlier.

After establishing the relationship, Bai Xinyan took the initiative to turn the topic to another aspect but didn’t pursue the matter that Yin Heng concealed.

“It must have been my parents who came to you secretly and didn’t let you tell me, right? They seem to have read a lot of human-family education books and often think that because of my poor cultivation, I will have psychological problems or a rebellious period. Sometimes it’s okay, but occasionally I think it’s too much. To be honest, it’s okay to tell me that they’re looking for you to take care of me and I won’t be angry for whatever reason.” Bai Xinyan didn’t take this well-intentioned concealment too seriously. He quickly asked Yin Heng, “You said that my parents saved your life, what’s the matter? Did you almost die?”

Seeing Bai Xinyan’s worried look, Yin Heng felt warm and said, “That was decades ago…”

Decades ago, before Yin Heng was transformed into a human form, he met a fox demon named Hong Yu (洪裕). Yin Heng had very good talent. Although the spiritual energy in the world had become thinner at that time, his speed of cultivation was still much faster than that of ordinary demons. Hong Yu was much older than him. The two were just about the same level of cultivation and they were demons from the same place. At that time, the world was quite chaotic. The two of them encountered many times of crises together, but fortunately, they all passed and also had a life-long friendship with each other. The trust gradually deepened. Later the two became the sworn brothers.

It was just that there were always very few people who were consistent and things that had been changed beyond recognition by time abound. After more than ten years of friendship between Yin Heng and Hong Yu brothers, there was a clear gap in their cultivation. Yin Heng’s talent was extraordinary. Even if his cultivation wasn’t as hard as Hong Yu’s, his cultivation was far superior to him. Moreover, Yin Heng had a face that was unmatched in the world, so the various treatments they received outside were often very different. Seeing that the gap between the two was getting wider and wider, Hong Yu’s mentality gradually changed. He cultivated extremely hard and considered himself to be a fox demon who was famous for his charming appearance, but he was compared to Yin Heng in these two points. Not only that, even the woman he liked, the object of his affection, was falling in love with Yin Heng.

Hong Yu’s jealousy and hatred towards Yin Heng increased day by day. Later, he obtained an evil cultivation method. He could use human souls to help him cultivate, which really moved his thoughts against Yin Heng.

That was Yin Heng’s cultivation base, which was already rare, but it hadn’t yet reached the top. So Hong Yu privately contacted some greedy Taoist sects and demon cultivators, and attacked Yin Heng in an attempt to obtain his demon pill and demon body for alchemy and refinement. Hong Yu also planned to use Yin Heng’s soul.

Because he wasn’t prepared for Hong Yu, Yin Heng was seriously injured but didn’t let them succeed.

Hong Yu and others chased and he killed them all the way, but they didn’t dare to move rashly when he reached the mist mountain where Father Bai and Mother Bai were. If Yin Heng’s cultivation at that time was only first-class in the world, then Father Bai and Mother Bai were already the unbearable world’s best at the time. Moreover, it happened to be a time when human society was in turmoil, and even the world of self-cultivation wasn’t very calm. Father Bai and Mother Bai sheltered some well-connected humans and monks, releasing the news that they didn’t allow those who tried to chase and kill to step into the mist mountain for even half a step. They directly strangled the first few groups of guys who didn’t believe and shocked everyone else.

With such a stumble block, Hong Yu and the others didn’t dare to enter the mist mountain rashly, even if Yin Heng was the one chasing to kill them. They also wanted to communicate with Father Bai and Mother Bai, but the other party ignored them completely. After guarding outside the mountain for a while, Father Bai and Mother Bai rudely drove people away.

Hong Yu and others didn’t dare to fight against Father Bai and Mother Bai. In the end, they could only return without anything. However, because Yin Heng was seriously injured, and during that time, Father Bai and Mother Bai were directly strangling the demon cultivators who entered the mist mountain without permission, these people acquiesced that Yin Heng was dead, but it was a pity that they spent a lot of effort, but such a good demon body, they didn’t know who would be cheaper.

Hong Yu and others thought that maybe Father Bai and Mother Bai wanted to take it for themselves, so they didn’t hand over him to them and drove him all away. But in fact, Father Bai and Mother Bai didn’t do anything. Although they checked Yin Heng who had entered the mist mountain, they neither killed him nor deliberately saved him.

Of course, because Father Bai and Mother Bai blocked those who were chasing Yin Heng, they still saved him. Yin Heng had excellent talent. He was seriously injured this time and didn’t die. The mist mountain was full of spiritual energy. They reluctantly supported him and found some healing spiritual plants in the mountain, which could be regarded as saving his life.

Later, he avoided Hong Yu and others and then went to other places to cultivate and recover, but he encountered an unexpected opportunity. Not only did he completely recover from his injury, but his cultivation also increased. Yin Heng, whose strength had greatly increased, stopped hiding and took revenge on those who had plotted against him at the beginning. Among them, several sects were involved in this matter. Yin Heng almost wiped them out overnight.

As for Hong Yu, Yin Heng dug out his demon pill and then destroyed it together with his demon body, which almost turned him to ashes.

This incident quickly caused an uproar. Yin Heng didn’t communicate much with other cultivators at first. When this incident came out, he didn’t hide that he did it, so he was quickly avoided. Some people wanted to attack him either for interest or for righteousness, but they were beaten back by him. Because he couldn’t help it and they learned that Yin Heng was just taking revenge, not killing innocent people at will, so the attack against him slowly died down. However, Yin Heng still had a terrible reputation that could stop a child from crying at night and almost no one dared to contact him among the cultivators in the country.

Yin Heng wanted to repay Father Bai and Mother Bai for their kindness at that time, but because of his reputation, he couldn’t show closeness to them, so he could only secretly send some things to express his gratitude. But Father Bai and Mother Bai had completely retired at that time. They didn’t have much contact with the outside world’s human cultivators and didn’t accept his things. They only said that they didn’t help much.

Yin Heng was a little disappointed by this, but he no longer bothered and simply went abroad.

As an outsider abroad, it wasn’t easy at first, but Yin Heng became a lot colder because of Hong Yu’s betrayal. He didn’t pay attention to others, except for the kind Bai family. He had dealt with people who were blocking the way in foreign countries with ruthless means and also took some subordinates, from a lone demon cultivator who only cultivated in a low-key manner to a giant who called the wind and the rain.

Because of the accumulation of a lot of assets in human society, the country gradually forgot about the terrorist act of slaughtering several sects overnight. A few years ago, he received an invitation from the domestic department that wanted him to return to China. Thinking that he hadn’t repaid Father Bai and Mother Bai for saving his life, Yin Heng chose to come back. Xinghuan Entertainment was one of the companies he established after returning to China.

However, even after returning to China, Father Bai and Mother Bai lived more secretly. Yin Heng contacted them through the high-level management of the non-human management office, but Father Bai and Mother Bai still refused Yin Heng’s intention to repay their kindness, saying that they just took the good intentions. After all, they didn’t lack anything and really only took in Yin Heng at the beginning. They had no intention of taking the initiative to save him in the first place.

So it wasn’t until Bai Xinyan wanted to go down the mountain to become an actor that Yin Heng finally had the chance to repay his gratitude.

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