Cute Entertainment Circle

Chapter 65: CH 65

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Li Zhibai locked himself in the room, but it didn’t take long for Bai Yin to knock on the door. Li Zhibai was angry and didn’t open the door, but Bai Yin came in smoothly with a single spell.

During the time when he was originally recording the program, this kind of situation often happened. Li Zhibai himself was almost deprived by Bai Yin’s sugar-coated cannonballs and he didn’t think much about it before. But this time was different.

Probably because he already had the idea that Bai Yin was too much. This time, Bai Yin entered his room directly. Li Zhibai suddenly thought more. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that the other party didn’t respect him at all. Bai Yin seemed to be pursuing him, but he seemed to be full of confidence and high mighty. It seemed that he didn’t actually treat him equally. Even so, he was softened by the other party, and even started to waver than before and wanted to agree with the other party.

Thinking of this, Li Zhibai felt more and more aggrieved in his heart. He lost his face for Bai Yin, who came forward. He turned his head and didn’t want to look at him.

It had to be said that Li Zhibai had made great progress now. He used to be scared out of his original form when he saw a tiger, but now he had the courage to ignore Bai Yin directly. It could be seen that whether people or demons, they had strong adaptability under environmental pressure.

Seeing that Li Zhibai didn’t even look at him, Bai Yin was not surprised and anxious but took the initiative to walk in the direction he was looking at and sit down. Seeing that Li Zhibai turned his head quickly again, frowning as if he didn’t want to see him, Bai Yin said with a smile, “Frowning like this will cause wrinkles.”

When Li Zhibai heard the words, he loosened his brows first. However, he soon felt that it was too embarrassing for him to follow suit when Bai Yin said it. He wanted to continue to look like he had deep hatred. But in the end, he still took into account the issues that might affect his appearance. He still couldn’t be ruthless after struggling hard.

“……” Li Zhibai was suddenly depressed and felt that he was being manipulated by Bai Yin again. After a while, he managed to say something to fight back, “What’s your business?”

The effect of this counterattack was really limited, but Bai Yin smiled slightly when he heard this and said, “Of course, it’s none of my business. If you’re worried that you will become ugly and want to find a way to make it up, isn’t it me who is worried?”

Li Zhibai wanted to refute, but after thinking about getting to know Bai Yin, not only was he taken care of his original form by the other party completely, but he also asked the other party to help him with some care and maintain his human form. So Bai Yin said that and there was really nothing wrong with it.

However, in this way, Li Zhibai was completely at a disadvantage again. He might have obediently accepted the advice before, but this time, Li Zhibai was really disappointed and angry. He didn’t want to let Bai Yin fool him like this, so he gritted his teeth and snorted coldly, saying, “That’s right. You don’t need to worry about me in the future.”

That was to say, Bai Yin had been really good to himself these days. With his help, the maintenance of both the original and the human form was much more convenient and comfortable. The appearance was Li Zhibai’s greatest interest and adore. In addition, he remembered some intimate and touch details that he had had with Bai Yin before. After Li Zhibai finished speaking, a burst of discomfort filled his heart and hurriedly turned his head to hide his face.

Seeing that he had become nervous and started to feel sad, Bai Yin also put aside his joke thoughts, sighed slightly, and then softened his tone. He said to Li Zhibai, “How can I not worry? I want to worry about it for the rest of my life.”

Bai Yin would use such words to test him from time to time. Previously, Li Zhibai always chose to avoid muddling through, but he gradually became more inclined to accept it. However, after hearing this, Li Zhibai thought about what happened before this time. After a moment of grievance, he simply expressed his dissatisfaction, “What’s the matter with worrying, you don’t care about my feelings at all. If you just want to keep a pet, you should stop looking for me.”

Bai Yin was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, “How could it be? How could I not care about you?” He paused, took out a small porcelain bottle, and said, “I did wrong to be angry with you today. I can’t help it. I was really unhappy when I saw those words that put you in a pair with others. I couldn’t help but say something bad, I’m sorry. I know I was wrong. I especially found this ancient formula for you as an apology. If you’re not satisfied, you can do whatever you want to do to me. Don’t be so angry with me because of this, okay?”

Li Zhibai was very surprised to hear that Bai Yin took the initiative to apologize. When they got along with each other before, Bai Yin was always the one who took the lead. Although Li Zhibai really got a lot of benefits, he always suffered verbally. Unexpectedly, Bai Yin apologized directly this time. Li Zhibai was surprised and his attitude loosened a little. The strong dissatisfaction and grievances had been directly calmed down.

After his temper subsided, Li Zhibai couldn’t help but look over when he heard Bai Yin said that he also took skin care products as a gift. The various skin care products that Bai Yin had found for him before were all very effective. This time, Li Zhibai was very much looking forward to it and immediately wanted to try it.

But it was so easy to let Bai Yin pass the test. Li Zhibai wasn’t satisfied, so he restrained his drooling for the bottle of skin care products and continued to question Bai Yin with a straight face, “If you really care about my feelings, are you going to lose your temper at me because of a fake CP made by a fan? And it’s not someone else, he’s your nephew!? Do you think I can’t escape your palm at all because your cultivation is high, you can do whatever you want with me? You can go in and out of my room at will. If you want me to stay in your house, I have to stay in your house. Even if we’re not together, you can lose your temper if you want, and I have to agree to do whatever you say?”

Bai Yin was taken aback by Li Zhibai’s words and couldn’t help but smile bitterly, “No, why do you think like that. If I really think so, then why do I bother to spend so much time with you, wouldn’t it be better… to give you directly?”

Li Zhibai was stunned for a moment. When he realized what Bai Yin was saying, his face flushed and suddenly became angry. Bai Yin hurriedly continued to comfort him, “I can’t say how much I paid, but I’m trying to be nice to you every day. If I don’t really want you to be happy, is it necessary for me to do this? It’s really my fault for you to stay in my house, sometimes go to your room without consent, etc. I thought you also thought this was fun. You are so indifferent that you don’t agree with me. If I didn’t use this method, I’m afraid we won’t be familiar with each other now, right? Believe me, I definitely don’t have the kind of idea you said. If you think about the other things, did I force you to do anything after you disagree?”

To be honest, Bai Yin’s “force” was to see that Li Zhibai didn’t resist, but the kind of thing that couldn’t save face. In other words, it was almost really for fun (so he couldn’t lose his face). Except when he was trying to cure Li Zhibai of tiger phobia at the beginning, mostly he still liked to do evil things. Later, there was really nothing bad about Bai Yin to Li Zhibai.

Li Zhibai wasn’t as emotional as before. Hearing Bai Yin’s words, he recalled the previous situation and felt that he really seemed to be paranoid.

When Bai Yin said this, seeing that Li Zhibai’s face had improved a lot without realizing it, he couldn’t help but smile again, “Besides, how could I not be angry if you have an affair with someone else. At this time, no matter who the other person is, everyone is the same. Even if it’s just a dog, I’m also unhappy when others say you are a couple. But it’s my fault to scold you. You’ve never agreed with me, so I’m a little anxious. I promise I won’t do that in the future.”

Li Zhibai was inexplicably happy when he heard the words, but he was still speechless. He glanced at him and said, “Are you angry with the dog? Are you…” sick?

Bai Yin smiled, “What if that dog becomes a master in the future?”

Li Zhibai: “……”

Seeing that Li Zhibai was no longer angry, Bai Yin took advantage while the iron was hot, “Can you give your generosity to forgive me now? How about trying this ancient skin care product? It’s still made with panacea.”

Although Li Zhibai looked like a playboy, he really had no experience in love. After being coaxed by Bai Yin, his attitude had completely softened. In addition, there was still the temptation of that skin care product. It didn’t take long for him to forgive Bai Yin.

Bai Yin then raised the corner of his mouth and watched Li Zhibai wash his hands, ready to try this skin care product. However, after opening the lid, Bai Yin frowned and smelled it first, then closed the lid, and said, “Wait a minute, I got it wrong, not this one.” Then he found another porcelain bottle of the same size, opened it, smelled it, and handed it to Li Zhibai after confirming it.

Li Zhibai watched Bai Yin put away the previous bottle again. He wondered, “What is that?” It seemed that it was also a skin care product or something. Since they had been taken out, why not just give it to him but take it back? Was he going to send it to someone else?

Li Zhibai thought so. He couldn’t help but make some bad guesses. There was a hint of alertness in his expression. Unexpectedly, Bai Yin smiled and said, “We can’t use that one for the time being. I will take it out later when we need it.”

“We can’t use it? Is it something like removing spots? I won’t need that in the future, right?” Li Zhibai wondered.

At this moment, Bai Yin took the opportunity to get a little closer, chuckled lightly in Li Zhibai’s ear, and said, “No, I came here especially to take care of that place for you.”

“What the hell…!!” Li Zhibai reacted slowly. He suddenly blushed. His face became more beautiful, his face was red, and so were his ears, “Wh, what kind of a mess, I won’t use it! You throw it away!!”

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Bai Yin smiled and said, “It took me a lot of effort to get this. How can I throw it away? It’s said that the effect is very good. It won’t make you uncomfortable at all after using it. Why don’t we try it now? This one is more expensive than the previous skin care products and the effect should be better.”

“You go away!!” Li Zhibai glared at him, even more embarrassed and angry than before, “No matter how good the effect is, I don’t need it! What rubbish maintains that kind of place!!”

It had to be said that Li Zhibai was really a very reserved fox demon. Other fox demons, not to mention all of them, paying attention to this aspect, but there weren’t a few who would deliberately maintain them. After all, the charm of the fox wasn’t only reflected in the appearance and temperament, but also in the intimate matters on the bed.

Bai Yin knew that Li Zhibai was indifferent, but he didn’t plan on doing this. He just teased him on purpose. But the effect was okay. Although Li Zhibai was embarrassed, the relationship between the two was actually a bit more intimate and ambiguous, leaving only the last layer of window paper.

In short, Li Zhibai and Bai Yin were in a good mood after the problem was solved. Even Bai Xinyan and Yin Heng don’t have to be “spared” by their elders, thank God.

But they were happy, others weren’t.

Although the program 《Career Story》 currently seemed to be a win-win situation, it was inevitable that there would be comparisons between the guests. Li Zhibai had always been the most popular and everyone thought that it was reasonable to pay attention to him. However, as a newcomer, Bai Xinyan not only had a hot topic, but he also was exceptionally brilliant in the program. The proportion of converted fans was so high that some people would inevitably feel aggrieved.

Gu Chenghao didn’t follow the fan flow route. He was far from Bai Xinyan’s age and development direction. Although he sighed in his heart, it wasn’t difficult to accept. But Ai Qiao, who was supposed to be the second most popular among the guests, was different. Even if she was an actress, she didn’t have much conflict with Bai Xinyan, but she was so obviously robbed of the limelight. She felt a little uncomfortable in her heart.

However, Ai Qiao was a person who had climbed to the front line after all. Although she felt a little uncomfortable in her heart, she wouldn’t reveal anything on the surface. And she could also see that Bai Xinyan’s future development would definitely not be bad. Even if he couldn’t make good friends, he couldn’t easy get angry.

After all, it was just pure envy and jealousy. There was no resource conflict and her own benefits weren’t small. Therefore, Ai Qiao was only a little upset, but it was different for Tang Yuying. As a newcomer, she was completely suppressed by Bai Xinyan. In contrast, it could be said that she didn’t show any bright spots. The attention of netizens was also limited. If they hit a hot spot, the popularity of many other things would be affected and decreased.

As soon as the show aired, Bai Xinyan kept the topic clean and Tang Yuying naturally received less attention. The program group also cut her to a few scenes that she didn’t even find any hype from them.

Although Tang Yuying had restrained her squeamish and willful behaviour due to the reprimands from Youjia Entertainment’s executives and other things, she still felt unhappy with Bai Xinyan. She had hoped that after 《Career Story》 was broadcast, she would explode and slap the people who had shown their faces before, but she found out that it was Bai Xinyan who exploded and she became even more angry. But Tang Yuying has learned a lot now. Instead of expressing her dissatisfaction with Bai Xinyan directly, she approached the program group and asked them to explain why they only gave her so few scenes.

However, the people in the program group were still angry when they thought about it. With her previous performance, she had the nerve to ask people to give her more shots? They had done their best to cut it like this. The director said a few words to Tang Yuying angrily, but thinking that she hadn’t acted like a demon recently, he kindly gave her a word, saying that he would try to allocate more shots to her in the second recording episode.

The director thought that he had done his utmost, but he didn’t want Tang Yuying to be ignorant. She turned around and posted a meaningful Weibo, accusing the program group and a certain guest of deliberately suppressing her!

When the director found out, he was almost pissed and confronted Tang Yuying. He also felt that he was being reasonable. If it wasn’t for the fact that there were only two unrecorded episodes left and the breach of contract wasn’t worth it, the director almost wanted to kick Tang Yuying out.

This matter was discovered quickly. Tang Yuying didn’t have many fans, but the popularity of 《Career Story》 itself was very high and the matter was still spread. Tang Yuying’s agent had to come to deal with the aftermath again, asked her to post an explanation on Weibo, and apologized to the program group. The matter was barely calmed down.

The agent who was also so angry didn’t know how many times he gave Tang Yuying a severe scolding, “How mindless are you? Posting this kind of Weibo at this time? Even if you want to initiate a code, you have to wait for the show to be broadcast, right? What if they cut all your scenes to nothing? If it doesn’t work, at least you have to wait until the recording is over. If you get kicked in the middle, do you know how bad it will affect your future reviews? I think you’ve been obedient recently and thought you’ve changed. It’s still not enough to work with your brain. When will you be able to grow up, ah? Don’t say that your uncle is the director of the company. It’s useless to be the emperor. It’s impossible for the emperor to shut everyone up. This is the last two episodes of the show, you’d better be well-behaved and don’t make trouble for me, little great miss.”

The agent talked bitterly for a long time, but Tang Yuying learned not to answer back, but she only listened to one sentence—You have to wait for the program to be broadcast.

Tang Yuying suddenly had an idea in her heart.

In addition to the program group, her Weibo also contained a certain guest. Many people guessed who she was talking about after seeing it. However, the speculation of netizens was still very messy because there was too little information and there was no accurate target. But there was no doubt that Tang Yuying was referring to Bai Xinyan.

This time the matter was temporarily suppressed, but when the programed ended and the popularity was at its highest, she would clearly point out that the one who suppressed her was Bai Xinyan. Presumably, many people would pay attention and it was definitely impossible to suppress it like this time. At that time, she could sell the miserable fans and make Bai Xinyan stink.

The more Tang Yuying thought about it, the more she felt it was appropriate, so she made up her mind to prepare first and then do it.

Bai Xinyan didn’t know that someone was brewing a conspiracy against him. Apart from recording the show, he focused on dating with Yin Heng. After recording the contents of the first episode of panda keepers and the first episode of art mannequins, the remaining two episodes were overseas trips. Bai Xinyan had never been abroad yet. Although he was going to record a show, he was very excited. Of course, he didn’t have the heart to pay attention to the insignificant Tang Yuying.

The theme of this issue was the medical volunteers of the International Red Cross, which was quite high. However, the places where medical volunteers work were generally not very peaceful. Not only were they not suitable for tourism and vacation, but there might be various dangers.

Of course, the program group didn’t dare to joke about the safety of these high-value stars. Although they chose such content boldly, the final location was only a relatively backward and poor place, but it wasn’t a place where there would be wars. The local people lived in poverty and were relatively ignorant in their thinking. It might be difficult to communicate, but with a group of entourages following them, they wouldn’t easily encounter danger.

After arriving at the destination, they had to adapt first for more than a day before they were ready to officially record the program. After all, the environment here was still too different from that in China. Even in the mountain area where the conditions weren’t very good before, it had to be said that it was better than the level here. The E Country they came to has a hot and humid climate and an endless number of snakes, insects, rats, and ants. Not only that, but the water was in short supply and it was too hot to take a bath every day. Electricity was also limited in supply.

In addition, communication was also a big problem. The volunteer centre established by the Red Cross had to use a common foreign language to communicate with other volunteers and staff. The language of those local residents was even more incomprehensible, even if they invited several interpreters, but it was still a bit of a problem. Even though general foreign languages ​​were now compulsory courses for many artists, the ones that could do that fluently were only a few. And when the senior volunteers introduced themselves to them, there were a lot of professional terms. Even people like Li Zhibai and Ai Qiao who had studied foreign languages ​​for a long time and had gone abroad many times were a bit difficult to accept.

The only thing that seemed relatively relaxed was Bai Xinyan, which surprised many people. After all, those who had learned well in this circle were the minority among the few. A young newcomer like Bai Xinyan, looking at the glamorous and glamorous in the circle, most of them wouldn’t settle down their minds to learn this kind of cultural knowledge. However, thinking of all the speculations about Bai Xinyan’s background, they thought it was quite normal. Since he was a child of a wealthy family, he must have been taught bilingually since he was a child. It was uncertain how many scores he could get in the college entrance examination, but it was definitely no problem to hear and speak foreign languages.

But gradually, everyone discovered that Bai Xinyan wasn’t only good in foreign languages, but also outstanding in other aspects. The conditions were so poor, but he didn’t say anything at all. As an assistant who had no relevant knowledge and experience, and just followed helping the doctor with chores, Bai Xinyan couldn’t only do everything, especially things that require strength to test his physical strength, such as carrying patients to the hospital, helping with medical equipment to climb mountains, moving supplies at the volunteer centre, and simply taking medicines by name and prepare medicines, taking care of patients, and so on. He did very well. He even acted as a half doctor, prescribing medicine for treatment.

Most of the local people here hadn’t received any education. They were very ignorant. Even when they were sick, they prefer to choose their traditional “ancient prescriptions” and “witchcraft”. They didn’t trust modern medicine and doctors. Even if these medical staffs go to help for free, their work was still very difficult.

However, they didn’t know why, compared to other people who often had to communicate with difficulty, Bai Xinyan was more easily recognized by these local residents, especially the patients themselves, who had said that contact with Bai Xinyan would make them feel much more comfortable. So they regarded Bai Xinyan as a person with some kind of “divine power” and no longer rejected Bai Xinyan with the exclusion of modern medical methods, they were quite obedient to what he said.

Although they were confused about this situation, after discovering this Bai Xinyan’s special point, all the doctors rushed to take him with them when they went out to communicate with the patient and convey the condition and treatment plan. So Bai Xinyan was upgraded from an assistant to a half doctor and he became the most popular person in the volunteer centre during this period of time. His treatment was better than others and some patients sent him a few local specialities, which weren’t particularly valuable, but they were all very interesting things. Among them, Bai Xinyan also found a rather special spiritual plant.

Apart from being too busy and not having much time to talk to Yin Heng, Bai Xinyan felt that this experience was actually quite good. But apart from him, the other guests didn’t feel very well.

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