Cyber Heart

Chapter 31: Chapter 31: Another Office Visit

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Chapter 31:

Another Office Visit

Ever since I went out with Yuriko, she's stayed close to me. Dragging me out every so often to go shopping or otherwise just taking some walks in the park. She was a delight to be sure, but one my social battery wasn't ready for.

After the first day, I was simply exhausted. I was expecting her to want to go out again the next day, but thankfully she didn't seem too up to it. Instead, she simply lounged around watching anime and otherwise sleeping. It seemed she was a fan of animation.

It was quite endearing seeing her enjoy the varying episodes. Her reactions were always so genuine and pure. I found myself not minding her company after this. My social battery growing accustomed to her. I realized then that she never was draining. I was just anxious.

I was thankful for this, because her cheery smile brought light into my life. Where Cecelia brought me out of the dark, Yuriko lit my way. Cecelia seemed to be in agreement. Whenever she had to work, she informed Yuriko to keep an eye on me.

In response, she'd always give the most adorable salute before grabbing me by the arm and pulling me along to wherever she wished to go. It took me a while to understand she was taking me to places I enjoyed as well. The library or the private den where I could read. There she'd watch shows either on her personal screen, or on the TV nearby.

"Yuriko..." I called out, looking up from my book.

"Hmm?" Pausing her show, she looked back over her shoulder with a soft expression.

"Is this okay?" I asked her, motioning around, "You're not bored or anything?"

"Nuhuh!" She smiled, shaking her head.

"Are you sure though?" I was worried because I finally noticed that we were only doing things I was comfortable with, "You don't want to go out at all?"

She seemed to think for a while, lost in a dream-like state before answering.

"Well...Alex likes these things, right?" She pondered, finger to her bottom lip, "So...Yuriko does too! Plus, it means spending time with Alex, so Yuriko is happy!"

My heart broke at the words she said. I was both touched and sad. Taking a breath, I marked my page in the book and set it down.

"Well, I have the energy, so..." Looking at her, I felt a sense of calm, "Do you want to go out somewhere? Maybe visit Cecelia, or-"

Her eyes widened as I mentioned visiting Cecelia. Stars in her eyes as they seemed to sparkle. Even I, someone who is rather dense, knew what she wanted to do.

"...Cecelia it is," I smiled warmly, getting up as she followed, "We'll make this a secret visit, alright?"

"Seeecret! Seeecret!" She giggled, wrapping her arms around mine as she skipped beside me.


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Arriving at Ishikawa-Alden Corp, Yuriko practically clung to me as we made our way inside. Being who we were, no one hampered us. As always, the place was immaculate. Clean and pristine. The gleaming walls a testament to the professionalism and wealth that teamed within its confines.

Our footsteps echoed upon the marble flooring, mixing with that of everyone else. Businessmen and women made their way about, deferring to us as we made our way through. Yuriko's arms tightened comfortingly around mine, easing the anxiety building inside of me.

"...I wonder if she knows that's helping?" Looking over at her, she smiled calmly, seemingly unaware. Yet, it was reassuring. "Well, not that it matters...Either way, I'm glad."

Taking some breaths, I was able to ask the receptionist just where my wife was. A meeting room a few floors above. Thanking them, we found ourselves on the elevator up.

"Celia's going to be so surprised!" Yuriko intoned amusingly.

"Heh, yes, I hope so," I laughed lightly as the elevator opened.

Making our way down the hall, we found ourselves before metallic double doors. Red lights imbedded around the door indicated it was locked. As we approached, a teal light began to scan us. After a brief moment, the lights around the door turned green with a confirmation beep.

The doors gave way, opening with a soft woosh. Beyond the door was a dark hallway. Only lights on the floor led us further in. As we entered, the door behind us closed.

Following the lights, we came to a turn in the hallway. A soft glow coming from around the corner. As we turned the corner, the source of the glow appeared before us. Holograms of several individuals sat around a table in a room. All of them faced Cecelia who sat behind the table with a stern look upon her face.

"You've failed twice this month," Cecelia berated one of the holograms, "I am lenient, but not that lenient."

"But Mrs. Ishi-" The hologram, a man's voice spoke up but was silenced.

"Need I remind you..." Cecelia's eye caught us, a smile crept across her face, "I am Mrs. Williams."

Her eyes stared into mine, and I knew she was making a point. I felt myself blush as she told such important people she was my wife.

"I-I am aware of that, but please," The man continued to beg, "Just give me one more chance. I almost have this deal done."

Cecelia's smile disappeared as she looked back towards the man.

"No, you don't," Cecelia sighed, leaning against her fist, "This will be handed over to the Manager of District Three. Be lucky I just received some most welcome visitors, or it'd be your job you'd be handing over. Dismissed."

There were some protests, but others agreed and said their farewells before Cecelia clicked a button. Their images fizzling out.

"Now then..." Cecelia turned towards us, a warm smile on her face, "To what do I owe this pleasure?"


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