Cyber Heart

Chapter 40: Chapter 40: Family Emergency

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Chapter 40:

Family Emergency

I always knew that my sister's life wasn't the best. Drugs, alcohol, and just a bad slew of exes. Many of which were her dealers. We tried so often to help her. To get through to her only for her to ignore us. The bone chilling messages I received sent my heart racing.

I didn't say anything to Cecelia, Yuriko, or Julius. I just told them to get me to the hospital, and fast. I could hardly wrap my own head around what was going on. Cecelia and Yuriko comforted me the best they could. I was shaking with anxiety as my mind raced at what could have possibly happened. My eyes scanning the messages over and over.

--Mom: I don't know how to even start this. It's Dolores. Alex, please. Hurry to the hospital.

--Dad: Dolores is in the hospital. We're there now. If you can, hurry over.

--George: Hey bro. I'm sure you were told, but Dolores is in the hospital. If you're not lazing around, get over here. It's bad. Real bad. I'm sure mom and dad didn't tell you. She's in critical condition.

--George: She might not survive the night.

--Alana:'s mom. She's really hurt. I'm scared. She isn't always the best, but...she's my mom. What will I do without her? Please...if you can, come to the hospital.

--Esmae: Alex, it's your sister-in-law. Your sister is hurt really bad. If you can make it, hurry over. It's urgent.

--Me: What's going on? What happened?

It was all I could manage to send to my brother. My system was shutting down as my mind narrowed. Everything else was pushed aside. The words "She might not survive the night" echoing through my head.

--George: They found heavy drugs in her system. A lot of it. If you actually come, I'll explain more.

--Me: I'm on my way now. Let everyone know.

--George: You are? I'm surprised. You're not just lazing around?

--Me: Really? Is now the time for that? I said I'm on my way.

My brother's words hurt, but they were based in a lot of truth. I wasn't always the most productive person and preferred to laze around. It was easier than facing reality. My brain just couldn't handle the stress. However, I liked to think I wasn't a horrible person.

My sister's life was in danger, and he thought I was just going to sit on my ass? I had the power of the world at my disposal now. I could do something. At the very least, I could be there for her. Yuriko held my hands tightly as Cecelia held me close. She knew what helped me, but I needed more.

"...C-Can you..." Leaning against her, I spoke quietly with a trembling voice, "Squeeze just...a little harder? Please..."

I knew I didn't even need to ask as she complied, the firm pressure of her hug reassuring. They had no idea what was going on. I found my mouth dry and words difficult to find.

"M-My sister..." My eyes were out of focus, as was my mind, "She's hurt...badly. I don't...What can I do?"

"Leave that to us, love," Cecelia's gentle tone washed over me, "You just get to your family. We'll be right behind you."

As if to agree with her, Yuriko squeezed my hands tighter, pawing at them affectionately. Julius gave a curt nod as he urged the driver to speed on. They didn't even question, they just took what I said and acted. Without hesitation. I was truly touched.

It wasn't long until my feet were on the floor of the hospital. Something in the center of my gut was twisting. It was a feeling I disliked. It told me that something wasn't right. "I hope I'm not too late..." My thoughts raced in my head, echoing with various scenarios. Each worse than the last.

"She had been clean last I heard...why? Why does she have drugs in her system?" The halls moved by quickly as I made my way to the area they were in. The ICU, a private family wing as well. The nuance of them setting her up there was not lost on me.

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As I pushed through the double doors, I saw them there. My family. My brother George and his wife Esmae. My father, John, and mother, Esther. Together they stood with Alana, my niece who was wrapped in my mother's arms.

I took them all in. My mother, with her shoulder length, greying hair was small and dwarfed by my father. Wisps of white hair was all that was left on his otherwise bald head. Their pale skin weathered from years of working. Wrinkles set into their faces. My father more than my mother, who somehow retained a slightly youthful appearance.

My brother stood with his arm around his wife. He was taller than her by a few inches, as he was taller than me. His light brown hair cut short and swept back. Esmae's face was obscured into his chest. Her dark hair cut into a long bob. A beret sat upon her head.

That's when my eyes fell on Alana. Her dark blond hair, unkempt from lack of care, fell down her back. Her fair skin looking worse for wear as I finally read the mood. Tears streaming down her face, staining her cheeks. Her deep blue eyes, like the darkest depths of the ocean were puffy and red.

My brother's green eyes glossy as he tried to hold a brave face. Even my father's sky blue eyes were red as tears streamed down his face. Tears fell from my mother's hazel eyes freely as she tried to comfort Alana. Esmae's blue eyes saw me as she turned her head. The sympathy in her eyes sent my heart plummeting.

"G-Guys?" I asked, coming to a stop just a few feet from them.

Alana instantly turned towards me, and the desperation in her eyes filled me with dread. She ran, breaking free from my mother. Her frail arms wrapping around me as she hugged me tightly. I met her hug with one of my own, pulling her in warmly.

"George? Mom? Dad?" I asked, looking between them all, "What happened?"

" actually made it," My brother spoke dryly, swallowing back his tears to berate me, "I thought you'd be laying around somewhere, like usua-"

Esmae elbowed him hard, giving him a very stern look. Rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly, he turned his gaze from me.

"Sorry..." He muttered, but I knew he felt the words in his heart.

"It's fine..." I dismissed it, "But that doesn't tell me...what's happened?"

My mother and father walked over to me, my father's hand clasping me on the shoulder firmly.

"It's good to see you son," He greeted, forcing a smile.

"Yes, it really is," My mother agreed, trying to smile warmly, but I saw the pain in her face.

"Mother...Father," I urged, feeling the twisting in my stomach get worse, "Am I...too late?"

My father's face clenched up as my mother did her best to hold back tears.

"They're...trying to revive her now," My heart immediately sunk as my father spoke those words.

Looking down to Alana, I had only one thought. "Who did this? Why?" If it wasn't for Alana, my legs may have just given out when my father told me. Her arms tightening around me. I had to remain strong for her.

My family was everything to me. We didn't always get along, and I knew my brother just thought me lazy, but I loved each and every one of them. Alana held me tighter, and in turn I did the same. My hand holding the back of her head firmly, lovingly.

Her sobs pierced deep into my heart.


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