Cyber Heart

Chapter 50: Chapter 50: Pest Control

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Chapter 50:

Pest Control

Following the success of finding two people involved with the assault on my sister, everything was set in motion. The tracker had been placed and the agent had eyes on them. Anywhere they went, he followed. As silent as the very night itself.

I was really impressed at how everything moved so smoothly. With the biggest megacorp, and arguably the largest power in the world, backing this operation, it was to be expected. I had never been a part of something like this, and I wasn't sure how to feel about it.

Everything felt so surreal in this moment as everything moved forward. Cecelia by my side, agents swarmed around us. Their sleek black uniforms were armored. No identifying marks were visible on them, including their faces which were completely covered. Truth be told, I was anxious.

"Cecelia..." I spoke to her quietly, "Will this be alright?"

Staring at the screen, a little blip on the map showed me where the green-eyed man was. Currently, he had just entered a building and was proceeding further inside. Audio was being picked up, but not much came through. It was silent save for the occasional shuffling as they walked.

"Why wouldn't it?" She asked simply, a reassuring arm around my waist, "Do not worry about the logistics."

"...Are there any innocents around?" Glancing around the room, I saw the weapons the agents carried, "I don't want people caught up in this."

Cecelia smiled warmly as my gaze fell upon her. Pulling me in, she hugged me from the side firmly.

"Do not worry," She reassured, "We'll do a proper sweep."

It wasn't like I doubted her, I was just anxious, and I think she knew that. Her firm hold on me was just enough pressure to calm my quickly beating heart. A small, loving smile crept across my lips as I leaned into her.

"D. Tonic?" The audio picked up the voice, "Yo, you there?"

Immediately, everyone turned their attentions to the large screen before us. My entire body tensed as my focus narrowed in. I could feel Cecelia's hold on me grow tighter, much to my appreciation.

"Come in," A familiar voice that shot me back to the past sounded through the audio.

I was immediately back to those days, all those years ago. I remembered him vividly. Leaned over Alana, hands attempting to tear at her clothes. I knew then that it was him. There was no mistaking that voice.

Slightly high pitched, but just low enough that you knew it wasn't a child. It was a bit too smooth, but held a certain edge to it. As if something was perpetually stuck in their throat. Each word just slightly strained, gravelly from years of drug use.

"Ma'am, our agent is with them," One of the controllers intoned, "Should we prepare visual?"

"It's him," I said, no doubt about it, "I don't need to see him to know. That's definitely him."

The room grew tense, as if ready to pounce, because they were. I heard the sound of guns charging, readying up. Armor shifting around as they stood ready to move.

"Bring it up," Cecelia ordered, "Ensure the agents safety."

"Yes Ma'am," They acknowledge, the screen coming to life before us.

"By the way..." I muttered, looking up at Cecelia, "Who is the agent? Why did we send them?"

"You should know them," Cecelia smirked, looking back at me, "As for's a test."

"I should?" Curious, I turned my gaze towards the screen again, "Why is it a test? And now of all times?"

I was met with a dark room on the screen, dimly lit, but I knew the one sitting in there. Lazily sat back on a worn-down couch, his legs spread open as if he owned the world, was Derek. His arms tossed around the back of couch, he looked towards the agent and the Green-Eyed man.

As his face came into the light, our assumptions were correct. He had gotten facial reconstruction surgery. Though it wasn't a great job. His nose was more crooked than before, and his jaw was slightly unaligned. Lines of tech ran across his skin where had the surgery, but it was definitely him.

"Who's this?" He asked, sending my blood boiling just hearing him.

"A friend," They replied, sounding pleased about it, "She's looking for a fix."

"What's your name?" Derek nearly purred, it made me sick hearing it.

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"Truth be told," Cecelia whispered as we watched, "It was thanks to their information our other agent even found that nightclub."

"Is it?" Now my curiosity was peaked, "Just who is this agent? Someone I know?"

I didn't have long to wonder as a familiar, feminine voice came over the audio.

"Kaya," A satin voice with a slightly Indian accent introduced herself, "I heard you've got good shit."

"...Sadia?" I muttered, surprisingly remembering her name. I reasoned that the name Kaya was just an alias for this situation.

"Yes," Cecelia answered me, her hand running along my side, "You said not to harm her...not that I couldn't employ her."

Giving her a rather puzzled look, I tried to understand what was going on. She was near a very dangerous man, and while I'm sure she could handle herself; my anxiety just grew worse.

"True, but-" Her finger quieted me before I could say another word.

"She is not in danger," Cecelia reassured me, a gentle smile on her lips, "Do you trust me?"

Without thought, I nodded, offended she would ever think I wouldn't.

"Good," She seemed rather pleased at my answer, "Now, it's time to squash some bugs."

Silence fell over the room as the only sound came from the monitor.

"So, you're looking for a fix, huh?" Derek's slimy voice called, "I got you, but first...what will you do for me? This doesn't come cheap, you know."

"Oh?" Sadia seemed to flirt with him, her voice rather sultry, "I'm sure we can come to an agreement. I have the money and...other things. First, I want to know if it's legit."

"Oh, it's legit alright," Derek bragged, reaching into a bag next to him he pulled out a tiny vial of aqua colored liquid, "Premium Euphoria. Straight from the source."

"The source?" Sadia asked, moving towards him with a sway in her step, "That's impressive. I heard it's quite hard to come by."

Derek seemed fixated on Sadia; I could barely stand the look in his eyes. He was definitely thinking perverted thoughts. The way he licked his lips trying to be attractive near made me vomit. "As disgusting as I remember...what the hell did my sister see in him?"

There was no use trying to figure it out now. Whether it was just a drug fix or something else, it didn't matter. He hurt my sister. Attempted to hurt Alana. There was nothing going to save him. Not even my bleeding heart.

"It sure is," Derek continued bragging, "I have my ways. The Nile certain has a way of producing the best."

"The Nile, huh?" Sadia inquired, intrigued as she grew closer to him, "I'd love to hear more...if you're willing to share."

"For you?" He smirked, looking at the hand she placed on his shoulder lustfully, "It would be my pleasure."

Just as Sadia reached his neck, her other hand shot out with a syringe. Producing it as if from thin air as the needle pierced deep into his neck. Exclaiming in surprise and pain, he held his hand to his neck, but as he went to move he found that he couldn't as he fell onto the couch. The feed grew fevered then as Sadia turned to face the Green-Eyed man, as well as the Brown-Eyed man who had also accompanied them.

They made a move for weapons but were too slow as Sadia moved towards them. With swift strikes, a needle was pressed into their necks as well, each collapsing to the floor with a solid thud. I looked on in awe, impressed.

"Move. Now," Cecelia ordered and like clockwork, the other agents swiftly made their way out.

Their footsteps near in tune with my heartbeat as it hastened. With Cecelia by my side, we made our way there.


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