Cycle of Identities: A Gender-Bending Story

Chapter 15: Chapter 15: Operation No Pleasures Pt. 3 – Underground Brawl

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"Ugh. It stinks..."

"Bear with it, Princess. We are in the sewers after all."

"But it stinks! It's worse than Eobard's bad breath."

"Hahaha! True. True. Then why don't I kiss you right now, little princess?"

"Sure. Go ahead. I'll be sure to puke in your mouth when you do."

"That's gross, Princess. Please don't do that."

The night of the raid has begun. Right now, I'm sure Rosalina at the Little Nokco village, and Leo and Vivian at Forlai have began to do their job as well. Or perhaps they're already done with how swift those guys can be.

Well, it's not like I can tell from here.

Which is why, I, together with Jonah and Eobard, am simply focusing on my task here in the Capital, where the Pleasure drugs are being made somewhere in the underground sewers of the city. No, wait... perhaps 'stored' is a better word for it.

The three key places where Pleasures are being made. They each probably have a different role.

Little Nokco is a small village which can be easily caught if they were to make the drugs in their little settlement. So I would assume that its role is to grow the raw ingredients for Pleasures instead, since drugs are made from plants, and they can bypass inspection whenever a Royal Inspector comes to check on them.

For Forlai, the factory owned by Gulliver is the target. So naturally that place is where the Pleasure drugs are being made in the lab there. It also makes a good cover for any inspections, since the factory is generally used for creating perfumes.

Which leaves us to the third and final location in the sewers. What is its role? The answer, I assume, would be storage.

With a place to grow the ingredients and a place to turn them into products, all that's left is a place to help store those products where public security would not find. Having that place to be underground, near the city's sewage system where people tend to avoid, is probably one of the places I would choose if I get the choice.

In addition to that, the mastermind's goal for using Pleasures is apperantly to get the nobles of the Neutral Faction onto Brother Carlos's side. With most of those said nobles living in the Capital, having the drug stored underneath the Capital would make the most sense. As all they needed to do then is send a small shipment of the drugs to Gulliver, who will then smuggle them into batches of his perfume stock before supplying it to the corrupt nobles of the Third Prince's Faction, who will then distribute the drugs to the nobles of the Neutral Faction after inviting them to their house for a party. And once their victims get addicted to Pleasures, they can then be coerced into becoming the Third Prince's allies.

The process is tedious but careful. However, there are still some things I don't get about this illegal business of theirs.

If the goal is to get the nobles of the Neutral Faction to Brother Carlos's side, then why use Pleasures in the first place?

Using drugs to get a person on your side. There have been people who had done that before in the past. But those are different kinds of drugs.

Pleasures, on the hand, is not the type of drug for that kind of purpose. It makes the consumer hallucinate pleasant dreams and unable to discern reality from fiction the more they consume the drug. So even if the nobles of the Neutral Faction become my brother's allies, they wouldn't last long as they would end up becoming dead weight instead in the long run.

Which makes me think if the goal of mastermind is truly that or not.

Assuming that the mastermind is my uncle, the Archduke, it's possible that he may have different goal in mind.

"Princess, Eobard, over here."

While I was pondering on the possibilities, Jonah called out to us with a low voice and the three of us hid behind the wall, peeking into the corner.

There are people around the corner. Sitting by a table, playing cards to entertain themselves.

"Ugh. This place stinks."

"Yeah... Tell me about it."

While peeking in the corner, I listened on the guards' conversation.

"Why do we have to be out here anyways? It's not like anyone would come to a place like this."

"Like hell would i know. Our superiors told us to watch the entrance, so here we are, I guess."

"Tch. They could have at least give us a mask or something. This stench is unbearable!"

"Well, I doubt a mask would do anything. Also, it's your turn. Five."

"Argh! Four."


Seems like we have found our target in this stinky place. And after listening to the guards' conversation, I doubt we can get much information from them. Also, I agree with that guy. This stench is unbearable!

"Jonah, knock them out quickly."


By my orders, Jonah proceeded to run up to those two guards. His footsteps are as silent as ever and his speed is simply incredible. But because he didn't have the Invisibility Cloak on, as it was handed to Rosalina for her mission, one of guards facing in his direction saw him and nearly shouted, "Hey, who's th—"

But with two swift chops, Jonah easily knocked them out before they could make any noise, as he then lays them down gently on the ground.

"Good job." I said to Jonah, then turned my attention to the iron door.

Clearly, it was made from prevent anyone from kicking it down. And obviously, it's locked.

Though with Eobard's strength, it's very much possible for him to pry a hole open. But there's also a possibility that a booby trap has been set up on the other side of the door, and I also want to be stealthy for the time being.

So, I just unlocked the door using my Divine Artifact, the Perfect Copy. Transforming it into the key for us to easily access the entrance without making a sound.

As I'd thought. There is a trap set up. But it looks like it has been disarmed because we enter through the normal way.

"All right. Take put those two inside and let's go."


At least they won't have to wake up to the sewage stench, since the smell could barely pass through the door.

But anyways, now that we have entered the enemy territory, it's time for us to explore the area while keeping our guards up.

Our goal is to weaken the security here and locate where the drugs are being stored at. While being stealthy for as long as we possibly can.

And by that, I meant for about five minutes before we start wrecking havoc.

"Go, Eobard! I choose you!"


The number of guards in this underground lair are surprisingly more than I expected and the place itself is more complex than I'd thought. Therefore, it's decided that we forego the sneaky sneaky and began with the chaos already. Enacting our plan B in this case.

"Now, go, Eobard. Smash those guys up!"


With an overpowering strength and incredible might, my loyal beast of a man proceeded to beat every guard in the vicinity up with his fists alone.

They may have weapons and some form of armour on themselves, but it did not matter. Their defenses were easily broken through and their stabs and slashes only managed to leave small pricks and cuts on his skin.

Because of which, the guards became easily intimidated by Eobard.

"What the hell is with this guy!?"

"Fall back! Fall back! We can't win against him! Report back to the higher ups!"

The guards began to flee. Seeing them run, Eobard and I began laughing out loud as a way to insult them.

"Hahahahahahaha! Look at those cowards run, Eobard!

"EO...BARD!!! Bwaahahahahaha!"

"The both of you are having too much fun..."

Now that the enemy know of our presence, they will do whatever it takes to eliminate us all. And that's why...

"Go, Jonah."

"Yes, Princess."

...Eobard and I shall do everything it takes to make sure that the enemy focuses their attention on us, while Jonah locates where the drugs are being stored.

"Let's go, Eobard."


"You can stop that now."


And so, we chased after the enemy in their territory.

Eobard beat them up. Whereas I give moral support.

Some of the enemies tried going pass Eobard and aimed for me instead. Whether if it's because they see me as a way to calm the beast, that is Eobard, down, or because they just want to assault me, or both, it didn't matter. With my Hypnosis magic, those guys weren't even close to touching me as I manipulated all of their senses into attacking the air or themselves instead.

Such simpletons. And this is why you boys will be nothing but fodder.

And while they were too busy trying to catch me, Eobard easily knocked them out with a single strike while they were caught off guard.

"Kindly not touch my lady. I'll eat you."

"Good work, my friend. Now, let us wait here. More enemies are coming to us from all directions." I stated, hearing all of their footsteps approaching closer and closer to our location.

"Get ready. It's an army this time."

"Hahahaha! I like the sound of that."

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I wonder how is it going on Jonah's side. He has the signalling device which is linked to my bracelet. If he found something, it should lit up, and if he got into trouble... yeah, like that would happen.

Also, Eobard is completely decimating the enemy as a whole lot of them just keep coming in waves.

Just how many people are there!? Jeez...

Meanwhile, I'm just sitting a corner, eating popcorn as I watched Eobard tear the enemies to shreds, one by one.

Where did I get the popcorn from? Well, ask Jonah. Oh wait. He's not here.

Ah well, anyways... the enemies seeing me just sitting around are currently squirreling around, trying to catch me who isn't doing anything.

"Gotcha! Wait, no, what!? Not again!"

"She's over there! Grab her!"

Umm, yeah. Sorry, mate. That's not where I am.

"Argh! Darn it! What the hell is with this chick?"

Well, I'm glad you asked! You see... you guys aren't even remotely close to where I'm actually am.

Like I'd did before, I'm manipulating the enemies' senses with my Field Hypnosis spell. Making them chase a hallucination of me instead of the actual me.

And because there are no magicians among the enemy ranks, it's impossible for them to break free from my control.

If they have a magic item that can negate magic, then something can be worked out. But, they don't. So... yeah....

"Hey hey hey! What are you lots doing!?"

Suddenly from behind the enemy lines, a group of five uniquely-dressed individuals have made their entrance.

"You guys are losing to one dude and his woman? How pathetic." said the shirtless big guy in the center of the group, presumably the leader.

Judging from the air of confidence they possess and the way the enemy goons are acting towards them, if I were to make a guess...

"The higher ups have finally come, huh."

Immediately, I extended my Field Hypnosis range to weed out any possible magicians among the the group.

None the five were magicians. However, when I extended Field Hypnosis's range, I had picked up a six individual whose senses I couldn't manipulate.

Then without warning, one of five from the group, a thief with a mask up to his nose, started dashing for me with his dagger drawn.

He's fast. But, not fast enough as Eobard easily got into his way and grabbed the dagger with his bare hand.

"Nah uh uh~ You can't go for the king straight away."

The enemy thief was surprised, before taking a fist to the face all of a sudden. Sending him flying into the arms of his leader, who is a warrior that wields a greatsword on his back.

The enemy leader who caught his comrade then looked at the state he was in. He was clearly knocked out cold from that single hit of Eobard's, which gave him a broken nose like the goons. Because of which, the enemy leader stared coldly at Eobard and me and laid his unconscious friend down.

"I see... I take what I said back. It's one woman and her man..." the enemy leader then gestured a sign to his other comrades, prompting them draw their weapons and take their stances, ready to brawl against Eobard.

One of the other three enemies is another thief, but female this time and dark skinned. Next is a female archer with a very terrible haircut. Finally, the last enemy is a male tank with an oversized shield as his only weapon.

They look rather experienced at combat. Though, they still won't be a match for Eobard.

Because Eobard is strong.

"I'll leave them to you." I said to my hungry wolf man. "When you're done, help me out with this one." I added, turning to my back, much to the confusion of the enemies, except the higher ups.

"I know you're there. Show yourself." I said to the magician hiding behind me. I was impressed that they managed sneak up behind me, despite my keen sense of hearing and all.

That hidden enemy then kindly showed themselves like I'd asked, appearing before my eyes as they took off the piece of cloth they had draped over their head.

An Invisibility Cloak, huh...

The foe that now stands before me is dressed in all black apparels from head to toes, with small hints of dark purple on certain parts of the clothes for style points. Nice. There's also a mask they're wearing, covering their entire face. Their hood is up and they wear black gloves as well. Honestly, this person could only be a well-trained magic assassin.

But, I don't see any tools on them. Maybe the nature of their magic is something that doesn't require them to use tools?

They're also fairly short and have a slender build. Leading me to believe that they may either be a young boy or a woman.

"So, who are you?" I nonchalantly asked the mysterious figure.

Judging from the expressions of the goons, they do not know the person. But the higher ups on the other hand...

"Hey, boss. That person is..."

"I know. Looks like they want to handle the woman, so just focus on her man first. We'll help them handle her later."

"Later? You guys seem oddly confident."

"Of course. Though formal, the five of them were all silver-ranked mercenaries before. You stand no chance."

"Yet, I took down one of you silver-ranked mercenaries with one punch. I think I stand a chance."

While Eobard was trash talking with his foes, the mysterious assassin began rushing towards me.

They're fast!

Without time to think about my next step, I quickly jumped to the side, evading their hand which they have reached out.

That was close. This person...

Sparks of purple lightning are surging throughout their body, enhancing their speed from the looks of it. Because of that, the foe was able to move as fast as Jonah.

This is bad. I thought.

The nature of their magic is clearly lightning. A simple yet terrifying attribute of magic to be facing.

Fortunately, though the user is able to move amazingly fast because of their magic, it doesn't mean that they are able to move at the speed of light, since that would only harm themselves more than the opponent.

Which is why, even with enhanced speed, I can still predict their movements and dodge their attacks.

How I am able to do that is all thanks to a certain eldest brother of mine, who tends to force me to train with him whenever I pay a visit during my free time. Even though I'm supposed to have an unhealthy body! That jerk!

Anyways, my opponent is fast and nimble, as they keep on trying to touch me with those electrifying hands of theirs, which would probably not be enough to kill me, but enough to paralyze me instead. Which thus, begs the question of why?

Their goal isn't to kill me. But for what reason do they want to capture me? On whose orders are they acting? They also seem to be acquaintances with the enemy higher ups, so what is their deal with those criminals?

My opponent continues their attack, throwing punches and kicks at me who narrowly evade them all. Because of all of those close call evasions, sparks of lightning from their body were still able to give me small static shocks, even if they didn't touch me. But in time, I was getting more used to predicting their movements, making it easier for me to dodge them without getting shocked. Although, how long that will last would be a question for my stamina.

Eobard is still fighting his opponents, which I can't watch because of the foe I'm facing.

From the sound of it, he's having fun and have no problem against those formal mercenaries. But even after he beats them all up, I'm not sure if he can manage the one I'm facing.

While in the midst of dodging, I activated my bracelet, sending a signal to Jonah to return to me as I will need his help.

And with that done, I continued dodging the opponent's attack as they sped up their movements in order to try and touch me.

This person would not stop. They aren't giving me any space to breathe. I need to do something quick or I might just mess up and get hit by one of their attacks.

A masked assassin in all black apparels, short stature and is a magician with lightning as the nature. Their goal is also to paralyze then capture me from what it looks like.

If I'm not wrong, then this person is...

"So, mind telling me what an agent of Watcher is doing here?"

My opponent suddenly stopped, as if they were stunned by my words. Looking at their reaction, I smiled, thinking about how great of an opportunity this was that they're here.

Truth be told, I had already given up on finding evidence of my uncle's involvement in the Pleasure business. Simply because I doubt I would ever find it here or in either of the other two locations where my other allies are at.

So, could you imagine my excitement seeing a walking proof of his involvement standing in front of me, trying to catch me?

I don't know why this person is here, but the fact that they're here and have some sort of a partnership with the criminal higher ups here, shows that the Archduke knows about this place and is secretly involved in the Pleasure business.

With that intel in mind, I have now added another goal to this mission.

Weakening the security, locating where the Pleasure drugs are, and apprehending this foe whom I am facing to extract more information out of them.

"Come on then. Let's see who is going to capture who, shall we?"

My objective now is to buy time. Once Jonah returns to my side and Eobard defeats his opponents, we can group up and gang bang this person till they surrender.

But still, with that much electricity they're emitting from their body...

Are they going kill me now or still want to capture me, I wonder...?

Either way, they're taking this seriously now, it seems.

"All right then... let's dance."

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