Cycle of Identities: A Gender-Bending Story

Chapter 2: Chapter 2: The Midnight Lady

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The sun had long set, as the moon is out. The night lamps illuminate the city streets, providing a majestic view to be looked at from the balcony of my room.

However, the season is nearing winter and my room inside is getting colder at night, so I head to the fireplace at the other end of my room and started placing some dry firewood in there. Then, I lit the flames ablaze with a match.

And now that I got some heat, time to get dressed.

With the fire in my room to keeps me warm, I head over to my closet and opened it up where all of my male clothes are hung inside.

But, since I'm not going to wear any of them, I pushed all of those aside to open up a secret compartment in the back of the closet. Revealing an even greater quantity of female clothes hidden inside, where I proceeded to take most of them out and laid them spread out on my bed.

"Hmm... What shall I wear today~?" I pondered while staring at the array of women's clothing for a good minute or two.


Scratch that. Make that fifteen bloody minutes because I can't decide on what to wear.

Shall I wear something simple or something fancy? Perhaps I could also go for something elegant or even something... erotic.

As I ponder and ponder and ponder and ponder, I ended up becoming even more indecisive than before.

You know what... screw this. I'll just go with one of my favourites.

I grabbed the elegant-looking dress that has a simple but beautiful light blue colouring on it. Then, I head to my drawers, opened a secret compartment in it and took my female undergarments hidden inside, to be worn first before putting on the dress.

There are a lot of secret compartments and gimmicks in my room's furniture, which were specifically installed for the purpose of hiding various items that are specifically used by the woman me. Because as far as most people know, I am simply the Fifth Prince of the Kingdom of Narla, who has a poor health since birth and is a dashing womanizer the ladies love.

Other than that, my female self is not known to the world except for a few in this country. My father, the current King of Narla, being one of those few. And my butler, Jonah, being another for example.

Once I have put on my dress, I head over to the lovely table near the fireplace and yes... it too has a hidden compartment which I am opening right now from one side of the table, lifting part of the surface up to reveal a large mirror inside the table, as well as various high class make-up hidden inside. Turning the normal looking table into a dressing table.

As I sat down and looked at myself in the mirror, I picked one foundation out of the array of make-ups and began applying it onto my beautiful face.

My male appearance has a tall build of approximately 180cm with golden blond hair, red eyes and a handsome face resembling my father in his younger days for the most part. Whereas for my female appearance, I have a height of about 164cm, possessing silvery white hair and blue eyes, with an enchanting face that resembles my mother in her portrait more.

Both of these appearances look nothing alike each other. Therefore, making it difficult for anyone to recognise me as the Fifth Prince Soluna, if they were to see me without any prior knowledge about my curse. Moreover, I'm pretty sure they would call the guards on me for trespassing in my own room.

Not that anyone would simply dare to enter my room though... aside from assassins. Then that'd be a problem...

After applying the first make-up on my cheeks, I continued with the next and several more for the rest of my face. And after being done with that, I then brushed my hair straight before styling it into the way I want it to be for tonight.

Lastly, with some itsy-bitsy final touches to my make-up...

Viola! Dress-up, complete!

I checked myself in the mirror, looking at my face from every angle possible for me to see if I have done it right.

"Hmm... I did all right, I guess. Might need to ask Jonah when he returns.... Oh!"

And speaking of the devil, I faintly hear his footsteps moving closer to the door of my room as I push down and revert my dressing table back into a normal one.

Then, the door opened as Jonah enters my room, carrying a large food tray in his hands, which contains my dinner.

"I see that you have changed, Princess. You look very beautiful." he complimented me as naturally as the river flows, placing the food tray down onto the table and taking off the covers to reveal my gorgeous looking meal to me.

Oh boy, the strawberry shortcake for dessert looks delicious! And the main dish, of course...

"As you've asked, I have learnt where Earl Hendrickson will be heading tonight. But first, Princess, you should have your dinner. I will inform you of the intel I've gather afterwards." Jonah added. However, at that point, I was drooling over the cake among the various dishes.

Also, that was quick! As expected of my butler.

"Yeah. Ok." I replied, sitting down immediately and begin digging in my meal with the intention of devouring the cake first before anything else.


The amount of sweetness in it is just sooooo good!

"Princess... You were supposed to eat that last..."

"I know. And I don't care. Dessert is always my number one priority in any meal I take."

"Haaah... Suit yourself."

And so, I took my time to relish my cake before eating the rest of my meal elegantly.


Some time near midnight...

In the streets of the Upper City district, I rode a small carriage with Jonah as the driver. Heading to the residence of a Marquis named Julian Anderson, who is hosting a masquerade ball in his estate.

The reason we are heading there is due to the intel which Jonah had gathered, indicating that Earl Hendrickson will be attending that party tonight. In fact, he should already be at the ball since we're late.

Although, I was surprised by the coincidence that my investigation target will be at the same party I was already planning on participating. I even got an invitation just this afternoon from one of the ladies at my tea party.

My goodness. I sure am lucky, aren't I?

Well, not that lucky since I am cursed...

But not only will I be fulfilling Lady Hendrickson's request, I can also have fun while doing so.

"Fufufu~ I can't wait~"

I got my mask ready and everything. As for my identity... Since I have received an invitation intended for Lady Mera, I shall be assuming as her in the ball. Though, I am fairly certain that many of the guests there will immediately recognise that I am not her once I arrive.

Then, the carriage stopped as Jonah then spoke from the driver's seat.

"Princess, we have arrived."

I peeked out of the carriage window and spotted many other carriages parked in an orderly manner at the front, outside of the estate. Afterwards, the door opened as I put my mask on. Jonah presented his hand for me to hold onto while I alight from my ride.

"Thank you, Jonah." I said, as he then bowed.

"You're welcome, Princess." replied Jonah, closing the carriage door before hoping onto the driver's seat again.

"I shall be waiting here with the other drivers. Please, stay safe while you're in there, Princess. And remember to use the item should something ever happen." he said, referring to the bracelet on my right wrist which is a magic item that will signal him of an emergency when used.

"Don't worry. I will." I assured him. After which, he rode off to park the carriage while I proceeded to head on over to the guards who are standing by the estate's entrance.

Ah. I can feel several gazes on me already. Some are coming from the other carriage drivers, while two are coming from the guards whom I am approaching.

"Greetings, good sirs." I said with a smile.

The guards seemed entranced for a moment, but they quickly regained their composure as one of them then spoke. "Greeting, milady. May I see your invitation?" he asked with a seemingly calm voice. But the expression he wears spoke differently.

Seeing a good opportunity to tease him and his partners, I took my invitation out as he'd requested. Pulling it from a... very particular area around my chest and presented it to him.

"Here you go, handsome~" I gave a snide smirk, making their faces red from slight embarrassment as the serious-looking guard then took the invitation from my hand and checked its validity.

While he does that, however, I saw him giving a few quick glances at my chest. Causing me to smile to make the man realised that I noticed.

As for his partner, this perv is straight up gawking at my chest.

He's definitely a virgin, ain't he...

*smack!* The serious-looking guard then wacked his partner all of a sudden as he returns the invitation to me.

"Forgive us for my and my partner's rudeness, milady. Please, head on in to the mansion. It's just straight ahead." the guard said, making way for me to pass after confirming my invitation's validity.

As I walked past the both of them, the guard then quietly added. "I hope you'll enjoy the ball. Take care."

Stopping my tracks for a moment, I turned around and smiled at the two guards. "Don't worry. I will." I replied, throwing a little kiss their way before heading into the Marquis's mansion where the party will be.

Those were some funny reactions I witnessed from the guards. Now I hope the party guests will give me some even more interesting reactions when I tease them.

"Fufufu~" Like I've said, "I can't wait~"


In the Capital City of the Kingdom of Narla, there is an urban legend most famously talked about among the nobility.

Should a party last all the way to midnight, there is a chance that a beautiful figure known as the Midnight Lady will appear as a participant. When that happens, it is said that the host of the party will either be blessed with great fortune, or be cursed with greater misfortune. A gamble based on luck, a trend which many nobles love to follow despite the chances of them losing it all.

Now, as the clock strikes midnight, the guests of the masquerade ball have began hyping themselves in hopes of the Midnight Lady's appearance in the Marquis's masquerade ball.

"Do you think she will appear?"

"What are you saying? The masquerade ball is currently biggest party in the Capital. Of course the Midnight Lady will come!"

Chatter wouldn't stop among the nobles, as they all stare at the entrance, waiting for it to open and for the Midnight Lady to emerge from the other side of the doors. However, with each second passing, their anticipation slowly died down. Soon enough, the guests began to wonder again after a mere two minutes had passed midnight.

"Is she really going to appear?"

"It's already midnight, isn't it?"

"Perhaps the time on the Marquis's clock is off by a few minutes?"

"No way. I heard the midnight bell going off from the bell tower. The time is correct."

"If so, then where is the Midnight Lady?"

Confusion began to set in. Some of the guests were beginning to feel disappointed. Some of the guests have started wondering if the Marquis's ball isn't attractive enough to the Lady. Some even considered the rude option of leaving now after thinking that she may not appear.

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Meanwhile, the host of the ball, Marquis Anderson, is observing the disturbance among his guests from the second floor of the party venue.

Then, just as the guests' patience are about to reach its limit, a loud moan of ecstasy caught the attention of every single noblemen and women in the room, as they all shifted their gazes to the center of the party venue where the food and pastries are displayed.

"Mmmmmmmm~ How delicious~ The savoury and chocolaty taste of this cake just melts in my mouth like snow. So gooood~!"

It was at this moment, everybody in the room had the same thought: When did she appear?

The party venue is a large hall with a second story for those who wish to take a seat. Except for one doorway which everyone was staring at, all of the other entrances to the hall had been blocked off for the party tonight. And yet, somehow, a mysterious silver-haired beauty appeared in the middle of the party hall, eating cake with much delight behind her mask.

Her graceful figure dazzled under the moonlight. And even though she wears a mask due to the nature of the party, her blue eyes are still visible as they shined like a jewel with each elegant bite she took out of the cakes in her plate.

At that moment, the guests all knew there and then...

She is the Midnight Lady.



I have made my entrance in the ball in a pretty surprising way. Charming the noblemen here and making the noblewomen scorn with my appearance alone. Heh.

Many of the men then flocked to me. In no time, I became completed surrounded as they try to garner my attention with their sweet words and praises while I eat my cakes, purposefully ignoring them to play hard to get.

I scanned my surroundings, trying to find the Earl among this group of masked individuals, thinking that he may be among them. Unfortunately, I have failed to spot him or anyone who would fit his description. Which either means that he isn't among this noisy rabble, or simply isn't in this room to begin with. Although, I highly doubt that it is the former...

I have my suspicions. But judging by the number of guests present here compared to the number of carriages parked outside, I'm guessing that some of the invited guests may be attending a different sort of party at a different venue. And most likely, the Earl is at that said venue...

Is it an orgy? I hope it's an orgy. That'd be entertaining to watch.

Shoot. Now I just want to leave this party early and find the other party instead.

"Oh my~ I have finished my cake." I suddenly exclaimed aloud, shifting my gaze to the men. "Would some of you here be a gentleman and grab a lady more pastries for her palate, please?"

As soon as I said that, the men's eyes lit with opportunity as they spread out and dashed across the hall, placing whatever desserts there are on their plates in hopes that I will like what they have picked.

My goodness though. They sure moved quickly.

I chuckled at their desperation to gain my attention. But that being said, I still couldn't leave the hall as the women in the area still have their eyes on me with much envy expressed on their frowns.

As expected, I'll need to find another way to leave the venue.

After looking around my surroundings again for a while, I spotted the host of this party on the floor above, Marquis Julian Anderson.

Seeing that man blatantly staring at me from up there, I saw an opportunity, looked up at him and smiled, which seemed to have effectively charmed him quite easily as his jaw then dropped hilariously.

God, I wish I could laugh right now...

He then made his move and came downstairs. Seeing the host of this party clearly heading my way, I grabbed one of the plates presented to me by one of the gentlemen who returned and proceeded to eat the eclairs, while pretending not to notice the Marquis making his approach. Which the other guests soon noticed and back away from me.

"Do you like the pastries, milady?"

I hear the Marquis's voice calling out to me and turned around to see that I am no longer surrounded, as he is the only person standing before me.

I smiled and answered his question.

"Why yes, Lord Anderson, I love it."

"Oh ho? So you know who I am, despite wearing a mask?" the Marquis said, pretending to be surprised as I let out a small chuckle.

"Of course, my lord. You have a distinguishable figure which makes it hard not to notice who you are behind the mask." I remarked sarcastically, as the Marquis laughed.

"I see. I see... The famed Midnight Lady certainly has a pair of keen eyes, I must say."

No. Even with normal eyes, anyone can recognise who you are, Marquis. That's why the other guests backed off as soon as they saw you.

The Marquis then bowed. "Well then, welcome to my ball, my fair lady. May I have the honour of having a dance with you?" he presented his hand with a confident smile. And as if on cue, the music began to change.

Rejecting him would be bad... Besides, I decided to use him the moment he laid his eyes on me.

"Of course, my lord. It would be my pleasure."

Taking the Marquis's hand, he brought me to the open area as the two of us began to dance on the floor with all eyes on us.

His movements are all right, but his is steps are sloppy. Also, this perverted middle-aged man keeps lowering his right hand down to my hips on purpose!

Hey dude! Put your hand on my waist, not my butt!

His intentions with me are as clear as day.

What's more, I'm sure to the audience, they must be finding this dance of ours to be quite astonishing.

There is a beautiful young lady dancing with a nobleman in his late 40s. The age gap as wide as their moms. To them, we would probably seem like a surreal pair for them to watch.

That being said, this dance is getting boring now....

The formal dance is fine and all, but I like my dances to have a little spice to it.

So, time to kick it up a notch.

As we continued dancing, I leaned forward a bit and whispered to the Marquis.

"Let's make this a bit more intense, shall we, my lord?"

And this is where the fun begins as our dance transitions into a tango. With all sorts of steps, spins and twirls done, the audience became more entranced as their eyes could not look away from us. Or rather... me, to be exact. For it seemed like Marquis Anderson does not know how to tango.

Finally, once the music reached its end and our dance was finished, the audience applauded in union. Whether if it's because they find it stunning or because they would get on the Marquis's bad side if they don't clap, it does not matter.

What matters is that I had fun. Even though my partner is someone I do not wish to dance again, ever.

But fortunately, he is an easy person to read. As such, with our dance over now, I knew what the Marquis's next move will be as he took my hand and kissed it.

"That was spectacular, milady." he said, with a sweaty face and passionate gaze on me. "If possible, I wish to spend more time with you... alone, if you get what I mean."

"Fufufu~" I conjured a smile, knowing this would happen. "Of course, my lord. I would love to have a private chat with you." I said, going along with his suggestion. "Naturally... there will be tea and cake, right?" I then asked the man, who laughed aloud.

"Hahaha! Of course, my fair lady. Come. Let us go now, shall we?"

"Lead the way, my lord."

I followed the Marquis and waved goodbye to the other guests, as we left the party venue together and head for his room where we will be alone inside.

And once we're alone, I shall put him under my spell and begin my search throughout the mansion for the Earl's whereabouts.

I have already marked him, so all that's left to activate my magic.

However, as I stand before the door to what is presumably his room, the Marquis calls over a female servant whom he then whispered into her ear. Unbeknownst to him that I can hear them both.

"Bring us some tea and cake. And make sure you mix her tea with the you-know-what. Understood?"

"Yes, sir..."

Oh ho~ So that's how you want to play this game, eh? Very well... Change of plans. Because two can play it that way.

"My my~ What a cute servant you have here, my lord." I said, approaching them both which made the Marquis anxious as I came closer.

"Oh, milady. Please... heed her no mind. She's just—"

I ignored the Marquis and stood before the nervous young maid who looked no less than the age of sixteen.

"Hello there, young lady. May I ask how old are you?"

"I-I'm fifteen... my lady..."

 Hmm... That's younger than I expected.

"I see... A servant's job can be tough, but be resilient and I'm sure you will become fine maid someday. So do your best, all right, my dear?"

"Y-Yes. Thank you for your... encouragement, my lady."

"You're welcome. However, before you become a fine maid that day, make sure that your attire is neat and proper. Your headband is slightly off center, you know."

Upon my remark, I reached my hands out and started adjusting her headband slightly, making the young maid feel embarrassed for making a guest fix her attire.

What I said about her headband was a lie however. As I simply needed an excuse to make contact with the young maid. Allowing me to place my mark on her without raising any suspicions from the Marquis or the maid herself.

"There. Much better. Now, don't let me keep you here any longer now. I'm sure you have a task to do, don't you?"

"Y-Yes! Please excuse me!"

With quick bow to me and the Marquis, the young maid hurried off to prepare the tea and cake for the both of us. I then turned around to face the Marquis who seemed unhappy that I ignored him for a second.

"I apologise, my lord. I simply couldn't resist when it comes to cute things."

"Haha! No worries, milady." the Marquis sighed a breath of relief, thinking that I still do not know, as he opened the door to his room and gestured for me to enter. "Take a seat and relax for now. Your tea and cake will be arriving shortly." he said, barely holding a straight face as it constantly twitches ever so slightly.

"Well then, pardon my intrusion." I replied, entering the room and taking my seat on the fancy couch, as I now await for my tea and cake to be served.

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