Cycle of Identities: A Gender-Bending Story

Chapter 6: Chapter 6: The Flower that Collects all Secrets

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In the middle district of the Capital, away from main streets where most people tend to gather, a single flower shop called The Secret Garden can be found opened only in the middle of the night.

Once inside, there will be a clerk standing behind the counter to greet you. As she will then ask, "What kind of flowers are you looking to buy?"

In response, one must say, "The kind that reveals its secrets."

Doing so will allow her to lead you upstairs, where the true product of the shop can be bought.

However, that password is for those who are customers. For me on the other hand, what I'd say upon being asked is, "The kind that collects all secrets."

"Right this way, Lady Luna." said the store clerk as she escorts me and Jonah up the stairs, to an office that has its walls fortified with noise cancelling magic items; my office.

On the day before, I had instructed Jonah to contact certain individuals in the Capital who are my comrades to meet me here tonight. As such, they should be my office now, waiting for my arrival.

The clerk then opened the door for me. Where upon doing so, I was greeted with the expected sight of three individuals sitting comfortably on the couches within the room.

"Well well well... The little princess has finally showed up." said one of the three, greeting me with a nonchalant attitude.

His name is Eobard. A tall guy with a wild hairdo, who is unafraid to show off his strength and fighting prowess whenever someone challenges him. A battle maniac, if you would call him. He runs a gang of ruffians down by the poor areas of the city, protecting the peace and safety of the people in those unlawful areas where public security wouldn't dare to touch due to its reputation. They also work as my hired muscles whenever I need them for something.

"Hello there, my friend. I'm glad to see you're doing well." I returned Eobard's greeting with the same form of attitude as I stepped into the room. "How goes the protection of Little Maggie's family?"

"Oh. You mean those old cronies and their kids? They're doing fine! My boys are keeping them safe by your orders. Not to worry!"

"Good. Tell your boys they will be well compensated for the work."

"Hahaha! Will do, little princess. I'm sure they will be happy to hear that."

I then made my way to sit on one of the empty couches, where the other two individuals in the room proceeded to stand up and greet me once I have sat down.

"Lady Luna, it's been a while." said the young boy first who has an adorable face, greeting me in a serious tone to have a mature outlook on his appearance.

"Why it's been a while indeed, Leo." I greet the boy with a smile, patting him on the head. "How is your mother faring these days?"

"Mom has been doing well. Thank you for asking... my lady." he said, slightly blushing from embarrassment as I pat his head. Breaking that mature demeanor of his almost instantly.

This is Leo. A cute boy who tends act all grownup despite his actual age. Unlike Eobard who has his perks on the muscle department, Leo here is an intelligent child with great leadership skills as he leads a group of orphaned children, whom act as my eyes and ears throughout the populated areas of the city. Gathering intel for me.

"Umm, Lady Luna...? Could you please stop with my head?"

"Oh~? Do you not like it when I pat your head, Leo?"

"No. But..."

"Then I see no problem now, is there?"

"...N-No, my lady..." Leo groaned from embarrassment, pleasing me greatly, being my favourite person to tease in this room.

How cute~

Eobard then smirked. "Still a kid as ever." he commented.

"Shut it, you punk. How dare you greet Lady Luna without respect." Leo retorted, glaring at Eobard with distain.

They sure get along as usual, don't they.

Then, it was time for the third individual I had summoned here to greet me.

"Lady Luna..." she said in a humble tone, greeting me with but a simple bow.

Her name is Vivian. A beautiful woman with the right side of her face covered by her bangs. She isn't much of a speaker and is typically quiet most of the time unless spoken to. She works at the red light district, not as a prostitute but as the manager of a well established brothel called "The Mystic Flower," which is owned by me.

Like Leo and the children he leads, The Mystic Flower also gathers intel for me. One that comes from the aristocrats and nobles, rather than from the common people.

"How have you been, Vivian? Are you and the girls doing all right?"

"Fine..." she replied without changing her expression, returning to her seat then.

Everyone has made their greetings to me. And Jonah seemed to have brewed some tea for us while they did so, as he sets our cups down before us on the table.

"Thank you, Jonah."

"You're welcome, Princess." he said, standing by my side afterwards as I take a sip from my cup.

Eobard, Leo, Vivian. These three are executives of an organisation run by me, whom are stationed here in the Capital city of the Kingdom of Narla. There is one more named Rosalina. But her absence tonight is perfectly all right.

The organisation is an elusive business I created six years ago, which now has its influence spread throughout all regions of the kingdom: the North, the South, the East, the West, and the Central region. Each having their own executives stationed there, which are left in their hands unless I come to them with some business. Only in the Central region is it managed by me personally, for it is where we at right now.

We are known as the flower that collects all secrets. Otherwise called: The Info Guild.

We collect information on everyone and everything there is in the entire nation, which we will then sell to any customers who come seeking for it. If they know the password and have the money for it, of course...

And naturally, any private information won't be for sale. We gather them, but they are only for me to know.

Granted. The main reason for creating this organisation isn't for money. It is so that one day, I may obtain some sort of information that will give me the chance to remove my curse. Unfortunately, nothing of such have come up so far, which is expected but still infuriating nonetheless.

Maybe the organisation will need to expand its business further beyond the borders of Narla. But I would prefer to have the organisation under my control as much as possible. So, at the moment, business expansion isn't an option.

Once I have finished drinking the tea in my cup, I placed it down and began the debriefing.

"Now then, I'm sure you all are wondering why I've called you here today."

"Well of course, you got something interesting for us to do. Isn't that right, little princess?" said Eobard, being pumped for whatever mission I'm about to give them.

"Exactly, my friend. To be more specific, I have been tasked by my father to handle a certain matter that is affecting the nation's Capital city at the moment." I said, casually speaking about my meeting with the King because like him, Sebastian and Jonah, everybody in this room are people whom I trust the most to know about my curse.

The store clerk on the other hand, isn't someone who knows though. She's just a worker of the organisation who rotates shifts with her other colleagues on the daily basis. Her name, I won't divulge...

"Jonah." I then signalled, instructing him to show the Pleasure bottle to the three as I explain the task.

"This right here is a drug known as Pleasure; a dangerous drug..." I said "Well, the bottle's empty. But, you know what I'm getting at."

"So we are to figure out where this drug are being manufactured?"

"Exactly, Leo! Which is why to figure out this manufacturing location, or locations if there are multiple, I'm going to need your help with investigating two distributers of said drug. The first is the Marquis, Julian Anderson. In his mansion was where I found this bottle. So assuming he has some documents on the drug he's handling, we're going to need to infiltrate his estate and search for it. The other is a Viscount, Jeremy Kir. With the same assumption, searching for evidence of his possession of the stocks will be required too."

There is also the unknown cloaked man, but trying to follow that lead without any clue would just be a wild goose chase.

"I see. So the nobles are the ones responsible for this, huh. Some sort of political scheme, is it?" Eobard asked.

"That, I don't know. But seeing as those two men are part of the Third Prince's faction, it may possibly be."

"Hahahahaha! So... like what? Your brother is the one behind this?"

"Unlikely the case. Knowing my brother, he would be very opposed to these sort of shenanigans. My guess is that someone high up in his faction is trying to push him up the ladder."

After all, all five princes are supposedly against each other for the succession rights to the throne. But I have no interest on becoming king as my priority is to see my curse gone. So in reality, the fight for the Crown Prince position is between my four older half-brothers.

"Oh. Is that so?" Eobard shrugged his shoulders. "Alright then, who will be striking where, little princess?" he asked.

"Me and Jonah will infiltrate the Marquis's estate. I've already explored there before, so I know the layout of the place more or less. Leo and Vivian, you two infiltrate the Viscount's home and see what you can find."

"Understood, Lady Luna." said Leo, whereas Vivian acknowledged in silence.

"What about me?" Eobard raised his hand. 

"For you, my friend, there is another place I want you to investigate."


"The Dark Guild. I want you to see if they are involved in this matter in any way. However you go about your investigations... well, I'll leave it to your discretion, big guy."

"Hahahahahaha! Your orders have been happily received, little princess." said Eobard with much excitement. Knowing this guy, the folks of the Dark Guild are in for some pain.

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"Good." I then stood up. "Now without further ado, let us begin as soon as possible. Move ou—"

*knock*... *knock knock*

I was then interrupted by the knocking on the door. Judging from the sequence of knocks, it's the clerk.


"Yes, Princess." he went to the door and opened it to let the clerk in as I sat back down.

"I apologise for any interruption, Lady Luna. A customer has arrived." she dutifully informed me.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"It's the Third Prince, my lady." she replied, colouring me surprised.

My brother Carlos is here!? Why?

"He is awaiting you in the guest room. Will you be seeing him, my lady? Or should I tell him that you're out?"

"No, don't do that. I'll go see him. Thank you. You may return to your post."


The clerk then left my office and went back downstairs. Meanwhile, I stood up from my seat again, grabbed a mask from my desk and exited my office as well. But before that, I turned around and instructed my executives.

"Vivian, come with me. Jonah, Leo, and Eobard. You three wait here."

"Okie dokie!"

""Understood."" they acknowledged.

Then, together with Vivian, I make my way to the room where my brother is waiting for me.

Upon arriving there, I put on my mask, twisted the door knob and pushed it open, making my entrance to the Third Prince and greeting him with a clear, "Hello there!"

"Ah... Greetings, Lady Luna." my brother placed his tea cup down, standing up to greet me formally.

"I hope I didn't keep you waiting, Your Highness." I said, taking my seat across my brother, whereas Vivian stands behind me as my acting secretary.

With golden blonde hair like my male self and green eyes inherited from his mother's side, this man who wears a monocle seated across from where I am is my third older half-brother and the Third Prince of the Kingdom of Narla, Carlos Umbra Bellcaster, whom like many people, does not know about my curse. Meaning, right here right now, he has no idea that he is speaking with his cherished half-brother. Because in his eyes, I am Lady Luna, the mysterious Big Boss of the Info Guild and the person he came seeking for information from.

Also known as the Midnight Lady, but that's for in-parties only.

"So, straight to the point... Tell me, Your Highness, what sort of information do you wish to buy from us?" I asked him.

"There is no need to call me that. I am simply here as Carlos. Not the Third Prince." he said, allowing me to speak informally to him now.

"Very well then... What sort of information do you wish to buy, Carlos?"

Man... it feels weird to call your own brother just by his name...

"It isn't much of buying, but more of a request." Carlos said. He then reached in under his cloak, taking a bottle which I very well recognised, seeing as I am in possession of one. Except the one he holds in his hand is filled full with pink liquid as he placed it on the table before me and said, "Lady Luna, I would like your guild to help me in figuring out where these came from and who are the individuals involved in dealing with them."

O-Oh wow! What a coincidence. That's what I was about to do already.

The bottle he has shown me is another Pleasure bottle. One that still has the liquid drug inside of the container.

"Oh. And what is this, I wonder?" I playfully feigned ignorance as I picked it up to look at it.

"I believe you already know what it is though." Carlos replied, maintaining his no-nonsense face like he always does in front of others.

"Fufufu~ Of course. How could I not know an infamous drug like Pleasure? If anything, I would like to know how you came across it and why you have one in your possession, Carlos...?"

My brother quietly contemplated for a while. "I guess an explanation would be necessary." he said, taking off his monocle as he explains.

"I acquired it from Viscountess Fierra's place."

"Oh. And what pray tell were you doing at a widow's place? Some sort of secret rendezvous perhaps?" I jokingly asked.

"Hah. Surely you jest..." Brother Carlos let out laugh. "I wanted to gain the Viscountess's support. As you would already know, I am not like my older brothers or my younger brother Einas, and therefore need as many support from the nobility as I can, to have a chance at becoming the Crown Prince in the future."

"Yes. I know... And Viscountess Fierra is one of many nobles who have taken up a neutral stance in that royal battle. She also holds connections with many merchants and business owners, making her to be quite the influential figure on the marketplace. Having her on your side would greatly improve your position in the battle."

"Exactly. Which was why I was there to attempt to gain her support. However, to my surprise, she was completely willing to support me before I even begin my attempt when I arrived. Now normally, I would pleased to hear that. But seeing that creepy smile on her face, plus the fact that she was clearly covering her neck with the clothing she wore, I sensed something was off and decided to investigate what was up."

Creepy smile... Covering her neck... Seems like Viscountess Fierra is another Pleasure addict.

"So then I'm guessing that this here was what came up in your little investigation?" I referred to the Pleasure my brother brought, shaking it in his face.

"That's right. The Viscountess gleefully showed it to me after some questioning. Unfortunately, taking that bottle from her hands was at least to say... rougher than expected."

"She got incredibly violent, didn't she?"

"Unexpected so. One of my guards got his right eye clawed out when he tried to get her off of me. The Viscountess is now behind bars thanks to that and her crimes of assaulting me."

Yikes! That's what you get for taking a full bottle of Pleasure from its drug addict.

They can get really violent even if they aren't hallucinating nightmares yet, due to their addiction to the drug itself, which they can't live without after consuming it multiple times.

"So... how's that guard of yours now?"

"He's fine. Nothing too serious asides from his missing eye. Sometimes joked abut being a pirate if he retires. I gave him a month of paid leave basically. He's probably having a good time with that girlfriend of his right now."

"I'm glad to hear that, I guess..."

So Viscountess Fierra is another target we'll have to investigate for whomever's house she has been to for a so-called "party."

Speaking of which, I guess that means Earl Hendrickson's party-going history will have to be looked into as well.

"So, Lady Luna... About my request..."

"Of course. We can accept it. But before we do that, let us talk about the price for our service, shall we?"

A wide grin visibly formed on my face. Putting my dear brother Carlos in an uneased state upon seeing the greed in my eyes.

"Well, I hope you could give me a special discounted price since I'm the Third Prince and all."

"Oh? But I thought you are simply here as Carlos, hm?" I teasingly said, putting my brother on the spot as he sighed in defeat.

"I shouldn't said that..."

Hehehe. Sorry, my dear brother. But business is business and you're the customer here, so don't blame me for draining your wallet dry, all right.

Besides, during the time I was conversing with him, I have already decided to use my dear brother Carlos to my own benefit.

So, the meeting with my third older half-brother eventually reached its conclusion after we were done discussing about the price.

And now, standing on the roof of a building where Marquis Anderson's estate can be seen across the block, Jonah and I about to infiltrate the place.

"All right. Time to begin. Let's get back down now."

"Why did we even climb up here in the first place...?"

"To look cool, of course! Now hurry up. I want to get this done before dawn."

"Haaah... As you wish... Princess."

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