Da Tang Shuang Long Zhuan

Chapter 644: Book 52 Chapter 4 – Present Moment

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Book 52 Chapter 4 – Present Moment

Translator: Foxs' Wuxia

“What is Ziling thinking?” Ba Fenghan asked.

Xu Ziling was gazing at the Qin River flowing across the plain under the cliff. Under the twilight of the setting sun, two Xia Army’s navy ships set off from the Wuzhi [Note: it was ‘Wuling’ in the last chapter] dock, heading toward the Great River. Hearing the question, he said, “I am thinking about Yin Xianhe, afraid that he encountered some unexpected misfortune.”

Ba Fenghan smiled and said, “That is probably the thought where your mind was turning this moment, but before, your pair of eyes revealed a tender, reminiscing expression. What you were thinking that moment can’t possibly be this kind of fiendish, rough circumstance, can it?”

Blushing with embarrassment, Xu Ziling said, “I was recalling the scene in the You Lin Xiao Gu where I met with Shi Qingxuan; from her, I remembered Da Ming Zun Jiao, and then from Da Ming Zun Jiao my mind went to Yin Xianhe. If he met with any mishap, Da Ming Zun Jiao cannot escape the blame.”

Ba Fenghan said, “Memories are just like that, one thing evokes another. Therefore, I rarely reminisce and recall old memories, this is a great taboo of martial art way cultivation. Self-cultivation has no past, no future – there is only the present moment. Not only there is only a moment, we also must grasp this moment, must know this moment; otherwise life will be unreal like an illusion, it will pass by in vagueness. Just like this moment, other that looking at the city of Wuzhi, at the same time I am aware of the ‘I’ that is looking at the city of Wuzhi. This is the most important xinfa that I comprehended during the hundred-day cultivation in the desert.”

Xu Ziling was silent for half a day; he said in shock, “Such a simple xinfa, why have I never thought about it? However, this xinfa is easy to grasp but difficult to put into practice [idiom: easier said than done]; on the battlefield, confronting life or death, we are forced not to dare to miss any moment before our eyes. But in peacetime, there are inside and outside elements that distract us, plethora of things to tackle, things that you can’t guard against. Like this moment you and I are talking, I have no awareness of which me is talking to you, I cannot grasp the present moment.”

Ba Fenghan laughed and said, “I am sure Ziling is able to do that, it’s just that you did not request yourself, hence you are embracing the at-home-whenever-you-are frame of mind, to such an extent that you enjoy that kind of dream-like, unreal life and fuzzy feeling. Ha! If you did not have Kou Zhong, this kind of brother who creates difficulties everywhere, surely you would not have the kind of achievement you have today.”

Laughing involuntarily, Xu Ziling nodded his head and said, “Fenghan Xiong’s view is accurate. That should be it. One can be his own master in the dark, the Buddhists call this karma, they regard and believe this as fate. Just like the first time we encountered Fenghan Xiong, we have never thought that we might form life and death relationship with you. This is perhaps karma or fate.”

Ba Fenghan revealed a reminiscing, pondering expression as he spoke slowly, “Ziling reminded me of a memory. Let us temporarily forget the present moment xinfa. Frankly, I never thought I’d make friends with anyone, I just wanted to esteem the coming-and-going-alone lifestyle, to treat all human affairs that are happening around me like passing smoke, vanishing cloud.”

After a short pause, he continued, “What really moved me was your sincere brotherhood; I have never seen a completely-without-selfish-motives, treating-one-another-with-absolute-sincerity friendship like yours, which made my hostility toward you disappeared completely, while also feel that if I can make friends with you, two gentlemen, then I will live up to this life’s delight.”

A burst of emotional stirring welled up in Xu Ziling’s heart. Ba Fenghan rarely expressed the way of thinking inside his heart like this. He wondered if it was after personally tasted Li Shimin’s method that he was no longer optimistic about the battle of Luoyang, and under the threat of a matter of life and death he changed his view of life.

Gazing at Wuzhi, Ba Fenghan sighed and said, “To be able to make Li Yuanji coming to the east to keep a close watch over Li Shimin, dividing and thinning Li Shimin’s military power – it was indeed the demonic school’s extremely formidable move.”

Stunned, Xu Ziling asked, “Fenghan Xiong’s remark is very surprising; letting Li Yuanji to participate in the battle of Luoyang ought to be Li Yuan and Li Jiancheng’s idea, why did you say that it was a stratagem, a devious scheme masterminded by the demonic school?”

Remaining tranquil and calm, Ba Fenghan said, “Being the player in the arena, Ziling is confused, while I am an outsider who can see things more clearly. Shi Feixuan picked Li Shimin as the future true master, he was really the writing brush that the gods use to fight the demonic school’s Two Sects, Six Ways. In fact, until that moment, in the struggle between Ci Hang Jing Zhai and the demonic school, they were still in the disadvantageous position, first by Shi Zhixuan toppling the Great Sui, making the world caught in chaotic situation where warlords vying for supremacy setting up independent regime to contend for hegemony. Were it not for Bi Xiuxin restraining Shi Zhixuan, it was almost certain that Shi Zhixuan could put Yang Xuyan in Yang Guang’s place, while he himself controlling the general situation from behind the screen. Shi Feixuan is the hero with all-seeing mind and knowledge, she judged that the Li Clan is the power with greatest chance to unify the land under heaven, she was even aware that Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji are beguiled by the Tujue and the demonic school, two major powers, respectively, hence she decided to give their all-out support to Li Shimin, so that Li Shimin becomes the only clear stream among the Li Family’s foul streams.”

Xu Ziling reflected a thoughtful look; knitting his brows, he said, “However, that will also push Li Shimin into dangerous circumstances of having a fallout with his father, and closed-wall with his brothers. Ay! I really don’t understand Feixuan on this point, at least not in such a clear-cut situation.”

Ba Fenghan shook his head and said, “This matter is extremely delicate. Li Shimin is the Li Clan’s representative figure. Shi Feixuan supported Li Shimin, it was like a friend who supported the Li Clan. Li Yuan and Li Yuanji should be happy. Only the demonic school understands Shi Feixuan’s true motive. Therefore, in thousand ways, a hundred plans, using all kinds of methods they try to destroy the unity within the Li Clan. They exploited Li Yuan’s cherishing the imperial concubines, Li Jiancheng’s shaking in fear toward Li Shimin’s unrivalled military achievement, Li Yuanji’s selfish desire to ascend the emperor’s throne, to firmly control the three sides. Therefore, Li Shimin’s struggle against his father and brothers is actually the secret struggle between Ci Hang Jing Zhai and the demonic school’s Two Sects, Six Ways.”

Xu Ziling agreed, “Fenghan Xiong’s analysis is thorough and convincing.”

Ba Fenghan went on, “The one thing that the demonic school most afraid of right now is that in order to fight his father and brothers, Li Shimin has to establish friendly relations with you guys. Sending Li Yuanji to the battlefield in Luoyang is precisely to prevent the situation from developing in this direction. If the demonic school disagree, Yin De Fei, Dong Shuni, and the others would not speak to Li Yuan on Li Yuanji’s behalf, furthermore, Li Yuan would not disturb the heart of Li Shimin’s troops in this kind of critical juncture. Let us wait and see. Li Yuanji will definitely do something to make Li Shimin and us to be in an unresolvable deep enmity. He has received Li Yuan’s secret order, there are things that Li Shimin will have no choice but to do as he is ordered.”

The earth was getting dark and the cold wind was making whooshing noise as it was blowing. Yet Xu Ziling was speechless; he felt exhaustion that bubbled up from the bottom of his heart.

The divine light in his pair of eyes flashing, Ba Fenghan said, “People are fragile, the past is some kind of a burden, and the pressure of uncertain future is suffocating. Therefore, focus your attention on the present moment. Not only this is the xinfa of the self-cultivation, it is also a necessary technique to maintain a strong will to fight. Do you remember what I said? Only those who are ruthless enough will be able to survive. Since Ziling already decided to fight side-by-side with us, you ought to throw everything aside. Does Ziling understand what I mean?”

Xu Ziling nodded to indicate he understood. Precisely like Li Shimin said, there is no friend on the battlefield, only enemy. There is no third possibility.

Riding side by side, Liu Heita and Kou Zhong reached the west gate. Seeing it was Kou Zhong, the guards on duty all stood respectfully to salute.

Kou Zhong spoke to Liu Heita, “No need to see me off, I’ll return this horse to you. Returning to Luoyang by two legs is a bit more convenient.”

Liu Heita spoke heavily, “Let me see you off a bit farther.”

The two rode all the way without saying a word.

Kou Zhong shrugged his shoulders to indicate he did not have any problem. Following behind Liu Heita, he urged his horse to get out of the city; leaving the official road, they rode slowly into the wilderness.

Liu Heita sighed and said, “I am really worried that Dou Ye is going to lose this battle.”

Smiling wryly, Kou Zhong said, “The Dou Jiande that I just saw was not the Dou Jiande that I knew during the siege of Liyang. The two are the same person, yet how come they are so far apart?”

Liu Heita spoke heavily, “Because these past few months have been too favorable! First, we defeated Yuwen Huaji, and then we captured Liyang, even an outstanding figure in the Tang Army like Li Shiji is also a defeated general under his hands, he also subdued Meng Haigong, which made him feel that the emperor’s throne is just the object in his pocket that he could obtain by reaching into it. His real character is out of control and becomes completely visible.”

Severely shaken, Kou Zhong said, “Liu Dage seems to be very dissatisfied with Old Dou, what actually happened?”

Liu Heita angrily said, “He wants me to stay behind to guard Liyang, clearly he does not trust me, afraid that I might cast my lot with you.”

Kou Zhong dejectedly said, “When I came, I was full of hope, but now I am thoroughly in so much despair that I give up all hope. I never expected that Dou Jiande could lose his cool like this. Ay! What is Liu Dage planning to do?”

Liu Heita recovered his calm demeanor, he smiled and said, “What good plan do I have? I won’t live pass twenty-eight anyway. To die a year earlier or a year later won’t make much difference. I will use my life to prove to Dou Jiande, to let him see what kind of person I, Liu Heita, am.”

Kou Zhong remembered in the past he told them that Ning Daoqi already ascertained that Liu Heita would not live pass certain age, so that Liu Heita, knowing that he would not live too long, missed the opportunity to pursue Susu for nothing. It made people wring their hands in frustration.

Momentarily unbounded emotional stirring welled up in his heart, he sighed and said, “What the hell is this all about? How did you get a chance to talk to the divine dragon, whose head is seen, his tail is not seen – Ning Daoqi? Besides, how could he be so lacking in moral sense like that, revealing the time of other people’s death? This kind of senseless matter, it would be best if the person involved does not know. Supposing he is seeing things incorrectly, won’t Liu Dage be very upset?”

Liu Heita hurriedly said, “Xiao Zhong, you must not be disrespectful to him, the Senior. I was able to obtain his guidance, it was the karma cultivated over several lifetimes. He, the Senior, really did not foresee that I would not live pass the age of twenty-eight, but he only said that this is a juncture; unless I am willing to renounce the licking-blood-from-the-saber-blade murderous way of life, everything will bode ill, no positive signs.”

Shaking his head, Kou Zhong said, “I will be the first person not to believe it. Fate is fate, one has it, one does not. Therefore, if fate really exists, there is no such thing as if or only if. Just think, if fate has two possibilities, leading one would affect the whole body, one person’s fate changes, it might be like dominoes – it will impact others until in the end, it will change everything.”

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Liu Heita muttered to himself irresolutely for half a day. He nodded his head and said, “You are right. In that case, I will certainly die. Clearly Ning Daoqi was comforting me, telling me to cultivate virtue, afraid that I would cultivate the world’s virtue.”

Kou Zhong was amazed. He originally wanted to resolve Liu Heita’s karma, a matter that gnawed at his mind, who could have thought that it produced the opposite of the desired result, it drove away his last gleam of hope instead?

Liu Heita laughed aloud and said, “Life and death are ruled by fate [idiom], riches and honor are in the Heaven’s hands. A real man is buried in a horse hide, the battlefield is my final destination, dying sooner or later can be considered what kind of his granny’s bird thing? Let’s not take too much trouble about this matter. Why did Ning Daoqi lower himself and ignore his seniority to give me direction about my future, until now I am still confused. I heard you have fought hand to hand against Ning Daoqi, I wonder if that rumor is true?”

Kou Zhong nodded and said, “Indeed that is true. After strongly advised me but did not get the result he was hoping for, originally he wanted to kill me, but for some reason he enlightened me in martial art study instead. And then he laughed and walked away. Really strange.”

Shaken, Liu Heita said, “Perhaps he saw you as the bright lord who will unify the world in the future. You can’t say for sure.”

Recalling another matter, Kou Zhong shivered inwardly. He casually responded, “Liu Dage must not crack jokes. I am not dead yet, this is already ten thousand blessings.”

Liu Heita sighed and said, “Xiao Zhong, have you ever thought that Dou Jiande might have such misgivings toward you?”

By this time, they were only about a li away from the hill where Xu and Ba were hiding. Kou Zhong reined his horse to stop, he smiled bitterly and said, “This kind of thing, how could I ever imagine? I thought your Da Wang was broad-minded, benevolent and righteous heroic and grand hegemon, who would have thought that it was just a misconception.”

Liu Heita said, “Although Dou Ye wholeheartedly wants to become the emperor, until today, himself is still a man who values friendship, it’s just that you are too much of a threat to him. Since the battle of Liyang, you have established a lofty reputation within our Great Xia Army, even eclipsing Dou Ye’s standing. Just like Li Shimin to Li Yuan and Li Jiancheng, plus the affection between you and I is more than between brothers, and you have Song Que’s support behind your back. If you have the intention to contend for the world against Dou Ye, without fighting, our army will all be split up and in pieces. His misgiving toward you is not without any reason.”

Shaking his head and smiling bitterly, Kou Zhong said, “Liu Dage should go back sooner. You are seeing me off out of town like this, it will be strange indeed if your Da Wang does not suspect that we are talking bad things about him behind his back.”

Liu Heita calmly said, “Why would a man who is about to die have so much to care about? You don’t need to worry about me. However, sending a gentleman off for a thousand li, ultimately we will have to part. I see you off to here, I hope we, three brothers, will have the chance to meet again in the future, please send my regards to Ziling.”

A broken-soul-wounded-spirit separated-in-life-and-death [to part for ever] feeling welled up in Kou Zhong’s heart, yet clearly he was powerless to change the circumstances before his eyes. He shouted, “Liu Dage, please take a good care of yourself!”

Jumping off the warhorse, he quickly went away.

Ba Fenghan watched Liu Heita’s silhouette, one man, two horses, riding away into the distance. “What kind of a person Dou Jiande really is?” he asked in heavy voice.

Xu Ziling’s heart sank straight down, he faintly felt something was wrong, otherwise Liu Heita should have continued a bit farther to say hello to them. Shaking his head, he replied, “I am not familiar with him at all, but even if I was, so what? Everybody, because of different positions, personal interest, going along or against fate – may respond according to the changes of situation and himself changed. Wang Shichong is a good example. Just think, supposing he is successful in defending Luoyang, how do you think he is going to treat us?”

Ba Fenghan coldly said, “Wang Shichong is already finished. No matter which side wins, it won’t be Wang Shichong’s turn to contend for hegemony over the world. Disregarding his face, Wang Shichong came to you, asking for help, it was not to save his position as an overlord, but to save his life. Because his close relationship with the demonic school is already exposed, based on Li Shimin’s usual style of making wise decision, when the city is broken, he must have Wang Shichong beheaded, unless Li Yuanji is stopping him from the inside; otherwise, there won’t be any second possibility.”

Xu Ziling spoke in astonishment, “Fenghan Xiong can see things more thoroughly and clearly than me and Kou Zhong.”

Ba Fenghan said, “I grew up in a tough environment, we are talking about vicious and merciless, everything starts from utilitarian point of view, hence I am able to offer a way of looking at things from a different point of view on a certain matter.”

This moment Kou Zhong climbed the mountain and came over, straight to the cliff. He sat down on Ba Fenghan’s other side and said with a sigh, “I finally understand why Shi Feixuan picked Li Shimin as the future true master of the world.”

Hearing that, the two were startled; Kou Zhong was not Shi feixuan, how could he understand the fairy’s intention out of nothing?

Greatly interested, Ba Fenghan said, “Let’s hear it.”

Kou Zhong said, “This is not Shi feixuan’s decision alone, she must have received Ning Daoqi’s nod of approval, who is the representative of the Taoist School. And Ning Daoqi based his decision on his way of looking at someone’s countenance. From reading Li kid’s face, he was able to see that he had the appearance of an emperor and king, hence the reason Shi Feixuan dared to carry out her support for the candidate.”

Scoffing, Ba Fenghan said, “I will be the first not to believe in physiognomy, this kind of Jianghu scamming technique. So what about Ning Daoqi? I admit that there are differences between good and bad, just like the difference between ugly and beautiful must have a certain impact on someone’s luck. But how could there be anyone with emperor and king appearance in the world? This is an utter nonsense.”

“What does Ling Shao think?” Kou Zhong asked Xu Ziling.

Knitting his brows, Xu Ziling said, “There is this study of reading someone’s appearance that has been passed down since ancient times, Ning Daoqi must be proficient in this area. Choosing Li Shimin based on reading his appearance is in accordance with his logic. However, I agree with Fenghan Xiong’s opinion, there shouldn’t be any so-called emperor and king appearance in the world. Ning Daoqi is not a deity, there is always a chance that he is reading wrong.”

Kou Zhong laughed aloud and said, “I hope you guys are not saying that just to make me feel good. His Niang’s! I don’t care about fate, I, Kou Zhong, will never admit defeat. If Li Shimin has the ability, he can slaughter me.”

Ba Fenghan spoke heavily, “You ought to say slaughter us, three brothers.”

Kou Zhong was emotionally moved, he embraced Ba Fenghan tightly, and said with a laugh, “Didn’t you say before that when the situation is not right, you, Lao Ba are going to slip away?”

Smiling ruefully, Ba Fenghan said, “I, Ba Fenghan now, am not that kind of person. We put everything to death and then live. If we want to slip away, then we slip away together; if we want to leave, then we leave together.”

Xu Ziling spoke indifferently, “On Dou Jiande’s side, did you hit a snag?”

Kou Zhong dejectedly replied, “Although you are not right on target, but you are not far! Although he promised to send troops to help, he is having deep misgivings toward me, so that I’m unable to work out a strategy or come up with a plan for him, to repeat the sincere cooperation when we attacked Liyang in Hulao. Ay! Li Shimin’s view on Dou Jiande is very incisive, Dou Jiande does not seem to consider Li Shimin worthy in his eyes. Before the battle starts, I can already know the outcome. His granny’s bear.”

Xu Ziling said, “With Liu Dage helping him, at least Dou Jiande will have the strength to stake everything.”

Kou Zhong helplessly said, “Old Dou ordered Liu Dage to remain in Liyang.”

His countenance changed, Ba Fenghan said, “Whether it is military power or ability and wisdom, Dou Jiande falls short of Li Shimin; how could this battle be fought?”

Kou Zhong’s pair of eyes flashing with refined light, he spoke slowly, “Therefore, we must rely on ourselves. The time Li Shimin moves his troops to Hulao to intercept Dou Jiande is the moment we counterattack and surround the Tang Army. Right now we must return to Liangdu first, to catch the undiscovered traitor, and then secretly gather a unit of ten-thousand-man elite troops, we use the flywheel boats to provide assistance via the waterway, to transport rations and fodder, as well as equipment to besiege a city and destroy strongholds. The moment Dou Jiande is attacking Hulao from the east, as long as our troops can break through Luoyang’s siege, we could reach Hulao from all sides, to cut Li Shimin’s contact with the besieging troops, and then we will have a chance to score a beautiful victory. Henceforth the Li Clan will no longer has a turn to proclaim hegemony over the world.”

Ba Fenghan nodded and said, “You have guts!”

Xu Ziling said, “You and Fenghan Xiong return to Liangdu first, let me take the responsibility to go to Luoyang to notify Yang Gongqing and Wang Shichong, so that they won’t be worried.”

Kou Zhong agreed, he said, “We are going to wait for you at Chenliu; we will set off when you come back. We’d better take the falcon and the horses along.”

“No problem,” Xu Ziling said, “But before going to Luoyang, I am going to make a quick detour to Jing Nian Chan Shi, to have a little talk with Liao Kong.”

Stunned, Kou Zhong asked, “What for? What is there to say to Liao Kong?”

Casting his gaze toward the distant horizon, Xu Ziling spoke indifferently, “I want him to pass on a message to Feixuan, to tell Feixuan that I have no choice and have to step on the path that she never wanted me to step on. That’s all!”

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