Daddy, I Don’t Want to Marry!

Chapter 125: 125

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Chapter 125 - Please Come Back Safely


The monstrous crown prince being chivalrous? Just the thought of that was ridiculous. ‘Alright. I understand why they’re saying these things since they don’t know what kind of person the crown prince really is.’ Still, I had hoped that they would stop praising him because it was making me uncomfortable. Unfortunately, the flattering comments continued.

“If you think about it, the crown prince being unattractive doesn’t make sense.”

“You’re right. I’ve heard that Her Majesty, the former empress, was renowned for being beautiful.”

“Maybe he’s extremely handsome and covers his face with the helmet because he’s afraid that he’ll be looked down upon by others.”

Even if the mother were the most beautiful woman in the world, there was still a chance that the son could be ugly. More importantly, what mattered wasn’t his appearance, but the fact that he was a crazy tyrant. ‘Appearance isn’t everything… One wrong step could ruin someone’s entire life,’ I thought with a sigh as I recalled the time I used to follow Mikhail around.

“Ah, Lady Jubelian. Would you like to go to the temple with me tomorrow?” Veronica suddenly asked.

I would have gone with her in the past, but since I’ve been feeling so lethargic lately, I felt reluctant to go. Just as I was about to decline her invitation, she urged on.

“Why don’t you come with me? Sometimes you have to go to new places to feel better.” 


I wasn’t sure how she managed to speak so eloquently, without allowing me a chance to refute, but I ended up sighing and nodding at her words.

Act 11. The Walls Have Ears

A shattering sound rang throughout the room as the empress threw a boy-shaped ceramic figure. “Maximillian, that cursed rat,” she scowled. “It wouldn’t be enough for me to rip him into pieces!” The empress huffed and puffed as anger boiled inside her, then started biting her nails. “I’m positive he’s determined to ruin my daughter’s coming-of-age ceremony!”

Each event held in the imperial palace had different levels of priority. Small balls were held all the time, which meant that no one was obligated to attend. People were also not required to attend the yearly banquets regarding the founding of this empire, harvest season, and the birthdays of the royal family.

However, all nobles were required to attend victory banquets from the empire achieving great triumph in war or once-in-a-lifetime banquets such as the coronation ceremony or the coming-of-age ceremony of the royal family as they were considered significant. In addition, it was common practice for there to be a gap between mandatory banquets in order to draw attention to the star of each banquet.

The crown prince was already an eyesore to the empress. Along with making a great contribution to the war, he dared to schedule the victory banquet two weeks before her daughter’s coming-of-age ceremony, causing this month to have two mandatory banquets.

‘It must be a ruse to irritate my little princess.’ If she could have, Isabelle would have torn the crown prince apart limb from limb right then and there. Perhaps it was possible for her now since he was probably binge drinking to commemorate the victory. Nonetheless, there was a reason why she couldn’t send an assassin after him at this moment.


“I can’t kill him even if I wanted to because of my little girl’s coming-of-age ceremony!”

If a funeral were held for the crown prince, then the royal princess’ coming-of-age ceremony was going to be cancelled. If that were to happen, the empress’s plan to marry off her daughter to a decent family in order to gain their support was going to be ruined.

The empress’ eyes shot open fiercely as she murmured, “It would have been reassuring… if that child had been born a man instead.”

The royal princess who had been listening in from outside the door turned around. On her beautiful face, which resembled the empress, sat a scowl.

* * *

“You may look around anywhere you want to, except for the prohibited areas,” the priest guiding us around the temple said. 

I gazed around at the walls and floors made of white marble and the decorations made of gold scattered here and there. The priest had explained that the white marble represented the people’s gentle heart towards god and the gold decorations represented the light created by god. The splendor of the temple seemed to indicate the power of this religious body. ‘I guess it means that anyone anywhere needs something to lean on.’ With this thought, I decided to find a quiet place, but…

@ Chapter 125 – Please Come Back Safely

“Shall we go have our fortunes told?”

“Yes! If we’re going to, we should have someone tell us our fortunes about our love lives as well!”

I was helplessly dragged along with them since both of my arms were locked with theirs. ‘I feel like I’m a criminal under arrest.’ While I was thinking such trivial thoughts, the prophecy room came into sight. The prophecies were the main driving force behind maintaining the temple’s fancy interior and the reason why so many people visited this place.

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“Welcome,” an elderly priest greeted us when we stepped into the room. “What would you ladies like to know about today?”

At her question, Rose and Veronica shouted at the same time. “Our love lives!”

It would have been normal for her to be startled by the noblewomen making such a commotion, but the priest remained calm as if she had seen this many times before. “Who shall we start with?” she asked.

I was thinking that they would decide between the two of them, but they both pointed to me at the same time and exclaimed, “Her!”

I sighed. “Wait, I’m not really…” I tried to refuse, but Veronica shot back as if she were frustrated by my actions.

“You’ve been in low spirits lately, since you’ve gotten out of touch with your lover. Wouldn’t it cheer you up if you hear some good prophecies?”

As much as I wanted to deny her words, I knew it was true that I felt something was missing while he was away. Most of all, I was worried because I hadn’t heard a single word from him ever since he left. “Alright,” I gave in with a sigh.

The priest reached out her hands to me and said, “Hold my hands.” 

As soon as I held her hands, warmth and an unfamiliar prickly feeling flowed into me. “You who go against time, let go of prejudice and face the truth before you,” she spoke.

‘You who go against time?’ 

“Excuse me, what does that mean?” I questioned, bothered by her words.

The priest nodded at my question and replied, “I see quite a few people who love you passionately or are going to do so in the future. You should be careful, for this might complicate things.”

‘What does she mean by people who love me? I’m in a situation where I can’t even think of a single person who does.’ My thoughts were already complicated enough, and hearing a strange prophecy that I didn’t want to hear only made me more disturbed.

“I’ll have to go to the prayer room for a while,” I muttered uncomfortably.

“Ah, okay. Go ahead.” Rose and Veronica nodded in bewilderment at the unexpected prophecy.

“Lady Floyen,” someone suddenly called me.

“The fee for your prophecy is one gold.” The priest smiled sweetly as she reached out her hand.

‘Oh, that’s daylight robbery.’ 

As I thought, fortune telling was useless.

* * *

I grant royal permission for the banquet as the crown prince Maximillian has greatly contributed to this victory. 

Max smiled as he read the emperor’s letter. ‘Now that I have an opportunity to meet Jubelian like Fresia said, what’s left is…’ He removed a flower-patterned handkerchief from his inner pocket and felt laughter bubble inside him as he recalled the owner of the piece of cloth. ‘I hope she’s doing well.’

His thoughts were soon interrupted when a voice came from outside the door. “It’s Lennox, Your Highness.”

“Come in.” 

The middle-aged man, who gave off a strong impression, entered Max’s room. A smile soon made its way upon his face when he commented, “I see that you’re looking at the handkerchief again.”

Max furrowed his eyebrows and denied the marquis’ words. “I’ve never done such a thing.” Although the crown prince may have been in denial, everyone on the battlefield knew that the man donned in black armor had a flower-patterned handkerchief tied to the handle of his sword.

‘I don’t know which family’s esteemed daughter that handkerchief belongs to, but this is truly a sight to behold. I never thought I’d see such a simple-hearted side from someone like His Highness.’ The marquis wore a serious expression as he tried to figure out the owner of the handkerchief when Max spoke.

“So, what’s going on?” he inquired with a brusque tone.

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