Damn this isn’t my house bruh

Chapter 12: 12. As the curtains rise.

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I woke up.

Well, I think I did. It was pitch black.

That's weird.  I could've sworn I left the night lamp near my bed on. Huh. I sat up and reached my arm out to my left.

And immediately hit something hard and uncompromising.

I let out a grunt of surprise and pulled it back quickly. I reached out again, feeling my way through the darkness. Hmmm. I was touching a wall. It felt flat and dry, and had bumps which were probably old paint flaking off or something. I inhaled deeply, and immediately regretted it as the smell of abandonment and neglect filled my nose. Nasty.

I started feeling around a bit more and realized a few things.

First, my bed was a bare mattress that was tucked into a corner. There were walls behind me and to my left. I wasn't tied down or anything, and my headphones were around my neck for some reason. My phone was also in my pocket. It seemed that I was still in the clothes that I slept in. Hmmm. Alright, I think I get it.

I probably just sleepwalked around our house and hunkered down in a far-off abandoned room again or something. Pretty annoying, but at least my ass wasn't stuck in a toilet bowl again. 

I stretched my arms out and yawned. Time to go back to bed I guess. I got to my feet and turned on my wireless headphones.

I heard a familiar beep as the headphones turned on and illuminated the room in faint waves of red, white, and blue.

A small fridge, a closet, a low table, and two doors. the door near the closet had a peephole in it, and beyond that everything was bare. As I squinted, I noticed that the walls were indeed peeling off in some places, and the floor was made out of carpet.

I moved around, stomping my feet a bunch. faint plumes of dust rose from the floor.

I sneezed. Nasty indeed. 

Done screwing around, I headed towards the door. 

As I was walking towards it, something crinkled underneath my feet. Huh. Paper?

I hunched over and picked it up, confirming indeed that it was a piece of paper. There was something written on it. I squinted over my gamer lights and tried to make it out.

stay inside.

don't do it.

In hasty handwriting.


That seems ominous.

Oh well. I can handle myself, I'm a big boy. I crumpled up the paper and tossed it behind my back as I advanced towards the door. 

I reached it and pulled the knob, jiggling it a bit before I realized that the door opened inwards. I swung the door in, stepped outside…

and my face was hit with a brisk and cool night breeze. 

Moonlight shined over me as I raised my eyebrows in surprise.

Instead of dark and dingy halls and the scent of dead animal in the air, what greeted me was a sky riddled with stars.

Pinpricks of light shone brightly amidst the deep blue expanse as the wind howled along the long passageway I turned out to be in, cooling my body and increasing my confusion.

If I'm dreaming, then this must be an especially cruel dream.

I let out a small chuckle.

"Damn, bruh."

"This ain't my ho-" I stopped, feeling a gaze landing on me from my right.

A guy. On the far end of the hall. There was a dark doorway that had its interior barely illuminated by the night sky, and I could see a dude from the inside. He seemed to have been minding his own business and noticed me as he was walking inside that doorway. We stared at each other.

Bro looked like he got caught stealing from the fridge at midnight. He didn't seem to appreciate me noticing him.

I waved.

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He looked back to his right for some reason, then looked back at me. The guy then started to wave back, but something suddenly pulled him away, his eyes widening for a split second before disappearing into the darkness. Uh.

Goddam, that doesn't seem good. I should probably get away or something.

I looked to my left.

Straight into the eyes of a hanged corpse.




No, this won't do.

I sighed as I leaned away from the harsh glow of the laptop in front of me, the office chair I was sitting in creaking loudly as I did so. I rubbed my eyes with my hand and once again sorely missed the presence of my other arm. I wasn't going anywhere with this. At this rate, I'll just be seeing what I already know would happen through a buncha different perspectives.

What was the point of seeing from the povs of other people if I can't even see what I want?

Sure, seeing the world through the lens and thoughts of the characters I know so much about was interesting, but it wasn't really any help. It felt like something was holding me back again. Shit frustrated me to no end. I already know what happens to these guys anyways, and it wouldn't benefit me in any way anytime soon. Not like they could fix this whatever the fuck happened to me.

I sighed, a long drawn-out breath leaving my lungs like a... 

fucking I don't know. I can't make flowery languagy stuff for shit. Even then. Whatever. It's not like it matters anymore. 

I moved my body forward and banged my head on the table the laptop was placed on. I should do something else for now. Cool myself off.

I closed the now empty browser tab on my screen and started snooping the files of the laptop for anything of interest.


Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap

Hmm. I noticed a weird folder in the middle of his [homework] folder. It was labeled [Rikeosrs]. Pffft. Of course it's named something like that.

I opened it up and found a couple of mp3 files. Huh. Now that I think about it he did make these kinda things from time to time way back when during...

Kinder times.

Whelp, I got some background music now at least. Could ease my nerves for a bit.

I clicked on the  on the list.




Mnh. Not what I expected, but what would you expect from only ever knowing about something from text alone?

Still, this sounds far too mellow for... his demeanor. It kinda feels unreal in a way. Whatever. Not like I know him personally. I'm just a good for nothing snoop anyways. I scratched what remained of my left arm.


I guess I should go get something to eat for now.

I left my chair and moved away from the light of the laptop monitor into darkness.

The mp3 file continued to play, the walls echoing with the soft, sleepy singing of a broken man.


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