Damn this isn’t my house bruh

Chapter 3: 3. Respite.

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I was sitting down at the foot of a stairwell as I pushed my glasses up. In front of me was a sign that read 8th floor.

I was frustrated.

I spent what felt like hours running around, trying to find my sanctuary, but for some reason tonight the bodies just seem to be everywhere. Cause of that, I had to take a detour and got lost immediately. Usually there'd be one or two on each floor but now...

There was no use thinking about it. Ignoring the sharp pain in my stomach, I stood up and started to make my way up the stairwell. Climbing slowly, I kept my ears open to any sounds that I might hear.

That was when I heard it. 

On the floor above me, I heard rapid footsteps.

I stiffened up then started to go back before I realized that the corpses don't run. At least, not alone.

I hurried up the stairs until I reached the eight floor landing, which was dark because it had a small enclosed corridor with doors leading to the auxiliary rooms.

I peeked into the hallway and things started to make sense. Why the corpses were strangely active. Why the rooms moved around. Why that person started roaming again.

I saw this terrified guy, running for his life. Dude looks about the same age as me and...

Damn he sweats a lot. Dude's covered head to toe and his t-shirt is just plastered onto him at this point. Hmm. Seems like he's holding a note. Probably from that guy. Or girl. I never really thought to ask. 

I shook my head to shoo away my useless thoughts. They were coming at a fast pace, and by they I mean the guy and the thing trailing behind him at breakneck speed.

It never gets easier on the eyes no matter how many times I look at one. The corpse was on all fours, with its arms and legs unnaturally outstretched, it's bones poking out as if it was being forcefully pulled and deformed by whatever unholy being possessed it. It moved less like a dog, like what a normal human would look like galloping on all fours. It's appendages moved independently like a spider and it's head never moves an inch, only ever staring forward with its dead, dead eyes. 

I stood still, waiting for a moment to act. 

Everybody being chased by them eventually falters one way or the other.


As the guy was starting to slow down, he finally looked back. The corpse, not missing a single beat, grabbed his arm with speed I could barely catch with my eyes. The guy nearly fell down, but the thing caught him, almost lovingly, before tightening its grip over him. As he rolled onto his side, the thing curled its arms around him. As the guy struggled, its legs clamped around him too. 

Instead of looking like somebody was hugging him, it instead looked as if he was in the grasp of four unnatural fingers.

All of this, I saw. All without moving a muscle. Waiting.

As the thing whispered cold murmurs behind the dude, its neck started to stretch, and before long, the thing bent its head at a 90 degree angle and laid its head on the side of the guy's face.

Trembling, The corpse raised one arm with the other stretching further to not let the guy escape. It opened it's mouth and started pulling out of it.

I took my chance.

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Taking off in a dash, I rushed towards the two of them as fast as I could, with both their eyes widening at the sight of me.

before either of them could react, I raised my leg and kicked the corpse's head with a satisfying thwack.

I stopped a short distance after that and looked behind myself. 

I have to admit, the guy had grit.

The guy was already in the process of extricating himself from the corpse's embrace. I silently cheered him on as I started to run away as well but I noticed that he seemed to be staggering around with dead eyes like he didn't know where to go.

"HEY!" I shouted.

The dude turned around and looked at me in a daze.

"Run the other way man. At night, you'll always find your way back. Usually." 

With that, I turned tail and ran.

That motherfucker lying on the floor isn't going to fall for what I did a second time.




I looked at the back of the guy who just saved my life.

I took a look at the... thing that was gripping me like an anaconda just a few moments ago.

Taking the guy's vague words to heart, I ran into the darkness with my legs screaming in exhaustion.

As I ran, the things the corpse whispered to me echoed in my mind. Words of affection that had all the emotion drained out of them, leaving behind a morbid mockery of love.

Don't leave me.

I don't want to be alone.

Please stay.

Nearly tripping over myself while running down the stairwell, I started to cry.

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