Damn this isn’t my house bruh

Chapter 6: 5. Chase scene sheesh not really cause im a dumbmass ahhaaa

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The moment she opened her mouth, the image of the hanged corpse flashed in my mind and its words echoed in my ears. I wasn't gonna go through that again, not if I could help it.

I sprinted up the stairs with newfound energy, bounding two steps at a time.

The lengths of the stairwells varied, with some floors only having two flights of stairs between them and others having dozens. They all had varying numbers of steps to them too. All of them were made of the same smooth concrete though, with only the landings and the floors itself changing material.

This particular stairwell was pretty long. I kept moving as fast as I could, passing by one, two, three flights of stairs at a brisk pace. As I started to pant, I feared that whatever that girl was would reach me before I ran away. My hands started shaking again. I thought I was fine and I was getting the hang of it but it turned out I didn't. Not at all. I was just lying to myself and pretending to be a tough person.

And no matter how good of a liar you are, your lies will never be real.

I started to stumble as the fragile composure I built up started to break.

I don't even know what she is.

The staircase didn't seem to end as the numbers of steps each flight had seemed to increase.

 I don't know if running was even the right choice. Whose to say my actions didn't just make everything worse again?

My knees started to ache and I sprained my thumb as hauled myself up using the railings.

Why can't I stop? Why can't I just be brave enough to be able to act properly? Why do I have to be such a dumbass?

My legs moved on their own as I kept lifting one foot after the other in a desperate bid to escape.

What do I do if I run into another corpse? I don't even know if something is even chasing me right now. What if when I look back something grabs me again. What if I trip and break my legs what if I reach the end and I see something staring at me what if  I

The stairs seemed to stretch on forever. I didwhat if I'll never be able to leaven't remember how long I was going up this specific flight of stairs. I started shaking uncontrollably.

 what i f I look back and that thing grabs hold of me agai n w hat if the stairs doesn't end what iWHAT IF I GET CAUGHT AND NOBODY IS THERE TO SAVE ME

My hands shook violentwhat if I run into something at the end oft he stairsly as I kept pulling myself up using the railings. Sweat stung my eyes as my vision blurred and strength slowly drawhat i f I end up hanged t ooined from my body.

I promised them I'd be better I promised the m I wasn't going t o lea ve wh at about my parents I was go ing to he lp in the fa rm why did th is ha ppe n I was g o in g t o finish wha t I started I told myself th at I was gett ing better 

Sweat and tears streakWAS ALL I WENT THROUGH WORTHLESSed down my face. Through my hazy vision I coWHYuld barely make out a sign with the number 6 on it. 

A few mNOore steps.

Just a few more.

I tripped.




I fiddled with my knife as I waited on the 6th floor landing, leaning beside the doorframe which lead to the floor proper.

I was a bit taken aback by how he ran away from me as I greeted him, but given the context, I can't say I could blame him. He was probably one of the new guys. That would explain the unusual amount of corpses roaming, as well as the instability of each level tonight. I think I saw the shadow that lived in the 2nd floor bathroom awake for the first time in ages too.

Still, considering how deep we were into the night, as well as how composed his face looked, I thought he would've understood if I just approached him carefully and said my piece as calmly as I could. There was no way you could survive this long outside by if you didn't have very good composure. He looked really calm when we stared at each other too, dammit. A bit sweaty, but he held my gaze with relative calmness. At that point, I thought I could engage him in reasonable conversation and clear up our misunderstandings.

After all, what I did was very reasonable. I mean, who would think that the girl who cut her head off and then came talking to you wasn't just another trap??

Man, the sleep deprivation is getting to me a lot. That really wasn't my brightest move. Neither was the one after it. panicking and running up the opposite stairwell thinking, "Maybe I could intercept him on the 6th floor and, maaan~, I don't know, hold him at knifepoint?" Screw this I just wasted my 10 minutes.

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I am a dumbass. Definitely should've just stayed in one place.

Judging from his reaction, he probably weighed in his lack of experience and determined that I was just another one of this place's gimmicks. Either that or he was just freaked out. Great poker face though, if that was the case. Hmmm, maybe a bit of both actually. No point in thinking about it now though. He probably booked it straight up another level. I guess I'll just have to sit here and wait for another person to come by. 

But please don't be Lester.

I sighed and slid down to the floor, opening the large backpack next to me with one hand. I put back my knife onto its holster and rummaged through it until I pulled out a packet of crackers. Munching on them, I remembered the old lady who owned these. She used to give these out for free whenever you asked for one. She was really nice.

Come to think of it, I saw her a couple hours ago, dangling from the corridor of floor 5.

I snapped a piece of cracker in two and shoved both of them in my mouth.

As I munched on the crackers, I started thinking about how the next few nights are gonna be hell. New people would keep popping up for a while and destabilizing everything, which meant I had to stock up on more food. I decided that after eating for a bit and regaining my energy I should continue pilfering food from the dead. 

As I crumpled up the now empty packet though, I heard rapid footsteps.

Holy shit.

Tossing my trash inside the backpack, I stood up and unsheathed my knife as positioned myself to the side of the stairwell leading down.

Before long though, something in one of my pockets twitched.

"The fuck? is he having a panic attack right now?" I whispered to myself.

Confused, I peeked down and sure enough, the new guy seemed to be running in place. That wasn't the case though, because if you looked closely the stairs seemed to move like an escalator, and he was running against it. He was making progress though, at least a little.

He was sweating like crazy and was slightly sobbing. Seeing him, I felt a bit iffy. How the hell did he survive this long like that?

Seeing him in that state though, and taking note of the shaking appendage in my pocket, I knew what to do.

I went back to my backpack and pulled out a chocolate bar. After that, I went back to watch the show.

His breath got more and more ragged as his running started to slow down. His moves were desperate and wild, indicating that he was at his breaking point. I usually don't see awakenings much, and today seemed to be my lucky day. It wasn't guaranteed, but I had a good feeling from the fact that gramps's finger never quivered this much before. I backed up a bit in case it what he awakened was a destructive type though.

Continuing to watch him struggle, I waited.


His eyes started to glow red.

At first It was a dim crimson, but as he stumbled it started to brighten up to a stark red.

I accidentally bit my finger while aiming for the chocolate bar as the air started to thicken with power as a slight red aura started emanating from his body. Crimson waves started undulating from his entire physique as his desperation started getting higher and higher.

But just as he was reaching the climax...

He tripped and hit his head.

I facepalmed.

Disappointed, I went out of hiding and descended my way towards him.

Getting closer, It didn't seem bad. Just a bit of bleeding on his head. No broken limbs I think. Not that it mattered if it though, since people healed much faster here.

Sighing, I shoved the rest of the chocolate in my mouth and started pulling him up the stairs.

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