Danmachi: Wayward Cloud

Chapter 12: Quest 10- Hermes

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The next day.

Cirrus gets up and gets dressed, he then gets a dagger and places it behind his back and gets his bag and leaves to meet with Eupheme. When he was getting ready, he found his spear cleaned up leaning against the wall. He looked at it for a bit before placing it in the bag and leaving.

When he arrived at Eupheme’s workshop and showed her the sword and the spear she quickly asked what happened. Cirrus only said he ran into some trouble down in the dungeon and he had to fight his way out.

Eupheme could see he didn’t really wish to talk about it and left it at that. Seeing this as a good opportunity she told him she would make him even better gear and weapons, Cirrus obliged to help her in this to which she accepted as it was a way to lower the price and to see how he is doing.


Down in the secret passages under Orario.

“So is there a particular reason Ouranos as asked for me?” Cirrus said as he and Fels traverse the passage.

“There is, it’s in due part to you leveling up.”

“Oh…I thought it was about how fast I did it?”

“No given that its due to a skill that increases your growth it would be odder if it took you so long.”

“Hm….I see.”

They reached Room of Prayer and Cirrus knelt down.

“Lord Ouranos.” Cirrus said.

“Cirrus, I have called you here to inform you of some helpers of this cause of ridding Orario of Evilus.”

“Helpers?” Cirrus said confused.

“Hello, hello!”

A voice came down the set of stairs leading up to the Guild. A man with orange hair and eyes with a feathered hat came down, his divinity was as orange as his hair.

Cirrus immediately dons his armor.


“Whoa! Whoa! Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Hermes! The God of Commerce and many more things!”

He removed his feathered hat and placed it over his heart bowing while extending his hand to greet Cirrus.

“…It is nice to meet you Lord Hermes.”

“It’s nice to meet the Golden Deer.”

“Golden Deer?”

“Yes that is what my child described you when you left so quickly.”

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“Ah so that was your child, I’m sorry I left I didn’t know if he had more guys around so I left as quickly as I could.”

“Very smart! Ouranos I’m surprised you gave your Falna to this bright kid!”

“For the time ahead more hands were needed, I recommend you don’t trivialize him because he is only 7 years of age, he has already achieved level 2 in 6 months.”

“S-six!” Hermes said surprised looking at Cirrus.

“It’s nice to be working with you sir.” Cirrus extended his hand again. “My name is Zephyr, the child of Ouranos and the Foolish Sage, Fels.” A grin appears over his face. “Let this partnership be prosperous and beneficial.”

“Mmm…Mmhahahahahaha!!!” Hermes laughed out loud as he shook Cirrus’s hand. “I can say the same thing!”


Soon after this Cirrus had to leave as he still needed to help Eupheme out, Hermes remained down in the room.

“So that was your child in over a thousand years…I can see a lot of potential in him.” Hermes said. “I’ll be sure to take care of him as best as I can but what shall I do about his level up?”

“Keep it to yourself for now, when he turns 8 in a couple months from now report it to the guild officials, Lord Hermes.” Said Fels.

“Will do.” He then took his leave. “Oh make sure you tell him to come by my Familia’s home to keep up appearances.”

“I shall inform him.”


Walking through the streets of Orario an orange haired woman quickly goes to Hermes.

“Is your business done sir?”

“It is, we got an unofficial member in our Familia, Lydia.” He said with a nonchalant smile.

“Who is it?”

“It’s that golden deer you saw down in the Dungeon, turns out he’s a human and a…very special one that.”

“Heh…I can’t wait to see; wait he is going with us in the dungeon, right?”

“Mostly but who knows from what I seen of him in person he’s likely going to continue going in alone ever now and again, but he is going to help in culling out Evilus.”

A large grin appeared over Lydia’s face.

“Good! Maybe this time I can get one of them alive to get some answers! Oh do you also wanna get a drink!”

“You read my mind Lydia!”

The two went to a bar a drank until their Familia came and got them.

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