Danmachi: Wayward Cloud

Chapter 171: [Vol.2] Quest 150- “New Justice”

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From all of Orario one could see the second sun, not even from Melen could you not see it and even feel the air a bit warmer.

A pillar of thunder piercing the sky followed by a deafening boom that shattered every window within a 10-mile (16 km) distance and at ground zero the buildings inside the barrier were devastated, rebuilding would take weeks of labor.

The clouds parted way for the pillar as it strikes the moon leaving it with permanent cracks upon its white surface.

It would have been a sight to behold if not what transpired later would herald this as the end of Orario. The city now illuminated by a ominous red cracked moon.

More pillars of light fired off into the sky. Gods returning to heaven.

Huff! Huff! Huff! You…you insane child…” said Alfia extremely exhausted.

Huff! Huff! Never…did I think I would ever meet a brat like you to send shivers down my back like…huff! Huff! if only you were born earlier, you would have brought the city to new heights.” Said Zald having taken most of the damage away from Alfia by blocking what he could of the attack.

He approaches Cirrus who was in tatters.

Huff! Huff! Huff!"

Most of his body was singed, his hair was burnt, and he was on his last legs. In his current state if one were to poke him, he would fall over. The only thing that remained was bits and pieces of his Cerbus, Stymphalian, and his base armor's headpiece barley clinging on.

The Cerbus armor pulsates even more intently catching Zald’s eye.

Huff! huff!” Cirrus clenches his fists and gets into a fighting stance. “Huff! Huff! maybe Huff! Huff! You guys Huff! Huff! should’ve been stronger! Huff! Huff!” he shouted as best as he can to say those words laced with anger.

‘That armor…no matter.’

Huff! huff! I’ll give you a merciful death. Spurt! Sputter!

“!?!?” Cirrus was disgusted and confused on what he did.

Zald had bite his tongue and spit his blood at Cirrus just as a wind behind Zald brushes pass him to Cirrus.

“My blood has the poison of the Behemoth; you will die short-bam!!!

With his singed fists Cirrus punched Zald back a few steps back in the stomach.

“H-how!? How do you still have energy!?” Zald said surprised.

“Hahahaahahah!!!! Thank you for the boost!!” he holds out his hand and a some high potions and magic potions shoot out from his shadow and into his hand, he immediately drinks it. “Ahhh~~ that fucking hits the spot! Come Zald!! Alfia!!!” The tone of his voice was a bit more emotionally charged. The Cerbus armor begins to pulsate even more faster. “Let me see the fucks who let my own mother die!!” They were laced with sadness. “Who were too fucking weak to let my mom have faith in your abilities!!” With hatred. “So she fucking abandoned me!!!” Loss. “Fuck you!!!” Pain. “I’ll bash your fucking head in you fucks!!!!” and most of all anger.

These emotions were first brought out from his 1st encounter with Freya and since then when he met with Loki it wanted to want to come out, but Cirrus kept it bottled. Over time on the island it merely got it more bottled up and buried, mixing with the other baggage Cirrus repressed it finally starting to leak out. It was like a old leaky abandoned dam, one could only wait and see when it'll finally break, sadly one person couldn't wait.




A god comes out from the darkness.

“-Hear me Orario.”

Cirrus turns to see a familiar face clapping.

“-Hear me, Ouranos. In the name of darkness named by the era. I’ve come to expel the hopes of this world. There’s no promise. There’s no oath to keep. I will crush the era of gods promised for this land. It is all for leading the world to the unknown, undiscovered by the gods-the true chaos. Am I arrogant?-fine. am I evil?-I chose to be. I will willingly accept all of your hatred and grudges. That’s what we of evil feed on. Rage, grieve, and accept the tragedy I bring. My name is Erebus!! The origin of darkness and the god of the underworld!!”

“So that’s your fucking name…Erebus.” He said in utter distain.

“Yes, surprisingly you were the only one to know my name was a lie, Cirrus. But to be honest I didn’t think you would be a match for Alfia’s magic without your spirit nor did I think you were so emotional-“

“Go fuck yourself, you sick fuck. You’re lucky you’re a god if not I would fucking strangled and snapped your little sick head off.” Cirrus said glaring at him.

The god of darkness simply smiles. He knows when a mortal is on the brink of falling into darkness and he is more then willing to do it.

“Even a hero can be this foul mouthed? Well what did I expect from the murderous Golden-Horned Demon. Evilus may be well "Evil" but the stuff you did even these two here were shocked someone was capable of such brutality."

"Grrrr!!!" Cirrus gritted his teeth, he can't hurt or kill a god. Instead he tried to at least gain back some semblance of a rational mind not clouded by rage but-

"Come on murderer, show me your true colors of a hero."

Erebus could see him turning as much of his anger as he could into a cold fury. Erebus really does know how to make someone loath him. His Cerbus armor pulsates once more.



That last piece of the bottle finally broke. A black flame once turned into nothing but ash reignited, slowly building itself into a strong and fierce flame.

“You know…" Cirrus's eyes go hollow a bit. "I found the term monster used a bit to loosely.” Cirrus slowly gets into a more stable stance. “The so called monsters of the dungeon are from what I have seen and judged as nothing more then strong animals. A true monster…” That cold fury started to be overran by the immolation black flames of wrath. The Cerbus armor pieces began to glow and pulsate a red glow. “Is something that kills of their own volition.” He began to grit his teeth as to hold back his anger that was bursting at the seams. “They don’t care who it fucking is, so long as they can kill!” a big smile formed on his face. “Golden-Horned Demon…yes…" He couldn't stop himself, that feeling wanted to be satisfied, it wanted to be used, acknowledged. Now it finally got it's time- "I’LL FUCKING SHOW YOU WHAT A TRUE MONSTER IS LIKE!!” -Under red night sky. “I WILL NEVER BE A FUCKING HERO!! I LONG THREW THAT BURDEN TO THE POOLS OF YELLOW FAT!! AND PILES OF WHITE BONES!!!!” The armor then quickly began to cover his body.

Many could see it, the scars on the child who has lived through the Dark Era. The pressure of it all that weighed on his mind, the death he has to witness and commit. The sins that finally reached more then what he could handle all came together to create this weapon pointed at the ones who propagate this era.

'Nox, Circe, do not interfere.' He cuts off his connection from his body so they couldn't feel his intense emotions rising. He had made the mistake of not doing it that night with Ai and this was a emotion he didn't want them to feel.

His stance goes lower, they could see his muscles tensing up to crush rocks. His heart was pumping faster than before, steam began to slowly come off him as his skin turns red. His eyes were no longer hollow, they were full of vigor.


‘Cirrus!! Stop!!’ shouted Nox up above very, very worried. ‘You aren’t a what they say!! You need to calm-‘

He cuts his mental connection with her and Circe.

I AM THE GOLDEN-HORNED DEMON OF SHALZARD WHO SLAUGHTER ALL MY FOES WHO STOOD BEFORE ME!!!!” The armor fades but it archived it’s intended affect of pushing up it’s wearers anger and magnifying, now it's simply snowballing. “(Exousía, Adorn: Ceryneian)!!! (Sword of Damocles, sing your vespers.)!!! [Dia Dikastí̱s]!!!”

The armor dons on him with a mantle of electricity covering him, the antlers of the mask start to become more sharper. That black flame has consumed him once more.

Feeling this surge of negative emotions Nox went to get the one who could possibly stop this side of him.

‘Circe!! If he goes after anyone that isn’t Evilus stop him at all costs!! We can’t take any chances so I’m going to get Ai!’

‘I got it just hurry and go!! I don’t want him going down this path!’

As Nox quickly flew as fast as she could she could see him.


Bellowing out like a beast again much like in Bukhara. She didn’t want him to go through the results of that event again.

‘Just you wait!!’


Terror sank into Evilus and even to allies as Cirrus’s bloodlust and fury flooded the streets. His emerald eyes gain a red tinge to them under the red moon.

“T-t-the tyrant’s blood has infected him!!!: shouted a Evilus member.

“R-run!! He’ll kill us all!!” said another.

“!?” Alfia, Zald, and even Erebus were shocked that they would even say that with suicide jackets on. But they can’t blame them, they had provoked a beast that just had it's breaking point.

You are reading story Danmachi: Wayward Cloud at novel35.com

COME HERE!!!!!” Cirrus kicked off running up to them. He leapt into combat with a twisted smile.


Bam!! Spurt!! Bam!! Spurt!! Bam!! Spurt!! Bam!! Spurt!! Bam!! Spurt!!

Clang!! Spurt!! Clang!! Spurt!! Clang!! Spurt!! Clang!! Spurt!!  Clang!! Spurt!!

Swish!! Spurt!! Swish!! Spurt!! Swish!! Spurt!! Swish!! Spurt!! Swish!! Spurt!!

Bam!! Spurt!! Bam!! Spurt!! Bam!! Spurt!! Bam!! Spurt!! Bam!! Spurt!!

Clang!! Spurt!! Clang!! Spurt!! Clang!! Spurt!! Clang!! Spurt!! Clang!! Spurt!!

Swish!! Spurt!! Swish!! Spurt!! Swish!! Spurt!! Swish!! Spurt!! Swish!! Spurt!!

It was a bloody massacre; he was more beast then man, he moved like a man possessed using everything at his disposal. He would impale their bodies, rip them in half, throw their torn bodies at their them, grab an arm, rip it from the socket, and use it to bash one to death, bite their throats out while gouging the eyes of two other, crush their bones and skulls, puncturing them with his fists. Using their spines to stab and impale more. There was no end to his creativity. It was a cornucopia of violence and blood.

He hated how much he secretly enjoyed it. This dark, disgusting part of himself that found joy in the violence to cope with it all.

Huff!! Huff!! Huff!! RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” He howled once more as he impaled one of them with his horns and held them high in the air, the blood baptized Cirrus fully.

He was a blood-starved beast caked in the blood and visceral of his foes. This was the Golden-Horned Demon that made Israfan petrified of, a human who tapped into the most primal parts of his nature.

To those watching from the side they saw how truly violent Cirrus could be, he held even held the same visage of his mother. They would have stopped him, but this was not the time to stop him from going after Evilus.

“Shot the bombs!!” shouted one of the Evilus members as they shot a fire ball at their fallen member’s corpses.

Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!!

Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!!

RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU FUCKERS COME HERE!!!!!” Cirrus shouted as he goes through the explosions, he no longer cared for defense just slaughter.

Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!!

Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!!

“HIEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! NO!!!! STAY AWA-AHHHHHHHHH!!! SPURT!!!” Cirrus reached the man and squeezed his neck, popping it like a berry.

WHY ARE YOU SO FUCKING SCARED!!!!" He tossed the man's body into a wall turning it into a bloody Jackson Pollock painting. "DO YOU NOT LIKE YOUR OWN MEDICINE!!! YOUR OWN FUCKING CRUELITY!!!! IS IT NOT FUN NOW!?!?!? HOW FUCKING IRONIC!!!!"

Watching from a bit away Zald, Alfia, and Erebus were speechless.

For Alfia and Zald they could see her, Nephele. He was her spitting image but far, far more cruel, and bloody. The way he fights says it all, he wants to win and crush his foes beneath his feet in the most fastest and brutal way possible all the while relishing and getting drunk off their own power.

Erebus noticed that they both had got their wind.

“Alfia, Zald are you ready to go?” Said Erebus. "You two need to settle this quickly."

“…Yeah, we got it.” Said Zald with several empty potions around him.

“Yes, this will finish them.” Said Alfia with several higher magic potions around her feet. “(Gospel)!!”


She attacked indiscriminately trying to hit Cirrus and the result of it is everyone within the vicinity to be struck.

“Guh!!” Ottar was sent flying back but for Cirrus-


Cirrus ran through it, his armor broke apart, but he ran ahead.

“RAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! ALFIA!!!!!” he ran covered in blood and wounds.

Members of Evilus were subjected to the fear of this demon.

“ZALD!!!! ALFIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

“!?” Seeing his blood and anger riddled face Alfia felt Nephele was before her. “Dam monster!! (Gospel)!!!”


“GAH!!!!!” Cirrus was hit with the full brunt of it. “Crash!! Crash!! Crash!! Crash!! Crash!! Crash!! Crash!!” He was struck through several buildings far into the west of Orario. “…Ug…” His injuries and exhaustion had finally caught up to him, he could barely keep his eyes open.

Even for 1st class adventures they would be knocked out from her magic. For Ottar it was his strength of will that let him persevere and for Cirrus it was fueled by his anger, and baggage all coming to a unexpected breaking point.

“Zald go and finish them off.” Alfia said. “This had gotten far too noisy and bloody for too long.”

Zald slowly walks over to the exhausted Ottar.

“…I would have like to have eaten you but there is a much more dangerous beast I must eat.” He walked pass him.

“Guh! Z-Zald!!!” He shouted as he walks away. His pride breaking.

He walked through the buildings to have found Cirrus embedded into a wall, bloody and covered in a stupid amount of injuries.

“It’s shame you weren’t born earlier.” He raises his great sword up. “Sorry.” As he is about to swing down he felt the hairs at the back of his neck rise. “!!” He quickly jumped back.



His arm was just slightly cut by the wind followed by beams of light crashing down from above.

“Grr!!” he quickly held his sword to cover it when he spotted Ai at the corner of his eye. “No you don’t-bam!” Zald bonked his head onto something. “A barrier!?” He remembered it; it was the same thing that stopped his magic from engulfing the city in flame.

“Come on Cirrus!” Ai said getting him on her back.

She quickly ran for it.

“Dammit!! Raaaaah!!!” Zald began to wildly swing his great sword. “Clang!!! Clang!!! Clang!!! Clang!!!” Until it finally cracked and broke. “Come back here!!” he shouted following the trail of blood left by Cirrus.

He followed it to the river where it ended.

“Grrr!!” he clenched his fists in anger. “…No matter, your already on deaths door.”

When Zald returns back he found Erebus monologuing.

“The strongest adventures have been overthrown by a greater power!!” proclaimed Erebus. “Several gods have left Gekai! If you are a follower of chaos who fought against justice come together and we shall destroy the world order with GREAT EVIL!!! Now let me give you some last words that you all deserve right now- for those of you call yourselves justice…you have failed and Orario will vanish today! For we are the new justice!!”


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