Danmachi: Wayward Cloud

Chapter 30: Quest 28- Shalzard Desert

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The countries of Isfrafan, Shalzard, and Warusa can be found on a map just west of the Kaios Desert across the River Nile. The three nations are arranged like a burger with Shalzard sandwiched between Israfan from the north and Warusa from the south.

Traveling south to Shalzad, Cirrus is running through the desert with his armor. Standing on the sandy dunes of Shalzad Cirrus is making his way to its capital.




“Fuck if only these winds were cooler…”

Cirrus spots some buildings in the distance.



Quickly running through the desert sand Cirrus arrives at the buildings to find them completely dilapidated with no one around.

‘Guess I can rest here for a bit.’

Cirrus finds a building that isn’t completely destroyed and rested there under the shade for a while, disengaging his armor.

Looking out at the sifting sands Cirrus found it rather calming, he closes his eyes and slowly falls asleep.


The next morning Cirrus wakes up.

“…Shit how long was I out?”

He got up and walked outside, he then stuck his sword into the sand.

“…8 AM…well I need to keep moving.”

Cirrus takes out some bread and some water, eating as he walks up to the top of one of the nearby dunes. He see’s the vast expanse of sand.

“…I should have fucking paid for a ride…if only they didn’t have guys at the docks.”

Sliding down the dune his magic circle appeared and his golden antlers shine under the early morning light.





Cirrus had gotten use to the soft footing of the sand and made better time as he went along of course there will be interruptions.


Erupting from the ground was a 20-meter-long snake-like creature, its scales were like all the other desert monsters.

“So that’s a Basilisk huh?”

Cirrus takes out and equips his shield and sword.

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“Really hope you don’t breath petrification…or was that another monster?”


The Basilisk breathed fire upon Cirrus, but he blocked it with his shield.


“Shit its melting!”

Cirrus quickly ran from the range of the fire but quickly found its tail coming in for a swing.


“(Exousía, Adorn: Erymanthian)!!”

Cirrus first equipped to his right arm and with great force and pivoting his waist he slashed through scale and all.


“Heh~ seems I gotten stronger!”

Only a small amount of blood came from his right arm, his body was now catching up to his magic’s capabilities…for now.


The Basilisk hissed in pain as Cirrus quickly ran up its tail and with his right using both hands swing again cutting through it with ease.

As the Basilisk body fell to the ground and its body turn to dust Cirrus looks to find its fang.

“Ah…a drop, how lucky for me.”

Disengaging the armor and picking up the fang and magic stone Cirrus walks back up on a dune and see’s something off in the distance.

“…Is that civilization or am I getting heat stroke?”

Cirrus sits down for a second and drinks some water.

“(Exousía, Adorn: Stymphalian).”

As the mantle cover him, he used its ability to look far out into the distance.

‘Hmmm….is that a fucking temple?’

Seeing a temple in the far distance Cirrus couldn’t help but think he went in the wrong direction. Since he really had nothing left to do, he decided to see what it was all about.

Cirrus’s armor expanded like wings and with a single flap Cirrus moved forward.




He went as fast as he could be for flying a bit more upwards and disengaging the armor, as he did, he reequipped his Ceryneian armor and burst with speed.

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