Danmachi: Wayward Cloud

Chapter 51: Quest 47- The Susanoo Familia

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After a while of letting Ai hit him 2 people came out.

“Ai, what are you…”

“Kushida did you find…WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY AI-CHAN!!!” shouted a rather regal looking god with long straight black hair and sharp eyes.

He quickly picked up Ai off Cirrus and held her in his arms.

“Sorry Kushida, I came to see Ai, but I didn’t remember how long it has been.” Cirrus said as he picks himself up.

“Y-you came to see me!!” Ai said with tears in her eyes.

“I see well come in; you must have had a hard time reaching he-“

“No!” said the god  interrupting Kushida.

“…Lord Susanoo please you’re going to make Ai-chan cry more.”

Susanoo looked down to see Ai about to cry.

“F-fine!” he lets go of Ai and she wipes the tears from her eyes.

Cirrus followed them into their home, it has been a long time since Cirrus had seen such elegant Japanese architecture.

‘It’s similar to the Japanese style…I wonder how their doing trying to get that business off the ground? Probably horrible with me…huh? It’s been so long I forgotten how I died.’

“Come on kid.” Said Susanoo.

Leading Cirrus to a room they all sat down on pillows.

“So Cirrus, was it?” said Susanoo. “What are you to my Ai-cha-!!”

Kushida struck Susanoo on his head.

“My apologies for our gods bluntness.”

“Its fine really, it’s a bit nice to talk with someone so…forward.”

“I see…so-“

“Where have you been!!” shouted Ai.

“Yeah, where have you been to leave Ai-chan for months!”

“I cannot say.”

“Hah!! Why the hell not!”

“Can’t tell you.”

“Hah! Why the hell not!! You said you like-“

“I know what I said but I never said I will give you the answers that you want.” Cirrus had a stern look in his eyes that told Susanoo and Kushida that he will not say what he did in his time away.

“Then…what can you tell us?” Ai said.

Cirrus’s eyes turned to her and they softened up.

“Well just that for the last 3 months I have been exploring the dungeon down to the 26th floor.”

“T-twenty-sixth!!” shouted Kushida. “Your that far along with your Familia!?”

“Well we have been diligently making progress mapping out the dungeon and so on, as well as learning of the monsters of the floors to help further our progress.”

“I-I see…we should be more diligent in our progress as well.” Kushida said regaining her composure.

“So what brings you here kid?” Susanoo said.

“I simply wanted to meet with Ai to see if she liked to play or something? My Familia is taking some time off to recover from being in the dungeon for so long.”

“Well that’s not-“

“Really!! Do you wanna play Judo!!”

You are reading story Danmachi: Wayward Cloud at novel35.com


The look on Cirrus’s face was that of confusion, Susanoo took notice of it and made a sly grin.

“Yes! How about you have a game with Ai-chan!” he said with a smile.


“Kamu!! Come here!!” he ordered his other child.


A change of clothes later Cirrus stands on a wooden square outside with Ai in a white Gi with a smile on her and Susanoo’s face.

“Okay so um how do we…?”

“It’s easy let me show you!” Ai said with a smile on her face as she got close to Cirrus.

“Okay than-!”

Before he knew it, he has already was thrown off his feet.

“Yea!!! Ai get him!!! Shouted Susanoo.

Of course the reason Cirrus was confused was simply because he didn’t think Judo existed in this world as far as he knew, but this proved that the gods at least knew some martial arts of the world he was from and simply taught it to their Familia. Ai being so good at Judo was actually a genuine surprise for him.


Cirrus laid on his back looking up at the sky as Ai leaned over his head with a big smile, her white hair in his face.

“So do you think it’s fun!!”

“…Only you if explained the rules.”

“I’ll do it.” Said Kushida.

Kushida explained the most basic of the rules, in Judo one cannot punch, kick, or strike their opponent, nor can they touch their face or joints, headbutts are also banned.

With an understanding of it Cirrus got himself ready once again,

“Come on Ai!!! Beat him!!!” cheered Susanoo.

“Here I come!!” shouted Ai as she grabbed him the same way and tossed him over when.



The Familia looked amazed as Cirrus had stopped his fall using his feet, something only possible if ones core was strong or they were up a higher level.

“Sorry but now it’s my turn.”

“Oh noooo~~”


Using pure brute force he got Ai on her back.

“So how’s the view?” Cirrus said with a smile looking down on Ai.

“Mmmmm!!!! Again!!”

“Sure thing!”


Cirrus lent a hand and Ai took it to get herself up. the two would continue to do this until someone else came in.

“Did you get a new child Lord Susanoo.”

Cirrus turned to see who it was to find a girl with fairly long black hair in a kimono with a robe over it with a kanzashi on the left side of her hair.

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