Danmachi: Wayward Cloud

Chapter 98: Quest 91- Ai’s Level Up

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Two weeks later.

“He’s over there!” shouted Kaguya.

“I’m on him!” shouted Ai.

Running along the rooftop of Orario, Ai jumps down with weapon and lands on the criminal with the pommel on the guys back.

“Gah!!” he was knocked to the ground.

“Your under arrest!” she said tying his hands behind his back.

“Good work Ai-chan!” Kaguya said.

“Thanks! Are the Ganesha Familia nearby?”

“They sure are!” said a young girl with short blue hair and eyes with a sword on her hip.

Behind her were some members of her Familia in armor and spears.

“Ah Ardi, is your sister busy?” said Kaguya.

“Hm she’s off dealing with some guys with Alise and Finn. So is this the guy who stole some stuff?” she walked over to the man.

“Hm, we also have reports that he made contacts with Evilus.” Said Ai.

“I see…” she knelt down to the man with the end of a spear on his back. “Why are you making deals with Evilus?”

“S-shut up! I’ll never talk!”

“Don’t you have people that your-“

“Shut up!! I’ll never talk!!” He bite down and his body started to convulse.

“Dammit he had a poisonous tooth!” said Kaguya. “Ai!!”

Ai quickly got up and turned him over, she then took out an antidote and forced it down his throat. Once the man was safe Ai checked his mouth and checked to see if there were anymore.

“He’s clear Kaguya-san!”

Haa…this makes the 4th person.” Said Kaguya. “Ardi can you take him to jail?”

“Hm, men take him.”

The guards went and picked the man and left.

“I’m amazed you have your own men.” Kaguya looked to Ardi.

“Well I’m a level 2 after all! What about you Ai?”

“Hmm I plan on going down to the dungeon but-“

“She’s far to young and its dangerous.” Said Kaguya in a matter of fact kind of tone.

“But aren’t you a year older than her? Plus I’m a level 2.”

“No matter, Ai we are still on patrol. Lets get a move on.”


Kaguya then went off ahead.

“Are we still up for today?” said Ardi.

“Hm! I have some people helping as well!”

Ai then left following after Kaguya.


Later at night waiting in front of Babel.

“So are you sure you are up for this?” said Eupheme.

“Hm! I wanted to level so I can do more to help! And I wanted to impress Cirrus!”

“Impressing him… I only seen him impressed a few times, but very well.”

They waited a bit when Ardi and Shakti arrived.

“I didn’t think you would bring Ankusha?” Eupheme said.

“Sorry! But my sister caught me!” Ardi said.

“It’s a good thing that I did the times are dangerous.” said Shakti, level 4 captain of the Ganesha Familia. “But seeing as its for your friend to level up and she’s part of the alliance to help stop Evilus it would greatly benefit us to have another level 2.”

“It would seem we have gotten an even better bodyguard.” Said Eupheme.

“Hm? aren’t you Karaoke? The Masked Prince's smith?” Shakti said.

“I am, its an honor someone of your reputation knows of me.”

“A bit hard not to when you made a new kind of weapons that managed to cut the Warlord!”

“Are you sure it wasn’t the several hundreds of people wanting a weapon like that?”

“A bit of both, but shall we head down? The faster we get this done the more we will be well rested.”


They then begun their decent into the dungeon, they quickly made it to the middle floors.

“So that’s a minotaur?” said Ai.

“Yup.” Said Shakti. “Are you sure you wanna fight it? Its strength is that of a level 2?”

“I’m sure!” said Ai.

‘If Cirrus could fight these minotaur’s like they were nothing that the least I could do is beat one!’

Shakti, Ardi, and Eupheme keep close watch as Ai faces the sole minotaur.


The minotaur roared.

“Come at me cow!!” shouted Ai as she lowered her stance with spear in hand.

The minotaur went in for a right hook aiming at her small frame, but she quickly dodged it by a margin. She quickly cut its forearm before getting a bit more distance.

The minotaur not caring for the slight cut continued out with its assault.

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Ai did the same cutting it into various parts, but the beast caught on and then with a faint it struck Ai breaking her left arm and sending her into the wall.

“Gah!” she coughed up blood.

“Ai!” said Ardi.

“Wait.” Said Eupheme. "She still hasn’t used her potions yet.”

“…” Shakti continued to watch on with keen eyes.

“Guh…” she reached to her side and pulled out a potion and placed it in her mouth. She grabbed her arm and drank it. She quickly set her arm punching downward in a straight line and the bones were all in place but still a bit fractured.

The minotaur had wanted to finish this and got into a charging stance.


It charged ahead.

Ai took a deep breath  and swung her spear and held it like a sword.

Shakti noticed this and even heard a clicking sound.

‘A trick weapon!!’ she gave a quick glance at Eupheme who has a big smile on her face and her hand on her own weapon ready to spring into action.

As the minotaur approached Ai tightly grips her handle with her right hand and remember when she sparred with Cirrus.

‘Faster!! I need to draw faster and stronger!!!’

Ai lowers her body even more than the Minotaur and chants.

“(When the bell tolls 108 times gather the eight serpents.

No offerings of sacrifice to the earth, wind, fire, water, thunder, poison, light, and darkness.

I offer you steel and the clear sky.) [Murakumogiri]!”

Her weapon is covers in a white mist as the minotaur lunges at her.


In an instant Shakti watched as Ai drew her blade from the spear at such a speed she had thought Ai was at least a higher level. The minotaur’s was cut down right the middle, it’s body burst into ash before any blood could be spilled.

Huff! huff! huff! phew!” she took a deep breath. “So how was that!”

“Amazing!” Eupheme said with a smile.

“Very but I feel like that wasn’t enough.” Shakti said. “How about 2 more? How do you feel-“

“Bring them! I’ll cut them down!”

Shakti would bring two more and had Ai fight them, it wasn’t until she had to fight 3 where she struggled the most and finally came out the victor with gashes, bruises, a few broken bones, and fractures.


When they got back to the surface they went their separate ways. Eupheme took her home and gave her a potion to help with the injury’s. When she snuck her way back into her room she found Lord Susanoo waiting for her.

“L-lord Susan-“

He put his finger to her lips.

“So…did you do something to level you up?” He said with a proud smirk.

“…!!” with a smile Ai nodded.

Shirakusa Ai

Lv. 1

Strength: A867-->878       Endurance: H199-->G230

Dexterity: B710-->728       Agility: C684-->690

Magic: D531-->548



  • Enchant Magic



  • When focusing intensely Strength, Dexterity, and Agility will increase drastically.

Shirakusa Ai

Lv. 2

Strength: I0          Endurance: I0

Dexterity:I0         Agility: I0

Magic: I0              Hunter: I


 Currently right now on a ship.

Swoosh! Swoosh!

Swoosh! Swoosh!

They were currently in a storm.

“♪ Oh, we'd be alright if the wind was in our sails.

We'd be alright if the wind was in our sails.

We'd be alright if the wind was in our sails.

And we'll all hang on behind...

And we'll ro-o-oll the old chariot along!

We'll ro-o-oll the golden chariot along!

We'll ro-o-oll the old chariot along!

And we'll all hang on behind ♪!”

They were all singing a shanty Cirrus started as they all work to get through the storm.

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