Dante’s Hell

Chapter 2: Public

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"Mister Victor"

Victor who was waiting sitting in the reception waiting area while waiting his turn quickly got up.

"I am here" He said as he walked over to the counter.

This is the public organization, is a place that looks like a secretariat, right at the entrance there are several chairs for those who are waiting, all comfortable with those little cushions, in front there is a counter with a woman with beautiful features, with long black hair and glasses, making notes and the general service, beside the counter has a corridor that leads somewhere, just do not know where.

As soon as I arrived in the building a guard approached me, when I told him my situation he told me to get a ticket and wait.

Arriving at the counter she asked: "What do you want Mr. Victor? Her brown eyes stared at me seriously.

"I heard that the selection would be ending in a few days and I wanted to participate as a recruiter."

"Okay, which organization do you represent?"

"Myself?" He said laughing as he straightened his hat.

She frowned, "So you are alone? All right, can I see your authentication symbol?"

"What symbol?" He was dumbfounded.

Taking a deep breath she took off her glasses, wiped them with a cloth, and put them back on.

"So you don't belong to any organization, you didn't pass the master test to get your symbol, and you want to participate in the selection?" She questioned.

In response he smiled, giving her a thumbs up.

Sighing she handed over a sheet of paper. "Fill out this form with your basic information, simple things like name, address, age, etc. You can only choose from those who have left as their last option to be chosen by people without authentication.

I must remind you that you must wear this badge showing the non-existence of your authentication from the moment you have students."

With that she handed over a small round, white brooch with a large red x in the center.

Handing back the already filled out form Victor showed surprise "Oh, that's it, I get to choose now?"

Making a face she replied "Let me make it clear for you, the authentication is only to prove that your knowledge and teaching methods will not cause harm to your apprentices, and if by any chance it happens you will be held responsible, I must say that not having it is already a clear warning that whatever happens during teaching cannot be the responsibility of the competent sectors and your future victims cannot turn to us seeking redress. Very few make such a risky choice."

The fact that she is staring at me coldly while telling me these things makes me think that she did not like me very much.

"You may go to room 3, just follow the corridor and turn right at the third door, there you will be given access to the database of applicants. Just bring the proof of those selected here when you are done."

As soon as she finished speaking I got away from her as fast as I could and went into the room.

Entering and closing the door I saw a rectangular table with something that looked like a monitor, but very thin and made of a transparent material.

On the screen was a button that said start.

"There are touch screens already? In the village there was barely any paper."

Sitting down, I pressed the button and a list of options appeared to be chosen for research.





Potential ☆☆☆☆☆

Requirements ☆☆☆☆☆

"She didn't tell me she still had that here, go figure it's so normal it doesn't need to be said.

Um, all should be to show everything, enhancer, transmuter, and emitter should refer to the types of skills, pontential would be how strong it can be ... and requirements should be the requirements of the students."

Being realistic he chose the all option and set the requirements to 3.

[52 Results found]

He selected one.

[ User 043


Combat Capability: Yes

Potential: ☆☆

Requirements: Authentication, Experience teaching emitters].

"Ok, let's go down to 1 then, that way I already know the lower limit."

[13 users found]

He selected one.

[User 027]


Combat Ability: Yes

Potential: ☆

Requirements: Authentication]

"Shit, you've got to be kidding me."

Putting 0.

You are reading story Dante’s Hell at novel35.com

[5 Users Found]

Victor was sweating cold, with a lot of luck he would get the 3 he needed.

Since there was no point in looking at the information, he selected the 5 and confirmed, in his mind the important thing was that they had no requirements.

Taking the voucher that the monitor printed out, he left the room and went back to the reception desk.

Handing over the voucher he said: "I have already made the selection"

She had her head down looking at some papers when she picked it up and checked.

"You have selected 5 people? With skills from different categories?"

"Yes" Oh God what did I do wrong this time.

"I must warn you that your selectees know how many people are under your tutelage, a large amount of people with different needs leads one to believe that the teaching will be sloppy and of low quality"

Victor's face turned pale

"You can, you can take 2 back then, 3 is fine haha"

Narrowing her eyes with a smiling face she replied "No, the selection has already been made and cannot be undone unless you want to pay the fine, do you?"

With what money????

"No, that's fine" Victor said forcing a smile.

"Well, so be it, your request has been sent to the selected applicants who can respond until the closing occurs, on that date you can come back here to know the results, good luck"

Believe it if you want, but I'm 99% sure she wants to see me fail miserably, even more so when she wishes me good luck while pointing to the exit door.

With nothing else to do and evening coming on, I headed home.

When I arrived I received a new notification from the system.

《It has been detected that the user does not have enough knowledge regarding the world, harming his coexistence and, respectively, the experience of his students.

Received: Booklet -Basic General Knowledge.》

"Really? After all day suffering I finally get something truly useful? Withdraw.

A small booklet written General Knowledge - Basic on the cover appeared and Victor picked it up. Lying down on the bed he began to read.

| Earth

The planet has been contaminated by Ether, an energy of extreme purity coming from some other dimension, researchers have not discovered how this happened, guesses suggest that the dimensional shield that protected Earth was damaged bringing threats from outside.

During the subsequent years the discoveries only increased.

First - Animals began to mutate and develop supernatural abilities.

Second - Beings such as ghosts and spirits began to appear rampant, and humans were unable to combat them.

Third - Demons invaded through dimensional breaches.

Humanity retreated, each country assigned its population to safer regions and built cities with great walls in the hope of surviving, without being able to fight back, it was not until the first awakened ones appeared that the hope of basic survival was maintained.

After years of study they discovered that Ether also acted on the human body, but compared to other animals the time required for awakening exceeds a decade, taking knowledge of this artificial infusion of Ether into the body was attempted to speed up the process, but the results only noted the death of the individual.

Hundreds of years later.

With the increase in the number of awakened people the ancient cities became the center of expansion in search of retaking the lands of the kingdom, unfortunately, the expansion did not last long, forbidden domains filled with monsters already existed in several places.

For the benefit of humanity, Ether began to affect the properties of materials, making possible the creation of weapons and technologies that were previously impossible to make.

The technology tree changed, everyday items now function by absorbing Ether from the environment through magical inscriptions.

Current Year - 1268 - November 25

General Definitions:

Ether - Source of all change, it is by its exposure that beings are altered.

Exposure to Ether of the body represented by the physical, of the soul represented by the mind, and of the spirit represented by the will, leads to an internal imbalance that tries to resolve itself, the solution ends up being awakening, which is nothing more than the formation of a new internal system suitable to the individual's survival needs.

Currently it is not possible to artificially guide the formation of the system, but heirs of parents with similar abilities tend to have similar characteristics

For organizational purposes the abilities are categorized as:

Enhancement - Acts directly on the body or existing objects, reinforcing and/or intensifying.

Emission - Able to generate something outside the body.

Transmutation - Able to transform something into something else, acts on or off the body.

Note: People with great potential can have characteristics of other categories.

The hierarchy of skills today is Emission>Transmutation>Enhancement.

"This explains a lot, but I still don't understand why so many people would go to the trouble of teaching a bunch of kids for nothing, unless there's some really good benefit that I'm not aware of."

On the last page of the booklet there is a drawing of a map, a large city on the side of a snowy mountain and others that go farther away, the farther away the smaller they become.

One of the farthest towns is circled on the map, so that's certainly where I am. Now I understand the attack on the village where I lived before, the further away the more dangerous the town, and the less possibility to protect its surroundings they have.

"Now that I have a sense of things, my stay in this world will be more peaceful."

"That's what I would say if I didn't have to complete the mission, and even if I do complete it, how the hell am I going to train other people? I know Bhaskara's formula not how to release fire."

Victor rolled from side to side in bed while holding his head, he likely won't sleep well tonight.

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