Dare: What Will The Author write?

Chapter 4: Chapter 2: Stephanie

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In the inner part of the forest, a tall figure with a voluptuous body wrapped in a black robe, along with other four taller figures, attack the poor carriage simultaneously.


A loud sound echoed as one wheel of the carriage blasted from a powerful arrow that contains a terrible amount of power. The carriage suddenly lost its balance as the horse and the coachman was pierced by tiny arrows in a blink of an eye, ending their life silently.

"Ahh!! Honey.. what's.. what's happening?!" A loud scream echoed inside the carriage, filled with fear.

"Who are you?! How.. how dare you ambush..." As the nobleman riding the carriage showed up his face from the window, a sudden punch instantly strike the protruding head, scattering blood all over the ground. 

"Ahh!!!! Honey!!!" A scream louder than before echoed once again, as the wife of the nobleman suddenly saw his husband's headless body.

"You! Stephanie, what are you waiting for? Kill that woman now!" The burly big man clad in his blue robe yelled at the figure clad in a black robe being annoyed. It seems that the new recruit they just accept due to lack of members seems to be weak and stupid.

"Yes!!" Stephanie, the woman clad in a black robe, stiffly answered as she shakily opened the door of the carriage. But as she tried to push the carriage, there seems to be a bit problem, she can't actually open the door. 

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Stephanie tried to blast the door of the carriage numerous times, but nothing happened, gaining annoyance from her four teammates.

"Stephanie!!! Are you stupid or what?! Can't you see the materials that the carriage was made of? That carriage was made from the finest gold, so no matter how you try to crush your body, you can't bring any damage to it! If you can't open the door, then just go with the window!!" a yell echoed from above, as a figure wrapped in a green robe was actually sitting above the tree, acting as the lookout.

"And also, you shouldn't push it, it pulls not push!!" Another voice echoed brimming with disdain.

Stephanie was embarrassed by their insult but she just shakes it off as she pulled the door, and this time, the door opened, revealing a middle-aged woman in nice and wealthy clothes, but an unexpected kick has strike her stomach, making her fall on the ground. The middle-aged woman took that opportunity to take a run, but a sudden arrow pierce her heart accurately, thus ending her dear life.

The carriage become quiet as five people gathered around it.

"Stephanie!! What do you think you're doing?! What if that woman actually escape? Then we will be dead by then!!" The burly big man scold Stephanie but didn't go strictly since without her, they can't also go on with this task.

"I'm sorry, Leader." Stephanie bows her head as she apologized to the big burly man.

"Okay.. okay... Since we won't be working with you anymore, we will let it pass. And for now, let's just get the item we need to acquire first, so we can get our money and spiritual stone." Another woman in a violet robe said as she tried to cool down the arousing fight, changing the focus on the back part of the carriage.

A numerous amount of shining and tough armor made of gold, with countless swords and other weapons greet the eyes of the five, as greed becomes apparent.

"Wow!!! That nobleman was so freaking wealthy!! This is a lot of armor and gold! No wonder Master Nicolas has given us a large amount of payment." The man in the green robe exclaimed in surprise as he feels the touch of gold. A smooth and heavy weight weighs on his palm as he becomes addicted to it.

"Ah... We can be rich if we steal it!" the man in the red robe suggest an offer but was instantly dejected.

"No way! If we did.. our life would come to end. And also, we don't really need armor except for weapons, but we can buy a better one when we go towards the secret realm or something." The burly big man said... as the five of them began to keep all the treasures in a ragged sack.

"Secret realm? What's that?" Stephanie, who was just eavesdropping as she can't relate to the four, asked curiously as expectant appeared on her uncovered eyes.

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"You didn't know it? Stephanie, which place did you come from? You're in this cultivation world, so how come you didn't know about it?" Another woman looks at Stephanie with widened eyes as she can't believe the latter. 

"Should everyone in this world know about it? Well, I came from the Mortal Village." Stephanie look toward the four and got scared when all of them simultaneously opened their jaw.

"What?! Mo--mortal Village?! Wh--why are you here?!" The burly big man asked while stuttering as his leg tremble a little.

"Yes, why? You seem afraid of my village, is mortal village scary?" Stephanie asked again as confusion started to plaster her covered face.

"Scary? No! It's deadly!!! Once you go to Mortal Village there's no coming back since you'll rotten inside that place!" The man that was wrapped in a blue robe said as he quite distances himself from Stephanie.

"Hahaha.. that's a funny joke." Stephanie laughs loudly as she continues to collect the armors and weapons.

"Claire, what.. what did you get?! Is.. is she telling the truth?" the man in the green robe asked the woman, Claire, anxiously.

"No.. no way!! How.. how come she indeed come from that village?!" Claire exclaimed in disbelief as she observe Stephanie furthermore, making the other uncomfortable.

"Eh? Does your Sight of Truth say she's telling the truth? Tell me what's her level now!" The burly big man also didn't quite expect Stephanie to tell the truth, as he asked Claire hastily. The main objective of their task was forgotten for a moment as a surprise has bomb their mind and focus.

"She.. she came from Mortal Village, but her level is only halfway from breaking through the first level, Mighty Human." Claire said what her skills acquired.

"Uhm.. Claire, Leader, why are you seem afraid of me? And also... you have stopped on picking armors and weapons now." Stephanie looked at the four as she remind the latter of their first objective of why they assassinate someone.

"Ahm.. yes.. we.. we still need to pick some armor and weapons. And also, Stephanie, please forgive us for being rude to you earlier." Claire, being enlightened by her skill, has greatly changed her treatment of Stephanie. Although Stephanie is only halfway from breaking through the first level, she is already exceptional as she manages to get out alive from that Mortal Village, which is a super taboo existence in the entire world.

"Eh? O--okay." Stephanie felt something has changed and awkwardness eat the atmosphere. The five continue to pick up all the treasure in silence as no one had dared to speak or make noises.

"Ahm.. leader... I.. I already finished my part.. so can.. can I have my payment?" Stephanie, although shameless, asked for her payment as her eyes suddenly sparkled, surprising the other four.

"Eh? You.. you wanna take it already right now, and not on the scheduled place?" The burly big man asked but was afraid to offend the other.

"Yes. I.. I still need to go somewhere." Stephanie answered as she can't continue traveling with the other four, since they act so strange that it becomes doubtful.

"Is that so? Then.. o--okay. Here!" The burly big man shakily gives a bag filled with copper coins, that Stephanie accepts with such unconditional love as if lifting her firstborn child.

Seeing how she looks at the money that held the least value with such joy, the four can already imagine what Stephanie's reaction would be if she manage to get a spiritual stone and gold coins.

"Thank you very much, leader! I shall go now!" Stephanie said as she took off her mask and robe before walking away from the four while jumping sideways. You can actually feel the joy and excitement in Stephanie's movement as she becomes immersed in her own world, daydreaming about bathing in a tub full of coins.

The other four figures also walk away, as they sighed a relief since the first figure who manage to escape the Mortal Village was encountered by them, who's currently full of joy just because of a bag of copper coins.

@Takehiko, I had already created a chapter from the suggestion you had commented on below. Hope you'll not be disappointed by this. If you want another chapter, try to wait for Yes to have 20 votes. Some of your suggestions might not be obvious as it was still the first chapter.

Notification: You can also try to suggest the title, so I can edit it. Thanks again for participating! Hope more people join us.

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